What ECW really needs

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Just to start off, i'm not in any way trying to complain about WWE or ECW's current incarnation, i'm just pointing out what i think ECW needs to push the ratings and get a two hour time-slot. And i'm not going to include the overstated "bring back extreme rules", because it's not the main thing holding back ECW's ratings. Would Hardcore matches bring the rating up? A little maybe, to a 1.5 at the most though. Look at last weeks ECW, it had a great extreme rules match, but the rating only went up .25, and considering the incredibly boring opening segment, it could have been a 1.5.

No, what really is missing are two things:

1. Big Name stars. I know ECW has become the segue for FCW stars to hit the big time, but when ECW was revived, it was still good because it had big names like RVD, Sabu, Dreamer, Big Show etc., and people would watch to see them. I suggest moving Kane and Edge. They aren't the biggest stars, but both are bigger than anyone on ECW currently, and both can be classified as extreme. It wouldn't be anything huge, but they would draw more viewers to ECW, who would also get to see great talents already on the show.

2. A charismatic, and big name as GM. Nothing against Tiffany, but there is nothing special about her. Both Teddy Long and Armando Estrada were good as GM because they were good mouthpieces, so i suggest rehiring a great Mouthpiece as GM, namely JBL, a 17 Hardcore Champion. I would also rehire Ron Simmon's as Co-GM, so the APA could be reunited. I would also have JBL revert to his Badass Texan gimmick, because i think the backstage segments would be great. Imagine the old APA as GM's, turning the office into a Bar, starting barfights with the superstars, accepting payoffs from superstars for protection. I think it would be awesome personally, Ron Simmons would be more of an exclamation point to what JBL says though, just adding "Damn!" at the end of each promo. Though in the PG era this is unlikely.

Minor things the show could use
1. a midcard title
2. fire Abe Washington
3. An extra hour
I think you are missing the entire point for the WWE having ECW. It is being used as a place for young guys to make a name for themselves and for veteran guys to try and jump start their careers. That's what the WWE wants to use it for and they are doing a great job.

Look at guys like Matt Hardy and Mark Henry. Hardy was struggling as a mid carder and people weren't really caring about him. Then he had his run as ECW champion, got moved to Smackdown and turned heel, and he was put into a high profile feud with Jeff. Mark Henry was doing absolutely nothing until he went to ECW and had a run with the title. Now he's a RAW and people are actually giving a shit about him.

ECW has also done a great job getting young guys over like CM Punk, John Morrison, the Miz, and Jack Swagger.

No, what really is missing are two things:

1. Big Name stars. I know ECW has become the segue for FCW stars to hit the big time, but when ECW was revived, it was still good because it had big names like RVD, Sabu, Dreamer, Big Show etc., and people would watch to see them. I suggest moving Kane and Edge. They aren't the biggest stars, but both are bigger than anyone on ECW currently, and both can be classified as extreme. It wouldn't be anything huge, but they would draw more viewers to ECW, who would also get to see great talents already on the show.

Guys like RVD and Big Show were there at first because they needed people to notice ECW. If they would have started it up the way they have it now then they wouldn't have been able to establish an audience. Major stars like Edge have no place on ECW at this point.
2. A charismatic, and big name as GM. Nothing against Tiffany, but there is nothing special about her. Both Teddy Long and Armando Estrada were good as GM because they were good mouthpieces, so i suggest rehiring a great Mouthpiece as GM, namely JBL, a 17 Hardcore Champion. I would also rehire Ron Simmon's as Co-GM, so the APA could be reunited. I would also have JBL revert to his Badass Texan gimmick, because i think the backstage segments would be great. Imagine the old APA as GM's, turning the office into a Bar, starting barfights with the superstars, accepting payoffs from superstars for protection. I think it would be awesome personally, Ron Simmons would be more of an exclamation point to what JBL says though, just adding "Damn!" at the end of each promo. Though in the PG era this is unlikely.

