What Do You Like About TNA?

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Ever since WWE has gone PG, TNA has starting getting edgier and I've been really enjoying it as of late. It's still no old ECW or Attitude Era WWF by any means, but it's getting closer every show to something I can actually enjoy. Last weeks Impact was one of the first wrestling tv shows in a long time (WWE included) that I've been able to really get into.

I also enjoy the wrestling on their shows. The X-Division always delivers. And TNA isn't afraid of getting hardcore either which I also enjoy.

As far as TNA originals that I like, I enjoy; Beer Money, MCMG, Abyss, LAX, Styles

And as for the "WWE rejects", I enjoy; Angle (of course), Steiner, Team 3D, Sheik Abdul Bashir (although I don't think he really fits in with the x-division. Tna should add a tv title and let him, rhino, roode, morgan, abyss and others feud for it.)

To me its entertaining. Also I love TNA because IMO they try to do more for there fans. Off TV and stuff like out house shows they give out backstage passes. They also film stuff at some of them and put them on there Youtube. They make these great deals that you see Don West talking about which saves there fans money. But for what comes on TV I'll say this. I love the X-Division. Keep in mind its not what it use to be but its still pretty great. Then you got the Knockouts. The Knockouts IMO put on better matches then the Diva's do. I really love this Angle vs Sting stuff. Its really intense IMO. You got Sting who from day one of the MEM never took part in the beat downs so really he wasn't heel. But see that is not what its all about with Angle and Sting. The MEM was about getting respect. But what Angle did to Sting showed Sting Kurt didn't even respect him. So that pisses Sting off which sets up this feud with them two. IMO its pretty dang good.

Now yes TNA has some faults like there dumb gimmick matches and some of there dumb gimmicks that hides the true talents of certain wrestlers. Like the Governor gimmick. You all might remember her as being Daffney. I've seen this girl wrestler in person and met her also(lol). She is pretty good in the ring and I think having her play the fake Governor will only hide that in ring skill. Maybe have her be Daffney or be herself Shannon Spruill.

But yeah that is why I like TNA and also added what TNA should do IMO.
What I liked about TNA was that their "wrestling content" was quite attractive. They had overall very talented wrestlers in the ring. I really do enjoy Mike Tenay too and its not a cop out. I find his knowledge to be refreshing.
That's it! I've had enough. I seen people bitch and scream about how terrible TNA is. People have been talking about the over-use of gimmick matches. WAKE UP! They use gimmick matches as a way of showing what their talent really has to offer. Take away the gimmick matches and you have a younger version of WWE.

TNA has a unique division of Cruiserweights called the X Division. What TNA do is they make their cruiserweights fight in hardcore matches (Which is what I like about TNA). Take away the gimmick matches you have TNA. They make themselves distinguishable by it. DEAL WITH IT
What aggravates me about the "gimmick" argument is that WWE does the same shit.

The Survivor Series is one giant gimmick. The Elimination Chamber match? Hell in a Cell? Money in the Bank? All gimmicks.

Not liking the gimmicks and not liking gimmicks are two very different things.
Well I got into TNA cause my step kids, and my ties to JJ in Midsouth (my roommate at MSU was his manager in H.S. at Brentwood, back a long time ago. I miss Memphis) But anyway I love the X Division, WWE is fing up not letting people fly, hell I'd rather watch a AAA match nowadays than WWE. At least TNA is letting them do what they need 2 do... My only B#cth, is that as of late, 2 hours of TV time, and 3 8-10 min. matches. I am not watching 2 hear angle rant for 20 min, yeah build up is one thing but,, Like the gal on SNL,,,,GEEZE.
I enjoy their wrestling thier storylines are poop but their wrestling is good most the time, it has a certain excitement about it thats hard explain...but ile try

Xdivision: matches are good 90% of the time exciting and u see alot of different moves

Tag division- better than WWE's in the past few years, have tag matchs with excitement and even have storylines, most the time the storylines suck but atleast they try lol
Being a Huge wwe fan i do find myself watching tna. I love wrestling. What i like about Tna is exactly what it stands for Total Non Stop Action, I like the fast paced matches I like the name of the matches and stipulations. There is not one negative thing i can say. When i met Herandez and Homicide in Allentown pa at Carsons Wrestling World, I learned that most of the blood is real and they do cut themselves, I love the real it reminds me of wcw and ecw but with wrestlers who are great aj styles christopher daniels suicide the many names in tna should be proud that they can do whgat they want..that is what makes tna great
tna for me is a breath of fresh air. sure it's not the wwe, but that's what gets me into it. that and i'm a huge kurt angle fan.

the x-division is awsome, i love to watch it. it's really non stop action. i like the fact that sometimes, tna gives you ppv quality matches on regular tv. sure the storylines are out there, but it cant be perfect.

they still have a lot to grow, but for now i think tna is coming along nicely.
The main thing I enjoy about TNA is that they aren't as restricted as WWE. I like the more edgy program, the PG-13 rating that hasn't become about children.

It is utter shit still aside all that, but it's worth watching for at least some unrestrained talk / promos / matches / moves.
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