What country should I live in next?

The idea of living in many of the countries mentioned does not appeal to me in the slightest, even if it was a western enclave in a 'Third World' country where you can take advantage of their unfair tax systems and strangely high pay.

I would almost say that I have no inclination to even stay overnight in any non-Anglo-Saxon country, even though there are many, many ancient sites and buildings I would love to see.

Too big a fan of running water and flushing toilets.
Not that I'm a big fan of the rest of the world, but the toilets flush pretty much everywhere.
1. Move to a war torn fascist African state wearing a jersey of a place you are from.
2. Befriend the dictator and become his confident.
3. Sleep with his wife
4. Get home with the Israeli hostages

It'd be some experience itellyah'wat.

Not Ireland. It's a bit crap. Unless you go to Cork

I'm a fan of Galway.
I have a friend teaching English in Japan, I believe the program he's with is called JET. He seems to be enjoying it; his second year there just started.
I've been reading a lot about Qatar lately, but it's probably not feasible if you're looking to dodge bigots.

I went to Blackpool this weekend. It's not at all how you'd imagine; they have a Debenhams.
I'm a fan of Galway.

If there's one thing ive learned in the last 5 months living in Dublin it's that i really miss Galway. I hear the bently closed down(huzzah!) any idea where all the scumbags go nowadays?

Ive only been to London, Barcelona and Milan/Rome/Venice. Wasn't a major fan of Italy at all. Barcelona's quite good though. My main criteria if i ever do move abroad will be the weather, good food and a population that likes soccer. Argentina would be a good shout.

Midlands just not exciting anymore?

Anyone who has lived there will know that they never were. My county doesn't even have traffic lights.
I'm studying abroad next year in Budapest.... we can be roomies!

Midlands just not exciting anymore?

All the allure of rural Roscommon has left us with all these new bypasses being built. Sometimes I wonder what I'll miss most when i leave there for Erasmus; the incomprehensible farmers of the dozen pubs in my one small town.

If there's one thing ive learned in the last 5 months living in Dublin it's that i really miss Galway. I hear the bently closed down(huzzah!) any idea where all the scumbags go nowadays?

Wouldn't fully know, I don't go to clubs. Electric has received a noticeable surge in scum but it's seemingly all about Karma or Carbon if you're only there to creep on girls by drunkingly walking up to them, bumping against them and asking if they'll shift you, all the while taking sips from your sock filled with buckfast.
If there's one thing ive learned in the last 5 months living in Dublin it's that i really miss Galway.

Made the same move myself about nine months ago, though in all my returns to Galway I've realised it was the poeple there that made my fun, and most of those people have moved beyond. Nice place though, once you get past the weather, and I miss feeling completely secure going for a walk at 3am.

Anyone who has lived there will know that they never were. My county doesn't even have traffic lights.

All the allure of rural Roscommon has left us with all these new bypasses being built. Sometimes I wonder what I'll miss most when i leave there for Erasmus; the incomprehensible farmers of the dozen pubs in my one small town.

My home is bang in the middle of Longford, so I know exactly what you mean. Though I have found some use in the bypasses. Traffic lights are only useful is people pay attention to them.
I just did a month in Istanbul and they're all dying to learn English and I lived way cheaper than I do in the UK. Incredible city too.

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