What faction era had the larger impact of Triple H's career?


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As we all know, Triple H has been in quite a few factions: DX, The Corporation (briefly, only to form the actual faction that will have a part of this thread, the Mcmahon-Helmsley faction) and ultimately, Evolution.

D-generation X (97-99/00) : Perhaps the first real exposure for Triple H as a whole, yes certainly he had exposure as champion and somewhat of a popularity during his kliq times and when he was basicly a singles competitor unassociated with Shawn Michaels, or Chyna, to put it commonly, the period where he was strutting around acting like the actual (as Wikipedia calls it so kindly) the Conneticut Blueblood: Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
Anyway, onto the actual matter of this thread, Triple H got very over as a beloved favourite with his segments and mockery alongside Shawn Michaels, Chyna and Rick Rude, later on as the leader of the faction, doing numerous unforgettable segments and promo's such as his mockery of The Rock, or DX's grill segment (suck the c**k :rolleyes: )
During the time Triple H participated as a member of DX he also won quite a handfull of titles

The Mcmahon-Helmsley faction (or Era, whatever you please) : An onscreen marriage with the bosses daugther, a proper heel turn (even thou he was still considered a heel during his DX period, but still, cheered by the fans) and what would end up bringing Triple H to the position of what would be considered "top heel" and the birth of "The Game".
He was put in great main event feuds alongside The Rock, and Mick Foley.
This faction was the solidified him as a main eventer (in my eyes atleast) and was the stepping stone into the character he's been showing for so many years, the sledgehammer, the heel you loved to boo, and the guy you tuned in to watch getting beat, a true heel.
Again, winning titles, not as many as he did during his D-generation X days, or the amount which he would go on to win, but still, he did win the WWF title 2 times (I know it's WWE today, but it was WWF back then)
This faction coming getting a brief break during the time where Triple H was out with his first quadriceps tear, only to return to what would ultimately mean a face turn on the part of Triple H.
Which would ultimately cause the demise of the faction by the early half of 2002 after a storyline pregnancy and Stephanie teaming with Chris Jericho, in the end giving us an otherwise awesome moment with the crowd singing as Stephanie was dragged from the arena (awesome in my opinion)

And last, but most certainly not the least.

Evolution: In my opinion perhaps the greatest faction in WWE to this day, yes my signature and avatar screams D-generation X mark (as Lee so kindly put it :suspic: ).
Evolution starting in the autumn of 2002, brought us the concept of two ring veterans (one more than the other) and two "rookies" with the idea that numerous years of experience from Ric Flair (in Evolution words: the past) the experience and exposure to the wrestling crowd being associated with the one and only World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H (Evolution words: the present) and the two up and coming future stars, the enforcer, Batista, and the "wildcard" (being unable to find other words that would be more fitting for Randy, you are more than welcome to replace the word :) ) Randy Orton (Evolution words: the future)
Evolution saw Triple H gain numerous world title reigns (5 to be exact) and holding onto the title for longer than any other wrestler (combined reigns, Batista having had the longest single reign).
during the period as the leader of Evolution, we saw the exposure of many great feuds (in my opinion, if you don't like certain feuds, or any of the feuds during Evolutions time, thats your opinion) with the names such as Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Randy Orton (when kicked out) and ultimately Batista himself, before what was Evolution, turned into a "Wrestler and somewhat wrestle active manager"
During Triple H's period with Evolution, he went on to further the careers of two current main eventers and world champions, he gave Ric Flair a purpose during those years, instead of being an older wrestler, just wrestling.
Some of the promo's that were cut during Evolutions lifespan was also awesome, the promo's between Triple H and Shawn Michaels and ofcourse the promo's between Evolution itself.
Evolution came to an end at Wrestlemania 21, where the 3rd member, Batista, Royal Rumble winner challenged and defeated Triple H to end his final reign as World Heavyweight Champion to date.

Now that we have some background story to these three great factions Triple H has been a part of, and ultimately brought furthered his own career, and contributing to the wrestling business in 3 different ways.

