What About Cody's Older Brother ?


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Now that Brett Dibiase appears to be receiving his call up from the minors (or it may have just been a one time shot), should the "E" also include Dustin Rhodes in the Legacy storyline ?

There have been several rumors floating around that Ted Dibiase will turn face before his movie gets released early next year, so why not bring Dustin to the Raw roster and have the Dibiase's feud with the Rhodes ?

There's little question that Dustin (Goldust) can still go in the ring, incredibly well IMO, so why not ? Plus, the Goldust gimmick seems to be getting stale even though he's being featured prominently on ECW right now.
I dunno, Dustin Rhodes doesn't really fit with the direction the WWE is going in. Younger stars overall in the WWE are getting solid pushes and Dustin doesn't really fit the mold.

From what I understand, he's at least 40 and I think he's ultimately accomplished most of what he's going to in the WWE as Goldust. I think in order for Dustin to really even get Creative to give him anything that's ultimately going to be meaningful, he'd have to drop the Goldust character, alter his image and hit the gym. He can still perform well in the ring, but he's just been around for so long and is so familiar to WWE audiences that it'd just be an uphil thing for him.
I've often wondered about Goldust joining Legacy because of his connection with Cody but I'm not sure if it would work. Legacy seems to have this underlying theme of its members being the 'future' of the WWE and quite obviously, a 40 year old Dustin Rhodes does not fit that bill.

Added to that the fact that Goldust is this outrageous character who doesn't really fit the mould of Legacy...however, if they wanted to include Dustin then perhaps they could have him join the group as himself, NOT as Goldust but in this late stage of his career I'm not sure if it would be possible for him to get over as just himself, Lord knows he found it difficult enough in his prime.

That being said, I agree with ztwhite in that Goldust still looks great in the ring and he can certainly go from that perspective but I just don't see them moving him again from ECW to RAW...of course, Goldust being involved with Legacy just may be one of those crazy ideas which if happened could actually work.

Goldust and Cody had a good exchange backstage a few months ago, where 'Dust questioned Cody's actions and while I enjoyed that I'm just not sure if Goldust would fit in with the other members. While I wouldn't particularly mind it, I don't see it happening any time soon.
No they shouldn't include Dustin ( Goldust) in the legacy storyline he is already on Ecw and his place on their is perfect for him. There he will put younger stars over and may get a shot at the Ecw title. Also he is pretty old (40) and since the wwe is going through a youth movement where some new main eveners will be born it wouldn't make sense to have him involved in a storyline that will hopefully create new main eventers. In the end it could just be sumed up as he'll do the most good on Ecw. I mean seriously what good would it do if Legacy beat Goldust? It would just be better if they continued what they were doing.
While I like the idea of bringing in Dustin to help mentor the younger stars like he is on ECW right now I don't think he could get heat at this point in his career anymore

I would have Cody turn on Ted during a match hitting him with the crossrhodes. Brett comes down and Cody takes off. Brett picks up Ted and the Dibiase brothers challenge Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton to a tag match next week on Raw.

Ted holds his own against Randy for awhile when he tags in Brett. Brett locks in the million dollar dream on Ted while Cody & Randy beat down Ted.

This brings down Carlito who joins in on the beating until Goldust and Primo come down with chairs running off Legacy and helping Ted Dibiase up.

It would give Ted a good rub on the mic being with Goldust who seems very comfortable on the mic and would turn Ted face for his upcoming movie release.

They could make Cody and Brett a tag team so Brett could continue to develop while maintaining screen time. They would go up against Primo and Goldust in a feud for a lil bit so Dustin could train Brett in the ring.

Ted would go onto feud with Orton giving him a push to coincide with the release of The Marine 2

Carlito would be Legacy midcarder to eventually feud with Kofi for the U.S. title

I would eventually bring in Ted Dibiase Sr as the mouthpiece for the face team

so it would be

The New Legacy
Randy Orton
Brett Dibiase & Cody Rhodes

Million Dollar Corporation
Ted Dibiase Sr. Manager
Ted Dibiase jr _ Main event
Goldust - veteran
Primo - midcard

I wouldn't use the MDC as a traditional stable but like the union as wrestlers that have each others backs to take out Legacy for thinking they were better than they are better than their fathers and brothers
Goldust has been using the same gimmick since 2002, in his on off WWE run.

Personally I'd say have Brett "try" and join Legacy and keep getting pushed away, even to the point of Ted trying to get him in, only for Brett, Cody and Orton to all turn on Ted (leading to Ted's face run) and we all know how much WWE loves brother vs brother feuds, which could lead to Ted/Cody at Mania 26 or even Orton/Ted for something different.

back to Goldust, he's in the right place now, ECW needs someone who is different and can still hang with the best and put over the younger guys, Goldust tho needs to relight his 95/96 persona to really get himself noticed and maybe even get him a title run in ECW.
I think adding him a little to the Legacy mix *could* work if done correctly.

