What does Vince have against Randy Savage

I can confirm that something did happen with Savage and Steph. Two years ago my brother went into a car Max in Clearwater, Florida and Lanny was there selling cars. My brother asked why Savage isnt in the hall of fame and Lanny said it was due to the situation with Steph. He didnt get into specifics.

In that youtube post of Savage shooting in the Gym he said to HHH that he "took Stephanie around the block."

Savage also dealt with a company off Gandy (in Tampa) that did his site around the time when he was coming out with that wrap album. We used to see him go in there all the time.

I will find out more when I speak to my brother next.

I'm calling bullshit on this. If, and this is a big if, Savage did do it, his brother would NEVER say something like that publicly. Lanny isn't dumb and if he did do Steph while she was underage, he'd be incriminating his brother in statutory rape.

Also, watch the damn clip. He never said he took Steph around the block, his exact quote is "I'm going to take Stephanie McMahon and take her a rind around the block."
The Steph story always makes me laugh, Stephanie McMahon was born in 1976, Macho man left in 1994. That would mean she was 18 when he left, lets think of it logically. If an employee had sex with your 13/14/15 year old daughter, would you let him remain there? Lets go with the common age of 14 I hear. Savage won the world title and held it all the way whilst Steph was 15 years old. That to me is a promotion, not an ass kicking.

If you were in Vinces position, you'd beat the shit out of him or have him arrested not promote him. Come on guys, research!

I agree with all this..the whole stephanie story is BS. Also why didn't Vince press charges and let macho stay on TV for 4 years? BS I tell ya.

The reason Vince has beef with macho is because Macho lied to him and said he would stay with the WWF but went to WCW. SO DID LUGER!!

Why isn't Luger in the Hall of Fame? SAME REASON.. hell if KOKO B. WARE can be in the HoF Lex Luger damn sure can. the reason people point out Macho man more is because he was more popular. But Luger is another one that was a multi-time world champ and even has a title regin over Hulk FUCKIN Hogan!! BOTH Luger and Macho left WWE the same way.. but lying to Vince and BOTH are not and probably never will be on WWE TV.

The ONLY time you ever hear of Luger or Macho was when Miss Elizabeth Died. They were quick to make Luger look like an ass, and all the macho footage was the footage of how bad he treated her.

Also there was a rumor that when he left to WCW he took the Slim Jim sponsor ship with him which cost Vince MILLIONS of dollars and is the only superstar to actually take that much money away from him in sponsor ships.

In any event when you mention Macho Man not being in the hall of fame stop talking about Stephanie.. just talk about Lex Luger and the whole thing will make sense. As BOTH of them SHOULD be in the hall of fame.

if the rumors about shane and stephanie are true, then savage is a horrible person and i would not blame vince for doing anything to savage. the thing is, i dont think that they did because vince could probably destory savage's life if he really wanted to, which he most certainly would if savage did either of those two things to his children. its probably just animosity that hasnt ended.

Yes but all that would have happend in 1990 right? Macho did not leave till 1994.. if this was at all true then Vince is equally stupid for not pressing charges... and for allowing him to stay on TV.. oh wait thats right that makes too much sense.. the whole story is BS.
We may never know if this Savage-Steph thing really happened. The only people who know for sure is Steph, her parents, Savage, and most likely Triple H as well.

This happened more than 20 years ago.

If you guys go to youtube and enter Randy Savage Present Day it will show that footage of him in the gym bad-mouthing Hogan and Triple H, and he mentions Steph a few times. Im not sure exactly what year that was recorded, It may have been between 2000-2002

And if you enter Macho man 11/17/08 theres one of the most recent pics of him. He's dressed in black, with a black cowboy hat and shades. Looks pretty old.

I wonder what would happen if Trips confronted this guy now that Macho has aged so much. Guy looks like he cant even take a punch right now.
...Because how the fuck could they prove that? Especially if it was consensual.

I'm not sure what fantasy world you guys live in where sexual criminals get caught 99/100 times, but it sure as fuck isn't the real world, because sex crimes are among the hardest to prove and to convict on, usually because most of the evidence is completely circumstantial.

Seriously, turn off Law and Order: SVU guys, that's not how it works in the real world.

