What Do You See Kharma Doing When She Returns?

Prime Time Priceless

Dark Match Jobber
Hey everybody.

When Kharma returns to WWETV, what do you see her doing?

Do you see her taking on a female Mark Henry role, dominating the diva division, or going after the pretty divas again?

Me personally, I would want her back and going after the pretty divas. Although I doubt Beth would be held back that long, I would want her to attack Beth Phoenix and say that the reason she cannot/could not take down Kelly Kelly is because she wants to BE Kelly Kelly. She wants to be the girl everybody cheers for. Kharma was watching NOC at her home and saw the smile Beth had on her face.

Keep in mind, that when Kharma was there, this also revolved around who? K2.

So Kharma is back to dominate the diva division, which would then include a face Beth Phoenix..

What do you think?
What do you see Kharma doing?
My dream match was actually Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix. I love to see him to be the Mark Henry of the diva's division and beat the holy crap out of the pretty divas such as the bellas :lol:
When Kharma returns I hope she will dominate the division as a monster heel. Beth and Natalya could feud with her as faces. Perhaps this is why Kelly is still champion? They could be waiting for Kharma to come back and take the belt from her. The downside is this means that Kelly would be champion for several months. When Kharma returns I would have the focus of the division shift onto her, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix. The three of them can save the division together because Beth VS Kharma, Natalya VS Kharma, and even a triple threat between the three would all be divas dream matches. The other girls can be managers or valets, they can't wrestle anyway.
My gut feeling says....getting future endeavored. I just think this whole pregnancy was a momentum killer but I could be wrong, I just don't have an optimistic feeling though that she will be taken seriously or used properly once she comes back.

I hope I am wrong to be honest, because it would be great to finally see that Beth Phoenix-Kharma match...but who knows...like I say with every other issue, time will tell.
Hmmm......when and if she returns, it will be revealed that she is the sister of Mark Henry.

Heh...actually that reminds me of a storyline where Mark Henry confessed to a therapist (which for some reason was videotaped and played for the WWF audience) that he had sex with his sister. After that video aired it was quickly quelled and no one on any program ever mentioned it again.

I guess if we find out Kharma gave birth to a hand....

Seriously though, to answer the original question, after the time and energy put into kharma, I honestly see the storyline picking up right where it left off...IF kharma even wants to come back. She may change her mind after she has a kid. And even if she doesn't, I can't imagine that she would have a kid and be eager to go back on the road and in a ring the next week or anything. I'm guessing she'll be gone for at least six months to a year after the kid is born, if she comes back at all.
Personally I feel that beth Pheonix is bound to end up with the title soon enough and when she does I think nobody will beat her until Kharma returns and challenges for the title possibly at Summerslam next year. After that I don't know probaly go on some long run with the title on till she gets pregnant again.
Based on her last appearance on television, I would assume she'll be a face and feud with the Bellas. Personally, I'd rather have her be what she was when she arrived on the scene and dominate the entire division. I mean, watching her attack random divas was probably one of the only things I've been actively watching in regards to the women's division in the last few years. I'm still hoping to see her lock up with Beth Phoenix.
First thing she'll do is squash The Bella Twins.

After she's done with that little task I see her in a feud against the Divas of Destruction. Kharma can come and defend the "perky little princesses" and say that they actually work their asses off. Beth and Natalya won't like that. So then they can enter a feud and possibly for the title.

Another thing I see her maybe being in an alliance with a heel Kelly Kelly. She's been rumored to turn heel for sometime now. I think if they pull the trigger Kharma would be the perfect muscle for her. I actually see this combination working. Hell Kharma attacked everyone in her sight when she first came in but spared Kelly every time she had the chance to completely destroy her. So I think this would make for an interesting angle.
Heh...actually that reminds me of a storyline where Mark Henry confessed to a therapist (which for some reason was videotaped and played for the WWF audience) that he had sex with his sister. After that video aired it was quickly quelled and no one on any program ever mentioned it again.

I guess if we find out Kharma gave birth to a hand....

Seriously though, to answer the original question, after the time and energy put into kharma, I honestly see the storyline picking up right where it left off...IF kharma even wants to come back. She may change her mind after she has a kid. And even if she doesn't, I can't imagine that she would have a kid and be eager to go back on the road and in a ring the next week or anything. I'm guessing she'll be gone for at least six months to a year after the kid is born, if she comes back at all.

Wow, that means Kharma gets to take Mae Young's place:wtf:

Being serious though, she'll probably go after the Bellas when and if she returns. Maybe even wrestling Beth Phoenix for the Divas Championship by the time she comes back. Should be interesting to see how she's used upon her comeback.
Pretty obvious she'll squash the competition, although it'd be an interesting swerve to book her as a 'heel' or at least tween on the h side. When you have Kharma as a heel, the roster doesn't need that many other heels, although I hate to admit it (not really) But the TNA Knockouts Division was more convincing back then. Now Kharma will squash the entire division bar D.O.D, and Kharma defeats Kelly Kelly for the title. Now if KK can hold onto it for long, it'll be annoying sure, but the next champion will be at full momentum, and it'd suck if N/B Bella won the Championship and lost it to Kharma straight away. Now Kharma has the title and is squashing the entire division except the two, who get involved after Kharma attacks a diva such as AJ. The Two, Beth and Natalya make the save and cut a promo to say that they formed to make the Division better but Kharma has killed it and made it a one horse race. Beth Phoenix is first to face the champ at a PPV and she loses closely, Natalya is next at a PPV and she also loses despite having her adversary in the Sharpshooter for a brief period. The Divas of Doom are then pitted in a #1 Contender's match the next RAW in any form, and either of them wins causing a slight of jealousy from the other. At the PPV, Kharma wins by DQ after one drags out the referee, to make the other D.O.D member lose. It builds into a three way feud, and causes a Triple Threat a PPV.
I don't think she is coming back. She obviously isn't training so here is her timeline:

Pregnancy-9 months
Taking care of the kid-6 months to a year
retraining-6 months

That's about 2 years she would be out. I don't think 99% of WWE fans will even remember her by then.
I don't think she is coming back. She obviously isn't training so here is her timeline:

Pregnancy-9 months
Taking care of the kid-6 months to a year
retraining-6 months

That's about 2 years she would be out. I don't think 99% of WWE fans will even remember her by then.

See...everyone seems to think she'll pop out a 12lb monster, then come straight back. They forget, she will NEED, and absolutely NEED, time to look after her new baby. Will she WANT to come back after that? I know my partner hated going back to work when she had our son...let alone touring around the world while her child grows up without really seeing her. For the guys this is so much easier. Any nights off, they fly back, spend a day, then go...but for a woman, it's a different story.

We've probably seen the last of Kia Stevens in WWE.
i think the Divas of Doom will finally gain some control and dominate the divas much like laycool. This will last for multiple months and kharma will return and either join or take out the DoD.
That is what i see happining but i want Kharma and Mark Henry to join forces and form a team and just dominate the WWE. That would be awwwwwwsomeeeeeee!
Unlike everyone else apparently, i do think she will return and tear up the other divas. I really really want her to have a feud with Natalya or Beth (maybe both!) and i think she and AJ could pull off some sweet matches.

Only thing is, she'd probably wont be at any house shows and tours because of the baby. But i don't see how having a baby equates her to not coming back for years. I'd say a year/year and half at best.

Wrestling in the WWE doesn't mean she can't take care of her baby at the same time as doing her job.

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