What does Vince have against Randy Savage


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have been watching wrestling a long time and some how I missed the point of why is Vince so pissed at Randy Savage. I know it has probibly been discused before on this forum but in light of the recent news post of the WWE snubbing Randy Savages/ Poffo's request for a statment from them about the passing of Angelo Poffo I thought it might be a good time to ask the question. Why is Vince so pissed at Randy Savage that he won't get over it and pave the way for a possible Hall of Fame induction or at the very least a simple statement on the passing of Randys dad?
The main rumour is that Randy Savage and Stephanie McMahon were in a sexual relationship. Either it was when Stephanie was young (I have heard 14), but other times I have heard she was of age. I am not sure, and most people probably aren't sure if this is actually the case.

Many have also said that there was a big failed business relationship breakdown between them. Im sure about that either, as there have been failed business agreements with others.
its easy..vince knows randy savage was Huge in wcw...vince will not accept the fact that wcw kicked his ass for a long stretch of time. he knows who was a big part of that ass-whooping and he holds a grudge against them to this day. he doesnt know how to let it go.
randy savage should be a sure thing for the hall of fame..but with vince running it, you never know...hopefully vince will do the right thing and let the macho man into the HOF.
oooo yeaaa DIG IT!
I have heard the rumor about the Randy Savage and Stephanie thing as well. And it makes me believe that Stephanie was under 18 when this went on. So basically it tells you that Savage was trying to take advantage of her.

Im surprised they even did that Savage dvd set last year. This is also why Randy Savage was not made for the Classic Superstars figure series. Vince would not sign and allow that to happen. I know its just a toy, but some people are serious collectors (like myself) and would have loved to own a Savage figure, it would have looked very cool and would have sold.

Finally I saw on youtube a year ago Savage was in what looked to be a gym, trashing Triple H, Steph, and a third person I cant remember. It was either Hogan or Vince. And Savage seemed very angry.
There has also been a rumor out there that Savage introduced Shane to cocaine at a young age, probably when he was in high school. I think Vince just felt that Savage was a bad influence on his family and I suppose fences have not been mended. With that said, even if he seduced Steph and drugged Shane, time should heal. There's got to be more to this story that none of us know, because if Warrior can seemingly reconcile with McMahon, I have to imagine Savage can.
Regardless of whatever or whomever Savage messed with be it drugs or sexual,McMahon will not reconcile with him unless there money and more money to be made off of him...ex.Warrior,Hogan,Flair,Hart and the list goes on...the bottom line is money and thats all there is to it anymore i think the million dollar man was more of a wrestling version of McMahon than a counter for a Ric Flair personna since he hadnt been signed yet...further proof though about the Poffo snub that its all nothing but political games anymore..i.e. Btista" a mediocre wrestler at best all beefed up on steroids" with a piss poor attitude and currently the latest member of the kiss my ass club..but since hes in good with psycho disney WWE he'll be around for a long time"barring the fact he doesnt get another muscle tear or something...but anyways,bottom line about the Savage/McMahon beef...when its financially good for him,McMahon will glady accept him with open arms
Yes the "rumor" was that Savage was eating some cherry pie and Stephanie was the only other guest at the party.

Also, when Savage went to WCW, he took Slim Jim's advertising with him. As you know Savage was the delicious snack's spokesperson. This was at a time when the WWF was hurting for advertisers, and it was a pretty good blow to Vinnie Mac.

I can't be sure, but i think Savage came up with his famous Slim Jim line "Snap Into It!" the same night he elbow dropped her virginity.
Then the difference between Savage and everyone else is that Savage's mistakes/issues was different and more serious than everyone else's.

This isnt just your typical case of a wrestler taking illegal drugs, or prescription drugs, or roids, or not showing up for work, or not performing well, or leaving for the competition. If this has to do with Savage being a bad influence to Shane, or molesting Steph. This case is unique. Savage directly and personally affected the lives of Vince's children. And that is hard for any parent to forgive, and forget.
i remember the RAW where Vince announced he couldn't sign Savage to a contract and wished him well and said something like "there's no bigger Macho Man fan than me" or somethin like that, with a really ticked off face like "i'm going to hate you for the rest of my life" kind of deal. it makes me think that was the case.

i think (personally) that Savage told Vince he'd re-sign with WWF and then Bischoff showed him a huge paycheck and made Savage go back on his word. Savage didn't wanna do commentary and that's all he was doing too. Vince hasn't been too forgiving in those situations like with Lex Luger or Jeff Jarrett. Ultimate Warrior could be an exception, but i think his huge status as the biggest star next to Hogan worked a bit in his favor.

the video of that RAW is on youtube if anyone searches for it, but i think that's the reason.
Most folks in this thread seem to assume that Vince is the one holding the grudge, but is that the case? After all, Savage was the one who bolted to WCW as soon as he was legally able to.