As for what Vince has against Randy...I'd imagine absolutely nothing, he did just put out a DVD praising the man. If he really had a grudge against him why wouldn't he have just done another smear-job like he did to Warrior with the Ultimate Warrior DVD?

I imagine it's Savage who has the problem with Vince, who kept trying to get him to retire before Savage wanted to and finally succeeded in it. Randy wanted to wrestle, Vince didn't want him there any longer, simple as that. I doubt there are any long lasting grudges, Savage just seems to me like the kind of guy who really doesn't give a fuck if Vince likes him or inducts him in the Hall of Fame.

Nevertheless, calm down people, the day will come when Randy is in the HOF. Cool your jets.

In the "real world" so you put it, it also doesn't matter if it's consensual or not, it's a damn 14 yr old. Its rape. WTF.
its easy..vince knows randy savage was Huge in wcw...vince will not accept the fact that wcw kicked his ass for a long stretch of time. he knows who was a big part of that ass-whooping and he holds a grudge against them to this day. he doesnt know how to let it go.
randy savage should be a sure thing for the hall of fame..but with vince running it, you never know...hopefully vince will do the right thing and let the macho man into the HOF.
oooo yeaaa DIG IT!

Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds? Not only did Vince McMahon re-sign Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and a lot of other people that ditched Vince and went to WCW but he also signed freakin' Eric Bischoff himself.
Its entirely possible that Randy Savage doesn't want to be re-affiliated with the WWE. We are too busy focusing on why Vince hates Randy, but, turn it around, isn't it possible that the reason Savage isn't in the HOF, is because Randy Savage refuses to talk to Vince? Why is it automatically Vince McMahon that is at fault? I think McMahon does bear animosity towards Randy Savage, and earned his share of the blame as to why the Macho Man never made a return of any kind to the WWE...and I stated so...but I realized I left out something...maybe Savage simply doesn't want to come back.
...Because how the fuck could they prove that? Especially if it was consensual.

I'm not sure what fantasy world you guys live in where sexual criminals get caught 99/100 times, but it sure as fuck isn't the real world, because sex crimes are among the hardest to prove and to convict on, usually because most of the evidence is completely circumstantial.

Seriously, turn off Law and Order: SVU guys, that's not how it works in the real world.

I had a friend when I was younger and she had a much older boyfriend. Her parents found out they were having sex and wanted to get him locked up for statutory rape. She denied that they had sex, but her parents claimed that she could have been raped by him. Since she was uder the age of 18 she had no say in whether or not she was given a rape kit. So when a female is underage her parents are responsible for things like that and can call for a rape kit whether or not she concents. It could have easily been proven if they wanted it to be.

I agree with the rest of your post though. Savage more than likely has no interest in what Vince does and vice versa. There could have been some problem between them from the past, but nothing major. More or less they have little to no interest in putting the past behind them and working together or anything again. It will happen one day, Vince just isn't in any rush.
You guys do realize that there is a statute of limitation on statutory rape, right? The statute varies from state-to-state, but it's usually around 3-4 years for this type of crime.

That said - if Savage had sex with a 14-year old Stephanie in 1990 and she didn't say anything until right before Savage left in 1994, then there would have been nothing McMahon could have done about it.

I'm not saying it happened - I'm just saying that you are all dumb if you think Vince could have pressed charges after a certain point.
Whatever the reason that Savage an McMahon have against each other is their own business and I am sick of hearing about it. Either they need to reconcile and move on or they need to spill the fucking beans and let us fans who want Macho Man in games, in action figures, in books, in dvds, in the hall of fame know the reason so WE can decide if we want to persecute the man. Just like FUCK THE WWE FOR TELLING ME TO HATE CHRIS BENIOT, IF THERE WAS A WRESTLER'S UNION AND THEY HAD HEALTH CARE THEN MAYBE WE WOULD NOT HAVE WRESTLERS DYING OF A YOUNG AGE OF DRUG ABUSE, ALCOHOL ABUSE, AND INJURIES SO FUCK OFF WWE FOR TELLING ME WHO I CAN AND CAN NOT LIKE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES..........AND THAT DIANE IS WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS!