You cant have him just show up and help in his Goldust gimmick. Maybe have a backstage interview going on where Dustin randomly walks up to his younger brother with no makup/mask/gimmick....just himself. The two have a staredown, and Dustin slowly walks off.... something like that. Then you can side spin it a little to build it up,and work Dustin in that way. The only way Dustins going to be able to escape the Goldust gimmick and do something of the sort is for him to drop it, point blank overnight.

If done right, It may work. But honestly, I like his role better right now. It works for him. However, I would like to see some sort of "crossing" between the brothers eventually.

Goldust is good a well on ECW, but I dont think we'll see him taking off the face paint or the suit anytime soon, and I think someone already state the fact that he's a lot older than everyone else in the group. Ortons only 29, Dustin Rhodes is 43....it would kind of defeat the purpose of a new younger group of cocky heels that are all second or third generation Superstars.

I do see somewhere down the line the possiblilty of Goldust and Cody joining up as a tag team or feuding agaisnt each other.
He can still go in the ring, and he looks pretty jacked under the jumpsuit. If he changed his gimmick it would definitely work if done right, but lately WWF booking hasn't been solid because its been guys who worked in showbiz rather than past wrestlers e.g. Pat Patterson, Brisco, Chief, Vince, etc. The company is so big that they have a creative department for each brand and most of it is guys who have regular TV experience and not wrestling. Like Bret Hart says, the product today seems "too rehearsed" with the interviews and segments being phony and thought out...And the wrestling has taken a backseat to choreographed spots and less storytelling.
I actually wouldn't like to see Dustin Rhodes added to Legacy. I just don't see how he would fit. Even Brett DiBiase. I don't know what the exact situation is with him, but I don't know if he'd exactly blend in with the rest. I know how he performs in the ring, but just because you are a young, 3rd generation superstar, doesn't mean you will fit into Legacy.

I feel that Goldust needed to go to ECW. Every time that Goldust is hired, he is always on Raw. He needed a change of scenery, and I think ECW will do him good. He did end Sheamus' undefeated streak. So, I think Goldust or Dustin Rhodes should remain on his own on ECW, and not be involved on Raw with Legacy.

Come to think of it, I don't even think Randy Orton even needs a stable. He's shown that he can win matches on his own in the past. Why have Legacy unless the leader actually needs the win?
If they do, he'd probably be a supervisor or manager for the group, like Rick Rude for DX.

And like many other people have said, goldust is 43. The guy is almost as old as taker!

I think it would be neat, but not likely.
Goldust belongs on ECW. He's tutoring the younger stars and he's getting exposure and still looks pretty good in the ring. He doesn't fit in Legacy and he'd be a lot better just sticking in ECW. If he gets a title shot in the near future, more power to the guy. Keep him on ECW and just let him feud with guys like Sheamus. These two have put on a nice little feud and this is the kind of thing Goldust needs to stick to.
what i would love to see honestly is dustin and cody rhodes vs brett and ted dibiase. then dustin would have teamed with both his father and his brother in a match
i think best way outa this is a draft soon...cody drafted to ecw omg omg omg forgetting the legacy direction for the moment cody on ecw gets in the face of the top faces going on and on and on and we all know how annoiying his voice can get anyway leads to a match with him and christian or someone ends with him getting beaten down goldust comes out to save and rhodes pushes him away and leaves..next week similar situation on AW show or summit he starts brawling goldy tries to help and cody pushes him away cuts a promo on him being perfetic etc etc...for later in the evening tiff makes a tag match christian and dreamer vs cody and goldust

come to the match CC, dreamer and cody all in ring and out comes..DUSTIN RHODES cody looks suprised dustin has his eyes locked on ring totally focussed and they pic up win .. they'd be the rhodes brothers and dustin would would as more of a enforcer to enhance cody maybe push him to ecw title

there u go dustin helping out the younger talents..his brother i think he would be great in that role what do u think?
Frankly, my favorite among the ideas posed was the one by dvayne. Given that Ted Jr. is likely to go face soon and Goldust is pretty much a silly but effective face at this time, then I think it would be highly entertaining for these two to have a...possibly slightly uncomfortable team-up but one that works. Besides, in a new Million Dollar organization, Goldust is rather...fitting, wouldn't you say?