As for Stephanie, she was 14 in the year 1990 and Savage was a featured and favored WWE performer for a long time after that. In other words, if Vince was going to hate Macho Man for what he did to his daughter, he sure took a long time getting around to it.

As for the guy who said that Vince hates Randy because he became a big star in WCW, let's remember that many WWE wrestlers became big stars in WCW and were still re-hired by Vince after it fell. But Savage wasn't one of them, and I always wondered if his contractual demands weren't so outrageous that Vince simply decided against him.
its easy..vince knows randy savage was Huge in wcw...vince will not accept the fact that wcw kicked his ass for a long stretch of time. he knows who was a big part of that ass-whooping and he holds a grudge against them to this day. he doesnt know how to let it go.
randy savage should be a sure thing for the hall of fame..but with vince running it, you never know...hopefully vince will do the right thing and let the macho man into the HOF.
oooo yeaaa DIG IT!

I don't think him going to WCW would keep him on Vince's shit list this long. Think about it he did bring Hogan, Hall, Nash, and Flair back and he did bring Bischoff into WWE. If he was willing to work with those guys who had a way bigger part in WCW'S success. What ever Savage did to piss him off had to be way more personal then going to WCW.

I've never heard those rumors about him and Shane and Stephanie. However they do and don't make sense. Doing something to someones kids is definitely a great reason to hate someone. As far as I remember he left WWF when his contract was up. If he had done something to one of his kids. I would think he would of fired him and kicked the shit out of him. Unless he didn't find out about it until he left the company.
Saying "old wounds will heal" certainly does NOT apply in this case. With someone like Hart, Hogan, or Warrior, all the problems Vince had with them have been on business level, or even a matter between Vince himself and the above mentioned wrestlers. However, if Savage did indeed zoom zoom zoom Stephanie, then that's a whole different story. If one of my employees seduced and possibly coerced by teenage daughter into a sexual act, probably her first experience, I would never forgive him.

But I havent heard the Stephanie story cause isnt that rape?

Yes, if she as underage at the time, regardless if she consented to the sex, it would be statutory rape of a minor. I don't see any reason why Stephanie would consent to it though
First off if it was ONLY about cash, Vince would have been doing business with Savage for awhile now. Savage is a marketable personality and amazing talent. His wrestling career is as recognized as anyone's in the business. For fucks sake he was in what is argued to be the best match of all time.
I think this is a personal issue. Something went down between Savage and Vince that is still a point of contention to this day. If Vince and Hart could have come full circle to work together again, why not Savage? Me thinks Savage fucked up royal.
I heard something disturbing the other day while watching the Gorgeous George shoot interview.. when asked why/how she and Randy Savage broke up, she stated it was because he wanted to live with both her AND her 17-year old (at the time) sister, and have a menage a trois with them. She called him a pervert who likes little girls (which leads me to believe the whole story about him getting with Stephanie when she was like 12 or 14 or whatever), and threatened to file a restraining order against him; even she was only 22 at the time she was with Savage, and he was in his 40s. Sounds like Savage and Lawler have a lot in common! I definitely believe the rumor, but I doubt we'll never know the full story.
Agree with the posters who say that this is not about cash, and who say that this must be a personal vendetta possibly involving family.

The obvious facts of this situation are simple. Vince McMahon has done business with a number of the old WCW folks. Hogan, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, and Flair have each been back in the good graces of the WWE since the old MNW's ended in 2001. So this issue is not simply a case of Savage jumping ship to a rival company.

Furthermore, Hogan left the company on perhaps the worst reported terms in the history of the company. For those too young to remember, Hogan testified against VKM during the steroid trials in '93. VKM famously attacked Hogan outside the courthouse. So it's hard to fathom that the Savage issue is something personal only to McMahon.

Another disgruntled former employee, the Ultimate Warrior was asked to be inducted into this year's Hall of Fame before declining the invitation. If you recall, VKM is on the record of saying, "I've never been so happy to fire a guy" when recalling firing the Warrior after he held the Summer Slam 91 show hostage --- refusing to appear the night of the show if he wasn't given more money. VKM later rehired the guy twice because he saw profit in it ... So we know that the Savage case is not simply a case of screwing VKM on a business deal.

