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What Comes To Mind When You Think Of Wrestlemania?


First Immortality..Then the Bitches
So Wrestlemania is just around the corner and I think its about time to start flooding the wwe section with Wrestlemania after Wrestlemania thread. :p

So when you think of Wrestlemania, what comes to mind in general for you? Immediately what pops in your head? It could be a moment, a match, a quote or even the stage set. It could be the first Mania that you ever attended. 27 years going, what stands out in your head that you will remember until your death bed?

For me 3 things stand out. Number one being the Undertakers undefeated streak. Most people when they think of Wrestlemania that this is what will pop in their minds. Undertaker just brings something special to the event and creates a certain majesty along with him that just commands the respect out of us but for the event in its entirety. I forget who said it but it was during one of the HBK/Taker bouts that somebody was quoting to say" HBK may be Mr. Wrestlemania but the Undertaker is the soul Of wrestlemania"..or something close to that.

2. The triple threat at Wrestlemania 20. 3 of the best, HBK, Benoit and the world champion at that time, HHH. Everything about this match was special to me. I was a huge benoit fan and the entire storyline leading up to the event was great. They way HBK inserted himself into the main event like that leading to the first ever triple threat main event at the big event. The match itself was outstanding as well, it was a great moment when Benoit finally made HHH tap to realize a dream at finally becoming worlds heavy weight champion. But what was even more special was what took place after the match. With both Eddie and Benoit in the ring with world titles celebrating with all the confetti falling. It was just a surreal moment that I will never forget.

and last but not least. Austin Vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 17. The most hyped up Main event ever at arguably the best Wrestlemania ever. I mean who was not anticipating this match? Two of the greatest superstars of their time going at it for the wwf title. Epic, is the only word I can use to properly describe this encounter. What was mostly a brawl it was still an amazing match that had everyone on their feet. Who could forget Austins heel turn at the end of the match as well? An amazing event with an amazing card with an amazing ending. Even to this day I can still hear people talking about this match that took place a decade ago.

That's just me though. What about you guys? What comes to mind when you think...Wrestlemania?
Disappointment? Especially in the last few years. Aside from a remarkable match here or there, the spectacle is fizzling out. They can't book their way out of a paper bag anymore and the matchups we end up seeing at WM have taken place 8 other times throughout the year. They seem to lack good buildup anymore too. Where is that true buildup that starts around the New Year and keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way until WM? Gone. They piece things together and charge 15 bucks more for it. It's just another PPV to me now, meaning I don't watch it.
Wrestlemania 8

When I was a kid, well ok about 8/9 and I'd only recently started watching wrestling on TV, my dad came home with a box full of about 50+ VHS wrestling PPV's. There were all sorts in there, mostly WWF stuff ranging from about 1990-98 but some early WCW things, some biography tapes like NWO 4 Life etc.. Anyway, the only wrestlemania tape amongst all of this was number 8 and I watched it religiously. So great an impression it had upon me that I remember every match on the card that night until this day. But picking little things out from the card would have to be shawn michaels and tito santana for the opening bout on the card knowing where he would end up was very interesting indeed. Undertaker vs jake roberts, it was just overwhelming to me to watch a guy who had been hated for well over a year instantly become a fan favorite from the moment he walked through the curtain, in some ways he was the original randy orton by which I mean his character needed little or no tweaking for him to be useable as a face. Thye classic IC match between bret hart and roddy piper, and for that matter the classic between ric flair and mach man for the world heavyweight title. The sid vs hogan match was always a dud but one of the most wonderful things about that event was some of the best commentary was had by gorilla monsoon and my man bobby heenan. There is even a clip on youtube somewhere dedicated to them and how hot they were that night, should be on a loop in the homes of some of WWE's current announcers.

