What do YOU want to see out of Alberto Del Rio?

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
As we know, Alberto Del Rio has finally made his debut on Smackdown. Since 25th July 2010, we've seen a teaser promo from him (similar to Carlito) every week on Smackdown and he finally debuted this past week.

He cut a promo with Rey Mysterio in the ring, presenting himself as an upper class, heel character. He believes he is an honest man and that he is better than Rey Mysterio because he's richer and more refined than him, which led to the Smackdown main event of Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio.

The match itself was really entertaining in my opinion. I like Alberto's character, even if we saw the same out of JBL, but this time something feels different, I admire his attitude. I was also shocked at the way that instead of performing a move in ring that he would have up until a 5 count to break before resulting in a DQ, he went OUTSIDE of the ring and performed it there so he had a 10 count time limit, which I thought was pretty unique because we haven't really seen that out of anybody before.

So, here's the deal; what do you want to see out of Alberto Del Rio? A mid card title? a nice feud with Rey Mysterio? maybe even a World Title push? Let me know, it's completely your opinion!

He's already my new favorite wrestler. He has that "It" factor, and he looked really good in the ring. I can see him maintaining a long feud with Rey that lasts through the rest of the year. After that, he should feud with a face over the IC title, and then perhaps take on a main eventer in a non-title feud. With the way things are going, he could easily become a world champion within 18 months, as long as he does all the right things and avoids serious injury.
Alberto Del Rio
Since July 25th, 2010 when they aired his video packages on Friday Night SmackDown I have to admit I was looking forward to his debut to see what he could do. I have read the House Show results for SmackDown and most everybody who have seen this man perform have said that he would be a BIG star one day and that he had the "It" factor. I have to admit I was VERY impressed with Alberto Del Rio this past Friday Night on SmacKDown. If anything they need to have Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio feud for the next month or so after he needs to possibly move onto the IC Championship and carry it for the next couple of months putting him into a few major storylines and such. Whatever WWE does with Alberto Del Rio they need to make sure that they take it nice and slow with him and not give him a push like Sheamus or Jack Swagger received.
New poster here, I saw this tread and couldn't resist posting.

I love his character, like everyone else is saying he's like a Hispanic JBL. It's just what the WWE needed especially on Smackdown.

I also liked how they incorporated his MMA background with his finisher. If I was younger, or maybe even before the rise in popularity in MMA, I would've been ticked that his finisher was an arm bar. Right now, I loving it. Just upset Mysterio didn't sell that arm bar better, but I'm not a huge fan of Mysterio. The guy couldn't sell an ankle lock and he sure as hell can't sell an arm bar.
I'm really liking this guy so far.

His promos made me want to punch him in the mouth, but he's a solid talker, and beat Rey Mysterio completely clean. That gave me confidence in him.

I'd like to see him continue his fued with Rey, maybe ending at HIAC since NOC is next. Then hopefully he'll be in The IC Title hunt or MAYBE a shot in the main event scene.

He really does have potential, and I want to see what else he has to offer.
He seems to have the intangibles he needs to draw heat and looked pretty athletic in the ring. I think it's awesome how he comes out in a rolls royce and his personal ring announcer idea is so awesome. I would love to see Alberto feud with one of the faces who should be coming over from RAW when SD goes to SyFy. I think a Kofi Kingston or Christian program would be pretty intriguing too.
I am very impressed with Alberto Del Rio. He has a good move set, good mic skills, and everything about him fits his character: a rich Hispanic coming from a rich family. I really like it. He has that it factor that I only see in a few selected people. I see him getting very far in the WWE and he will be the future of the WWE for sure. I think they should take it slow with him like they are doing with Drew and eventually he could get a rub off a top face like Taker, Orton, or even Cena. For now have him feud with Rey to get him started and then have him chase the Intercontinental Title. Hopefully we see a feud with him and Kaval, which would be off the charts but only time will tell. BTW, anyone know Del Rio's finisher it is not that armbar is it?
I was also really looking forward to his debut the first time I saw him, his match with Rey was great, anyway to answer the question I want him to feud with Rey until the end of the year so he looks like he can play with the big boys. Then I think he should go for the IC champinship and eventually win it at Wrestlemania he could hold it for about 4 months or something then he could have a non-title match with the World champ and then feud with him. I think he will be in the main event in about 6 or 7 months.
Alberto Del Rio seemed great on the mic and good in the ring. He seemed like a good technical wrestler and because of this I think he could have an amazing feud and matches with Daniel Bryan. If one of them switched shows I would love to see these two feud mid card for a while at the Intercontinental or US Title level, and by doing this it would elevate them both to the main event level. The matches would be awesome and the promos have real potential that would keep people interested in these two.
Seriously? People thinking he's good on the mic?

