What are your WWE PPV ordering habits?

What are your WWE PPV purchasing habits?

  • I enjoy Raw the most. I typically purchase 12-14 PPV's a year (virtually every one).

  • I enjoy Raw the most. I typically purchase 9-11 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Raw the most. I typically purchase 5-8 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Raw the most. I typically purchase 2-4 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Raw the most. I purchase zero PPV's or perhaps 1 PPV (ie: Wrestlemania) a year.

  • I enjoy Smackdown the most. I typically purchase 12-14 PPV's a year (virtually every one).

  • I enjoy Smackdown the most. I typically purchase 9-11 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Smackdown the most. I typically purchase 5-8 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Smackdown the most. I typically purchase 2-4 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy Smackdown the most. I purchase zero PPV's or perhaps 1 PPV (ie: Wrestlemania) a year.

  • I enjoy ECW the most. I typically purchase 12-14 PPV's a year (virtually every one).

  • I enjoy ECW the most. I typically purchase 9-11 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy ECW the most. I typically purchase 5-8 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy ECW the most. I typically purchase 2-4 PPV's a year.

  • I enjoy ECW the most. I purchase zero PPV's or perhaps 1 PPV (ie: Wrestlemania) a year.

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I always order Wrestlemania each year just for the nostalgia and magic of it. I also might order the other "Big Four" PPV's. However I don't make it a habit to buy the smaller Pay-Per-Views because, most likely, the next day they'll be on a certain video site that begins with a Y and ends with an E.
The main reason I do not purchase the ppv's that much is the fact that I live at home still and my parents dont really like extra fees on the cable bill, and my friends really arent into wrestling. Now if I could I would order the big 4 and probably nothing more just because with my current income I would not be able to afford anymore than that. To me the ppvs are good but not worth the $50 that is being charged, but to be fair to Vince, thats not all his fault. A lot of that is raising cost in cable fees and such that he has no control over. So when I order WM with my gf and possible SS, we really dont get to bent out of shape over the cost of it
I normally try to catch every PPV I can.
If it's on Sky Sports free here in the UK then I pretty much always watch it.
If it's on Sky Box Office where it cost £15 then unless the PPV is one of "the big four" or has a card which I could not pass on, then I would usually watch it on the internet.
In the 90s I used to get them all because IN YOUR HOUSE as 19.99 and the major 5 were 29.99. Also, my Aunt worked for Paragon Cable(now Time Warner) and she used to get them free!

I ordered WM25 just to watch the HBKvs Undertaker match, paid 54.99 to see one match. I would like to order more but they are so damn expensive its not worth it. They also put on the main events on cable the week of and the matches are sub-par, so that turns me off to begin with.

The matches and presentation aren't what they used to be either. They used to have intense backstage promo buildups to matches, and lets face today's matches don't top Bret, Owen, Shawn, 123 Kid, Razor, Undertaker, Vader, etc matches of the 90s. They should make the middle PPVs less priced, say 29.99 (thats what the major PPVs used to be) and I think more would buy them. 40 bucks is too expensive for mediocre matches that are repeated over and over from PPV to PPV.
When I used to work for the cable company Comcast, I would order all of the Pay Per Views because with my employee discount I got them for just about half price. Nowadays with most things being so predictable and known in advance, I follow play by play on Wrestlezone, and catch up on some videos from the shows on youtube. I know this isnt what the WWE wants to hear, but this is reality. $40 for a predictable pay per view that is no better then free tv is a waste, IMO
i just stopped getting the ppv's my last one was judgement day, i kind of regret not getting these last two though, i stopped because i thought they were getting boring, i wish that smackdown and raw had seperate ppv's because then each one would be more exciting we would probably get to see more championship matches, like the mid card belts would probly get defended every ppv and guys wouldn't get left out. i just stopped getting ppv's like i said earlier but if john cena wins the wwe championship i'll get'em agian, orton and triple H have had the belt to long, i havent really enjoyed a ppv since cena was champ, wwe champ that is.
hmm..in the UK there was a time in 2000/01 where royal rumble, backlash, inVasion and vengenace 2001 were shown on terrestrial TV..which is completely free which i dont think i appricated fully lol

first PPV i ordered was backlash 2002..cause simply..i wanted to triple h vs hollywood hulk hogan..wasnt a bad event to be fair and i ordered every event that was on sky box office up till..armageddon 2002.