Wrestlemania 18 - This was about the time I bought some of my own wrestling DVDs and I think this was the first mania I bought. It was memorable for the fact that it was perhaps the best card of a wrestlemania ever. It had something crazy like 10 or 11 matches on the card and not a single bad one amongst them. In particular, although the match itself wasn't great, I remember the taker and ric flair match partly because of the promo beforehand which had taker going after david flair (reminiscent to me as I used to watch WCW in 1999/00 time. And for that matter who is ever going to forget Hogan v the Rock, the day old school dominated the crowd of the new age. And HH's amazing victory over Chris Jericho after walking in with a serious leg injury (kayfabe), good times.

Hogan and Andre - It's one of the most spoken about pieces of wrestlemania trivia but it is also one of the most memorable. I think the fact that it is known so widely that the first time you actually watch it you feel like you just witnessed a bit portion of history. It is genuinely exciting when Hogan goes to pick up Andre and slams him onto his back, not for the fact of it being an amazing feat, it had of course been done previously, but they set it up so well with hogan going for it earlier in the match and not pulling it off. When he was successful the second time the crowd went wild and it's pretty special to hear genuine excitment and still being able to feel it like that knowing that it happened almost 25 years ago now.
honestly i have to agree with blackmetalbuick. Wrestlemania was amazing back in the day and was really something i looked forward to. I think the last great wrestlemania was probably wrestlemania 23 and that was only because of the exciting main event. If this year has no MITB match or taker it will be terrible since they already lost shawn michaels. Michaels had amazing matches every year.
honestly i have to agree with blackmetalbuick. Wrestlemania was amazing back in the day and was really something i looked forward to. I think the last great wrestlemania was probably wrestlemania 23 and that was only because of the exciting main event. If this year has no MITB match or taker it will be terrible since they already lost shawn michaels. Michaels had amazing matches every year.

Disappointment? Especially in the last few years. Aside from a remarkable match here or there, the spectacle is fizzling out. They can't book their way out of a paper bag anymore and the matchups we end up seeing at WM have taken place 8 other times throughout the year. They seem to lack good buildup anymore too. Where is that true buildup that starts around the New Year and keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way until WM? Gone. They piece things together and charge 15 bucks more for it. It's just another PPV to me now, meaning I don't watch it.

Are you guys deliberately misunderstanding the thread or what? Dude is asking for your wrestlemania M-E-M-O-R-I-E-S, not an in-depth analysis of the prospective card this year. The fact that you think it has gone downhill recently means you liked it more in the past, ergo there must be some memory you have from when you did like it.

For example I said Wrestlemania 8, notice how it had nothing at all to do with the current situation? Sometimes I feel guys here deliberately misread thread titles so they can shove their opinion of how far the product has fallen down everyone's throats. I know it's not my thread but by God somebody answer the dude's question!

Another memory that sprung to me is probably the WM9 ending, worst ending to wrestlemania ever. An attempt at both burying Bret Hart and inflating the ego of one Hulk Hogan in the process. Horrible horrible booking there.
Lots of pyro, awesome video packages (preferably set to "Revelations" by Veigar Margeirsson...ie, WrestleMania 23's 'All Grown Up' promo), the spectacle is what I first think of.

WrestleMania, in my mind, should always feel as if it is absolutely monumental. Every single match should feel like it embodies importance. None of that thrown together at the last minute bullshit that we've had for the past few years in some cases (like Edge/Show/Cena). Also, and I know some people might disagree with me on this, the final match of the night should always be the face coming out on top...preferably winning the WWE championship. When I think of WrestleMania, I want to think of the biggest names being on the card, the younger guys being in the first few matches (and giving us a good match that we say "he's going to be a major star soon"), but most importantly, just the giant fucking stage with all the pyro and the thousands of fans.
For me, my Wrestlemania memory, until it is topped, will be, Wrestlemania 17.

It was the best one ever in my opinion. From the first match of the night, which was Jericho against Regal, to the last match, with Austin turning heel on The Rock....everything was solid, and it was nice to see some of the old timers in the Gimmick Battle Royal.

