What Does The Future Hold For Mason Ryan?

Vincent Michaels

My weapon of choice? A green onion.
For those of you that haven't heard yet, this past week Mason Ryan made his return to action at a House Show. Now the last time we saw him he was a member of The New Nexus, which has obviously since, disbanded as Punk has risen to bigger and better things and McGillicutty and Otunga have been left as a barely decent tag team. Now I personally have no idea if they even plan to have him return to TV at his point, but when he does return to TV, what do you think he should he end up doing?

Personally, I believe he only has two options: he can either A) try to partner back up with McGillicutty and Otunga as a sort of enforcer/bodygaurd for them that only occasionally gets in the ring as he is still pretty green, sort of like Rob Terry for The British Invasion in TNA a number of years ago, or B) attempt to break out on his own as a huge power guy heel with a manager to serve as his mouthpiece(maybe Vickie Guerrero or something when she's done with Ziggler) against someone in a fued who can A) carry him in the ring and B) make what little offense he has look strong and believable.
I think that he will have a few matches on Superstars and probably a few sporadic appearances on RAW/SD(not sure on which show he will show up). He will most likely be in singles competition for a while.

Whatever happens, I would really prefer that he would not be involved the Punk-Nash story(as he was Punk's bodyguard before the injury.)
I think he's definitely going to be branched out on his own as the New Nexus hasn't been even been mentioned on Raw or Smackdown the last few weeks so thankfully they're letting it die. I think he's got a lot of potential to come back as a power heel and feud with Punk once this storyline is over with him and Nash, or if they bring him back earlier, have him start off in a feud against a midcarder like Morrison or Riley if they put him on Raw.

If they put him on Smackdown, obviously he'll eventually be a threat to Orton. Watching him against another powerhouse like Ezekiel Jackson would be interesting as a beginner feud. Smackdown needs all the help they can get with talent, so I can see them going this route as Punk has enough guys to battle at the moment with Cena, ADR, Nash and Triple H.

If Batista were to come back, I could see Ryan facing him at WrestleMania since they obviously brought him in based on his Batista-like look.
I would love to see Mason Ryan get the help he needs to become one of the top starts, Batista did he not at one time be Devon body guard when he first started in WWE when I think Devon was a precher or something like that and look where Batista went from there, a champion many times.

They need guys like Mason Ryan who are big have the look just need to work on his in ring game, Batista I heard was stiff in the ring but still went on to many titles

Clearly a lot of WWE top guys have retired, Triple H does not wrestle, Undertaker has such a light schedule when he does appear, many good ones have passed on and they have let go of many good guys, others taking time off and so on.

They have a lot of young talent that they need to work with and get them up to speed, Mason Ryan could be good if they give him a chance to be, hell Undertaker back in the day I think was always hanging around and he chance was what against Larry that AX Henning where he wore a mask and get beat in seconds but he got a shot and look where he is.

Not sure if I would want to see a batista/ryan feud cause who would out shine who
Mason could always fit in well as someone's bodyguard. If there are any heels in need of an underling right now, send Mason their way. He still needs a ton of improvement in the ring but he will get more experience if they use him. If Miz wasn't working with Truth in the conspiracy angle I would put Mason with him. Del Rio could always use a bodyguard too because there is only so much that his special announcer can do for him, Mason could pick up where Brodus left off as a bodyguard for Del Rio. Other than being an underling I do not see much of anything happening with Mason. He has potential but needs to improve more first or else he will not reach the level he could be capable of.
Honestly I think Mason Ryan has a big opportunity to be a huge star in the WWE. Biggest thing the WWE needs to do is find the "proper" storyline with him. They can't just rush him into anything. If thats the case then it will be just like what happened to guys like Sheamus, Jack Swagger etc.

