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What ever happened to Hernandez


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I dont understand what ever happened to Hernandez? I mean he went to mexico after he was supposedly put out of comission by Morgan came back beat Morgan then was never put back on TV. Not for nothing Hernandez is one of the best athletes in TNA I could care less about what any wrestler has to say. I care about what they can do in the ring. Hernandez in the ring for his size is as good as they come. I love watching TNA but I dont like having Jeff Hardy shoved down my throat every week. He isnt that good a wrestler and when has he ever been noted for his mic skills that Hernandez is kept off TV.
Hernandez is wrestling in AAA. He has been since March. Last I remember he was a heel in Konnan's stable of foreigners. The idea is for him to develop a better character.
Hernandez is wrestling in AAA. He has been since March. Last I remember he was a heel in Konnan's stable of foreigners. The idea is for him to develop a better character.
This. And I read somewhere that his TNA contract was set to expire sometime this month. If that's true, I doubt he has much of a (if any) future with TNA.
His contract is ending and Im very surprised he hasnt been used. When Hogan and Bischoff came to TNA they both were said to be really high on Hernandez and Morgan. I would rather see a "super mexican" gimmick then a "homosexual" Orlando Jordan gimmick anyday. :banghead:
LOL @ Razor Sharp...

Hernandez, I hear, is doing great stuff in AAA and he's supposingly doing great thinsgs there maybe he doesn't want to come back...

I agree he is a total BEAST and I love watching him wrestle lol
If hes making his skills better down n Mexico thats kool but if tna deside to get rid of him am gunna be pissed hes one of my fav wrestlers in TNA! A man with Batistas look but flys around like Rey Mysterio SHOULD NOT BE WAISTED! Im British but would rather c Hernandez then Big Rob Terry any day! Hell hes even better then Morgan. Morgans mic work sucks and seems soooo put on plus hes really boring in the ring. The only good thing about Morgan was the Hellavater which he doesnt do anymore! TNA better not get rid of Hernandez!
To be honest with everyone, I don't miss Hernandez at all. Sure he was a big body with a great look, and could do some interesting things in the ring, but he never made me care about him.

Hernandez has the personality of a doorknob. He was a shitty interview and had awful mic skills. He was even worse when speaking the broken Spanish that he knows. So according to wikipedia, he is in Mexico and working for AAA. Let him stay there. He is doing an anti-mexican gimmick and seems to be getting him some heat.

The whole point of TNA sending him down there was so he could develop and build a character. An anti-mexican character is not going to work in the United States, because really, a great deal of Americans are already anti-mexican (especially in areas like Texas, Arizona, and California where there is controversy over citizenship and immigration policies). I realize that Florida has a large Hispanic population, but TNA isn't going to pack the Impact Zone w/Hispanic people every time Hernandez is scheduled to appear. It all just doesn't make sense to me.

What they COULD do is bring him back under a mask. Give him a Kane like gimmick. Remember how Kane didn't speak for quite a while when the character debuted in WWF. Let him be an associate w/ Abyss. Portray him as powerful, mysterious, and evil. Eventually (1 year down the line) have him feud w/ Abyss. During this time he can work on everything he needs to. Eventually, he can come clean, lose the mask (while retaining the character), and be mainstay. I realize that this is really farfetched.

I guess the bottom line is that Hernandez is not a young wrestler. He will be 38 years old in February, and the window of opportunity for him is diminishing. Sure, he could have a DDP type run, but it is very unlikely. He has relatively good health, so maybe he could go another 10 years.
Who gives a shit, honestly?

Yeah, he's in AAA wrestling in the shadow of what a real Latin performer looks like — Konnan via La Legión Extranjera. Good for him.

While he's hoping not to wake up in a bathtub full of ice with one of his kidneys having been removed down there, he should also see if he can't find himself a personalty, because it doesn't matter how long you're gone — if you're as boring as Shawn Hernandez, size, look and gimmick won't help you worth dick. You'll still be boring the moment anyone hears you talk again.
So u want to bring back Hernandez under a mask, with the same move-set n expect for noone to notice who he is? Honestly, TNA would do something like that. But I get ur point. Just bring him back heel, give him a mouthpiece, dump that silly ass entrance theme n have him destroy people. Fuck it, throw him in Immortal or Fourtune. That seems to be the trend
Who gives a shit, honestly?

Yeah, he's in AAA wrestling in the shadow of what a real Latin performer looks like — Konnan via La Legión Extranjera. Good for him.

While he's hoping not to wake up in a bathtub full of ice with one of his kidneys having been removed down there, he should also see if he can't find himself a personalty, because it doesn't matter how long you're gone —*if you're as boring as Shawn Hernandez, size, look and gimmick won't help you worth dick. You'll still be boring the moment anyone hears you talk again.

