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What Does the Future Hold for Smackdown!?


SmackDown! is MY Show
With the recent events that been taking place I have to say that Smackdown at one point was the better show wrestling wise and with the draft and injuries that has hit Smackdown it really is becoming crap. Really RAW is the "A" show all the great talent is there and thats all WWE cares about and well Smackdown and ECW dont mean crap. I really dont see how Smackdown can go one right as there is no direction to that show and where is the talent that can carry the show? MVP, Finley and some others are stuck on a brand that is going no where. I see a dim future for Smackdown.

Any Thoughts?
I think there is one thing, and one thing only that can save Smackdown. That one thing is the Cruiserweight Division. It is what used to set Smackdown apart from Raw a few years ago.

Smackdown's current main-eventers are hardly the best workers in the WWE. There's the NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION The Great Khali that has less wrestling moves than John Cena. Mark Henry slams people as if he's laying a baby into a crib. Kane, who by far is the most interesting main-eventer, is washed up, but still has some fight left in him. Everyone is getting bored of Batista. It is time for Smackdown to start showcasing it's best wrestlers in the cruiserweights.

I have been really impressed with Chavo the last few weeks. He has been putting on some great matches. There's Jimmy Wang Yang who seems the have the same, if not better, high flying abilities as Jeff Hardy. Jamie Noble is probably the most unappreciated wrestler in the WWE. And Shannon Moore isn't exactly a snooze fest.

Rey Mysterio is about to return to action within a month, but what for? His abilities are going to be wasted. He's going to be one of the top faces on Smackdown, but he is really going to be limited when facing Khali and Henry. Hopefully he is in the title picture, but does most of his wrestling against more capable opponents such as Finlay and MVP.
Well, i can see a Kane push coming soon, and obviously rey is coming back, so maybe Smackdown can do an elimanation chamber instead of raw hogging all the fun.

My prediction would be maybe Rey vs Kane vs Batista vs Khali vs Edge vs maybe Undertaker if he came back, but i doubt that would happen, but if it did it would probably be at Unforgiven.

I see Kane becoming Champion soon, maybe setting up Kane vs Rey and giving Rey the title back, setting up maybe Rey vs Edge.

Also, i really really would like to see a kenny push, he has too much talent to be left out of a title picture, i would like to maybe see him as a Us Champion before the Royal Rumble, possibly maybe before Unforgiven.

I can also see a Kennedy vs Edge fued coming up, maybe setting that up for Armageddon, i would like to see that fued go until Mania.

but smackdown needs to get red of Teddy Long, i would like to see Foley make the switch and become new GM but i doubt that would happen.

I don't know what is gonna happen, but smackdown has some talent they need to give a chance.
I don't think it would be very believable if Kane won the title to have him drop it to rey. But I pray that they don't bury Kane under the likes of Mark Henry Kahli and Batista. He's actually very capable and still has the skills. Sure he's a little washed up, but he's the best and most experienced SD! has at the moment.
I don't think it would be very believable if Kane won the title to have him drop it to rey. But I pray that they don't bury Kane under the likes of Mark Henry Kahli and Batista. He's actually very capable and still has the skills. Sure he's a little washed up, but he's the best and most experienced SD! has at the moment.

May I remind you of Ric Flair:icon_wink: He definatly has more experiance than Kane.

But anyway, I see a Kane and Kahli fued starting over the title (God help us all) and then after a return from Rey-Rey have one of them interfere in a match that causes Mysterio to become the Champion again, followed by the returning Edge who will win the title a few PPVs after his return. That seems the most logical to me, and we all know that WWE is the most logical company there is /sarcasim either that or get Jericho back in the WWE throw him on SmackDown have him fued with Rey, and then have an Edge/Jericho fued. That's what I would do, actually get the prestige that the title lost while Batista and Kahli have held it.
The future looks alot better than the present. By November big players like Rey, Edge and Undertaker should all be back and hoping nothing happens to the likes of Kane, Batista , MVP by then, they should have a fairly capable roster. I do feel however RAW needs to sacrifice one of it's superstarts to smackdown for the next few months the last thing i want to see is Chuck Palumbo being given a push because everyone else is injured.
I think smackdown is going to stugle untill the end of november.

I don't think rey will be able to handle carryin the brand on his little shoulders.

