What do you think of Chris Jericho?

undertaker fan

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What do you think of Jericho?

What I mean is do you think of Jericho as a mid carder that can compete and defeat main eventers and has world titles to his name OR do you think of Jericho as a Main Eventer who knows when to go into the title picture, when to stay out of the title picture and can put over younger talent.

The reason I asked this is because some people refer to Jericho as a mid carder. Well I think of Jericho as a main eventer who knows when to be in and stay out of the title picture and who can put over younger talent or mid carders. Even though Jericho may some times lose to mid carders doesn't make you a mid carder in my eyes. So what do you think of Jericho main eventer or mid carder?
I think the reason people are starting to think of Jericho as a midcarder is because he's kinda doing mid-card stuff, I mean he was a tag-team champion which is something of note, but with the tag team stuff the way it is it's not main event caliber. He was petitioning to get on Raw nearly every week. Most importantly I think that WWE have confused Jericho and Rey Mysterio's roles. I'm kinda tired of seeing Mysterio in the main event cause he, in my opinion, really has no business in the main event.

With that said I think of him as an almost utility guy. He can do everything. He can put guys over, he can dominate them, he can main event, and he can be champion. It's what makes him so great. He can do everything so well that people start to think of him differently based on what the WWE calls on him to do.
Chris Jericho is probably one of the best wrestlers in business right now. He may not be the biggest draw but he's truly one of the most underrated stars in WWE history. The best thing about him is this man can fill any spot. When you need him in midcard he can stuck very well in there when you need him in main event he again can easily fill the spot. When you need to put some credibility to your tag team or IC belt he can easily do it. This man also can fit in every character he can be an arrogant heel, serious heel or a fan favorite. He still puts on some great matches every year. He's still one of the best promo cutters in business. You can critize him for not putting enough effort on promos but he doesn't need to he gets the heat he needed.

His title reigns were always underrated. His undistuped reign was fucked by Triple H. Even though some Triple H fans will disagree with me it's true. His World Heavyweight reigns from 2008 were really great. When Orton and Cena were injured he was the one that carried the brand on his shoulders. Yes he's not the biggest draw in wrestling but what do you expect from him to do when two of the biggest draws of the brand were injured.

Chris Jericho is for sure a future hall of famer and he deserves it you can put this man at every spot and he can fit in there very well. He can even be a good main eventer even though he's not a huge draw but so what Shawn Michaels was not a huge draw either but he's considered as one of the best in this business. When it's all said and done Chris Jericho will have a great place in the history of wrestling.
Chris Jericho is an all-rounder. How many people can say they've defeated The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night to become the first guy to hold both the WCW and WWF titles? No one. He's in a class of his own. His mic skills have been consistently stellar and his two World Championship reigns in 2008 enabled him to put forth valiant efforts. He defeated Batista for the latter. You'd think the way he puts others over that that would've never happened, and it was unexpectedly exciting. In addition to that, his feuds with Ric Flair and other legends of the business were gold. He was at the pinnacle of his current heel status then. Also, to add more spice to his heel-ish antics, his real-life controversies have made him arguably the top heel of the company next to Edge. The man knows how to get the job done. I still want to see another WWE Championship reign for him in the near future, but that's a turbulent wish. His recent work with the Big Show also solidified him as a Tag Team specialist, and before that, with Edge. The guy is show and prove. Also, the Tag Team titles are currently held by DX and are back to being treated with prestige (at least more than it did for the past few years).
Chris Jericho is one of my favourite wrestlers ever, but the mass audience has never bought him as a top dog. That could be because he's had to live up to the first undisputed champion tag forever, which has actually been detrimental to him. He's neve really had a good title reign, until his recent tag one, but he's still high up in my book.

I think his current character has run its course, and while it was interesting at first, I really want to see y2j come back, and I think a face turn is probably the only way to do that logically.
do you think of Jericho as a mid carder that can compete and defeat main eventers and has world titles to his name

This is exactly how I've always felt about Jericho. This isn't to take anything away from him, but I've never felt he was someone that could be the top guy in a major promotion like WWE or wCw.

I say this because when I compare his mid-card title runs to his World title runs, he seemed to fit in better at the mid-card. A mid-card who you would take seriously if he challenged for the World title, but not necessarily if he won it and was pushed as someone who can't be beaten.

Jericho to me is at his best when he's the cowardly, goofy, wise-cracking heel. But his new serious persona has made him very generic in my opinion. There have been times when I couldn't tell him apart from The Miz, which isn't a good thing because The Miz still has a long away to go to be anywhere close to the talent Jericho used to be.

I don't know how long Jericho's contract is with WWE, but I think a change of scenario would do him a lot of good. He hasn't been all that appealing since his latest Save.Us return to the WWE. Jericho in TNA would greatly renew everyone's interest in him because of the possible match-ups. I doubt we'll see that because Jericho seems really loyal to WWE, but if I'm him I wouldn't see joining TNA as a slap in WWE's face, but rather a chance to create new stars by elevating TNA's potential to create new stars for the business in general, because it's just not working out in WWE right now.
To me I will probably always see Chris Jericho as a Main Eventer, I think he is a point in his career few but some guys get to, where he doesn't need to always be in the main event to be making an impact, he brings instant credibility to whatever he is doing and is one of the best at it. IF WWE want him to they could have him flip back between the IC title and the WHC title, with really losing momentum in my opinion. He also is one of the most entertaining people inside and outside of wrestling I have seen.