If I had my choice I would put him on Smackdown, build him up with a manager which I don't think should be Vickie Guerrero. Have the old fashion take advantage of Monster and then eventually have Mason turn. Pretty similiar to Batista in terms of rising to the top but its very classic and I think could work if with the right people. Who knows maybe we'll see Mason vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29 (2013). Hopefully by that time both superstars will be huge stars
I would give him a manager. William Regal or Matt Stryker. I would push him similarly to what they did for Sheamus, but at a slower pace. Put him on with some local indy talents and squash them. Eventually build up to beating guys like Yoshi and Primo. Then give him his first real feud with a guy like Tyson Kidd. Tyson can carry the matches and eventually get caught by the big man. After the feud with Kidd, move on to a feud over the US Title/IC Title. Have him carry the belt for a few months and establish himself as a star. At this point, you could do one of two things. Have him turn face and go against his manager or keep him heel put him in a upper/midcard feud with a face to push to the world title.
I don't care for Mason Ryan. If his fate were in my hands, i'd send him back to FCW to work on his wrestling skills. If not, well, he would work fine as an enforcer of sorts; maybe to someone like Christian or Cody Rhodes. I don't think it's possible to get him over without some kind of assistance: manager or mouthpeice. Mason Ryan mght have a couple matches on Raw or Smackdown but I don't see the interest in someone who slams his opponent and yells a lot in the process or doing so. As for the next Batista, I'll pass on that one. Get Skip Sheffield back from injury and market him as the next big thing/Batista.
Anything so we don't compare him to Batista. Maybe a new look

The jury is still out on Ryan because we haven't seen much of him.

Feud with Alex Riley just to get some TV time
It's hilarious to think that when this guy first appeared on any form of television, he wasn't even noticeable. If you're uninformed, he used to be on the UK Gladiators alongside Brutus Magnus. Magnus came off a million times better than this guy then, and yet WWE are investing more time on this guy than TNA seem to do with Magnus.

Back to the point you made, Mason Ryan is probably best suited to go into a Big Zeke role, when Zeke was Kendrick's big ass guard. Now i know Ryan did this with Punk, but it's what suits a fairly characterless guy like Ryan. You could further this by him coming back and saying his services as a body guard are available and what not.
I say put him in a tag team with Ezekiel Jackson and have them dominate the tag division as a powerhouse type tag team. Maybe give them a manager as they are both horrible on the mic
here is the future of mason ryan...."world wrestling entertainment has come to terms on the release of mason ryan and would like to wish him the best in his future endeavors".....mason ryan is a big guy but i dont see him becoming a main even star,as long as he is in the wwe he will be midcard wrestler at best
here is the future of mason ryan...."world wrestling entertainment has come to terms on the release of mason ryan and would like to wish him the best in his future endeavors".....mason ryan is a big guy but i dont see him becoming a main even star,as long as he is in the wwe he will be midcard wrestler at best
And the reason for that is WWE invests very little time in anyone besides Cena and other big names. They should have Mason Ryan get some Mic time on Superstars before putting him on Raw or Smackdown. As for you people who think that Mason should stop Henry i doubt it, I see Kane or Big Show coming back and stopping him. Maybe Kane could play mind games with him and then poof he appears as a monster but don't make it known its Kane make it a surprise.
While I'm not too big on Mason Ryan, he has a great body and an excellent look. It's rare to find a guy that is that big. The WWE loves his type and they can probably make some money off of him. He needs a bit more work, but if they keep his matches short and really make him look like a monster, they can make something out of him. Hell, Mark Henry's the World Heavyweight Champion. That in and of itself tells me that it's possible for Mason Ryan.

He got a decent reaction from the crowd when he came out on Superstars. He's recognizable and has somewhat of the "it" factor. I wouldn't be surprised if he started working his way up the card very soon. He'd be a fairly viable candidate for the US Title, especially if he went on a tear through everybody else.
I'm not too keen on Mason Ryan, but he certainly has room to improve and become a star. He has what the E is looking for. He has a great build and just looks like a total badass. He is built like no other and no matter where you put him on the card he will look like a force. However his in ring skill is rather raw and he has to improve on that. I'm not saying become a technical expert like a Daniel Bryan or Tyson Kidd, I'm just talking about good enough to hang around with guys and not look too misplaced. His mic skills are another thing, but that isn't his fault. He hasn't been given much time to talk and maybe he does possess the skills, I don't know.

