Tall Or Smaller Wrestlers?


Championship Contender
I'm sorry, I couldnt resist. Not after the Nash twitter comment.

So, in all seriousness, I really want to have a decent conversation on this, despite the title, because I've never actually really seen a thread that made people choose on this before.

So, if for the remainder of WWE they only were gonna allow 5 foot guys or even shorter hold the belt or 6 foot guys and taller... which would you prefer if one size range only could hold the belt from here on out?

A less bullshit question as that would never happen:

Do you prefer the bigger guy as champion or smaller guy?

And I mean which has really been better overall in your opinion as we have big guys like Taker, Kane etc who can be pretty decent in the ring and via storylines and then there are guys like Punk, Y2J, Kurt etc for smaller guys who are great in the ring and mic etc

Which dick size stars are your favorites though?

Which size as champions have been better as a whole not individual basis in the long run, as champions alone

I do realize btw that early 6 feet like the 6'1 guys arent really that tall. I guess we can count them in the small variety and 6'3, 6'4 in the tall variety
This title made me laugh. I <3 Nash for making this a relative thread topic of discussion.

Anyways, I think that history has shown, ultimately (and unfortunately) Nash is kinda right. ROH is full of 3 inch dicks and only smarks give a fuck. Where as WWE has been able to turn a lot of muscle guys with limited talent in stars, such as Batista and John Cena and they main event WrestleMania.

But for every 2 or 3 huge cocks, we get an HBK, Hitman, Guerrero, Benoit (who btw, was actually a thick dude at 220 lbs), Punk, & Bryan.
Captain Thick-Dick it is!

I am a pretty big guy myself, and for me it's just not believable to see guys that I know I could beat the shit out of, touted as these mega-bad asses that can just put the work on guys that logic and reality says would fold them like a tortilla. I'll take Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, etc.... Over anyone else many would care to mention. Even the smallest guys I just named, Hart, Michaels, and Austin were all BUILT. They all looked big enough that it wasn't a stretch to believe that they were strong enough to deal a lot of damage to anyone of any size, or take a great deal of punishment. And, in their matches when they went against guys who were dramatically bigger than them, our intelligence was never insulted as to have them physically dominate those much bigger guys. They could beat them, they could hurt them, but it was an uphill battle to say the least and they had to rely on speed, agility, technical prowess, and pure intestinal fortitude to do it.

Now, I'm supposed to believe that Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Randy Orton, Sheamus, etc.... couldn't just walk into the ring and take that WWE title away from Punk at will? Pleeeeaase. You have to remember, those guys ALLOW guys like Punk and Bryan to look good and do what they will do to them. In reality, as soon as they got a hold of any one of them it's over, and it wouldn't take long before they did.
To bring in the argument of needing a legitimately tough/huge guy as champion into the world of professional wrestling is delusional. It is not a competitive sport.

I really do not care what size the WWE Champion is, so long as he entertains me and the idea that I should not be entertained by the likes of Punk or Bryan because I myself am bigger than them is laughable. I would far rather watch a Punk, Bryan, Benoit, Guerrero match than most of those 'bigger' guys, Nash especially.

On top of that, whilst they may be smaller than you or many other wrestlers, to say that you know you could beat up the likes of Punk or Bryan just because you have a few inches, pounds or muscle tone on them is just internet tough guy speak.
I am a pretty big guy myself, and for me it's just not believable to see guys that I know I could beat the shit out of, touted as these mega-bad asses that can just put the work on guys that logic and reality says would fold them like a tortilla.

What a completely ridiculous, self righteous thing to say. I myself am also a big guy but i guarantee that pretty much any wrestler smaller than me would be able to kick mine and your ass. You are probably bigger than Kurt Angle, Anderson Silva, Tito Ortiz, BJ Penn, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Chris Jericho and others but i guaranDAMNtee they would make you squeal.

Just cause a guy is small it does not mean they are weak walk overs! What Daniel Bryan lacks in size he makes up for in technical mat skill and his aggression. What Chris Jericho lacks in size he makes up for in his never say die scrapping attitude...just ask bill goldberg!

To say you fold these guys like a tortilla is beyond stupid! I would pay big bucks to see you try though!
I prefer penises to be around about the 6", 7" kind of area, as they are a decent size that but are not so big as to cause pain and dont look freaky with veigns popping out, when I see them I dont get a sense of unworthiness and can proudly show my own knowing I wont be upstaged too badly.
I prefer penises to be around about the 6", 7" kind of area, as they are a decent size that but are not so big as to cause pain and dont look freaky with veigns popping out, when I see them I dont get a sense of unworthiness and can proudly show my own knowing I wont be upstaged too badly.

Although perhaps this is part of the trouble, if someone starts waving a small or averagely sized penis around then who is going to care? One or two people for the sake of decency perhaps, but apart from that people are going to say "oh, its just a guy showing off his unimpressive wang!"

Now, someone flops out a 12" cock with veigns literally throbbing, I imagine that will attract quite a crowd, as people will be curious to see this thing in the flesh as it were, even if it were only out of envy. A bigger dick will draw a bigger crowd, stands to reason.
This is such an absurd discussion to even be having. Even throwing out the fact that the average height varies so much around the world, the WWE has been full of guys of all shapes, sizes and heights, during every single era in professional wrestling's history. In fact, height is probably one of the least important factors compared to actual body size, which I believe was Nash's actual point.

You don't believe me? John Cena is only 6'1". That's the same exact height as CM Punk, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Plus, WWE used to make up the most ridiculous heights; clearly Hulk Hogan was never 6'8", but they used to pretend that he was. Go ahead and look at him face-to-face with the Rock.

I'm not sure what people are complaining about from "today's guys" being too short. The Miz is 6'1", Randy Orton 6'4", Sheamus 6'6", Ziggler 6, ADR 6'5", Rhodes 6'1", Christian 6'1", Wade Barrett is 6'7" for Christ sake. Kane and Big Show are consistently involved in the main event scene, and they're not exactly making it better... Who are we talking about being too short? Daniel Bryan? There has NEVER been a time where every single person in the WWE was a big, monstrous guy. Never.

What Nash is (trying) to talk about, I would assume, is that the characters have to be "larger than life" not the physical person playing them. John Cena isn't that tall, but he's Superman in jorts. Randy Orton is The Viper. Sheamus' height isn't why he's loved by kids, it's his crazy, brutal-yet-lovably character. From the perspective of an old worker like Nash, I'm sure it's hard to see that guys like Punk and Bryan also have characters. The internet has vastly changed how we all view the product, and even though nash considers himself an "internet darling", I still don't think it's a culture or time he totally understands.
Although perhaps this is part of the trouble, if someone starts waving a small or averagely sized penis around then who is going to care? One or two people for the sake of decency perhaps, but apart from that people are going to say "oh, its just a guy showing off his unimpressive wang!"

Now, someone flops out a 12" cock with veigns literally throbbing, I imagine that will attract quite a crowd, as people will be curious to see this thing in the flesh as it were, even if it were only out of envy. A bigger dick will draw a bigger crowd, stands to reason.

That's a damn good point, but what about having a very large cock that cant compete with a smaller dick, maybe a regular standard sized dick.

Imagine Shawn Michaels as the hardest working dick in the bedroom, able to outperform any penis, while your dick is Giant Gonzales, the longest cock to ever strap up a condom, but BAM you cant fuck, you cum quick, it's over! You're all show, no talent

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