To personally answer the thread question, I personally think that Evolution did the most for Triple H's career compared to the amount of popularity he already had established for himself at that period.
Yes certainly he got incredibly popular during the time of D-Generation X, and he was established as a firm main eventer during the time of the Mcmahon-Helmsley era, but not enough to compare to the amount of heat he gathered during the Evolution days, or the legacy that he build during Evolution, cause if you ask me, Evolution solidified him as one of the greats of WWE history.

So now I ask you, what faction do you think had the biggest impact of Triple H's career? compared to the establishment he had already build before getting involved in the faction.
I would also have to say Evolution. Evolution was designed to not only make Triple H look like a dominant World Heavyweight Champion, but that entire stable was also designed to keep him champion. Now the McMahon-Hemsley era version of DX also did this, but Road Dogg, X-Pac, and Mr.Ass were all made to like lackeys. Batista, and Orton on the other hand, were actual threats to HHH and his title. Then you had Ric Flair, the legendary world champion. In Evolution, Triple H's supporting cast was A LOT stronger than the people he had in his other factions. Evolution made HHH look like THE MAN. DX, and the McMahon-Hemsley era were more so about causing chaos and taking control of WWF.

During his time as World Heavyweight Champion, the Game's feuds weren't all that good. He did have some good feuds against Batista, Orton, and HBK, but his feud against Scott Steiner was horrible, especially the matches. His feud with Goldberg was okay, but you have to remember he was injured during this time, so he was never really 100%. Ever since the world title came to WWE,Triple H is probably the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history. As far as the most dominant WWF/WWE champion goes, you have names like Hogan,Austin,Cena,and The Rock to compete with.

Again, Evolution was about excellence, while DX and the McMahon-Hemsley era were more so about reeking havoc and taking over. Evolution had the biggest impact on the Game's career.
I'd say the McMahon-Helmsley faction. It wasn't exactly the world's greatest stable, but it was designed to get him over, ehich is what it did. While in DX, HHH was popular, but I just neer got the feeling he would have been a world champion there. He turned heel again, and began one of the most succesful decades of anyone's career ever. DX is what made him popular, and Evolution is what solidified his legacy, but it was the McMahon-Helmsley that took him out of the upper midcard into the main event, and it is it which gave us the persona that has brought him the most success during his career.
I think its a real close run between the Mcmahon-Helmsley faction and Evolution, but I have to agree with Ferbian and HHHKING above and choose Evolution.

Despite the fact Triple H was already established as a major player by the time Evolution came around, Evolution still helped the game move up a level and totally dominate RAW. He had like a nine/ten month title reign before dropping it to Goldberg for a couple of months and then winning it back again. Evolution helped made these title reigns look more credible and unstoppable, especially the first reign.

Evolution were built as an unbeatable combination of stars. You had the young, promising third generation superstar, the huge 300 pound animal and the sixteen time world champion backing Triple H. Evolution also helped Triple H when they split. Orton leaving resulted in two more (consecutive) world title reigns for Triple H and it showed he wasn't someone you can mess with. Although you had someone like Lesnar or Angle tearing it up on Smackdown, HHH still came across as the toughest to beat in the company, because he had Evolution backing him up.

I also thought about the Mcmahon-Helmsley faction because I felt that Triple H's alliance with the Mcmahons and his marriage to Steph really made people look at this guy as a major force in the world title seen after years of mostly goofing around with DX. However, Evolution had the biggest impact of Triple H's career
McMahon-Helmsley era takes this pretty easily. Like a lot of other people, I had never seen Triple H as more than an incredibly talented midcarder. He had been Shawn's lackey for a while, then he led his own faction and still never really screamed main event. He had done about all you can do in the position he was in and the only logical way he could move was up. He really established himself as a legitimate world champion after his first reign and after regrouping with DX. Once he aligned himself with Stephanie though, he launched into the stratosphere. Every show was built around him and his wife. There have been very few heels as hated as Triple H during this time. Seeing as Hunter is regarded as one of the greatest heels of all time, it would make the most sense to credit this era as the most important of his career.
i have to agree dx made him popular aligning himself with hbk helping him there, mcmahon-helmsley era helped be a better heel, and then once he aligned himself with flair, it made him that much better, so i would have to say evolution
I have to say it was the McMahon/Helmsley regime that MADE HHH who he is today.
He had a great run being HBK's "side kick" but we all knew HHH was destin for greatness.
The marriage to Steph was BEAUTIFULY put together and played out for great t.v. They were an unstoppable force and HHH benifited from this in so many ways. The greatest match thât came from that had to have been Mick's retirement match @ No Way Out, just a phenomenal match. And nobody was bigger in that time than HHH was. It put the main event focus on him and really let him show what he had creativley and athleticly.
Back on track, its not like the other stables were nothing, IMO they all represent a "growth" in the carrear of the legend.
Evolution was great, all the personalities and now HHH had a MAIN spot, (I'm sorry but in the original DX he was nothing more than a sidekick) he was building Orton and Batista and bringing in the titles as well.
I don't think were going to be seeing him form anymore stables tho, maybe as a mentor or something else down the line, but IMO he finishes his carrear solo. Only using DX as a sppurodic "pop" from the crowd as has been the case.
The man has had one hell of a carrear, to come from the "grenwich blue blood", to the king of kings and eventual owner of the company he helped thrust into the main stream.
IMO he finishes his carrear solo.

