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What Former TNA Original Do You Miss the Most?


Occasional Pre-Show
I understand how heart broken everyone is over TNA losing a few originals, so I thought it'd be interesting to see who the populus misses the most.

I'm not sure I know the complete lineup but I think, as far as originals go, AJ Styles, Daniels, Kaz, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, and Amazing Red all fit the mold.

Feel free to add to that.

I have a feeling AJ Styles will be the most missed and if that's the case, it kind of makes the rest look bad. For as profound in the ring "The Crippler" is, if there is so much support for him, knowing him for him, it doesn't tell a good tale for the rest of the originals.

There was always talk of pushing TNA Originals and we've seen AJ, Roode, Storm, EY, Sabin, Joe, as world champs, as well as tag and X Division, you could also include Aries, Low Ki... TNA crowned their originals and they were worse off then when they were crowing heel Jeff Hardy.

But this thread isn't about titles or all that, it's about who you miss from TNA who use to be a cornerstone since you are such a diehard TNA fan. So which one do you miss the most?
I would have to say Styles. He would be the first guy I would lock in and I think TNA wanted him to be the face of the company as they put the belt on him but terribly low balled him on his contract renewal and he walked. TNA's loss as AJ wanted to finish his career there but is doing well between Japan, ROH and other indies.
I'm going to take the current amount of responses to this thread as proof that the "originals" never meant shit and that they "did not" build TNA. AJ Styles had an eventful run, but he was paired with Tomko and Christian when people like to say were the good ol' years of TNA.

Indy wrestling DOES NOT SELL!!! I'm sure TNA wrestling has taken fans suggestions and I blame that for ruining the company.

To praise Bobby Roode is to encourage mediocrity. Roode is a decent performer, but nothing mind blowing. CM Punk isn't even that great and I'm sure many would rather him then Roode because Punk has much more to say, which in turn makes his sloppy in-ring style look not as sloppy and more important. Roode is a canadian who goes to golds gym and sometimes wrestles for the title, and sometimes he's mad. That's all I get from him.

TNA fans need to stop setting the bar so low. Instead of saying Mainevent of 2006 BFG was what TNA should aim for, they need to say that match should kick off a BFG or any PPV. Maybe the problem is TNA doesn't rip off WWE. If they thought like WWE w/o WWE's restrictions, I think there show would be way better.

Eric Young was a rip off of Daniel Bryan? Yea ok, then who was Chris Sabin as TNA Champ ripping off?

If I were TNA, I'd never listen to the fans.
The thing is that when you talk TNA "originals", the pool of actual talent is pretty shallow. If you go all the way back to the first weekly PPV days, those would be the original TNA guys. Guys like Roode, EY, Sabin, Joe and Shelley came along much later than AJ, Low Ki, Red, Storm and Abyss (who worked the first show under a different name. Daniels came in at a time between the originals and the better known guys. Now, I suppose if it is simply a reference to guys who never worked for the WWE, the better term might be "homegrown talent".
Out of all those mentioned, I miss The Guns the most. Aside from The Hardy Boyz (circa 90's and early 00's), The Guns are by FAR my favorite team. They looked cool, they were fun in the ring, fun on the mic, fun all around. To me, The Guns are TNA's biggest loss in terms of talent. I love AJ, Daniels, Red, but they're not a must for me. The Guns are.
If I had to pick a Original that I miss the most, then it would have to be AJ. The guy carried the company for a number of years and repeatedly put on 5 star matches. Its just a shame his run with the company ended when it did, As they were finally starting to do something with his character now that Hogan had gone.
I'm going to take the current amount of responses to this thread as proof that the "originals" never meant shit and that they "did not" build TNA. AJ Styles had an eventful run, but he was paired with Tomko and Christian when people like to say were the good ol' years of TNA.

Indy wrestling DOES NOT SELL!!! I'm sure TNA wrestling has taken fans suggestions and I blame that for ruining the company.

To praise Bobby Roode is to encourage mediocrity. Roode is a decent performer, but nothing mind blowing. CM Punk isn't even that great and I'm sure many would rather him then Roode because Punk has much more to say, which in turn makes his sloppy in-ring style look not as sloppy and more important. Roode is a canadian who goes to golds gym and sometimes wrestles for the title, and sometimes he's mad. That's all I get from him.