******"...Because how the fuck could they prove that? Especially if it was consensual.

I'm not sure what fantasy world you guys live in where sexual criminals get caught 99/100 times, but it sure as fuck isn't the real world, because sex crimes are among the hardest to prove and to convict on, usually because most of the evidence is completely circumstantial.

Seriously, turn off Law and Order: SVU guys, that's not how it works in the real world."****

that's just bullshit they are convicted a lot more than you think they are, most are just given probation or a slap on the wrist, that's the kind of "fantasy" world we live in. thank you very much.

and IF Lanny did say that it wouldn't be incriminating his brother because as Steph goes if she told Vince just recently say in the last 10 years with her being in her 30's now its well past the statute of limitations on criminally charge Savage now an hell I think if I am not mistaken the statute of limitations in Connecticut is 10 years after her 18th birthday an they may not even have a statute of limitations meaning it they didn't seek criminal charges right after it happened within a year or so of it actually happening then they can't file on him. And if Savage did take her cherry.........way to fuckin go you fucking are the man.........and even though she might have been underage she gave it up it does take two people to lay down an fuck not just one, AND to the dude who said if it was consentual.........no state in the United States will allow a 13-14-15 year old to give consent so sorry you are the weakest link..........GOODBYE
First, this rumor that Randy was involved with Stephanie when she was 14... If she was 14 in 1990, Randy was still married to Liz until 92, plus he main evented WrestleMania in 92 in the Indianapolis Hosierdome and beat Ric Flair fo rthe WWE Title, do you really think Vince would have moved in that direction if RS was involved with his junior high age child?

It is known that Savage has a beef with Hogan, mainly over Hogan's refusal to ever put him over and the perception in WCW that Hogan threw RS out to lose to Flair, Luger, et all to keep them elevated when he wouldn't put them over. Allegedly Hogan and his now ex-wife were friends with Liz around the time of their 92 break up, but Savage still worked with Hogan for a few yrs after that.

Savage likely has issues with Vince similair to his issues with Hogan, mistreatment of his character in relation to his importance in geting over Hogan's character and storylines. Vince did make Savage look good on his career retrospective DVD collection despite RS refusal to participate in the project. As for the idea Vince hates Savage because he went to WCW and they were successful, Vince re-hired Nash, Hogan (who turned on him in federal court during the steroids investigation), Flair, etc and gave them all nice runs. Hogan got title runs as World Cham and Tag Team Champ after he returned, plus high profile PPV wins over HBK and Randy Orton, Nash headlined vs HHH in World Titkle Matches, Flair had a distinguished run as US Champ, Tag Team Champ with Batista, fronted the Evolution Group, and got the greatest retirement ceremony anyone ever got on WWE TV.

I firmly believe if Savage was willing to acknowledge Vince and WWE, he would be in the HOF immediately. He choses not to for whatever his reasons.

Keep in mind Vince has made attempts to patch things up with Bruno Sammartinoto get him the HOF and Bruno refused. If there is anyone not in the HOF wh belongs there it's Bruno, his 7 year Title reign unmatched in company history, the first full time World Champion in federation history,
One I am pretty sure it is Vince who has the problem with Savage as it has been mentioned that whenever Savage's name was brought up to Vince as a return not only did he say no but he yelled at whoever brought it up.

The other thing is if this happened in the time period of 92-4 you have to recall one thing for Vince soemthing else was going on and that was the big steroid trial. He could very well have not wanted more bad PR. I mean they already wanted to paint the WWF as some moral debauchery zone how woudl it look to jurors if a child rapist was there who they woudl have likely blamed on the steroids. In addition Vince may have wanted to avoid Randy testifying against him which he likely woudl have if he fired him

But I think the more likely scenario is that Savage did make a pass or several and that si why the continuing hatred
I agree with all this..the whole stephanie story is BS. Also why didn't Vince press charges and let macho stay on TV for 4 years? BS I tell ya.

The reason Vince has beef with macho is because Macho lied to him and said he would stay with the WWF but went to WCW. SO DID LUGER!!

