What About A "Wolverine VS. Hulk" movie?


Even though it's more than 2 years away from release, the "Batman vs. Superman" movie has been generating a tremendous amount of buzz since it's development was announced at Comic-Con a little while back. Batman and Superman are, quite possibly, the two most recognizable and iconic figures in comic book history. They've been developed in various movie serials back in the 1940s, television series, feature films and any number of animated series over the decades. Seeing two iconic characters crossover in movies, even if they're part of the same genre and set within the same fictional universe, is something not seen very often in movies. Whether you're a DC fan, Marvel fan, just a comic fan in general or just like these sort of big budget superhero flicks, people are excited about this movie.

A few minutes ago, I got to pondering the idea of Marvel eventually doing something similar in which two iconic characters, mostly thought of as heroes, were to be put in a similar movie. The Hulk & Wolverine sprang to mind first. In the comics, they've had some vicious and awesome fights over the years and the idea of them cutting loose on the big screen is something I'd like to see.

I don't think such a film would ever come about anytime soon, at least not without some sort of reboot of the X-Men franchise. It's too steeped in its own continuity at this point and doesn't seem to be part of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe that Marvel & Paramount have created over the past 5 or 6 years. If the film rights also reverted back to Marvel from 20th Century Fox, I think it'd be a great opportunity to start things fresh. While Hugh Jackman's done a tremendous job as the character, he's almost 45 years old. He looks great and probably a full decade or so younger than he actually is, but there's only so long you can realistically play a character well over 100 years old who looks in the physical prime of his life and doesn't age without resorting to expensive CGI magic. It'd also keep the cost down. The X-Men films have made Jackman a star, he's been in other successful & critically acclaimed movies, now he's a Golden Globe winner and Academy Award nominee. He probably can command a salary in the $15 to $20 million range per flick.

If such a movie did get made, I don't think it'd be as big of a hit, in terms of box office, as "Batman vs. Superman" probably will be. Bats & Supes are characters who were created back in the Golden Age of Comics with generation upon generation growing up on them. Wolverine & Hulk are much farther from traditional heroic characters than Bats & Supes. They're both very popular but, as I said, they're not traditional heroes and they haven't become as ingrained as Bats & Supes have in the American consciousness.

Still, I think it'd have tremendous potential as a money maker and as a really entertaining action flick.
I like the idea, man, but there's one big problem: Hulk just does not generate very good box office returns. Whether this is because his story isn't appealing enough or because Ang Lee really screwed the pooch with his adaptation, neither the aforementioned film nor 2008's The Incredible Hulk broke even (i.e. doubled their production budget in box office).

The Wolverine franchise is still doing relatively well due to strong international grosses, but having him face off against Hulk in a future franchise installment might be too big of a risk. That being said, I do think a Spider-man vs. Wolverine movie would have huge box office potential.

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