The next closest would have to be the Undertaker and Kane match at Wrestlemania 20...just solely due to the build it had, not necessarily the match itself.

I didnt want to say anything about the obvious Undertaker and HBK matches, so, I took it a different way.
one thing comes to my mind...and keep in mind this may be coz i love shiney things or it could be coz im a bit simple but the on thing that comes to my mind is Pyro! theres no other thing like the fireworks at wrestlemania its a show in itself to watch imo and wm25 was so over the top it was sooo good.
If you want a match that comes to mind its the money in the bank ladder match. im speaking before the mitbppv and even be4 last years money in the bank(coz it was really poor) but all the others have been something to look forward too and most of them have stole the show with there over the top spots and "youll never guess whos gunna win" ending.
i think really easy for a fan to say "so and so wrestlemania was the best", but until you have been to the event, it really holds no weight.

i was at wrestlemania 26 last year, and ill take that over watching wrestlemania 17 everyday. the experience, the people i met, the journey, the sheer level of awesomeness, the absolute joy of seeing the best in the world do what they do on the biggest scale. the super bowl of wrestling.

i dont know if i will be able to attend WM27, although i know that i would love to. thats what i think about.
WM27 will be the most memorable one and what I think of every time I hear the word "Wrestlemania" because I will be attending said event, my very first WM!

As for now though when I hear WM, I think about Hogan slamming Andre, Savage vs Steamboat in one of the most awesome matches ever, Hogan vs Warrior, Austin vs Bret Hart at WM13 and Austin legit passing out from blood loss, the first TLC match at WM, these are the big moments that I really think embody what Wrestlemania is all about.
WM 3! Yes, I was a child at the time and like most 80's kids, I was a Hulkamaniac! I know that by today's standards, the Hogan-Andre match wasn't that great, but through my 7 year old eyes it was PHENOMENAL! It wasn't too long after this that I went to the video store and rented WM 1 and 2 and thus, a lifetime WWE fan was born.

But this one show, WM3, was what introduced me to the sport of professional wrestling.
When I think of Wrestlemania I think of Show Case of the Immortals. I think of the Super Bowl of Wrestling and I think of the good old days of the past. Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania 3. I still watch Wrestlemania 3 with entertainment. I think of Randy Savage vs Ricky The Dragon for the IC Title, I used to hate George The Animal Steele for costing Savage the match. I think of 1 year later Wrestlemania 4 and Macho Man vs Hogan (Mega-Powers Explode). I think of great tag-team's/ tag-team wrestling, I think of a large roster of talented guys that accepted their role without having to do Brand Extension (raw and smackdown).. Hogan was "the man".. Ted Dibiase was one of the best ever heels in wrestling history to never have won a singles title but yet he stayed loyal to the company and accepted his role and never moved on to WCW/NWA....Mr. Perfect, IC Title matches with the ability and charisma to have a World Title runs. I could go on and on....

Then I think of today's Wrestlemania's and how it's changed. 2 Heavyweight Title belts, a disgraceful Tag-Team division, I think of an exciting Money in The Bank ladder matches and whomever wins will become Champion later in the year and I think of an exciting feud that takes place on Mania night and has led to Matches of The Year.. HBK vs Kurt Angle, Brock vs Kurt Angle, Undertaker vs HBK... I miss the old days of wrestling however WWE has kept me interested enough through the years to continue watching on a weekly basis and still buy the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania PPV's the only two I buy during the course of the year (with exception of HBK vs Hogan at Summerslam)..Bottom line I'm a wrestling fan as much today as I was back in my childhood days, I'm just wiser about the wrestling business then when I was 5 and living on Hogan's every move, and buying all the merchandise.. So I can understand why Vince uses John Cena as he does, smart for business. Someday Cena will turn Heel whenever today's children grow up and get tired of the same Hustle, Loyalty and Respect as people got tired of Hogans Train, Say your prayers and take your vitamins.
WrestleMania, in my mind, should always feel as if it is absolutely monumental. Every single match should feel like it embodies importance. None of that thrown together at the last minute bullshit that we've had for the past few years in some cases (like Edge/Show/Cena).