He certainly has the tools right now to be a force on the roster, it is just a matter of putting everything together and getting him built to be a force.
If they build Mason Ryan up on RAW, he can be a serious future main event player especially should they put him in the US Title scene for a few months and then have him win the US Title and hold it for a few months, and then if he gets great reactions, then they can put him into the main event scene by 2012, 2013
Mason Ryan could be a huge star if he is used right. The guy is just a genetic freak and perfect for a badass Scott Steiner character. I understand that he is very very green but thats something you can work on. The hardest part of getting him over would be finding credible opponents to face him and not just get their shit smashed in.
I am hoping that he comes back has a few matches with big zeke,kane when he gets back and then go into a feud with cody rhodes and at some point take the i.c title off him so cody can go after the big one then hols that for a while on and off u know what i mean lose it win it back again a few times then when he starts to improve in the ring then push him for the world/wwe title
Mason Ryan is a hell of a big guy but that is about it, He has no charisma, mic skills and i'm guessing that he could not cut a decent promo to save his freaken life.
Mason Ryan:


1. Great look
2. Great ring name
3. Believable as a "force to be reckoned with"
4. An exotic quality (because he's Welsh)


1. Slow and robotic in the ring
2. Poor mic skills (that I've seen so far)
3. Unremarkable run with the New Nexus
3. Injury prone?

Right now, I think Mason Ryan is best served as a bodyguard or enforcer in a stable. He could also use a tag team partner. This would allow him to maintain a presence on WWE TV but not be so exposed in the ring. Let him be a clean-up hitter and jobber-beater in TV matches and let him work out his in-ring issues in FCW, dark matches, and house shows.
I like Mason Ryan and I think he has potential to be in the main event, he has to improve on his in ring work and his mic skills but all he has to do is go down to FCW and work hard to improve. To me he shouldn't of come back because he can't go down to FCW soon after returning in an interesting manner. I hope he does improve and make his way to the top because I'm a fan of his.
Well, Iv been a Mason Ryan fan since the day he stepped into a ring. He MAY BE a lil green but his potential is as high as the sky...

Its just REALLY hard to see him as a face. Iv always been a fan of the "faces" of WWE, But when you look at these ALL as faces now you have CM Punk, mason Ryan, John Cena, and of all people they pick as a face Sheamus..I mean i really like Sheamus but when you see him and cena hugging in the ring it just dont look right, like he should be kicking cenas head off instead of congradulating him...
Mason Ryan is going nowhere. He is just another prime example of a powerhouse who uses nothing but their brute strength in matches. He has an extremely limited move set, and he has no personality worthy of making it big in the WWE. Maybe he'll get a chance at the tag titles if they find him a legitimate partner, but I highly doubt it. Good luck, Mason.
Well apparently the WWE has plans for him as a face. The report that he was among the superstars kept away from the "vote of no confidence" in order to keep fans from booing him suggests that he is a part of future plans. There's nothing wrong with being a powerhouse, people, not everybody needs one hundred moves and supreme technical skills to be good in ring. Daniel Bryan, Punk, etc have that because they LACK size, and MAKE UP for it with technical skill. I think the higher-ups want to push him in a similar way they are pushing Sheamus on Smackdown. Sheamus isn't cutting too many promos right now, he's just going in and kicking ass. And Mason Ryan is definitely capable of doing that. As a big guy, it's just easier to push him because you can put him in a couple squash matches to establish him as a competitor before putting him in a program against someone else.

I really don't have a strong opinion of him due to limited exposure, but I'm all for seeing how he can do in the next six months or so up to Wrestlemania and a short time after.

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