Why would ECW need a big name GM? The show is only one hour long it's not like the GM plays a prominent role. I happen to like Tiffany. What's wrong with a having a beautiful women announce a couple matches and have a couple backstage segments here and there.

Minor things the show could use
1. a midcard title
2. fire Abe Washington
3. An extra hour

1. There's only like 15 guys on the roster, one title is enough.
2. Why would they fire one of the most entertaining guys on the roster?
3. One hour is enough to get the job done for what ECW is being utilized for.
I can see both sides of this issue. In my opinion, ECW does need some boosting, that much is pretty obvious. I also agree that they should either get rid of Abraham Washington, or actually get him fighting in the ring. This is a wrestling show, not Late Night With Abraham Washington. I read on one of Wrestlezone's bulletins that the audience was chanting "This is Stupid!" during Washington's segment and I have to agree with the audience. If he's not kicking ass in the ring, nobody's going to care about him. Get him in ring attire and fighting or get him out of ECW!

With that out of the way, I do agree that it's kind of a transitional show from regional wrestling promotion to the national stuff. It's a place to...try out the new talent just to see if they've truly got what it takes to make it and if they go over with the audience. Those that don't are weeded out and those that do often move on. As to those already big namers and main eventers that go there, it seems almost like a mentoring program to me. These guys work with the new talent to help develop them and test them. Frankly, however, ECW has become something of a dumping ground for those that the other two shows don't have a current place for. I'm speaking specifically of Koslov and Big Zeke who are just smashing locals at the time.

My suggestions? Get these people some decent storylines. Not just the usual bland feuds where the heel ambushes the face all the time. Let's have a little complexity here. Give these guys (and gals now I guess, not many but some) a chance to stretch their performance skills not just in the ring but backstage as well. I agree that the time slot is mostly to blame for this limitation which is why I agree it should be extended another hour or at least half an hour. A midcard title here could be interesting, but the way the WWE is playing it, the ECW championship is pretty much treated like a midcard championship anyways. My suggestion for an additional championship is to bring back the Hardcore Championship (or equivalent) without the 24/7 rule that made it so difficult to follow. If any place should be its home, its ECW.
ECW is not bad as you think yeah they are not huge. but are we to think they ever will be with such little talent. now i love the idea of JBL and Ron as GM. the promos would be utter classic. then you bring Kane, Rey, and some other talent then they will get somewhere. do they need another hour. NO because that would lower there ratings like it does to RAW and Smackdown currently. they just need more superstar talent. ECW is more consistant then Raw right now by the way. their ratings stay at 1.0-1.3 Raw drops to much from week to week.
I think you are missing the entire point for the WWE having ECW. It is being used as a place for young guys to make a name for themselves and for veteran guys to try and jump start their careers. That's what the WWE wants to use it for and they are doing a great job.

And i get that, i don't want that to change, i just would like to see ECW taken to a more competetive level with Smackdown and Raw, since when it comes to pure wrestling, ECW takes the cake. I just wanted to add a couple of bigger names to boost viewership, and get more people to notice the awesome talent already on ECW. I don't want Edge and Kane constantly holding the Title or anything, just to be there, get involved with fueds, and put New superstars on the map.

Why would ECW need a big name GM? The show is only one hour long it's not like the GM plays a prominent role. I happen to like Tiffany. What's wrong with a having a beautiful women announce a couple matches and have a couple backstage segments here and there.

I just personally would like to see a more prominent GM, or at least someone with good mic skills. I think she is pretty, but that's it though.

1. There's only like 15 guys on the roster, one title is enough.
2. Why would they fire one of the most entertaining guys on the roster?
3. One hour is enough to get the job done for what ECW is being utilized for.