Not to mention he beat SCSA and The Rock in the same night.
Poɘt;1794965 said:
This is exactly how I've always felt about Jericho. This isn't to take anything away from him, but I've never felt he was someone that could be the top guy in a major promotion like WWE or wCw.

I say this because when I compare his mid-card title runs to his World title runs, he seemed to fit in better at the mid-card. A mid-card who you would take seriously if he challenged for the World title, but not necessarily if he won it and was pushed as someone who can't be beaten.

Jericho to me is at his best when he's the cowardly, goofy, wise-cracking heel. But his new serious persona has made him very generic in my opinion. There have been times when I couldn't tell him apart from The Miz, which isn't a good thing because The Miz still has a long away to go to be anywhere close to the talent Jericho used to be.

I don't know how long Jericho's contract is with WWE, but I think a change of scenario would do him a lot of good. He hasn't been all that appealing since his latest Save.Us return to the WWE. Jericho in TNA would greatly renew everyone's interest in him because of the possible match-ups. I doubt we'll see that because Jericho seems really loyal to WWE, but if I'm him I wouldn't see joining TNA as a slap in WWE's face, but rather a chance to create new stars by elevating TNA's potential to create new stars for the business in general, because it's just not working out in WWE right now.[/QUOTE

this is the wwe section and the question was if what do we think of chris jericho not what show on he should be in. As for Chris jericho he's a main eventer nuff said. WWE booked him to beat the rock and stone cold to make him look credible and guess what he does look credible.
I also think he can carry a show because he can put on great matches w/ anyone and cut great promos.
Jericho honestly is in my opinion one of if not the best guys the WWE has.He is a Jack of all Trades kind of guy that can do anything you ask of him.

Hes had success everywhere hes wrestled in the states.He had title reins in all three of the big promotions in the 90s(ECW,WWE,WCW) and many memorable feuds in all the promotions.When it comes to crowd manipulation not many are as good as him either in my opinion.He can be the comical face that mocks and makes for of the heels and the fans eat it up or he can flip the script and play the cocky heel and generate as much heat as anyone in the company.He literally can do what ever is asked of him whenever its needed.

I would say now hes being used in other stuff but at any time he can be put in a main event story line and be just as successful as he could putting over the younger guys to mold them into the superstars of tomorrow.He could be compared to TNA's Sting the way he is used as they both have had main event title reins and have also been successful at working programs with younger guys and getting them over when asked to.
Jericho is also one of my favorite wrestlers but for some reason his journey to the top seems to always be more interesting when he's on the way there rather than when he finally gets there. The proof is in the pudding: ratings are normally down when Jericho is champ.

If you were to the break the upper card into three tiers, I'd say that Jericho falls into the lower tier of the upper card. People will always buy him as a main eventer, but that doesn't mean they want to see it, which is strange because his programs are normally stellar aside from when he is being fed to top dogs. His program with HBK was, at the time, the best feud I had seen in years. It also played out perfectly, with back and forth action from both men on mic and in the ring, adding in the personal dynamic of Jericho's childhood admiration for Michaels as well as the "holy S" moment when he punched Michaels' wife in the mouth. The feud culminated in a way those blood feuds should culminate -- a ladder match (or cage match, HIAC, TLC, LMS, etc). However, people weren't interested until he was fed to the returning John Cena two PPV's in a row, thus destroying all of the momentum he had after winning, losing, and winning the title again.

No one will question his skills though. He's a great worker, a goddamn maestro on the mic, always in shape and rarely injured, and dammit the guy puts people over like its nobody's business but he never looks weak. Can he carry a show? He could have at one point with his current character (actually, had Edge never gotten injured they most certainly would have carried SD, maybe even the entire company). Now? I'm not sure, especially when even I, a huge fan of his, admit his persona needs some freshening up.

Alas, the Jericho as champion experiment seems like its about to be initiated once more if the IWC's predictions come true and he does claim gold at the EC PPV. He'll have a little over a month to get the job done with Edge and presumably, the feud will be great. Judging by the way that works out, we'll see if Jericho continues to play the snarky, arrogant heel, or if a tween or face turn is in order.
I agree with what basically everyone else has said about CJ, he can do whatever needs to be one in whatever area he's put in. However, I just don't get that main even feel from him. I don't know why, I just don't.

To me, he's better as the IC champion and Tag Team Champion. Thats not to take anything from him though...lets face it, the man is talented...and one of the best promo cutters in the business. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Mousier Jericho has in store for us, regarding the future anyway.
I think of Chris Jericho as a main eventer who is good enough to stay relevant in the title hunt even when he's put in midcard feuds. He is one of the best in the industry in the ring, on the mic, just a solid all around performer. No doubt, he'll be a hall of famer when he hangs them up
Jericho is one of the best in the world at the moment. Thats putting him in the same category as AJ Styles, Angle, HHH, Michaels, and Orton. Which says alot considering that he is 39 years old. Any feud he is put into, He makes it look like a candidate for feud of the year. Even some of his worst feuds were pretty good(W/Shelton Benjamin for Intercontinental Championship back in 2004/2005?). Any title that is put on him gives it a lot of credibility. Before Jeri-Show had the tag titles, the titles were just props. But, Their feud with DX made them actually mean something again. Jericho is one of the best in the world.

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