What Attracts Your Attention More?

What attracts your attention more?

  • Boobs

  • Ass

  • Legs

  • Smile

  • Personality

  • Eyes

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And all you guys are full of shit if you say that you've never compared yourself to another guy. But it's cool.... :icon_smile:

I question if you're confusing comparing ourselves, to feeling insecure. For example, I'm definately not gonna troll around lockerrooms checking out guys "packages" saying.. "I'm better, I'm better, I'm better, he'd screw me, about the same, HOLY SHIT!" :lmao:

In my personal belief, (thats become my phrase of the night, apparently) I don't compare myself to other guys.. I compare myself to how a female's reaction is. I've never had any negative complaints, but I suppose at the same time, maybe I have & just never heard them?

All in all, Wes was correct in saying.. "What you see, is what you get." Because you can't alter or change anything about it. And if you don't like it, then go somewhere else. I'm not gonna be ashamed of what I have, or the lack there of, just because one (or several) females don't fancy it.. because sooner or later, one (or several more) will.

(I'll give my opinion on the topic in a moment.)
So overall, I'll run down the entire list, & then sum it up.

Boobs: Overall this is got to be the least of the entire list that I care about. I've never & likely will never be a huge boob/breat lover. I don't get why, I just simply don't care for them. That being said, I'm not saying they're UNattractive, as most are very.. they just aren't the first thing I see. (unless of course they're just unnature & way overly huge for the person who's carrying them)

Ass: Honestly, this is probably the first sexual thing I look at, as Its probably considered a fetish to me. (not that damn cup video though) The shape of a Woman's ass is great, they come in all sizes, & curves. Some are bad, most are just a thing of beauty. I think the best part is, some females don't know the gift they carry behind (no pun intended) them. Any amount of clothing can accent this body part greatly, to the point of making Male's do your bidding.

Legs: Probably the most overrated body part, yet at the same time well worth mentioning. What sole purpose do legs serve? You stand on them, what else are they used for? Seriously.. I don't believe there is anything. Long ones are nice, but I could really care less.

Smile: Quite possibly one of the best things a female has to offer. When you're distances apart, a singular smile in your direction, especially meant for you, can brighten the darkest room. I've seen several beautiful smiles in my life, & must say only a few have captivated me to the point of feeling weak merely for them alone. The smile is a great feature to possess, possibly the 3rd-4th best feature.

Personality: Looks are nothing more than lustful, without a personality to carry with them. The female personality is what will carry you beyond sexual desires. Its there that I give this the 2nd best attribute a female could possess.

Eyes: I think there was a reason this was last on the list for me.. & not just because it went in that order, but because for me, the eyes take everything. A female's physical appeal may go far in letting me know if I'd ever want to sleep with them.. but its the eyes that show you their true passion. The eyes are the gateway to the soul, to me.. & I've fallen deep into quite possibly the greatest looking set I've ever seen.. even if only through a picture.

Eyes show so many emotions, they show you the innocence, the passion, the lustful desire, the caring, deep meaning of what that person is truly feeling. Eyes truly have a way of speaking volumes, without saying a single word. And that, among many reasons, is why I'm constantly in love over them. So perhaps the quote Wes has of me, would sum everything up perfectly.
Should I even give an answer on this one?

If the girls not pregnant, surprisingly enough I'll check out her eyes and hair first, then her backside, boobs I'll usually notice last (even if there big and outstanding)

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