What Feud's Would Deliver?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This is'nt what feud's you would like to see it's what feud's would deliver in every aspect. Great matches, great mic work and most importantly with enough build would do good buy rates.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock:- If The Rock had any feud it would draw purley because of his film career, but The Rock and H.B.K. can have good matches with pretty much anybody.

Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan:- The crowd would be so hot for this match that even if the match was'nt great nobody would notice because of the atmosphere just like Hogan/The Rock.

Triple H vs. Edge:- It'll happen within the next year, I think that if Edge beats Cena at Unforgiven he will have made the final step to becoming a lifetime main eventer.
agree with ur ideas, and i also think w hbk they should have him fued w guys more like shelton benjamin, rey mysterio, rvd and sabu. theyd rock.
id also like to see sabu and edge in an extreme fued.
In my opinion I would love to see.....
Randy Orton vs The Rock.... just because of the charisma and the attitudes both of these guys have. i've actually thought of Orton as a old school Rock from the corporate days.
Cena vs Austin.... if Cena was to go to Smackdown he would probably wine about and that would draw Austin, he would come back and tell him to get over it and be a man about it. That in essance would turn Cena heel cause he would turn on Austin. Both of them could have real nasty attitudes when they want and I think it would be a great feud.
i personally want to see orton and rock and have for years. austin and cena, the wrestling wouldnt be the best but the story would be great im sure.
i wish they had casked in on the edge rvd fued a little more. and i also want to see edge and taker. they could have so many matches, even use their two best matches, tlc, and the cell. plus the wrestlemania thing would be great.
surely Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart, the best of canada vs the best of the u.s. maybe throw in the british bulldog lol
Bret Hart Vs. Kurt Angle-This would be just amazing, i wish it could happen

The Rock Vs. Shawn Michaels-The promos would be amazing, the match would be great.

I can't think of anything else right now.
I like the idea of Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle - they'd put on pay-per-view quality matches any time they met up in the ring whether it was a 5 minute match or an iron man match.

CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam - This would eventually become of ECW's most legendary feuds. Both get excellent crowd reaction and both are just wonderful performers in the ring.

Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle - These are two guys who always know how to make opponents - whether they are ring gods or stiffs - look good. Both put sooo much into their matches that your heart actually begins racing when these guys perform.
Kennedy v cena would b good

umaga v undertaker would be great to big guys and umaga would finally lose

and wen the hell is shannon more ment to wrestle
A couple of fueds I think that would deliver are:

Lashley vs Kennedy (Both up and coming superstars... Both could wrestle.. And they would bring out the best in each other)

John Cena vs MVP (I kno we havnt seen MVP wrestle.. But for some odd reason Id love to see this fued...)

Carlito vs Edge (These two had a great match on Raw a couple of weaks back...)

Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy (High flyers.. With amazing talents...)
austin VS cena
rock VS orton
triple h VS edge
y2j VS christian
bret hart VS kurt angle

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