That is the most ignorent thing ive heard in my life. Anybody can change given the chance n yeah it helps if your born with charisma but anybody can change there gimmick or personality in the ring or on the mic.And from what i hear hernandez is doin just that! Its like they train there body to be big you can train the mind to change aswell! if he does it... thats another thing!
That is the most ignorent thing ive heard in my life.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you've heard much more ignorant, but thanks for the exaggeration.

Anybody can change given the chance n yeah it helps if your born with charisma but anybody can change there gimmick or personality in the ring or on the mic.

No, anyone can change their gimmick. No one can change their personality. Evan Bourne is Evan Bourne — a bland "high flyer" with the personality of a dial-tone. It doesn't matter if you have him parade to the ring in Hogan's old attire or his own — he is still the same boring vanilla midget he was from the get-go, and that'll never change. You can't teach talent, only how to apply it.

And from what i hear hernandez is doin just that! Its like they train there body to be big you can train the mind to change aswell! if he does it... thats another thing!

Yeah right, I'll believe it when I see it.
I honestly had forgotten all about Shawn Hernandez.

It's no knock on him, he's a talented guy whose quite agile for his size. But when his contract was about to expire, he was told by TNA creative that they had nothing for him at the moment. There was also some that were upset at what they felt was a poor performance in his cage match with Morgan, which factored into the decision to keep him off TV.

Let's look at the facts. Hernandez isn't young at 37. He was sent to Mexico via the storyline where Morgan kicked him in the head to work on his mic skills, among other things. He obviously didn't get very far, and at this point, where would he fit anyway? Are they just going to forget the past with Morgan in storyline and have them work together against Immortal? Bad idea.

Impact is a crowded show as is, and I don't see in what way bringing him back could benefit the storylines they currently have in place. It's nothing against the guy, but other then his size and agility, he's just ordinary in most ways. Honestly, there's simply no room for him right now. He's probably better off in AAA.
Who gives a shit, honestly?

Yeah, he's in AAA wrestling in the shadow of what a real Latin performer looks like — Konnan via La Legión Extranjera. Good for him.

While he's hoping not to wake up in a bathtub full of ice with one of his kidneys having been removed down there, he should also see if he can't find himself a personalty, because it doesn't matter how long you're gone — if you're as boring as Shawn Hernandez, size, look and gimmick won't help you worth dick. You'll still be boring the moment anyone hears you talk again.

Dude, why do you shit all over anybody's opinion? You hardly ever have anything to say that isn't just shitting on somebody else. You bash every single thing about WWE, you shit on people who dont like TNA, and you shit all over people who dont like the same wrestlers as you, or like wrestlers you dont. I'm sure you'll make some sarcasitc for me saying shit so much but it's the truth. I get it you're a moderator, but you're not king of the world.
Yep, he's in AAA and his contract does expire this month. To be perfectly honest, I can't say that I care all that much. I do think that TNA could've done something worthwhile with Hernandez but, for whatever reason, they kind of half assed his push as a singles wrestler and then just kind of dropped it altogether suddenly.

However, I don't see Hernandez having much of a future in American wrestling companies, at least when it comes to larger companies. Hernandez turns 38 before too long and, aside from his accomplishments as part of LAX, he hasn't really done much of anything of note. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's getting a lot more out of AAA than TNA.
Dude, why do you shit all over anybody's opinion?

I don't, only those who's opinions I don't like.

You hardly ever have anything to say that isn't just shitting on somebody else.

OK, so don't read my posts?

You bash every single thing about WWE,

Yup, because it's shit. But in actuality, I don't bash everything about the WWE, just the majority of it. For a children's program, they actually do a fantastic job of retaining the attention span of their prepubescent audience. ;)

you shit on people who dont like TNA,

Nope, just their opinions of it.

and you shit all over people who dont like the same wrestlers as you, or like wrestlers you dont.

Nope, just those who think one-trick ponies like Shawn Hernandez are something to write home about. You want a big spanish guy with muscles? Go to a gym in southern California. I bet they're all equally as entertaining (as in boring) as Shawn.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you'll make some sarcasitc for me saying shit so much but it's the truth.

You were right! :)

I get it you're a moderator, but you're not king of the world.

Thanks for clearing that up. Guess I should try to return this white gold crown with the diamond encrusted "Yo soy un rey" script then, huh? You think I need the receipt, or will my "shit on you" attitude suffice?
Hernandez is boring to you but Jeff hardy is entertaining? Jeff Hardy is as boring as they come. Horrible on the mic and watching him in the ring is draining to say the least. You may not like Hernandez but if you like Jeff Hardy you really shouldnt talk. He is only there cause he is a former WWE guy and TNA wants to try to pick up ratings which they arent getting.
Hernandez is boring to you but Jeff hardy is entertaining? Jeff Hardy is as boring as they come. Horrible on the mic and watching him in the ring is draining to say the least. You may not like Hernandez but if you like Jeff Hardy you really shouldnt talk. He is only there cause he is a former WWE guy and TNA wants to try to pick up ratings which they arent getting.

