What Could've Been...?

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With Sabu (and potentially Sandman and RVD) being released, it seems like any hope of ECW returning even close to the old way is gone. I was wondering how it could've turned out differently; it started on such bad terms.

First, Kurt Angle was released and was going to be one of the bigger stars, potentially feuding with RVD, Sabu, Punk... Then, RVD and Sabu get busted and RVD loses the title and any hope of a push. Big Show, in my personal opinion, does a decent job of carrying the brand, but then he is banged up and lets his contract run out. Paul Heyman leaves, and now it's all Lashley/McMahon.

If Angle hadn't left and RVD and Sabu would've behaved, Lashley would not have been needed and never would be in ECW. CM Punk would've still debuted and been pushed. There was even talk that Santino Marella was supposed to be Angle's protege.

Angle, RVD, Sabu, Big Show, CM Punk, Santino Marella, plus Dreamer, Sandman, and Balls (because they were pushed to start): that's not a bad roster for only an hour long show.
I honestly don't think there was ever any hope of the new ECW reaching the height of the original ECW. Just look at the ONS PPV's. They were produced from the mold of the original ECW and were wildly successful. However, the one hour show on Sci-Fi does not resemble this at all. Vince McMahon just does not have the vision Paul Heyman does in regard to this particular company. ECW was so successful because it was an alternative to the product the WWE was putting out. The new ECW is no different than RAW or Smackdown in terms of direction. It makes no sense to ressurrect a company such as ECW which stood for everything the WWE is not, and not use and parts of the formula that made it work in the first place.
I think the new ecw could have worked if the wwe could have got real ecw people to be in the creative team instead of dusty rhodes and david lagana. They should have got people like Mick Foley or Al SNow to help out with storylines to try and recreate the old style of ecw.
WWECW could have been huge. Vince could have made a ton of money on it, but he decided to take the easy way out and turn it into just another WWE show. The first mistake was tricking people into believing it was going to be like the old ECW. Then, he tapes the shows in big arenas before Smackdown. Then he does away with the no rules. Ah hell, he did a lot to ruin it. If Vince would have just given it to Paul and financially backed it, it would have been a phenom. They should have taped in both the Ballroom and the ECW Arena only. That should have been the homebase for the brand (I hate that word!)

Vince just doesn't understand what ECW was all about. He never did and he probably doesn't really give a shit either. If he sees $$$ he will do it. He brought it back IMO to say, look at me, I am the WWECW champion and I killed Heyman's dream. He probably never had any intention of using the originals much and keeping the product true to its roots. So in the end, a lot could have been done to make it huge, but instead he pissed on it. It will be dead anyway when the Sci-Fi deal runs out. Good riddance I say and fuck Vince to boot.
Any Remains Of The Old Ecw Are Practicly Over With Sabu Gone & Rvd Rumored To Be Gone Too This Will Obviously Lead To The Release Of The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer. And After That All That Will Be Left Of The Original Ecw Will Be The Title, Tazz & Joey Styles :| . Dont Get Me Wrong Its A Good Place For Younger Guys To Shine But The Wwe Should Consider A New Name For The Ecw Brand As Its No Longer Extreme. Its Just Become The Brand Of Promise For The Younger Stars. Man This Sucks A Year Ago I Was Really Looking Forward To This. A Year On And Evryythings Turned Into A Complete Shambles. There Is No Ecw Without The Founder > Paul Heyman <

Anyway Over & Out ;):blink:
i cant beleve that all of those ecw guys are gone. the way wwe displays ecw is not the way ecw was meant o be, there are supposed to be flamming tabels, cheese graters, and pizza cutters but vincec mcmahon just has to have his idea of ecw and not how it originally was and the way it should be , all of the violence is how ecw got so popular and so good and thats the way it should be
ecw should have been a late nite show, like on a sat nite or sumthing, then vkm could have kept the violence, really ecw is now only a 3rd rate sho behind raw and sd.

it totally sux, they did have a good product with the one night stand ppv's i thought. and the roster wasnt horrible either..rvd,sandman,angle,show,punk etc. but there was just no vision of the old ecw behind it