Maybe it's due to the fact that i'm English and we don't hear many Mexicans here (apart from Chicharito!) but honestly I couldn't make out a word the dude said barely.

Wrestling wise? Sure - anyone who beats Mysterio is fine by me though, but i'd like him more if i could understand more than one word in 5 which comes out of his lips...

Meh, what do I care? I fast-forward Mysterio segements now anyway =)
Nothing wrong with the Hispanic JBL. The JBL character itself was excellent, and this guy looks like he's a much better wrestler. I flat loved the idea of Alberto having his own personal announcer. Who the hell else has that? I assume this dude will also function in a manager-type role.

He's clearly solid, and going over Mysterio clean is a huge vote of confidence in him from WWE, particularly since Rey is known to be a whiny little bitch who doesn't like jobbing, and with a lot of pull backstage. A very impressive debut - we shall see.
Not sure what exactly I want to see out of him. I guess a solid push would be just fine to watch, especially seeing as he's most likely gonna be paired up with Rey Mysterio in the next month or two, perhaps a feud for after Nights of Champions, or just a simple television feud.

Either way I'm sure Alberto Del Rio will impress as hell, he's already impressed nicely and he'll continue to do so. Alberto has a bright future ahead of him I'm sure. His build is good, his microphone skills are just dandy and his in-ring ability is rather refreshing I guess, at least for a man his size.
Anyman who debuts and beats actually makes Rey Mysterio tapout has got to be a big prospect with a bright future in the WWE. Not many beat WWE maineventers clean on their friggen debut. I see a lengthy feud between Alberto Del Rio and Rey Rey, with eventually Alberto getting a good rub. He looks real credible right now, we'll see where this goes.
Bill Lesnar like what he sees. Bill Lesnarknows Vince wants another jbl type chracter in the wwe , and what better way to get heat then make the biggets little man tap out. Call Bill Lesnar impressed
I have yet to see this guy perform but from wat i heard he is an all rounder; great in the ring good on the mic and has the it factor. but what i would like to see is how they going to incorporate this feud with rey at NOC coz neitha of them are a champ unless they get thrown into a fatal four with ziggles and kofi. back to the topic, i think that after his feud with rey theyll have him in the main event picture on sd. and if it doesnt hurt, have rosa mendes as his valet/stylist.
What do I want from Alberto Del Rio? I want to see Del Rio progress. I want to see him learn from his feud with Mysterio (which I'm guessing will continue on SmackDown) and use it in the future. Everything about him screams future World Heavyweight Champion (The Rolls Royce, the Pyro, the Gold Attire etc...). I'd like to see him enhance his ring skills, hone them if you will, so that he can work a consistent & solid promo.

I'd like to see him take on more guys from the Upper portion of the card. The fact that he got a clean submission out of Rey Mysterio should mean that he's at least in the upper midcard, so a feud with The Undertaker will be on the cards in the coming months. He needs to progress and learn. Those are the two key things.
at First when i saw his promos in wwe.com i thought hes just some snot nosed rookie. but when i saw his in ring work i was impressed. and i was even more impressed when i hear who he was before he came too WWE
Del Rio will be the next Rock, mark my words.
Give him a lengthy IC title reign as a heel, maybe 2 IC titles within his first year, then have him win MITB at the height of his poularity, cashing in on The Undertaker for The World Heavyweight Championship, leading to a lengthy feud between them.
He looked damn good on SmackDown this past Friday and his promos before his debut made me hate his guts, so he's won me over. His finisher was great and it was CLEAN! The "it" factor is def there and if he's supposed to be the next Mexican superstar after Rey, I'm all for it. I'm ready to see where this guy goes.
I didn't really like Rio's promos. In fact, I totally ignored them when they came on until a couple of weeks back when I caught he was being a dick for the lulz. So, I waited and then he came out and played it up very well with Rey. The fact that he can take part of Rey's schtick (i'm so cool I speaks da spanish) and toss it in his face is a lovely addon and that finisher just clenches it.

Also, his announcer is great. He's a heel, fuck you for not knowing what he says. What's not to like?
I wasn't sold on Del Rio at a house show last month, but after seeing him debut on SD, i was taken back on what i said, for a guy he's size, he can move very well and is a natural heel. Im happy to see him beating a top star like Rey and being instantly put in a feud with Rey rigth off the bat, that tells myself and us as fans that he is going to mean something and be some type of top star.

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