What Could Make the Tag Titles Useful?


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Even in the WWE, the tag-titles seem absolutely pointless along with the Divas.. Just pointless.. What could save it?

Well, that's easy... WWE could save all their belts if they wanted and in the process it would push every single mid-carder to go to the top, they would only need to unify their championships...

As far as the tag-team titles go, it would need a separate show, a separate show could be used for story-lines, character development, things would maybe seem less rushed (so long as every wrestler is featured on both shows) unlike Smackdown and Raw, which worked in the beginning, then spread itself apart.. So if the WWE were to unify their championships they have for each show, they could use the tag-titles for the main event on Smackdown..

The main belts on a second show would be used specifically for the tag-team championships, those two belts, would be the main event belts on THAT show... This would push wrestlers to team up and try and take on the tag-team champions, as the tag-team champions would be in the spotlight along with the TNA champion since the tag-titles would be the main event on the second show..

Anyways, that's just my two cents as this was the only thing I could think of, the X-Divison is now a very important belt, since it can be traded in for a shot at the TNA championship, this was a smart move by TNA that WWE is ignoring for their belts, the Television title gets defended pretty much every week but what should happen is that like the open fight nights, ANYONE should be able to challenge for the Television championship.. So the point is, if the tag-team champs could benefit from their title reigns, then they would have a use again and a second show where the tag-team titles are the main event, would be the best idea in my opinion..
That could work, but it is unnecessary, all the tag team divisions needs in both company's is attention.

At the moment the WWE has 3 active tag team.
  • Kofi and Truth
  • Primo and Epico
  • Prime Time Players
The Uso are basically non existence. Hawkins and Reks haven't had a tag team match on raw or smackdown in forever.Not to mention Kofi and Truth are hardly the great champions they need right now anyway. The Uso need to be Tag Champs first of all. Then the WWE needs to bring in at least 3 more legit teams.Maybe Henning and Dibase, Kidd and Gabriel, Riley and Otunga, just something. Then there is the matter of giving them time to work. PPV matches, Triple Threat matches, specialty matches, all the thing that E&C, the Hardys, The Dudly had to work with.

TNA has exactly one real team at the moment.

Thats just sad. but its poor planing on their part. Beer Money was getting way to big to keep them together for much longer, Chris Sabins injury destroyed the Guns, 3D went along time ago, and LAX, well ya......
These teams really did something speical for TNA, they picked up were the NEW Church, XXX, and AMW left off. TNA needs to get in the swing of things. It looks like Chavo/Hernadez and Gunner/Kash could be coming up. Plus the Aces and Eights could be bring a tag team with them. You also have Pope,Crimson, Williams, and MAgnus floating around looking for something to do. Once thatis done their new tag teams need the time i mention earlier and boom, TNA is once again a show with great tag team wrestling.

Let me just say this. I doubt any of this is gonna happen anytime soon. both company's obviously don't think of their Tag Title as a true priority. So, we shall see what happens.
**Moderator's Note**

This is a thread about the TNA Tag Team Championships, not WWE. Keep the discussion ON POINT, people.

If you want to discuss WWE in any capacity as a means to make a point for TNA, you are welcome to, but I do not give a fuck who you think should be champion in WWE. Go talk about that in the WWE section.


Personally, I still feel breaking up Beer Money was a stupid move, as they were the best tag team in TNA, if not in wrestling. I noticed a trend in whenever an act in TNA, this case being a tag team, gets some momentum, really starts to get over to the point where it becomes an attraction, it gets the legs pulled out from under them. "In the long long ago", tag teams were a major selling point in TNA, but fast forward to today, after a few "major changes" and tag-teams, and in a larger scope all the other concepts that set TNA apart are "scrapped".

To sum it it, What could make the Tag Team (of TNA) Titles useful?
1) TNA needs to actually <b> have <b> tag teams.
If they can spend money to hire and hype up that POS Chavo, they could spend marginally less to bring in (or bring back) teams like The Naturals, Young Bucks, LAX (I liked them better than Mexican America, even though they were pretty much the same), World Elite (great stable, shitastic music), and the list goes on.

2) Spend time cultivating them.
Tag Teams need to be organically cultivated. For the most part, tag teams are two single stars with creative having nothing for them, like in the case of Beer Money where you had Bobby Roode who was a single star floundering about after the break up of Team Canada (another great team. seriously what the hell TNA?), and James Storm, who broke up AMW (*sigh*). They went from being just another patchwork to being a genuine team, comparable to tag teams that started together, like The Young Bucks. What a team needs is time to grow and develop. The antithesis would be say, Devon and Garrett Bischoff. They're one and a half singles stars, put as a tag team and not even believable as such.

Notes to consider:
-tag team signature moves and finishers.
-A tag team entrance theme
-outfits that match (a bit old school but it works)
the main thing tna have to do is bring in tag teams. you can't have a successful tag division with just one team. for me tna should have about six teams. you have one in the form of the tag champs but that leaves you needing five more and this is who i would put together or bring in to make up the five

chavo has been really over with the fans since his debut in tna and since he said he wanted to win gold in tna why not team him with supermax and give them a run as tag champs. they have not been seen apart since chavos debut so would make for a believeable tag team. all you have to do then is give them a name.

like chavo and hernandez this two have not been seen apart since chavos debut and unless they are somehow involved in the aces and eights story then tna are not doing much with them. plus they would look good together as a team.

i have no idea why tna let these guys go in the first place. they might not have been the greatest of talkers but there in ring ability was just amazing. if you don't believe me watch there matches against motor city machine guns on youtube.

once again a duo that is never seen apart. they are not my fav wrestlers on the tna roster. but if paired together they might end up surprising everybody. plus you could use this as a way to get the tv title of devon and around the waist of somebody like magnus.

This would be the ideal team to bring in in my opinion. they have it all and would be over with the fans almost straight away. plus there the worlds greatest tag team what more do you want.

know after tna have done this. the best way to promote the title and to make them mean something again would be to start including the tag teams in the main event know and again. one way you can do this is have one team partner the world champion and the other partner the challenger for the world title. that way everyone stills see the world champ and the tag teams get push into the spotlight as well. im not saying it has to be done just like this but you need to have them feature in the main event somehow to help promote the division.

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