TNA fans need to stop setting the bar so low. Instead of saying Mainevent of 2006 BFG was what TNA should aim for, they need to say that match should kick off a BFG or any PPV. Maybe the problem is TNA doesn't rip off WWE. If they thought like WWE w/o WWE's restrictions, I think there show would be way better.

Eric Young was a rip off of Daniel Bryan? Yea ok, then who was Chris Sabin as TNA Champ ripping off?

If I were TNA, I'd never listen to the fans.

Yeah I'm going to pick apart this piece of trash message. First and foremost, I'm going to start with the talent aspect of this message. WWE has plenty of it yes, they do jack and squat with it. Randy Orton getting over as champion? John Cena? The Crock? Most of the guys in WWE who get a push couldn't carry CM Punk, Chris Daniels, AJ Styles, or many others from TNA gym bag. WWE has given many casual wrestling fans something to watch, a soap opera that is very rarely acted out well. You shouldn't have to have someone tell you anything on a mic. What's wrestling is what occurs bell to bell, not some trash talk on a mic.

As for taking suggestions from fans. Actually most of the suggestions they took came from wrestlers, Eric Bishoff, and Hulk Hogan. This being said, fans know what they like and want to see. WE don't like to see a "Superman" who has no weakness. A true fan likes the talent, not just on a mic but in the ring. Take away the mic skills of 90% of WWE's champions and you have a bland, boring array of crap in the ring. Botched moves, repeating the same thing over to make sure you get your "spot".

2006 BFG main Event, is what EVERY MATCH should aim to be at least as good as. You are misinterpreting what fans say and using them as something that you know nothing about. In general TNA lacks the funding, the star power, the advertising, merchandising, and basically everything else that MonopoWWE has. But to have had a match like this one, says something about the talent in TNA.

I'll say this once, keep your Brock Lesnar, Cena, Crock, Rusev's and give me the bingo hall guys who put their all in between every bell.

Now to really answer the topic, AJ Styles is my most missed TNA wrestler.
Fuck this shit, anyone that joined before 2006 (other than Sting) is an original to me. Now, whom do I miss the most? That's easy- Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, for being the best tag team and two of the best high-flyers that I've ever seen. Their in-ring chemistry and combination moves are unparalleled. I also miss Jeff Jarrett, because he was a truly effective heel that really connected to me the then-mark, as a terrible person that would go any extent to win/retain the title. Heels these days try too hard but affect too little.
The thing is that when you talk TNA "originals", the pool of actual talent is pretty shallow. If you go all the way back to the first weekly PPV days, those would be the original TNA guys. Guys like Roode, EY, Sabin, Joe and Shelley came along much later than AJ, Low Ki, Red, Storm and Abyss (who worked the first show under a different name. Daniels came in at a time between the originals and the better known guys. Now, I suppose if it is simply a reference to guys who never worked for the WWE, the better term might be "homegrown talent".

Daniels came in within the first couple months of TNA, I think he would count as an original.

Anyway, I miss Alex Shelley the most. I'm happy I get to see him on a regular basis again now that I have New Japan World.
-the New Church. Best heel group in all of TNA.

-I miss Siaki, that guy was cool.

-I miss AJ cause whatever shitty booking, all he had to do is step foot on the ring and marvel us. I think right now more than ever we realise how TNA looks without AJ. He was more important to TNA than Cena was to the WWE. Cause without him TNA look like Death while without Cena, the WWE can throw any wrestlers out there and it wouldn't make a difference.

-I miss Daniels and Kaz, they were so entertaining no matter what.

-Maybe he wasn't a homegrown but I damn miss the Pope, he was awesome.
-the New Church. Best heel group in all of TNA.

-I miss Siaki, that guy was cool.

You beat me to it. Ya, the New Church was awesome, complete with James Mitchell. And Sonny Siaki was great too.

I'd like to add some more guys from the really early days because that was the time I really watched this company and the only time TNA was really good. They were good up until Samoa Joe lost that 1st match with Kurt Angle in 2006. That was the beginning of their downfall. They've never been able to recover from that 1 moment. They've only gone further downhill since then.

