Does Does Ziggler = Prestige?

Well, I think putting anyone even remotely "good" isn't going to get the prestige back. When the company treats the belt as "2nd class" of course the prestige is going to be lost.
I am hoping for the paul heyman's idea of reuniting both world championship. May the best man in the company hold the title.
first things first. Ziggler winning the title would help as he can put on great matches, BUT he needs to be treated like a top guy and not like a bottom. in other words let him main event a ppv if he wins the World title.

as for the title belt losing prestige. to me it always has some prestige being that it is the Big Gold Belt and is a very recoginizable title held by many greats, has it been down, yes, but it's still prestigious. i do NOT want WWE to unify the titles for the reason that i like seeing guys like Ziggler at least get runs with a title and i feel that if it wasnt for the 2 title belts that Punk would've never gotten a main event push. As for the main issue with the title, i blame it more on pushing. when the WWE title or Cena's feuds are main eventing and the world heavyweight title is not, that stings. to fix it, they should let the World title main event a match instead of the WWE title.
I think the World Title has almost become like the old WWF IC Title in prestige, a clear step below the WWE Title. That's sad, because i remember they did alot of work to build up that title as being the equal of WWE Title. Remember which Championship close the main event of Wrestlemania 20 and 21?

WHC title match was the opener at Wrestlemania 27 and 28, that says alot about where it is recently. Also the WHC is associated with Smackdown, which is WWE B show. You don't see top guys like Cena, Punk or Rock going for the WHC title. It's the next bracket of top guys like Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show who compete for it.

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