What are some of the things you feel are working/entertaining in pro wrestling and some of the things you think aren't or you can't stand?
I'll name just a few for now - kind of want this to be an informal, sort of rant/praise thread, but that's up to the discretion of the poster. Most of you can articulate your likes/dislikes way better then I, due to my
brain. Heh.
The Good
- I like the idea of Cody and Ted back together and not as a tag team. Hopefully, they aren't just fed to Orton once again. I've really been looking forward to Ted's face turn, but with him on the same show as Orton, I don't see it happening for another year. As a heel alliance, I'd like to see them dominate Smackdown.
- Impact Wrestling, as a whole, is a product I enjoy. I like that I have no idea what the storylines will be three months down the line. Nothing in Impact Wrestling is written in stone. They have faith in a lot of different guys and I'm glad they don't have a "face" of the company. Anyone can be defeated, and cleanly, on any given day.
- WWE has a lot of talented young stars.
The Bad
- WWE's talented young stars are being underutilized and voiceless. I'm a fan of stables, but there is no depth to the Corre. It's three guys who team up on people and hit their finishers one after the other. They've been doing the same thing for an entire year. When will we see Gabriel on his own? In the old WWE, Kelly Kelly would be put in the middle of a feud between Gabriel and JoMo and we might see segments from outside the arena/backstage. Now it's just someone hits you from behind and you want revenge so you feud for 6 months.
- There doesn't seem to be many "Men" in WWE(the same could be said for TNA.) I feel the stars of old wouldn't put up with a lot of stuff that goes on in WWE now a days. This is both a good and a bad thing. I think the old guys were a lot more disgruntled (Iron Sheik, Jake Roberts, Duggan, Piper) but I think that is what added to their charisma and IT factor. Now a days, I bet there are rules like "If Cena hurts you, you don't retaliate, if you want to keep your job" and I can understand why. It's hard to explain, but there just seems to be something missing now a days. When Hogan and Flair joined TNA, they had a match, I think it was a tag team match with Styles and Abyss. I remember thinking that Hogan/Flair were outclassing anything Styles and Abyss were doing and it was just two old MEN slugging it out, but it was so intense/passionate and I realized then why they were the legends that they were. I don't mean to downplay the sacrifices and toughness of the wrestlers today, it just is different now.
- Orton and Cena's backstage clout and tv presence.
- Cole and Lawler angle.
- The PG rating and lack of character development.
The Ugly
- The iMPACT! Zone. Please get your asses on the road!
I'll name just a few for now - kind of want this to be an informal, sort of rant/praise thread, but that's up to the discretion of the poster. Most of you can articulate your likes/dislikes way better then I, due to my

The Good
- I like the idea of Cody and Ted back together and not as a tag team. Hopefully, they aren't just fed to Orton once again. I've really been looking forward to Ted's face turn, but with him on the same show as Orton, I don't see it happening for another year. As a heel alliance, I'd like to see them dominate Smackdown.
- Impact Wrestling, as a whole, is a product I enjoy. I like that I have no idea what the storylines will be three months down the line. Nothing in Impact Wrestling is written in stone. They have faith in a lot of different guys and I'm glad they don't have a "face" of the company. Anyone can be defeated, and cleanly, on any given day.
- WWE has a lot of talented young stars.
The Bad
- WWE's talented young stars are being underutilized and voiceless. I'm a fan of stables, but there is no depth to the Corre. It's three guys who team up on people and hit their finishers one after the other. They've been doing the same thing for an entire year. When will we see Gabriel on his own? In the old WWE, Kelly Kelly would be put in the middle of a feud between Gabriel and JoMo and we might see segments from outside the arena/backstage. Now it's just someone hits you from behind and you want revenge so you feud for 6 months.
- There doesn't seem to be many "Men" in WWE(the same could be said for TNA.) I feel the stars of old wouldn't put up with a lot of stuff that goes on in WWE now a days. This is both a good and a bad thing. I think the old guys were a lot more disgruntled (Iron Sheik, Jake Roberts, Duggan, Piper) but I think that is what added to their charisma and IT factor. Now a days, I bet there are rules like "If Cena hurts you, you don't retaliate, if you want to keep your job" and I can understand why. It's hard to explain, but there just seems to be something missing now a days. When Hogan and Flair joined TNA, they had a match, I think it was a tag team match with Styles and Abyss. I remember thinking that Hogan/Flair were outclassing anything Styles and Abyss were doing and it was just two old MEN slugging it out, but it was so intense/passionate and I realized then why they were the legends that they were. I don't mean to downplay the sacrifices and toughness of the wrestlers today, it just is different now.
- Orton and Cena's backstage clout and tv presence.
- Cole and Lawler angle.
- The PG rating and lack of character development.
The Ugly
- The iMPACT! Zone. Please get your asses on the road!