I agree with you on this but more specifically, i've always been brought up on Wrestlemania matches featuring two guys who've never gone against each other previously or engaged in a substantial feud (with two tv shows a week, i understand it would be rare for two guys to have never faced each other in a tv match or tag match).

Angle/Lesnar, Angle/HBK, Taker/Batista, Cena/HBK, etc etc. Those are some of the most memorable matches for me at Mania because they were unique and special. I believe this is why certain matches like HHH/Orton, Cena/Show/Edge bombed is because these guys had been up against each other regularly.

Wrestlemania to me as always been unique and special because the match-ups were always special and new. I remember when Rey and Jericho feuded in '09... i was amazed by the matches and feud but i couldn't help thinking 'this has mania written all over it.

I think this is why i disliked WM 26 so much. Punk/Rey filled the criteria as apart from one match in the finals of a IC tournament, they had never properly feuded but they weren't given enough time. Jericho/Edge did the same too but i never got into that match, as solid as it was.
The first thing that pops into my mind is the song "Showcase of the Immortals", which was the WrestleMania theme song for WrestleManias IV-VIII. Hulk Hogan also pops to mind as he was the original Mr. WrestleMania and headlined the first 9 of them and really put WrestleMania on the map.
To me WM 25 Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. It was the 1st WM I've ever seen Live on PPV and it was an AMAZING Match I wouldnt Taker to keep the Streak but I didnt want Shawn to loose I was torn between the 2.

WM26 Taker vs. Shawn 2 but this was something that happen during the match when Shawn slapped Taker and gave the sign like sayng "end me".

WM22(I think) Edge vs. Foley Hardcore match when Edge speared Foley from the Apron through the flaming table was Epic and then to see the look on Edge's face afterward and his arm twitching EPIC

WM 20 Eddie Gurrero and Benoit in the ring hugging with the World Titles as I was a HUGE fan of both at the time(still am with Eddie)and the Eddie match how he won by taking off his boot during the Ankle Lock lol
For me WrestleMania "meant"
the biggest matches that were talked about for decades
Made superstars
Ends of fueds
Best of the best on one stage
All titles on the line
The one PPV a year that was a must see
The granddaddy of them all (in WWF terms) yes i realise Starrcade was first but that wasn't global

Biggest spectacle of the year

and Truly what the word Mania was meant for

Hogan, HBK and Undertaker. those 3 earned the title - Legends of WrestleMania.

sadly Mania has been in a slump for a long time with only glimpses of what it could be
I think of being in attendance at WM17, the greatest WM of all time, on the edge of my seat countless times throughout the night, and seeing my favorite WWE Star of all time win the WWF Championship at the end of the night. We didn't care he sold his soul, he was in Texas and wasn't going to be booed. I clearly think of jumping up when Austin won it in the end. That's my biggest memory.

My second is the HBK-Taker match at WM25, also in Houston, that match drained the entire crowd. We were dead after that, every single one of us, I remember seeing people leave the building after that match, just being in attendance at a WM is a blessing itself
Wrestlemania 20: The first wrestlemania I ever watched, I remember getting so excited about watching it that I needed good company to keep me alive during watching the video [good food :p], and at that time that was the first ppv I ever bought by myself. I remember just watching Benoit vs HHH vs HBK all over again, It was just an awesome moment and remembering how HBK wasn't being cheered as much as Benoit, the crowd was all over Benoit.. Another one would be hearing Paul Bearer's "OH YEAH" when Undertaker was coming out to face Kane, everyone was just wild after that..