Now, I've heard the rumors about him taking Stephanie's virginity - though I'm not sure how old she was according to the rumor. I have not heard the rumor that he introduced Shane to cocaine --- I've also never heard the rumor that Shane ever had a drug problem. Though, I'm unsure of the validity of either rumor, I do believe that the issue with Savage MUST have dealt with his children. McMahon comes off as a guy who would do a business deal with Satan if it made him an extra $5 ... at the same time, he also comes off as a guy who would punch Jesus Christ if he insulted Stephanie's weight.

Here is another layer to the Savage case that not many people have mentioned. Bischoff's book claims that Savage left for WCW mainly because Vince wanted him to concentrate as a commentator in WWE while Savage wanted to wrestle. At this time, Savage was 41-years old and - based on his performance in WCW - was still good enough to wrestle full time. The question is, "Why did McMahon not let him wrestle?"

Think about it this way: HBK is 45-years old and in the biggest non-title match at WrestleMania. Triple H is 41-years old and will probably headline another 5 WrestleManias. Flair was wrestling a major match at WrestleMania at 59-years old. Hogan was winning WWE World Titles in his 50s.

Is it possible that VKM was abiding by the old adage, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" when dealing with Savage. Is it possible that VKM refused to allow Savage to wrestle because he knew it would make him miserable? Just a conspiracy theory, I know - but I am curious as to why Savage was given the shaft with WWE when it came to wrestling into his 40s and 50s when so many before him and after him were allowed to wrestle as long as they wanted to wrestle.
Someone said here that Steph was 14 around 1990, accepting that the age correct for that time, and Savage did have something sexual with Steph or not, she may not have told Vince about it until much later. Savage was with the WWE until the summer/fall of 1994. He made his debut in WCW in December of that same year, 1994.

If Vince would have known about the Savage-Steph situation much sooner, Savage would have been released right away, (accepting the story of rape or molesting is true).

Sometimes when people are raped or molested they all dont go and seek for help right away, some feel ashamed and keep it to themselves for a long time, for years. If this thing between Savage and Steph happened around 1989,90, or 91. Steph may have told Vince long after Savage had left the company.
The Steph story always makes me laugh, Stephanie McMahon was born in 1976, Macho man left in 1994. That would mean she was 18 when he left, lets think of it logically. If an employee had sex with your 13/14/15 year old daughter, would you let him remain there? Lets go with the common age of 14 I hear. Savage won the world title and held it all the way whilst Steph was 15 years old. That to me is a promotion, not an ass kicking.

If you were in Vinces position, you'd beat the shit out of him or have him arrested not promote him. Come on guys, research!

I don't think there's any beef, a macho man DVD has just come out, he's on WWE.com quite a bit in stories etc. There likely was but it would have been over something stupid like hat colour or something.

I heard the story about the sexual relationship with Stephanie too, but, I am skeptical. First, there isn't ANY evidence whatsoever, and, if Savage had sex with a minor, why the fuck wasn't he brought up on statutory rape charges? That would make Vince creepy enough to bury his daughter getting raped to avoid bad publicity, allowing a KNOWN rapist to stay free. Vince McMahon has done some shady things in his life, but, damn, I find it incredibly hard to believe he wouldn't have pressed charges. Further, why would Vince keep Savage employed for a few years after it supposedly happened, and why allow a Savage DVD compilation set? Makes no sense.

What does make sense, is the whole "Savage took his ball and left for WCW" explanation, and the animosity between Hogan and Savage. Vince is willing to let bygones be bygones with Hogan, the relationship between them is much different than the relationship between Vince and Savage. Hogan made him a crap ton more money than Savage.
To the Hogan SMark who said "Simply put its because he was big in wcw" Well what about Hogan himself? Big star in wwf/wcw...Same with savage,WWf/Wcw,so why would he have a grudge for that?..Think before you post your blabber,but my opinion is it probably has to do with some personal and/or buisness issues,maybe the stephanie mcmahon thing...Maybe Savage doesn't like mcmahon personally...God knows that could never happen ;-)
if the rumors about shane and stephanie are true, then savage is a horrible person and i would not blame vince for doing anything to savage. the thing is, i dont think that they did because vince could probably destory savage's life if he really wanted to, which he most certainly would if savage did either of those two things to his children. its probably just animosity that hasnt ended.

yes vince and bret hart seem to have let by gones be by gones, but maybe vince and savage just havent reconciled yet. there are plenty of people who still have annimosity towards vince and vice versa, and this is probably just a case of a contract signing gone wrong.
I'm just hearing of the Savage sexual issue, but If a 260lb 30-32 yr old man at that time molested a 14 yr old girl how in the hell did he get away with that and wasn't thrown in prison if that's true. Just curious. That in itself is totally different than what any other wrestlers have done to him. And i wouldn't be worried about putting him in the hof, I'd be putting him in prison. Not that molesting a child is murder, but it's damn near as bad and everyone chastise chris benoit. Wtf.
I'm just hearing of the Savage sexual issue, but If a 260lb 30-32 yr old man at that time molested a 14 yr old girl how in the hell did he get away with that and wasn't thrown in prison if that's true.