Why isn't Luger in the Hall of Fame? SAME REASON.. hell if KOKO B. WARE can be in the HoF Lex Luger damn sure can. the reason people point out Macho man more is because he was more popular. But Luger is another one that was a multi-time world champ and even has a title regin over Hulk FUCKIN Hogan!! BOTH Luger and Macho left WWE the same way.. but lying to Vince and BOTH are not and probably never will be on WWE TV.

The ONLY time you ever hear of Luger or Macho was when Miss Elizabeth Died. They were quick to make Luger look like an ass, and all the macho footage was the footage of how bad he treated her.

Also there was a rumor that when he left to WCW he took the Slim Jim sponsor ship with him which cost Vince MILLIONS of dollars and is the only superstar to actually take that much money away from him in sponsor ships.

In any event when you mention Macho Man not being in the hall of fame stop talking about Stephanie.. just talk about Lex Luger and the whole thing will make sense. As BOTH of them SHOULD be in the hall of fame.

Yes but all that would have happend in 1990 right? Macho did not leave till 1994.. if this was at all true then Vince is equally stupid for not pressing charges... and for allowing him to stay on TV.. oh wait thats right that makes too much sense.. the whole story is BS.

Yea, I know the way Lex left WWE is the reason why he isn't really mentioned on WWE, but rumour has it that Vince wants the 2011 HOf to be WCW themed cause WM is being held in ATL and he's thinking of putting Luger in there.. So if Vince is willing to forgive Luger, he can forgive Macho Man for leaving on similar terms.. Point being, I think there's more to this story that we know about...
So if Vince is willing to forgive Luger, he can forgive Macho Man for leaving on similar terms.. Point being, I think there's more to this story that we know about...

eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh, yes and no. There is a major difference between Savage and Luger. Luger was an NWA/WCW guy who came to the WWF, and for most intents and purposes, Randy Savage was a "WWF guy". Vince tends to hold longer grudges against guys he made famous who leave than he does guys who were already famous before he signed them.
All I have to say towards the whole molesting Steph thing is that it is most likely completely untrue (like others have said, if he molested Steph than why was he never charged, Lawler was charged, Vince was charged, but Savage somehow gets away with raping his bosses daughter, that sounds realistic) and I really don't think he got Shane involved in drugs either (I might buy that he made an advance towards Steph and that pissed off Vince).

Not only that, Savage seems to be one of the most bitter people towards Vince I have ever seen (He badmouths Vince more than the Warrior for god sakes and I haven't heard him ever say anything good about Vince or the WWE) and if someone holds that much animosity towards you and your business, than its probably not a good idea to bring him in (even if it will draw a crowd, because you don't know what will happen, he might bail while advertised, he may trash the hell out of Vince and the WWE on live TV, or he may make himself and everyone else look like an ass).

It's obvious that Vince and Savage have not reconciled their differences (the only thing guys like Hogan and Hart have is that they buried the hatchet at least to a certain extent with Vince) and until that happens Savage won't be mentioned.

Savage is one of my top 5 favorite guys of all time, but truth be told he is a loose cannon both in and out of the ring (this has been confirmed by pretty much everyone who was ever associated with Savage) and you can't have a guy like that associated with your business, especially since Savage would have nothing to lose by doing something off the wall towards Vince or the WWE.
He was bitter towards the end of his WWF run, when he signed with WCW he called Vince when he was hammered drunk at 4 A.M. to tell him he signed and rubbed it in his face without giving Vince a chance to counter-offer. He also took Slim Jim with him. The Stephanie McMahon rumor is just that, a rumor. Everyone always said that Savage was one of the only guys that stayed true to his wife and they were always together on the road.

Savage wouldn't have gotten the title win at WM8 and wouldn't have had the 6 month reign with the belt until September of that year if he did anything to Steph. Hell, Vince gave a short good bye and good luck statement on RAW and looked visibly upset when he did it. He divorced Liz in late 1992 and like I said earlier many of the boys said he stayed faithful to her the entire time and they were always together on the road. He might have been drunk and made some kind of wise-assed remark to Steph if anything but if it was true there would be something definite out by now. Vince didn't want him to leave, he wanted to keep him on as a personality and tried to make counter offers when Savage called him at 4 A.M. piss drunk to rub it in Vince's face.

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