Its impossible for Kahli to have a good match, so why did they put the title on him? they have built him up to be a monster, and with his size how are they going to make it beleiveable (as most WWE stuff is nowaways anyway) that he will get pinned, especially if it is by rey?

I think we will be due another batista title reign of doom :(
they should have kept the title vacant until GAB and hav a fatal four way elimination match with kane v kahli v batista v matt hardy. obviously i dont evr want 2 c kahli again but he was already bookd and with kane havin no match it would b the only sensible thing. i would hav had matt being screwd out of the us title nd come out all hurt 4 the WH title match, take a bump on the outside and b forgotten about until kane and batista are eliminated. matt hits kahli with the ladder (no dq) to take him down and a leg drop off it for a underdog win. i dont get why they gave kahli 4 two reasons. 1st hes just plain shit and 2nd hoever he faces now at GAB will lose. wwe wont give him the title for 1 day (or 5 days watever way u look at it).
I think Khaili isn't going to be champion after the bash. I think they are going to give it back to Batista since he have more star power than Kane or Khaili. They need to push their mid carders like MVP, Finley until their top talent come back
For your reading pleasure, I will now write in complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation.

The big winner through all of this, in an enormous bit of karma, or shall I say "Twist of Fate" should be Matt Hardy. This is the chance of a lifetime to make him a legitimate superstar and give him a run. Now, I am not saying throw the World Heavyweight Championship on V1, but the US Title. It seems WWE is heading in that direction, and for the sake of the fans, I hope so.

Skid, you make a fair point regarding the Cruiserweight Division. But the truth is, I have been talking for months about having Smackdown be the HOME of the tag-team division, moving the likes of Cade and Murdoch, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme, World's Greatest Tag-Team, and any other PURE TEAMS to Smackdown to compete there. Raw doesn't need a tag division. Smackdown does.

Truth is, I see Kane and Batista at Summerslam for the World Heavyweight Championship. And I would not be shocked is Matt Hardy wins the WHC around Survivor Series, setting up a Royal Rumble ladder match showdown between the two former friends.
this is going to be dark time for Smackdown! and that sucks because SD has been my favorite brand for some time know because they longer matches than RAW, and less drama... but know, who wants to see a 20 minute Khali match?? Not me for one

I agree that RAW needs to sacrifice someone to go to SD, I would vote on Jeff Hardy, but it's depending on if he winds the IC title on sunday. Another obvious choice would be mr. kennedy, Triple H would never go because his ego is too big, and he's going to be working with Orton.

My personal vote is to give Flair the belt after the GAB or near summerslam, 17th time baby!!

The question now is what's going to happen at the GAB? Who's going to face Khali. Batista already signed the contract, and Kane is the no. 1 contender. Perhaps a triple threat or something. But I feel that they should've vacated the title until the GAB, they would've gotten more buyers because there will be a guarunteed NEW champion. A chance lke that comes rarely.

They need to do something BIG to pull off the rest of the summer. Hopefully they don't drop the ball and give the fans a twist like when Undertaker got hurt and Edge got the title.
First of smackdown should get a new champion. I think it will be batista winning the title at the bash. Then at summerslam i see rey vs batiata. i see rey will be champion till edge and the undertaker come back. I also agree on the earlier post that the should give people like mvp and finlay and maybe mark henry and matt hardy big pushes for the time being. But they should give someone from raw to smackdown like triple h or orton the can instead work together on smackdown or challenge for the title,
I haven't followed SD closely, but I seriously think that the writers panicked with this decision. Khali is so limited it makes Batista look like Bret Hart. With Khali as the champ this provides the best chance for matt hardy to get over. A "Giant killer" or underdog champ if you will. Kinda like the Jeff Hardy Vs. Taker match way back when. I honestly think they'll keep rey away from khali as long as possible since he is coming off of injury.
If WWE wasn't so dumb by moving Kennedy to RAW it would've worked out perfect cause they could just act like Kennedy attacked & injured Edge backstage as payback for the Money In The Bank thing then when Edge came back they could have a huge payback feud that would draw ratings!!! but no crybaby HHH wanted more heels on RAW for him to beat up, i see this as Kennedy being screwed again missing his 2'nd chance at being WHC. wonder what he's thinking about the situation? probably pissed again i would be.
The future looks alot better than the present. By November big players like Rey, Edge and Undertaker should all be back and hoping nothing happens to the likes of Kane, Batista , MVP by then, they should have a fairly capable roster. I do feel however RAW needs to sacrifice one of it's superstarts to smackdown for the next few months the last thing i want to see is Chuck Palumbo being given a push because everyone else is injured.