...Because how the fuck could they prove that? Especially if it was consensual.

I'm not sure what fantasy world you guys live in where sexual criminals get caught 99/100 times, but it sure as fuck isn't the real world, because sex crimes are among the hardest to prove and to convict on, usually because most of the evidence is completely circumstantial.

Seriously, turn off Law and Order: SVU guys, that's not how it works in the real world.

As for what Vince has against Randy...I'd imagine absolutely nothing, he did just put out a DVD praising the man. If he really had a grudge against him why wouldn't he have just done another smear-job like he did to Warrior with the Ultimate Warrior DVD?

I imagine it's Savage who has the problem with Vince, who kept trying to get him to retire before Savage wanted to and finally succeeded in it. Randy wanted to wrestle, Vince didn't want him there any longer, simple as that. I doubt there are any long lasting grudges, Savage just seems to me like the kind of guy who really doesn't give a fuck if Vince likes him or inducts him in the Hall of Fame.

Nevertheless, calm down people, the day will come when Randy is in the HOF. Cool your jets.
I almost forgot about the Stephanie/Macho Man rumor. If I recall correctly, there was some altercation between the two, as the McMahon kids were always around backstage back in those days. However, I dont recall hearing that the two actually had sex. If I recall correctly, the original rumor was that Macho Man had made a pass at her when she was either 16 or 17. Nothing came of it. Macho was said to be rather drunk, which was often the case with him. Half of the promos he cut were done while under the influence. Stephanie didnt tell her dad because she was embarassed and/or she was afraid she'd probably get in just as much trouble with her dad as Randy for hanging around "the boys" too much. Of course someone snitched to Vince but he probably couldnt prove that it ever happened so he tried to make Savage's life difficult by making him announce instead of wrestle. This whole time I bet Vince was acting like they were on good terms to Randy's face, not letting on to Randy that he knew about the incident with Steph. Meanwhile, Randy is considering his options while telling McMahon that he'll stay onboard with his Slim Jim deal and all that jazz. Then out of nowhere, Macho Man doesnt resign and jumps to WCW before Vince ever got to finish punishing him.

So here we have this situation where someone escaped the wrath of VKM at the same time costing him alot of money and outsmarting him on top of it, which just added insult to injury. Vince is getting back at Macho by ignoring his existence at the same time making money off of his character. Might as well make the money now while the name is still relevant because there will come a time when nobody who was there for the 80's and 90's is still watching wrestling. So McMahon will do the dvd thing, but dont expect Macho Man to be facing Vince in a street fight at next year's Wrestlemania. It -could- happen, but highly unlikely at this point.
About a year ago I saw some pictures of Macho Man and he looked pretty old. Id say older than Bret. So he is in no ring shape from what I can tell. Sad to see a great career like Macho's not to have a good ending.

If Macho did do something with Steph thats pretty messed up. I think they just fooled around, Steph being between 14-17 naive and shit. I dont think she told Vince until much after. By 1994 Vince was trying to get rid of the WWF Dinosaurs, first Hogan then Savage. Sure Vince knew he was going to lose money by trying to get rid of these guys but he was trying to bring in the "New Generation" of wrestlers, guys like Shawn, Bret, Taker, Diesel, Razor. It was risky but Vince felt he could pull it off.

Macho was cool and intense in promos, but doing commentary by ringside was horrible, his voice was annoying and it took the life out of the match.
I can confirm that something did happen with Savage and Steph. Two years ago my brother went into a car Max in Clearwater, Florida and Lanny was there selling cars. My brother asked why Savage isnt in the hall of fame and Lanny said it was due to the situation with Steph. He didnt get into specifics.

In that youtube post of Savage shooting in the Gym he said to HHH that he "took Stephanie around the block."

Savage also dealt with a company off Gandy (in Tampa) that did his site around the time when he was coming out with that wrap album. We used to see him go in there all the time.

I will find out more when I speak to my brother next.

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