I do agree that the roster is small, but alot of mid carders are rotting on the bottom, like Paul Burchill, Goldust, and look at the people who were let go for lack of storyline like Boogeyman and Elijah Burke,. They have nothing to do but Job to newcomers.
It's fine if you like Abe Washington, I just don't care for him, he comes across as an attempt to create a new MVP, but his promos don't make me believe his character. Plus the opening segment last week took up damn near 10 or 15 minutes, which was way too long. And i agree that now 1 hour is good, but it leaves very little room for promos and segments, without cutting severely into match time.
ECW is not bad as you think yeah they are not huge. but are we to think they ever will be with such little talent. now i love the idea of JBL and Ron as GM. the promos would be utter classic. then you bring Kane, Rey, and some other talent then they will get somewhere. do they need another hour. NO because that would lower there ratings like it does to RAW and Smackdown currently. they just need more superstar talent. ECW is more consistant then Raw right now by the way. their ratings stay at 1.0-1.3 Raw drops to much from week to week.
I'm not harping on ECW, i love the show currently, just saying an extra hour, some time down the road, would be better, because it provides ample time for promos and segments, without limiting matches to 2 or 3 a night.
ECW is the breeding ground for the future stars of the company, And the trainers playground. I like ECW at the moment, Really like it, But the last thing it needs right now is more time. ECW has only two established stars, One is Christian, The other is Dreamer. So for ECW to expand another hour, It will need to make some, Or trade some.

Currently, ECW does not need a mid card title, Even though I would like it to have. The brand just doesn't have the roster numbers, Or the time to pull off another competitive title division.

The general manager position is fine at the minute, Tiffany is doing an ok job.

The OP is right in the brand does need two more "names" to fill out the main event, Matt Hardy was perfect for this position, And Kofi, MVP, The Miz, Or Shelton Benjamin would be perfect for this.
heres the super fast way to make ECW run at Raw and Smackdown level... maybe even get its name as a normal part of the game:

1) do the draft thing that heyman had when ECW strted, get liek John Morrison and Kofi. have an EPIC rivalry for the ECW title.

2) get a few big midcardrs, and bring back the harcore title, but w/o the 24 hour rule. the tag titles r a no, b/c the WWE is a tag-less company.

3) get another hour added on. i know it messes with the ratings, but ECW's ratings r in the toilet anyway.

thats pretty much it...
ECW is fine the way it is, I've enjoyed ECW since Miz and Morrison formed. It has been a great program for the past 2 years. Why does it need to be changed? Its an hour of programming where the new are developed and the old and redone (that didn't sound right)

I do agree ECW needs a second title. Besides Christian/Regal/Jackson/Kozlov, the rest of the roster has nothing to do at the moment besides win matches. Give them the tv/hardcore/euro title to fight over

Topic starter, Fire Abraham Washington? He is awesome, Don't dis the Abraham Washington show. He is going to be a greater GM/Commentator or what ever they have planned for him one day
ECW is fine as it is for one simple reason: it doesn't try too hard. ECW works because it doesn't try to be Raw or Smackdown. It has its own little world that it lives in and things work just fine there. It's a different style and it works because of that. The show is designed for more squashes and the slow building of characters. On Raw or Smackdown, if a new character is introduced and they bomb, they'll stick around forever, ala Ricky Ortiz. On ECW if they fail, eh, so what? We can ship them back to FCW and no one is going to care. it has a different dynamic than the other shows, which is what makes it work so well.
What ECW REALLY needs is a name change. Look I know all of you want more extreme matches and bigger stars, but that will never happen as long as the pg era is continuing and using ECW as a training ground for the up and coming stars. Instead of ruining the rep of the ECW we all loved give it some cool adjective like Adrenaline or something like that.

After that all you need is to make it a longer show by adding another 30 minutes so you can add more feuds or expand the ECW roster. Thats what ECW really needs
I agree with the hour and the big names but it won't happen. It's a developmental brand and the stars they do have are doing a great job of building of the future guys. This brand seems poised to staying this way for a while and I'm ok with that because it's unique in it's own way. Keep it this way for a while.
ECW does need some new names, but forget the new superstar initiative, take people on Raw and SmackDown who aren't doing anything, and bring them to ECW. For instance- Jim Duggan the guy hasn't had a rivalry in over a year, and has no place on RAW. Take him to ECW and he can have a few matches against Burchill, Sheamus, Reagal, and Kozlov. (because he usually has matches with people outside of the U.S.) Also, bring Festus. He hasn't been seen on RAW in about a month, and he also has no place. KungFunaki might also be a consideration. The team of Yoshi Tatsu and KungFunaki would be exciting. A few more big names might help, too such as Edge (if he comes back as a face, and it could be the reunion of the Edge and Christian tag team.)
ECW was much better before the 15 man trade. Reagle and Christen don't play off each outher very well. and tommy dreamer is just filling space. Christen needs anouther person with some midcard craitable in the mix.
Who do you think ECW needs?