Definatly, Triple H has to end his career solo if you ask me, and to top it off I would love to see him go off while being heel, just a final run with the fantastic personality he has behind his heel character.
I actually believe that when Triple H did the full fledged obvious heel turn in the McMahon-Helmsley faction, that his DVD (Triple H : the game DVD) mentioned that he went completely out of comfort zone, because he could easily have run off the heel comedy act from D-Generation X, but he didn't, which only made him so much greater.

Glad to see so many opinions about this matter to be honest :)
Can only agree with each and every one of you, because of the different stand points in which his career was build so well, even thou I remain by my choice of Evolution.
Whats interesting about this whole argument is that it really shows how much Triple H has used factions to get over in his career. Now I'm not saying its a bad thing. It helped give the rub to Randy Orton and Batista.
Now the Faction that clearly had the largest impact of Triple H's career in my opinion was definitely the McMahon-Helmsley Regime. Triple H up to this point was certainly unlikeable, but after this he truly mastered the heel persona that he has used up to his recent face turn. I personally remember i went from not liking Triple H, to downright despising him at the height of the McMahon-Helmsley Regime.That established Triple H as main event for me. He had his greatest feuds, in my opinion, during this point in his career. His brutal Royal Rumble street fight against Mankind started this era off, followed by Triple H "retiring" Mick Foley. Next, Triple H went on to his main event feud with The Rock, starting off at WrestleMania 2000 where he became the first heel to enter and leave WrestleMania as champion. Then continued feuding with Undertaker, Kane, Jericho, Austin and Kurt Angle kept Triple H as a legit star in the main event scene. This is the point when something interesting happened. A TON of fans started to gain a grudging respect for Triple H that enabled the stable Evolution to be built around him. The point is simple, without the McMahon-Helmsley regime, there is no Evolution, therefore the Regime had much more impact.
Good thread but you missed two factions, well really one but you can divide it into two parts. The Corporation and the Corporate Ministry. HHH changed his style and attire during his run in the Corporation and during his time with the Corporate Ministry he became took being a heel to an entirely new level. I remember seeing him on Raw with the Corporate Ministry and thinking this guy might actually be to most evil person on the face of the Earth.
Good thread but you missed two factions, well really one but you can divide it into two parts. The Corporation and the Corporate Ministry. HHH changed his style and attire during his run in the Corporation and during his time with the Corporate Ministry he became took being a heel to an entirely new level. I remember seeing him on Raw with the Corporate Ministry and thinking this guy might actually be to most evil person on the face of the Earth.

Yeah, but I would actually consider putting The corporation and Corporate minestry under the period of the last year(s) of D-generation X and the start of the McMahon-Helmsley era, even thou it's different factions thats right, I would consider the fact that D-Generation X and Stephanie / Triple H was together during these factions, to make them more of a subsection to the actual mentioned posts :)
Besides, I actually tried to fit in the Corporation, but I didn't see a way to make it most fitting without actually just mixing DX and the McMahon-Helmsley faction.
Dx put him into the big picture so cant dismiss it, but I think Evolution was better for him because of the fact it cemented him in the main picture and showed that he can lead and help the younger guys to better the WWE.

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