Furthermore, Ted Jr. is the one in the equation that seems to be able to hold his own against Orton. He's actually the only one of Priceless that has shown himself an able competitor in singles action (whereas Rhodes has been singularly pathetic in that arena as of late.) What I see is Rhodes idolizing Orton and wanting to become him. Ted Jr. respects him and benefits from his experience, but isn't as starstruck at his partner. So, supposing when the group turns on him, Goldust gives a veteran's hand and begins teaching Ted Jr. a bit of what he knows best: psychology and mind games. The two of them have the physical game to combat Legacy, now they pour on the mental game. It could be a highly entertaining battle of wits and wills.
I doubt they're going to try and drop the Goldust persona, lord knows they've tried it a few dozen times before. Does anyone else remember Dustin Rhodes, FU. I don't know how many trash cans they've melted with "Goldust's attire."

I think a good idea though would be to have him feud with Cody as Goldust. Give Cody some veteran in-ring work, and at the same time pull off a pretty cool story.. Maybe have Cody confront Goldust, try to get him to join Legacy and when Goldust doesn't, have Legacy attack him, and then go from there.
Nah we won't see Goldust anywhere near Legacy. He's to old for them. They are going for the 'future' of this business, as it has been said Goldust is not the future anymore. Even if they brought him on in a manager type role, he'd have to drop the Goldust gimmick, it wouldn't go with Legacy at all and I don't see that happening. All in all, Goldust will remain on ECW and probably finish out his WWE career there, I doubt we will see him in a major feud or storyline again.
Dustin Rhodes - Goldust, whatever you want to call him - this man could do great things in ECW. For his age - this is as good as its gonna get (unless your Undertaker). But his current time in ECW isn't so bad. I saw his recent match on ECW and wow it's awesome to see that he still has it. I could see a possible ECW title run or maybe even a contender. He'd be able to pull off a worth seeing match -
the only thing I wanna see happen between him and his brother is little run in's - like at the royal rumble, although small - ya gotta admit it was pretty fucking rad.
Goldust should stay where he is, doing what he does. Goldust is a multiple midcard champion, and is instant kudos for the new talent coming into ECW. It doesn'tt matter that those titles came 10 yearsd ago, as long as Striker says "Goldust, a former IC and US champion", he will look relevant.

Goldust is still capable of putting on a decent match and is interesting enough on the mic to guide people like Sheamus into a first feud. Goldust is fine where he is. If you have to replace DiBiase, use his brother, it makes sense to push him out that way anyway. Goldust is probably being used as well as he has by any company for something like 7 years now, don't ruin it for the guy.
Even though Goldust is too old and too outrageous to really be involved in anything Legacy related, if it were to happen, I'd think the most interesting thing to do would be to have Goldust and Brett Dibiase TEAM UP against Legacy.

I'd start a fued between Cody and Goldust, with Cody saying how he hates his bro for what he's become and how's he's a disgrace to the family. Goldust could say he hates Cody for doing all these bad things and associating himself with Orton. They have a match, and Cody wins and afterwards the rest of Legacy come out and beat the crap out of Goldust, sending him away for a while.

Shortly after that, Brett Dibiase tries to convince Randy to let him join Legacy. Randy gives him a few chances by asking him to do heel stuff (attacking guys backstage, fight guys for him, etc.) but since he's more of a face, he doesn't really want to do it and fails at these task. The whole time Ted is like "What the hell Brett, do you want in or not? You're making me look bad, you suck, etc) Let's say his last chance to get in is to take out an already beaten Cena with a chair or something, and Brett says no. Ted gets in his face says do it or else, but he still refuses. Ted assaults Brett and him and Legacy give him a beatdown, with Ted getting the last blow and sends him away for a while.

Later on, Legacy win the tag titles and during one of their beatdowns, Brett comes out with a chair and makes the save, forcing Ted and Cody to retreat. As they're walking up the ramp, Brett gets on the mic and says "I haven't forgotten what you did to me, and neither has this man" Then Dustin Rhodes, as himself, not Goldust, comes on stage with a pipe or something, and chases Ted and Cody, who are forced to escape through the crowd. It'll be Dibiase & Rhodes vs Dibiase & Rhodes for the tag titles at the next ppv, kicking off a kick ass tag title fued.

Tagging with a vet like Goldust would give Brett some experience and fueding with Legacy would help get him over; it'd be the perfect scenario for him.
Goldust aka Dustin has always had issue with his father, whether or not they still exist, i think it would be more likely Cody and Dustin fued. Hangon, they did have a few matches against each other not long ago.

anyway Goldust/Dustin is nothing more than comic relief nowadays it would be pointless to suddenly promote him as a generation star that is awesome.
His career died back in the early 90's

So yeah maybe it would work. Cody Rhodes is a joke anyway so why not add Dustin in aswell, COdy wrestles like he's in a fit and Goldust portrays being electrocuted which i might add happened almost a decade ago that gimmick was funny then.
Ha Ha i read the one question they asked dustin about cody saying he's a stubborn hard headed dude i would love to that dustin as goldust or himself vs cody haha that would be a classic don't want to miss kind of match.

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