Ive been impressed with Chuck Palumbo since he came back.
He looks to be in great shape.
He looks to have a good in-ring attitude and i would love to see him get a push, possibly to the United States Championship.

I see good things for Palumbo if the WWE use him properly.
Smackdown is in dire straights right now. When your main event scene = Great Khali, Batista and Kane you know you are in trouble. The future actually looks better for Smackdown because Mysterio should be back soon. But this should also give them a good chance to push a few guys currently in the midcard (MVP, Matt Hardy, etc) and bring in some new guys from OVW to fill the void. Fresh faces will help because they are not Khail or Batista!!
I agree that Kennedy should have attacked Edge to set up that comeback feud between Kennedy and Edge for the WHC. However, now I think that Kennedy should still switch over to Smackdown since he doesn't even have a feud on Raw and could be one of Smackdown's top stars. With Triple H returning Raw has 6 guys (Bobby Lashley, John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Kennedy, Booker) who are capable of main eventing and putting on good matches while Smackdown currently doesn't have a main eventer who is less than 300 pounds. Raw has talent that is being utilized badly and Smackdown needs more talent. Even moving one top superstar to Smackdown will help.
One way they could really shake things up is make JBL the GM. But then again I love JBL's commentary on Smackdown, someone needs to keep Michael Cole on his toes.

I think if the McMahon character wasn't killed off the show, he could come over and bring some of that drama, some of that craziness to Smackdown. Remember how Smackdown was almost like an equal to RAW? Where they'd have all kinds of specialty matches? For example, remember the Tag Team Buried Alive match? The First Blood Match? TLC, Hardcore Match. Or when they had an Iron Man Match on Smackdown as recently as 2003 or 2004, whatever year Brock beat Kurt when the title was on the line. This time around Brock was a bad guy, unlike wrestlemania 19 when you just knew Brock was gonna win.

I kinda miss those days. I mean they have cage matches but they should do a program with Kane chasing Khali for the title. Remember years ago when Kane would mess with the lights and crap and set people on fire when he was feuding with Undertaker back in 1998? I think they should do stuff like that. Do something different like injure (not really but for tv) Khali's manager, so then Khali is going to want revenge. Then all that build up would be for a match at Summer Slam, a Hell in a cell, or another Punjabi Prison match, something that would allow someone like Khali who doesn't possess a lot of skills, but would allow him to still have a good match and not have to do much and Kane wouldn't have to carry him.

I think the show should probably be done like this, Kane as the eventual word champion, being the top guy, with the cruiserweight division being the 2nd priority, then the tag team division should be next important thing, then the united states title should be put around Matt Hardy's waste. I would love to finally see Matt get his well deserve single's championship run.
What reely pisses me off about SD is how they have a great asset with the Cruiserweight Division, but frankly dont even use it.

RAW has the whole woman's division going on with a womans championship, while SD has a whoooole collection of wrestlers and a championship that reely needs more buzz.

what i would like to see in the near future is more championship changes with the US title and especially the Cruiserwight title. Look at the curent champs: Hornswaggle and MVP.
i would think Flair and especially Matt Hardy should be legitimate options for the US title, while hornswaggle is just a plain old joke.

With Edge Mysterio and Taker out of the picture, yes, midcarders should really get a push i agree with that 100 percent, what i would think would make SD an even more interesting product is more title changes and defenses with the championships that are for these mid carders like the US and Cruiserwight Championships.