Then apparently you haven't been watching TNA the last few weeks, because Hardy has been doing a fine job cutting heel promos –*in fact, most of his detractors were taken back by just how well he conveyed himself and his new Antichrist character because of how generic his face character had been for years prior in WWE.

But to answer your question, yes, Hernandez is boring to me and Hardy is entertaining. Hardy's matches tend to have better builds and are generally more exciting because he's also on a level where his wrestling partners are generally main-eventers, so even on an off-night he can look great because of who he's working with.

Same can't be said of Shawn. You wanna see Hernandez v. Eric Young, be my guest.
Hernandez is boring to you but Jeff hardy is entertaining? Jeff Hardy is as boring as they come. Horrible on the mic and watching him in the ring is draining to say the least. You may not like Hernandez but if you like Jeff Hardy you really shouldnt talk. He is only there cause he is a former WWE guy and TNA wants to try to pick up ratings which they arent getting.

I tend to agree with you IDR. But I agree with L4L here. Hernandez is not anymore interesting than Hardy. It takes a lot more energy from me then it used to watch a Jeff Hardy match. He's so much more slow and boring then he was, not to mention his promos aren't doing anything and have never done anything for me.

Where you are wrong L4L is that TNA needs more than a few weeks with "Immortals" in place to be judged. Right now, it's too new to decide if it's a good thing or a hindrance. While I don't particularly like ANYONE in Immortals, I have to give TNA credit for trying something different. Not NEW, but different.
If TNA can't find nothing to do with Hernandez, why are they wasting his time?? i mean seriously if TNA doesn't have any ideas for him for the past 3 months or longer they might as well release him. I don't get why keep somebody on the roster who hasn't been used for months and months, and maybe and probably they either going to release him or create a storyline to fit him into the whole "Immortal' angle
I'm one of those guys who really only cares about in-ring performance, so I like Hernandez despite his lack of mic skills. He's been in plenty of great matches in AAA which anybody can catch on Galavision on Saturday or Sunday Afternoons. He doesn't speak Spanish at all, so I'm not sure how he's supposed to work on his mic skills. I don't have a problem watching him on AAA or TNA, although you'd have to think he'd probably have a way better career in Japan.
Personally never liked Super Mex as a single Wrestler but I do miss LAX where he fit perfectly and looked like a total Beast.If you bring him back as a singles wrestler he needs a manager like Konnan9Not going to happen) or get a good latino Manger for him like the guy that play armando estrada in wwe.But still think He is a big man in a Tag with a little high flier.
I think the perfect scenario for Hernandez is for his contract to run out, reunite with Homicide and go to Smackdown as Del Rio's bodyguards. No talking is needed just the ability to kick some ass.
I believe that Hernadaz is a genuinaly forgettable wrestler, my proof is I had forgotten about him untill this thread came up. When my memory was jogged I only have faint, faint memories of LAX and a bit more vivid one of him getting his head kicked in by Matt Morgan, That is 2 years of blank memories. Sorry I don't care about him getting sent to AAA, but I do wish him well down there
I believe that Hernadaz is a genuinaly forgettable wrestler, my proof is I had forgotten about him untill this thread came up. When my memory was jogged I only have faint, faint memories of LAX and a bit more vivid one of him getting his head kicked in by Matt Morgan, That is 2 years of blank memories. Sorry I don't care about him getting sent to AAA, but I do wish him well down there

So you dnt remember him flying over the top rope in and out the ring? His big splashes off of the top or his border toss? What about his batista like strenth or rey mysterio like speed anything like that? Hmmmmm yet you have sheamus as your dp who couldnt do any of that stuff even in his dreams and is only where hes at now because his tounges up the games ass. And all because super mex needs mic work? Last time i looked it was called wrestling not talk all night then do a bro kick or watever the craps called:disappointed:
So you dnt remember him flying over the top rope in and out the ring? His big splashes off of the top or his border toss? What about his batista like strenth or rey mysterio like speed anything like that? Hmmmmm yet you have sheamus as your dp who couldnt do any of that stuff even in his dreams and is only where hes at now because his tounges up the games ass. And all because super mex needs mic work? Last time i looked it was called wrestling not talk all night then do a bro kick or watever the craps called:disappointed:

Wow someone's butthurt. The dude was pretty much politely stating the guy's had a pair of unforgettable years (which is true, no matter how good his skills), even wishing him the best in AAA and you just get all upset. :lmao:

Anyway, Hernandez is a good wrestler. Whether its AAA or TNA or CMLL or whatever, he's definitly a future World Champion.

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