- To go with the New Church I have to include AMW as well. Give me Chris Harris and James Storm over James Storm's Beer Money any day. It is an absolute shame what happened to Chris Harris. I honestly thought back in 2003 that he was going to be a big star. Not James Storm. What happened?

- To go with Siaki, I would include the 2 other guys he was with originally to. Before he broke out on his own (and was honestly better off for it), he was with "the Flying Elvis's". Man, how do I remember that name? lol. The gimmick sucked but the guys themselves were good. Jorge Estrada; he was the other guy I thought could have amounted to more. (I really am amazed that I'm remembering this). And to go with that- who was that Spanish tag team that was there at one point? They did that double moonsault flip off the top rope as their finishing move? Uch, I think the move was called the Spanish Fly or something, but I can't remember. I can't remember the team's name, but they were pretty cool to.

- Jerry Lynn was great. He was around a lot in those early days to.

- Low Ki, obviously.

- This might be an odd pick. And he obviously shouldn't be as much of a top star today as he was back in the day, but I for one miss Jeff Jarrett. Whatever Dixie Carter says, this was Jeff Jarrett's company. He started this thing. It was his baby. And I liked him. He was the main star of TNA in the early years, and even though some people say he was in the spotlight too much, I liked him. I liked him from WWE but it was really his run here in the beginning years of TNA that I really became a big fan of his. And he was one of the top stars in the company all the way up until he left.

- Ron Killings! I loved him. I think it's a shame how he's just become another jobber in the WWE. He was great and had so much potential. First black NWA champion back in 2002 (save for maybe Ron Simmons- when he won it in WCW in '92, was that for the WCW championship or the NWA championship?). And I think people may forget this, when he initially created "What's up", it was in TNA, and it was Over as hell. It just blows my mind, however, that he's still riding on it 9 years later, and hasn't moved on from it at all. He was one of TNA's top stars for a long time though.

- Elix Skipper. Anyone remember him? He was in XXX with Christopher Daniels and Low Ki. He was also great. He was one of TNA's top up-and-coming talent and could have became so big, and now nobody even remembers him. It's been the longest time since I've even thought about him. Remember that triple cage match XXX had (and I can't even remember against who). That match catapulted these 3 men to the top, and if I remember correctly Elix Skipper did that spot where he ran across the top of the cage and Hurricarranna'd somebody off of it, that was the spot of the match! Elix Skipper was huge. Man, whatever happened to him? Where is this guy nowadays?

- Petey Williams! Screw Eric Young, screw Bobby Roode, screw A1 (haha, who remembers this guy :p) Petey Williams should have became the biggest star to come out of Team Canada! The Canadian Destroyer! Man, does TNA suck to drop the ball on this one.

- Homicide. Whatever happened to him?

- Tracy Brooks. Remember her? Whatever happened to her?

- And then there's the usual's- AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Frankie Kazarian, Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Samoa Joe (ya, I know he's still in the company, but his character has been gone forever).

As I look over my post, I really see just how terrible of a company TNA is. They had all these great stars and they couldn't do shit with any of them. Not only has TNA failed to elevate themselves (and in the process the business), they've also fucked over the real lives of these people! These people should all have become huge stars by now and be making big money to support their families. But instead some of them aren't even in the business anymore. I mean literally, TNA has messed with these people's lives.

This is why I hate TNA, this is why they completely and utterly suck, and this is why I hope they die already, so a better, more adept company can take its place. TNA hasn't been good since 2006 and hasn't been relevant since 2007 (and even then wasn't that relevant). I really am amazed that they're still in business today.
I like AJ Styles a lot but personally I miss Kaz and Daniels and Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin more. Both teams had great chemistry with each other and they'd make great additions for the tag team division.
Doggone it, I miss the Flying Elvises. Yep, that's right. They worked that gimmick for all it was worth. To me, it was hilarious! But seriously, I miss the comradarie of Team Canada, the sudden impact of Monty Brown, and the over-the-top hotness of Tracy Brooks. For me, it's kind of hard to pick just one because they were all together trying to help TNA mold and shape its eventual identity... ..whatever it is this year.

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