The venue of WM 24 and the MITB Match:
I remember watching this after buying several other Wrestlemania's.. The venue for this Wrestlemania was really cool.. Was it the Citrus Bowl if I'm not mistaken, their tagline really fit cause it made you feel like you were somewhere near a beach and watching awesome matches.. [The matches at WM 24 Were all really good, especially MITB which is my favourite MITB ever, it was just shocking to see Shelton dropped into that ladder, freaking awesome moves from JoMo and return of Matt Hardy.. WM21 MITB being my second as they had some really great moments]

WM 17 and Kurt Angle's Speech about Houston
: WM17, best Mania ever... From top to bottom = no dissapointment.. The one I could clearly remember was Kurt Angle insulting Houston and saying Lose the freaking cowboy hats.. Then Benoit's entrance came and the crowd was all over him [ I think he was heel at this time ].. Just a change of reaction from the crowd, and plus one of the best matches I ever seen [Benoit vs Angle]
WARNING, this is going to sound kind of corny (lol)

When I think of Wrestlemania, I think of people who have worked their whole lives to stand on a stage like no other, I think of The Undertaker making his way to the ring, I think of HBK delivering classic after classic, and I think of men finally winning world titles that they have dreamed of winning their whole lives.

To me, Wrestlemania is like being taken to a different world. There are too many memories for me to name, but it is the signficance of what Wrestlemania means that is what it is to me. WWE's entire fate rested on the success of the first Wrestlemania. Think about that; WWE could have ceased to be and wrestling might have never become such a huge part of so many people's lives. Every performer steps up their game on Wrestlemania night in both tribute to the past performers who made history there, and for a chance to be known forever as making a legendary moment themselves.

Wrestlemania really is the showcase of the immortals, and I hold it very dear to my heart.
I don't post on the forums often but this is a good topic because with wrestling the way it is today, it's always great to reminisce of the good old times!

My fondest Wrestlemania memory will always and forever be Wrestlemania 18. I live in Rochester, NY and one day I was looking online at tickets and how much they cost. When I saw it was do-able, I bought tickets ten minutes later. I was ecstatic! A short three hour drive to Toronto and I would be there for my first and only LIVE WM! Watching all the Raws leading up to it and when the Rock challenged Hogan, it was a dream come true. I am 27 and I too grew up watching wrestling since WM3. Back then it was larger than life and I was a sold out Hulkamaniac my entire childhood. I marked for every Hogan fire up and kickout of a finisher and when the Attitude era was at it's peak, it was icon of the past vs icon of the present! Say what you want about Hogan's wrestling skills, and the match itself is nothing incredible from a technical standpoint, but being part of what I still consider the most electric crowd of all time (a little biased, I know) was the most amazing thing ever. To see the crowd actually boo The Rock was unreal. I had a seat 5 feet from the aisle and I watched as The Rock and Hogan walked up the ramp after the match with lots of respect for one another, and it was just the peak of my wrestling experience.

Honorable mentions are the Hogan vs. Warrior match at WM6, still one of the best hypes of all time, the "first" ever ladder match between Shawn and Razor Ramon at WM10 (I was also a huge Razor Ramon fan), the Iron Man Match between Shawn and Bret at Wrestlemania 12, The Rock vs. Stone Cold at WM17, and both Undertaker and Shawn Michaels matches at the past two Wrestlemanias. (It's funny because as you start thinking about the best matches, it really does come down to Michaels in so many matches and so many ways!)
I know it was kind of corny, but the old Wrestlemania theme song pops in my head whenever I hear the name: Wrestlemania.

Linda McMahon would use it as her entrance theme, which was kind of funny.

"Whoa, Ohhh......Wrestlemania!" It was cheesy, but I wish they would bring that back.

I'm not going to get into matches because I could be typing all day.

I think of Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Macho Man, etc. Guys that shined at these events and left an indelible mark on my mind and my childhood.

And all the great celebrity moments, from the classics like Bob Uecker, Pete Rose, Refrigerator Perry, Morton Downey Jr and Mr. T.

To the laughable and embarrassing, Burt Reynolds, Salt N Pepa, Limp Bizkit, Lawrence Taylor, Jonathan Taylor Thomas & Regis Philbin.

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