Now me and my mates just all get together..pay £2 each and watch wrestlemania every year..thats about the only event we ever order unless we're feeling rich and may order summerslam and the royal rumble haha
i have got every WWE ppv since 2001 & don't plan on stopping at all. so i don't miss a WWE ppv or tna ppv at all
In all honesty there was one reason I even started watching wrestling, Shawn Michaels, and find myself only ordering PPVs that feature HBKs matches. That said, I haven't ordered a PPV since WM and don't intend to until he comes back. Sure I have other favorites, but no one wrestles a good enough match for me to pay $50 for except the Heart Break Kid.
In 04/05 I ordered all ppvs until around survivor series. I got Rumble 06 and WM 22 and Summerslam 06. I then ordered Rumble 07, I wanted to watch wm23 but cable was out the entire day. I didn't watch any ppv's until no mercy 07, i think it was where hhh wrestled 3 matches won, won, lost. No Mercy 07 disgusted me so i didn't get another ppv till rumble 08, i got no way out 08, cable yet again was out during wm24 -,- I got judgement day 08, one night stand 08, Unforgiven 08. Then nothing until I watched no way out 09 on a live stream. Now due to not having a way to order ppv's I've watched wm25, judgement day, extreme rules, the bash on live streams. I know its bad but I got no other way to watch em for now.

I've gotta say, The Bash live stream was the best ever.
I think ppv's are still $30 each in australia unless they have risen since ONS 08
I've ordered the Road to Wrestlemania (Rumble, No Way Out, and Mania) and Summerslam every year starting at mania 23. Then It depends on the card witch lately means I skip a lot and try to find them free on the internet. Then if Shawn Michaels gets a world title shot I order it hoping to see him be champ again.
I live in the UK, so half of the PPVs are free anyway. I generlly order the ones you pay for, and I missed WrestleMania 23, Judgement Day, Unforgiven, NoMercy and Armageddon last year, all of which are ones you pay for here, for various reasons, but have watched every single one this year. However, also being a TNA fan, whose PPVs are all free but aired on delay here, I think I'd have a different tale if I lived in North America for which ones I watched.
PPVs I ordered:
Royal Rumble 2004
Wrestlemania XX
Great American Bash 2004
Summerslam 2004
Survivor Series 2004
Royal Rumble 2005
Wrestlemania 21
Summerslam 2005
*Survivor Series 2005
Royal Rumble 2006
Wrestlemania 22
Wrestlemania 23
**Royal Rumble 2008
Wrestlemania 24
Wrestlemania 25

* Would've ordered it, but had to attend a wedding
**Attended live
I watch nearly all of them. I split the pay with friends/family, so that obviously increases my ordering of it. I really just started getting back into WWE again last spring/summer, so since that point I've seen every PPV live since 2008 Night of Champions.
I enjoy Smackdown the most for the fact that it's a much fresher & enjoyable product than Raw is. The one pay per view that I will pay for is Wrestlemania whether I split it with 3 or 4 people by ordering it on pay per view or I just do what I did for Wrestlemania 25 & get a friend of mine to purchase our tickets months in advance so we can all see Wrestlemania live & in person, but other than Wrestlemania & maybe Summerslam if i'm feeling nice, I usually just watch pay per views by streams cause most of the time I don't have enough money to pay for one.
Wow I would be embarassed admitting that. You would probably get the same sensation flushing your money down the toilet.