Well at this point it's obvious that SD is in some trouble. However if you take a look at the SD roster there is a nice amount of talent on that show. The problem is WWE is not using it correctly. On SD they have mid carders that when all these injuries took place could have been bought up to a main event stance. I'm talking more specificly about MVP, Finaly, Kane, and Hell even Kenney. Kenney we all have seen is very athletic, and I think if he works had enough he could probably cut a half way different promo. Yes Kane was just recently in the main event picture, but it seems that as quickly as he was put in it he was tossed out. Another thing that I'd love to say for SD is that they'll hopefully work on the cruiserweight division. Again loads of talent there, but WWE is just using it ridiculously wrong...
While the roster on smackdown! is depleted and it looks quite bleak indeed, I look at the cup being half full and that there is a lot of potential for craziness to happen on smackdown, as crazy as they want to be. At the moment, besides Batista, i guess Flair, and Kane would probably fit into this as well, there is no real main event level wrestler on the roster. That is not to say there is no potential main eventer, but that for the most part these wrestlers are unproven commodities. The thing that smackdown has to do, first and for most, is to take the title off of Khali. But do it in a way that no one will expect. Ppl expect Batista, or Kane, to take the title off of Khali. But what if you took a mid carder, say Matt Hardy, to take the title. Smackdown will suddenly be seen as the place where anything can happen. The greatest underdog, Hardy, has the title, makes the other superstars believe they can win the title too. And what you have is constant title changes between the mid carders, such as Hardy, MVP, Flair, Masters, Guerrero, Henry, Finlay, and all these title changes come in unexpected ways. This non-stop craziness happening on SD! does not stop until Edge returns from injury and takes the title, thus putting some stability in the show. By this time main eventers such as Taker, Mysterio ect will have returned, and SD can begin to return to a normal show. Now this craziness beforehand happens b/c it will have ppl tuning in. It will be completely unknown as to when titles will change hands, or who will win the title, but there will be that aura that it can happen at anytime and to anyone. Also this will allow for a number of younger/less experienced mid-carders be allowed to take the #1 spot on the show, and be given the chance, as small as it may be, to be allowed to run with the show. This can also give the chance for a number of specialty matches, such as an elimination chamber match, or that match they used for hardcore where you fought for 15-20 minutes, with as many pinfalls/submissions as can be performed, and whomever gains the last decision by the end of the time limit will be crowned the champion. I think this would be an interesting road for SD! to take.
Ever since the draft, SmackDown just hasnt been able to compete in terms of talent. Mr. Kennedy was arguably on the verge of being the man on SmackDown, but he gets moved to Raw. Idk what they will do...but Khali is Definatly not Championship Material...he should go back to movies, cuz he dosent belong here.
Khali can be champ for a while he just needs stipulation matches like Hell in a Cell and ones that can show off his size and strengh coz that's all he has. He can be the powerhouse and monster very well but i think he should just get back to wrestling school and learn a new move set.

Now to Smackdown, its being buried at the expense of RAW! Seriously all the talent Smackdown had went to RAW and is misused. Smackdown at one point was the better show to watch but now i dont think its worth it. Ive never really liked RAW since the draft were Cena went over i thought that was a bad idea. The only time Smackdown actually sucked was when Lesner was champ IMO that was even better that current RAW.

Best Smackdown Moment was the Undertaker and Big Show vs Sock n Rock for the WWF Tag belts buried alive match and HHH interfered and Buried Mankind lol.

At least Kane gets a better spot on TV now that theres really no choice but to show him.

Hes really a fan favourite and i loved the big red machine really see his match at Wrestlemania 17 for evidence of the Kane i Loved, IMO kane isnt what he was and is rusty but he never gets to show off what he has thanks to his crap rivalry's if he was Champ it would sort him out allow him to work on himself.

LOL just realised Khali allways holds the belt upside down
RAW definetely is alot more interesting to watch, but from what i've read Smackdown has been getting great ratings recently. Maybe i'm wrong. But it seems Smackdown is getting great ratings while RAW ratings are struggling. Can anyone shed any light on this? Or am I totally wrong?
I have got to admit,smackdown has gotten boring.The most boring part is the same dam match they have over and over like matt hardy vs finlay or mvp and vitoria vs torrie wilson I am absoulutly sick of seeing,but their are some very good quilities with smackdown.For example,the world heavyweight championship changes frequently.Also having khali as champion is interesting and an even more intresting champion is hornswoggle.Also their roster is the best because they have wrestlers like batista,undertaker,kane,mysterio,finlay,khali,mvp,matt hardy,ric flair,mark henry and edge.Someday I wish that smackdown would become the a show and show different matches that are fun to watch but I still watch smackdown and enjoy some matches they show

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