I think they need the Miz. He is trying but getting nowhere on raw. He should go to ECW and Say he will win ECW belt. Christen should come to him backstage and tell him he has his hands full but if miz will help aginst Reagle and his cronise he will promes him a title shot later.
Much like Hogan did Vader and then Lex Luger in WCW back in the day.
Then miz and Christen could team for awhile and fude later.They could have have wars on the mic and in the ring. thats my thoughts whats yours.
NOPE NADA,,,should have been released along time ago,,,way before others, like say Morgan, cant talk and is the anit-whigger???I'd could see the MIZ working good as a lacky. A young upin comer that Christian can use. Have him slow it down,,dont need to be doing this that and the other, and wait for his spot. Either that or wait for Bryan Danielson, Which I'd rather have but with the current roster.
In my opinion, ECW needs to have something that stand it out from the other two brands, as it is never going to be as good as them. A quick look at the WWE roster gives me a list of wrestlers that are doing nothing, or being used badly, but aren't that shit: Chavo, Bourne, Primo, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki. That group, plus Hurricane, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder have the makings of a decent cruiserweight division.

Cruiserweight wrestling is never going to be a huge draw, but people are entertained by it, giving ECW an extra 30 minutes and that, would solve the problems of people not really having anything to do when they aren't in the main event. ECW is ok as it is, but adding this extra dimension will give it a bit of an identity, and it certainly won't lose it any fans, and would probably gain some.
I will start my reply with what ECW does not need:

1. Abraham Washington: I have seen this debauchery of a talk show segment live and the crowd freakin' killed it. The guy has charisma and a great voice, but is stuck in a no-win situation. This segment has to go, simple as that. The fact WWE lets the segment go on-air after the crowd craps all over it multiple times shows me that there are a lot of former hard-headed WCW employees behind the scenes.

2. Tiffany as GM: I am sure the real reason she is in this on camera role is that she has no acting or wrestling abilities. Each time she appears either on television, on the screen at live tapings, or in front of the crowd, everybody pops because she's just another piece.

Maybe Abraham becomes GM of the show eventually because WWEloves having heel authority figures and this would be a much better fit on ECW than Tiffany. This is what I would suggest:

1. Move Tiffany, Tyler Reks, and Paul Birchill to Smackdown. I think Birchill would be better off on Smackdown. Tiffany could perhaps either learn some skills to fight them off in the ring or become an on-camera character along with Teddy Long. Tyler Reks is going nowhere on ECW soa change couldn't hurt.

2. Bring to ECW Slam Master J, Charlie Haas and Maria. Simple logic here: repackage, restructure and redevelop. Although I do like the idea of bringing Edge over for a possible Feud with Christian, I can see that idea going nowhere. J did a gimmick similar to the one he has now in developmental. It still needs a little more work but I think it can be done greatly. Maria would add to the ring talent of the women currently on the show. Charlie Haas is highly overlooked. Next to Jamie Noble, Haas would be the guy I would want to see in ECW to revive a stagnant in-ring WWE career.