uhhhhh no,all i'm saying is that buying PPVs in my house is not a problem,why are you judging me,you don't know me,i know the value of a dollar,grow up
I will always order WrestleMania, year after year, because Mania always puts forth a good card. However, in the current economic climate, I've not been big on ordering pay-per-views. I ordered a ton of shows until about 2006. After that, the only shows I've ordered have been NYR 07 (still scratching my head on why I went for that one), RR's 07 and 08, and WM's 23, 24, and 25. I was gonna order this year's Rumble, but I decided against it because it was pretty predictable that Orton was gonna win. I'm glad I did, as it was really nothing to write home about this year, at least not compared to some of the previous ones. However, I've checked out a lot of matches on YouTube and such, and I think that some shows this year have been fantastic. It almost makes me want to start ordering again, just to see atalented group of guys doing their thing.
Firstly, we need to change your name to "Lord of polls with ridiculous amounts of options"

I order all the PPVS. And thoroghly enjoy them all. The economy has had no effect on this decision, and I am quite happy with WWE programming. Get all giddy about PPVs, the whole day leading up, and love watch them on my big screen and surround sound. Im generally very happy with the show quality, ive loved every show this year, outside of WrestleMania, which was absolute shit. Besides that, every show has been between solid on up to fantastic.

Whats the point of being a fan if you dont order the big shows?
I pretty much will order any PPV if it looks interesting. I only recently got back into wrestling big time, and the first PPV I ordered back was No Way Out. Then I got Wrestlemania, then Extreme Rules. I would have gotten The Bash but I was outta town. I play on ordering pretty much every PPV from now on though. The next 6 I will for sure too. The next one I'm not sure on is Armageddon. The name doesn't really matter to me, unless its one of the big 4, I'll for sure get it. But if a card looks good, I will definitely have to order it.
Firstly, we need to change your name to "Lord of polls with ridiculous amounts of options"

I order all the PPVS. And thoroghly enjoy them all. The economy has had no effect on this decision, and I am quite happy with WWE programming. Get all giddy about PPVs, the whole day leading up, and love watch them on my big screen and surround sound. Im generally very happy with the show quality, ive loved every show this year, outside of WrestleMania, which was absolute shit. Besides that, every show has been between solid on up to fantastic.

Whats the point of being a fan if you dont order the big shows?

I completely agree. I order all of TNA's PPVs and it would be difficult to miss a possible storyline conclusion...

As for WWE PPVs, I only order Wrestlemania if I have someone to split the costs with.
Well to be honest I only order 4 pay-per-views a year from WWE. The ones I do order have a long history, meaning I only order the "Big Four": Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series.

Had it not been for their history perhaps I wouldnt order them, no just joking usually they are the shows that bring there "A" game but so far too of the big four have been out done by No Way Out XD (which IMO has been the best WWE ppv put on this year thus far) But hey we will see once SummerSlam comes and goes.

All the rest of WWE's pay-per-views I watch over live streams ...MUAHAHAHA!!!!

As for TNA pay-per-views I never order them because they haven't proven themselves worthy of my money. Heck WWE barely does that as it is. Maybe someday TNA will convince me to order Bound For Glory but for now TNA ppvs will be watched over a free stream XD

All in all I only order 4 ppvs from WWE and there the pay-per-views that have the most history:
Royal Rumble
Survivor Series
I haven't ordered a show in years but since Mania 24 I've missed one stream of a WWE show. I used to barely ever even care about them as I could just get the results later, but in the past year and a half or so I've become addicted to them. It's the payoff taht you get for watching the 3-4 weeks of buildup and the feeling you get from that makes it much better and worth the month of less than stellar TV. Won't be ordering any anytime soon, but the streams will be continuing for a long time if I have any say in it.
This is how it worked last year, the bolded PPV's are the ones I got for free:

Royal Rumble
No Way Out
WrestleMania XXIV
Judgement Day
One Night Stand
Night of Champions
The Great American Bash
No Mercy
Cyber Sunday
Survivor Series

Whilst the price for PPV's here is very cheap, I still only order WrestleMania as we get quite alot of the yearly PPV's for free. However I have said to myself if a Sky Box Office PPV has an amazing card, I will purchase it.

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