too bad, this thread is apporpriatley named..... what could've been
and now that RVD is officially gone, where to now? Sandman is gone...I mean what stars to we have on ECW that are over with the fans? The new breed ain't much, Lashley is pretty much gonna have to put ECW on his back if the brand is to survive. (And I don't have much faith in that man.
If Vince didn't continually have his head united with his own ass, then he'd have seen the perfect recipe for how to make ECW (and in turn, the rest of his lousy shows) better. Steal the work style of TNA/ROH/old ECW to form the backbone of the new ECW. Stop catering to kids with it. Next, throw the WWE Diet Raw booking style out the f*cking window because it's managed to dilute American wrestling as a whole in the last five years. The new ECW needed to be about GREAT, not good, wrestling. It needed to be about solid promo work that isn't all pre-scripted crap ala Smackdown/Raw. They also should've hired some of the better indy workers and let Paul E. completely run the book his way...for everything. I also would've kept all the big WWE stars away from it as well instead of trying to use Angle/Show/Lashley to lend credibility to it. They damn sure weren't needed and the presence of all of them didn't help for $hit in the end. Don't blur the lines between the shows. Make them unique. Make them stand out. ECW is nothing more than the crotch-stain left over from a Smackdown taping. And those tapings pretty much such to begin with, so what does that tell you? What could've been and what actually is are pretty much polar opposites potential/quality-wise. Vince needs to put ECW back up on his mantle next to the XFL and WBF.
This Will Obviously Lead To The Release Of The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer

Excuse me? As far as I was aware Tommy had a backstage role, that of Road Agent and Trainer. Tommy is well liked in the locker room and before ECW came back he had a job for life. They might take him off of TV but they are not going to release him. I really wish people would think before they post around here.
I think we need to stop talking what could of been and start talking about where to go from here the oringals are gone except for tommy dreamer and sandman. I think wwe needs to get ace steel and colt cabana into ecw asap to get the second city saints back together have then feud with the new breed over the ecw title and the new tag belts that should come out soon. kevin thorn forms a brood or something along those lines. Now theres a three stable battle for the ecw belts. throw dreamer sandman sniskey and lashely in the mix and now you have a show. After a few months with this the huge feud ends w/ith tommy dreamer winning the ecw world title in some sort of king of the mountain type match
I think we need to stop talking what could of been and start talking about where to go from here the oringals are gone except for tommy dreamer and sandman. I think wwe needs to get ace steel and colt cabana into ecw asap to get the second city saints back together have then feud with the new breed over the ecw title and the new tag belts that should come out soon. kevin thorn forms a brood or something along those lines. Now theres a three stable battle for the ecw belts. throw dreamer sandman sniskey and lashely in the mix and now you have a show. After a few months with this the huge feud ends w/ith tommy dreamer winning the ecw world title in some sort of king of the mountain type match

Well that's the point of the thread. To talk about how WWE have missed out on promoting some of the best wrestlers they've ever employed. There's other thread's where we can talk about the current state of ECW and whet they can do to improve it. I believe the thread is called. What Can Be Do To Improve ECW?

Doesn't anyone think Kurt Angle would've made a difference? Assuming he was healthy, it probably would've been Angle v. RVD at Wrestlemania and I don't remember those two ever feuding.

Plus, I think Vince has two tendencies: seeing something that isn't working and becoming stubborn and not changing (ECW now), and seeing something that is working and can make him money and putting his resources into it. Imagine throwing someone like Benoit in there too. Plus, didn't they try to get some other ECW vets, Rhyno, Dudleys? If it was successful, I could see others jumping on board.

Basically, I think if it started well, it had the chance to snowball into something great. And no, it never was going to be exactly like the old ECW because that company went bankrupt and out of business, some changes had to be made.
I think Angle could have made a huge impact. He wrestles a rough style which is perfect for the way ECW should be. An Angle/RVD fued could have been something that people would have payed to see, but unfortunately Kurt got released and RVD got demoted and now is gone. I would have liked to have seen an Angle/Sabu fued as well. It could have been like the old Taz/Sabu fued in the respect that Angle and Taz are more wrestling based and Sabu was more hardcore centered. Honestly the possibilities of what could have happened with WWECW were limitless. We could have had new moments, just like the old days that people still look back on and say, holy shit I remember that. ECW would have been the premier show in a lot of people's eyes I think, but I truly believe Vince lied to Heyman, Dreamer and all the other originals faces, on purpose, when he said he was going to make it resemble the old ECW. It's sad when potential is wasted.

Now guys like Sandman and Dreamer are being wasted on the third rate show, RVD was basically forced out and Sabu is gone. Haven't seen Balls in ages, Stevie Richards and Little Guido are job squad and now Vince sees the need to interject RAW guys on the show.

When I watched D2D and saw Heyman's promo before the EEC match, I could see the frustration in his voice and knew that that would probably be his last night in WWE, judging from the horrible product and the way Vince does business. So who knows what Paul is doing now, but at least he's not on the bullshit show known as "ECW."

Sandman will be released within a few weeks probably, if not sooner and Dreamer will probably be released from a wrestler contract but will take back his old office job. That's the only thing I can see happening to Tommy Dreamer. Just get the guy off tv. He deserved so much more and got so little in his time in the WWE. I don't want to see him buried anymore on national television. Him and Heyman were both right, ECW is dead.
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