What do you prefer your wrestlers to be?

What do you prefer your wrestlers to be?

  • Superheavyweights

  • High Flyers

  • Submission Based

  • Charimatic/showman

  • Hybrids

  • I like all wrestling types!

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Hardcore Legend
I was watching the WWE(as usual) and after the whole Big Show/Mayweather farce, I was wondering, what kind of wrestlers do you prefer to see?

Big, superheavyweights like Vader and Kane?

Or smaller, high flying guys like Rey Mysterio, Brian Kendrick and RVD?

Or solid, mat based wrestlers like Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar?

Or hybrids, who can seemlingly do anything in the ring? Such as Benoit and Guerrero?

Or even supercharismic guys, whos ring wwork isnt topnotch but can talk the hell out of a mic? Like Hulk Hogan and The Rock?

Anyway, discuss!
give me hybrids anyday.

as much as i like submission based technical wrestling, it's just not the same unless you can do the unexpected and surprise your opponent. i think jericho may be the best hybrid, combining his technical abiliity with charisma and mic-skills and athletic manuveurs.

for pure scariness tho, supers who are high flyers like Vader are just plain scary.
Guys who can actually wrestle competently? Taz was one of those really remarkable guys. He was a ring technician who did amateur wrestling moves along with slams & even had a submission/ sleeper move called the Tazmission. But interestingly he even talked on the microphone very well. I still remember the one incident where a fan wore a WWF shirt to an ECW match in the ECW Arena. Taz was very angry & demanded the fan take his shirt off. The guy took it off and threw it in the ring when Taz told him to. Taz then took out a steel chair, set it up like he was going to sit in it, put the shirt on the chair, poured lighter fluid on the shirt, then burned it! That was in the old days when ECW's main rivalry was with the WWF because they (in the words of Shane Douglas) resented the "Cartoon Crap" that the WWF had made wrestling seem at the time.

Taz was the only guy who could combine actual talent with good mic skills. Most of the time you have guys who are terrible wrestlers who only know a very few moves at all who become stars just because they can handle the mic well. (Guys like Hogan.)
Looking at that list the only type there I really can't stand is Superheavyweight, simply because
A. they can rarely work well (Vader and Bam Bam excluded)
B. Realistically they can't get beaten and its so hard for anyone to go over on them.
C. I don't remember the last Superheavyweight who could cut a promo worth a damn!!!

I'm sorry HighFaultinTutin, but Taz was a submission wrestler with a judo-background, not really a hybrid. Real hybrids are guys like Eddie Guerrero or HBK who can wrestle, pull off believable submissions or fly throught the air with the best of them, and I'm seeing CM Punk be like that in 5 years or so, with experience.

At the mo I'm liking Alex Shelley's style, its like cruiser cross with european cross with with straight submission. Very original.
I have always enjoyed the hybrid of technical wrestler / charismatic showman. Of course, many fall into this category: Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.), Chris Benoit (R.I.P.), Kurt Angle, and so on.

It's always interesting to see someone talk on the mic all day, but it is more interesting to me personally to see if they have the skills to back up their claims.
That is why Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho are, and have always been, at the top of my list.
I had to say Showman/charismatic, becuase at the very base of pro wrestling, this is whats needed. not being able to do 50 different variants of the headlock and enzugurii. Getting people involved, making them pop, giving the matches their atmosphere, their feel. There are SO many loads of guys who didnt do a million moves, or do shooting star presses that were enormously successfull. Stone Cold, The Rock, John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the list can go on and on. Now do I like there being MORE to guys than JUST this? Yes of course. But many are not gonna be too well entertained by guys who have an utter LACK of it. Ask Charlie Haas. I think charisma and an ability to work a crowd are the most utterly irreplacable aspects of being a pro wrestler.
I prefer the charismatic/hybrid type of wrestlers. Guys like HBK, Jericho, Rock, Cena, Orton, guys who can work a crowd with their moves. Sure, they may not be damn technical gods, but only a select few were really good technally. I usually don't prefer the Super-Heavyweight type because they seem to boring. Who in the right mind would want to watch a Great Khali match? Mark Henry anyone? I don't think so.
charismatic/hybrid type of wreslters. First of all do you ever wonder why The Rock , Austin , Hogan are like probably the biggest names of this industry ... simply becuase of the charisma.

Watching todays wreslting most of the time theres no wrestling but onyl promos. So you can give me anytime a charasmatic guy with great mike skills and he will do wonders for the inudstry.

Technical wrestlers can stun the shit out of you , but what will get you enetertained and keep you fresh throughout the show , is charasmatc people.
i chose hybrids, because i get bored watching only charismatic guys or only supers. although i rarely get bored of cruisers or hardcore guys lol

BEFORE he did what he did, chris benoit was my favourite wrestler. pretty much cos he just seemed so intense, he could pull off a big diving move, but then ends the match with the crippler crossface, and when he had to he could be hardcore or cut a good promo. Even though he wasnt the only guy like that he was my favourite BEFORE he did what he did. kurt angle, brock lesnar (he didnt do many diving moves but he could do the rest), eddie guerrero, and jericho are/were all similar in this way. and i agree with whoever said CM Punk is going to be the same, he definetly will be.
so hardcore, submission, high-flying, hybrids are awesome.

any day over guys like Cena or even The Rock.

I love guys like that who can put on great matches...shelton benjamin could even do that too, even though he can't do anything on the mic and has not charisma.

Benoit, Angle, and Lesnar were the best ever at what they do. They put on the best matches.

Now, I like Umaga and Randy Orton, as both have great wrestling moves. They, with Benjamin, are the most entertaining wrestlers in the company, IMO.

Benoit/Angle/LEsnar were the best though.
Hybrids. You must be able to fall back on another style or skill, which is why I have stumped for Vader so much. He's a Superheavyweight who is also agile and strong. So-so on the promos, but he always had either Harley Race of Jim Cornette as a mouthpeice.

Kurt Angle was the classic hybrid. Pure mat technician, fearless and great with a mic in his hands, could high fly as well, and also could be hardcore. Undertaker as well.

All in all, you cannot be good at just one thing and be truly successful. I fear Kennedy is heading in that direction, as he is yet to really "wow" me in the ring since his push started.
I chose submission based, but by that I mean technically sound. To me, you could be a good highflyer all you want, you could have amazing speed, be super strong or be the most charismatic person on the face of the planet. But there is nothing that puts a fan of the edge of their seat than a good technically sound wrestling match. A wrestler going mono-a-mono with another wrestler, using all their best holds and grappling techniques. These guys are what wrestling should be about, and its a shame that there are not so many of these guys in the business anymore. You have people like Kurt Angle, who is arguably the best technical wrestler in the industry right now. People like Bret Hart, who was more submission style technically sound, but still it was because of him that a lot of wrestlers used that particular style. I remember the number of battles that Angle used to have with Benoit, and each of those matches I swear people were standing and in complete silence most of the time, just in awe of these matches.
i like wreslters that are entertaining, that can tell a good story and keep me involved in their matches and programs. Curently i would have to say one of my fav wrestlers ever is 06 heel champ American Dragon Bryan Daneilson. Just an awful heel who you wanted to see loose the belt but always found a way to pull it out and walk away with the belt. Best example. 06 gut check 2 out of 3 falls aginst Colt Cabbana in CHI TOWN 60 min time limit, i wont give it away but the finsh to this match is one of the funniest heel finshes i have ever seen (enough to have me on the floor laughing and claping). these are the wrestlers i like the best, those who make you care about whats happening and keep me entertained, because at the end of the day that is really what its all about.

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