What Could Have Been [Part 1]: The Nation Of Violence


This is a new thread series im gonna do that focuses around "what could have been" my first post i this series, is a story that I was pretty fon dof, the Nation of violence


Most of us saw Joe get kidnapped in 2009, around the time the MEM was taking over. He stayed off TV for awhile then came back with a promo sporting some facepaint, and a crew cut. I'm not going into detail but basically he was crazy he would attack everyone and say that "They" told him to do it. but anyway It just endded up being taz training joe.

Heres where the "what could have been" comes in. I beleive that TNA should hav elooked into signing some samoan wrestlers, Rosey, Umaga R.I.P, and Joe Anoia. I beleive this would have been the correct route to take. another possibility that TNA was actually considering was bringing in Balls Mahoney, Stevie Richards and Brother Runt/Spike Dudley, as well as Bobby Lashley. that, well that would of quite frankly been shit.

How would you guys have liked to see the "Nationj Of violence" happen? bring in some samoans and have a violent modern day tribal type thing or bring in the old ECW orginals, or just keep it like it was with him joinign the MEM.

And any ideas for the next one all you have to do is PM me. thanks guys
The Nation Of Violence gimmick was stupid IMO. I never enjoyed it, and I was happy to see it dropped. Since that gimmick, I have been very dissapionted with Joe. But that's off topic.

Making yet another stable, wouldn't have been a great idea either. Over the years we have seen MEM, Frontline, Fourtune, Imortal, British Invasion, World Elite, and LAX. And looking back I would not have liked to see another group added to that list. Nevermind a group of out of shape Samoans. I don't care for wrestlers being overweight normally. But seriously imagine Joe, Rosey, Umaga, and Joe Anoia. That would just be a group of enforcers, there would be no brains behind the stable.

I like your idea for the thread. But I just saw no potential in The Nation Of Violence gimmick. I hope to see you use better topics in the future of the What Could Have Been Series.
Thanks for the feedback, while I disagree where you say "Mindless" samoans. there has been a total of like 1 "Monsater" samoan in history, thats Umagu, rosey & jamal, samoan gangsters, rosey, a S.H.I.T (super hero in training lol) and so on. My next oen will be "The Hart dynasty"
I'd have kept the Joe/Taz relationship going and eventually added Hernandez and Homicide to the group. This will sound funny now based on their current feud, but another good addition could have been The Pope back when he was more of a badass heel and less comical. Think of it like a minority-themed IV Horsemen.

With Taz as the mentor, these guys would have tried to take TNA over simply by crippling the rest of the roster. Their gimmick would be that of a street gang. I'd have given them about a month of putting various guys on the injured list with a big spot once a week. Eventually, they'd have built enough momentum to go up against the Main Event Mafia. Playing off the mixed ethnicities in the group but the fact that they're all non-white, it would have given them a pretty strong contrast to the suit-wearing MEM. You'd have also had the young vs. old dynamic which never hurts.
Samoa Joe in 2005/06 was a beast and maintained a good weight for him to put on what was seen as a legendary series of matches in RoH and TNA. With Angle being the linchpin of the MEM and Joe's history with him, the Nation of Violence should have been the leader of the Frontline, (not Rhino, Team 3D or any of that crap) as Sting started his war with Joe. The Unbreakable 3 (Joe, Styles, Daniels) should have taken it to the MEM, and TNA could very well be in a better place right now as these guys could take over (Joe for Nash, Styles for Sting and Daniels for Angle), add the Machine Guns and/or Beer Money Inc, and the Frontline had more than enough to take on the MEM.

I would have done away with the face paint and kept him away from the psycho machete weilding gimmick he had..

Also him joining the mafia didn't make sense as he hated Angle and Sting and Nash betrayeed him to cost him the world belt. To give Angle the belt in the king of the mountain match was terrible booking and was ashock for shock sake..

The Frontline should have defeated the MEM and then Angle should have moved onto his feud with Wolfe. TNA would have strong bankabale stars now and when they signed RVD and Hardy there would have been some big time dream matches, instead it was the old guys again being booked at the top because the booking team cannot make stars and uuse stupid angles like the Nation of Violence
Had the Nation of Violence actually come through as a stable, and not just as Joe in a cut-off leather jacket with face-paint and pants that look like they were made from a couple old Phoenix Coyote's jerseys circa 2001, there might have been some measure of success there, but unfortunately all the talk of "his" Nation of Violence ended up falling flat because there was no stable. There was only Joe, and technically Taz who bailed on him. So what was the point?

I'm with Rasha on this — should have used the opportunity to take some of the more brutal wrestlers on the card and re-package them in a stable that hinges on ultra-violence and brutality.
TBH Samoa Joes problems started before The Nation Of Violence Botch. Most people might forget he was the most Dominant force in Total Non-Stop Action during the 05 - 06 period just to be defeated by the debuting Kurt angle in 13 mins.

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