I don't know if this is in the right section since it applies to both RAW and SD!, but also applys to TNA. Move if necessary
Anyways, now to the topic. I read and see people bitch and moan about a title not being prestigious anymore, or how it needs to get prestige. I mean for the IC Title you have HoFers who have held onto it and that made it prestigious, but then people said for the past few years it's lost prestige, until recently while Ziggler has been champion, people are saying prestige is back to the title. That is just one example.
Now you tell me, what exactly makes a title prestigious?
well, it's mainly for people that can fit the description of what the fans have been held to believed in terms of what that particular champion is. Take the mid card titles in WWE. the IC has been described as the "stepping stone" to the Main event or the cornerstones of the midcard scene. The "lifers", if one has to term it like that. Which, Ziggler fits into the equation rather nicely (the main event, not the mid card cornerstone), once one thinks about it. Thing is, the title loses its luster, so to speak, when it's given to people that DON'T actually fit the mold that WWE has beset. Guys that aren't quite ready to be given a championship run and guys who have held a main event title then go back to the Mid-Card and get it. This just destabilizes the very meaning of the Mid-Card division in the WWE: guys that have the potential to break the Glass ceiling. Why? You have guys that already broke it then go down on a whim. This move just eclipses the other dudes already working the Mid-Card, since the one that had a WHC title run, or a TNA championship title will just not look the same compared to a fresh face that never had a title run. Take, for example, Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler. Which of the two will be a more believable IC champ?
For tag teams, it's supposed to be for these teams who are pretty much DESTINED to be a team. Guys who are capable of carrying the division on their backs, like any other champion on their respective place in the pecking order.
Main Event: Well, this one's simple. It's the guys that are ACTUALLY perceived as holding on to the title for a lengthy amount of time, heel or face. Take The Miz. Right now, he's making people BELIEVE he'll have the longest title run ever, and he will not lose the title, and all that jazz. Besides, for all we know, he might lose it next Monday. What back up this claim he is making? He won't win clean (interferences abound, yo!). I mean, cowardly heels DON'T win clean, of course. So yes, for the case of the Nickle-Colored Brass Ring (I made that up!), it needs to be believable, and at least more than a TV dinner run (doesn't need to be lengthy. Just satisfying for the fans.)