The idea of developing new talent does not always work for the show because once they have developed the talent, that talent is gone. CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, all were talents who started on ECW and ended up off the show. The biggest thing WWE needs is more stability on the talent roster. Once a talent is developed on the show or a young star is created, it is not the time to ship that talent off to either Raw or Smackdown. That phoney-baloney "Trump Trade" still gives me headaches to this day because the talent that went from Raw and Smackdown to ECW made no sense. They were not too far removed from the WWE draft where DH Smith and Nattie went to ECW to join Tyson Kidd only to get bounced once again to Smackdown. In total, 7 ECW talents were traded and the five talents that went to ECW were Goldust (old gimmick, worked in the mid 90's but looks more and more like an indy scene character today), William Regal (who under the new PG ratings could never have the kind of matches he is capable of on this show), The Bella Twins (makes no sense that these two were just drafted to Raw only to get traded to ECW where the number of female talents is very few), and Shelton Benjamin (uh, thought he already did time in ECW?)

In comparison to the 7 ECW talents that were shipped off in the trade (Finlay, Hart Dynasty, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry), they practically screwed up the whole entire show. Why have a supplemental draft, WWE draft, trades, etc. when the end result is two shows get better and ECW ends up on the short end?
A big name face and a big name heel to face off once in a while but mostly focus on the young faces and heels on the roster. There are 15 guys but Christian can't face all the good guys and build a proper feud with them. A big name heel would be great for the brand. Regal isn't a bad heel, he's just not a believable big name heel. Having Kozlov and Jackson at his side has helped though, but a bigger name would surely help.
ECW doesn't exactly need "big" names but they do need some extra guys - because a second hour is necessary to expand the ratings. Add another belt (TV title hopefully) and there will be enough contenders for both belts. People who are just lingering in the mid-card shadow. People like: R-Truth, Kane, Masters, Evan Bourne, Great Khali, Haas and Finlay. All amazing additions to the roster, would be able to carry great matches for the titles and create feuds with rising stars. It'd be cool to see MVP have an ECW title run as well, people will be able to see how strong he reall is.
I agree with alot of things already posted. I agree with the name change, needing a midcard title, and needing an extra hour.
But while watching this past week i just noticed a few things that are really kinda dumb but i noticed them.

Christian really needs to wear the belt over his shoulder or just carry it. Wearing it around his waist is really making him look tiny!! Watching him i really dont see a champion, i see a little kid.

Zack Ryder really needs a huge push, i know he got his shot at the title but i havent seen him hit hes finisher in a few weeks, I love his finisher it def looks painful, and i love his music i dont know why i just do.

Regal is horrible he won king of the ring wich was laughable in my opinion got suspended for breaking the wellness policy but now he gets a title shot and a giant push? He is boring in the ring i hate to hear him talk i just dont like him at all. And the push is just rediculous.

Oh yeah jackson and kazlov(spelling?) just need to destroy regal but yet stay heel we need the tag teams. Why do these two monster let some old brit tell them what to do?

Just my thought and once again sorry for the spelling hope u agree if not let me know

just my thoughts kinda stupid stuff really but just what i think.
In my opinion, ECW needs to have something that stand it out from the other two brands, as it is never going to be as good as them. A quick look at the WWE roster gives me a list of wrestlers that are doing nothing, or being used badly, but aren't that shit: Chavo, Bourne, Primo, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki. That group, plus Hurricane, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder have the makings of a decent cruiserweight division.

Cruiserweight wrestling is never going to be a huge draw, but people are entertained by it, giving ECW an extra 30 minutes and that, would solve the problems of people not really having anything to do when they aren't in the main event. ECW is ok as it is, but adding this extra dimension will give it a bit of an identity, and it certainly won't lose it any fans, and would probably gain some.

Could not agree more! Cruiserweight wrestling has alot of fans across the world and I think giving ECW it's own flavor and an extra half hour could put it on par with RAW and Smackdown!

Like Eric Bischoff said, You have to be better then, worse then or different then your opposition and ECW is the perfect place for different.
ECW has some great stars, mainly Zach Ryder. Both his in ring work and mic work are getting better every week. Its just a matter of time before he goes to Raw or Smackdown to get lost in the middle card shuffle. His work backstage with Regal on Tuesday was hilarious.

Regal said something like "are you questioning my ability as a GM" to Ryder and Ryder let out the smoothest "you know it"

I was dying, it was to funny
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