Championship Contender
With Shelton Benjamin leaving ROH and Charlie Haas looking to follow him, The WGTT could soon be one the Hottest Tag Team on the market and with the TNA tag team division really being in a mess at the moment, Should TNA make every effort possible to sign them.
I have actually advocated for this in the past, thinking that their style would fit better in TNA, but...

I am through supporting Shelton Benjamin. Throughout most of their run with ROH he has been lazy in the ring, appeared mostly uninterested, and his act of "going through the motions" at times made for botch-heavy sequences that bordered on wreckless or dangerous to the guys having to work with him. I think the vast majority of ROH fans agree with me and had grown completely tired of Shelton and breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that he had been granted his release.

Haas has been absolutely carrying Benjamin for months. He was the only one in the team who was working. He did all the real work in every match and during every promo, making Shelton look like his acquiescing lapdog.

I would rather see Haas stay in ROH and get a "Bully Ray-like" late career singles heel resurgance than continue to carry Shelton so obviously.

With that being said, TNA's tag division needs something, so it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, but TNA would have to be careful with any deal they offered to make sure they wouldn't get stuck overpaying Benjamin on the chance that his work with them showed to be as worthless as his ROH work has been in 2012.
TNA needs some legit tag teams right now, and I think Shelton and Haas are way more valuable as a team if they were to go to TNA as opposed to singles guys. They could really start to rebuild the tag division again if they signed these two. I enjoyed their work in ROH, and WGTT could easily be at the top of TNA's almost non existent tag scene.
Hell yeah because tna needs real tag teams and possibly a return of the ink inc
as we need also badass tag and shannon moore will be a new life for the x division
Didnt Benjamin leave ROH specifically because he is signing with WWE again????

Benjamin needs a solid singles, heel main event push. He could have awesome matches with CM Punk
Didnt Benjamin leave ROH specifically because he is signing with WWE again????

Benjamin needs a solid singles, heel main event push. He could have awesome matches with CM Punk

Ah yes, the dream of every performer. "Having awesome matches". That's what it's all about, ain't it?

When I go to Uni my main goal is to write "an awesome paper". Don't care about the grade, don't care about my degree or what this degree is worth in the REAL world. No, I just want it to be "awesome".

'Bet it's the same way with Shelton. He doesn't care if his career and life are going anywhere, he doesn't care about the money which he could potentially earn if he moves up the ladder in the WWE, he doesn't care if he'll get crushed by a ridiculious schedule or shoved in another stereotypical gimmick and/or tag-team, degrading him that much more. No, no. That is irrelevant because he could have "awesome matches" with CM Punk.

For the record, I don't want Benjamin in TNA. Go to WWE, see how far that'll take ya.

I always thought he's just a guy who can't speak, doesn't have a gimmick or at least a character or an identity, is athletic and essentially all he's known for is:

1. Doing his annual ladder stunt at WrestleMania

2. Taking a Superkick like a bawss.

Stay away from TNA, we already got Kenny King and he's already far better than Benjamin ever was. Or could be. BESIDES ... when's the last time WWE or TNA have pushed and rewarded a black guy with a Championship and Main Event status. The closest we got was The Rock who is half black.

Just sayin', wrestling's a bit racist. It's not like we've not had some talented black guys out there.
So far as I know, the decision to leave Ring of Honor was't one of unhappiness with the promotion, but rather the desire to return to the WWE. While Benjamin has claimed in the past WWE has contacted him, rumors and reports seem to indicate otherwise. And let's be honest, if they had the choice, do you think they'd return to WWE or try to make a new name in TNA?

TNA's tag division is awful, and while some may see that as a challenge to overcome and make it better, it's also a huge risk. From their perspect - or at leats it would be MY perspective if I were in their shoes - you have to look the division and see a lack of growth and success. You have to see a lack of care from TNA creative. It's not a knock against TNA, or anybody there, it's not even an opinion; the facts are right there. THey have Kaz and Daniels who now spend most of their time OUTSIDE of the tag team division. And then they have the champs, who feud with these mixed up, mashed together teams like Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan. Like i said, they could look at that and see potential to show up and change it for the better. Or they could, as businessmen, look at that and say "it hasn't worked for other teams, why should we expect any sort of guarantee?"

On the flip side, you can see obvious growth from WWE in the tag team division. At the beginning of the year there was literally The Colons and R-Truth/Kingston. The Usos existed, but they were never ever used. Any other challenging team got thrown together and was gone in a month or two. Just months later this is their current roster is having contendership tables matches, and four way elimination matches that DONT INVOLVE THE CHAMPIONS. Haven't seen that in a LONG time.

I'm not convinced Benjamin is doing anything with Haas if he goes back to WWE. Or even if he goes to TNA. I don't know if WWE is interested in him at all, but I'd suspect it'd be as a mid-card talent, not as a tag team that's never really drawn a reaction since Angle left the company. You never know though. I would be happy to see them in TNA, and I'm sure the fans would embrace them. I don't think it's the best idea for their careers, as they're both getting up there in age. But if it happened I would be genuinely excited. That being said, I'd be more excited by his/their WWE return.
I'll reiterate basically what everyone with half a brain have already stated.

He left Ring of Honor to return to WWE, not based out of any disgruntlement with the promotion. He was previously contacted by TNA when he left WWE, and as he stated in an interview with Monday Night Mayhem a few months ago, he turned it down because he had no interest. He and Charlie Hass wanted to reform their tag team and do it in a promotion with a strong tag team division, you won't find a stronger tag team division than in Ring of Honor.

And I don't know where you're getting Charlie Hass is "looking to follow" because so far theres been no indictation that he is, hes confirmed for the next two television tapings, hes still promoting Ring of Honor on his Twitter account and oh yeah, hes still a member of ROH.
Didnt Benjamin leave ROH specifically because he is signing with WWE again????

Benjamin needs a solid singles, heel main event push. He could have awesome matches with CM Punk

Why Benjamin/Punk? Really??

Punk is a legitimate star in the business who has had double digit 4.5-plus star singles matches with multiple opponents over the course of a decade across different promotions. Shelton? Never has had one singles match at that level in his entire career. Even in his prime he was just a great athlete who pulled off some cool spots. He was always better in tag settings where his limitations could be slightly hidden, and he was always a bit of a charisma vaccuum with limited mic presence.

If we are going to discuss Punk having "awesome matches" with guys who have yet to ascend past the midcard then there are literally atleast ten-fifteen guys younger than Benjamin on the WWE's current main or developmental roster with whom Punk would have a much better match than he could have with Shelton, not to mention that many more on the indies that they could sign.

The only appeal of a Shelton return to the WWE is name recognition. He would not be brought back to get a main event push. His only useful role with the WWE at this point is to come back and use his recognizability to aid in putting over the young crop of up-and-coming midcarders, by giving them the chance to go over a former IC and US champion who is still somewhat relevant.

Say it with me: Shelton back in the WWE = Gate-Keeper; nothing more, nothing less.

Could CM Punk drag a decently entertaining PPV match out of Shelton right now? Sure. He's CM F'n Punk for god's sake. But would/should Shelton ever be put back into enough of a spotlight to be booked in such a match to begin with? No. Just No.
Ah yes, the dream of every performer. "Having awesome matches". That's what it's all about, ain't it?

When I go to Uni my main goal is to write "an awesome paper". Don't care about the grade, don't care about my degree or what this degree is worth in the REAL world. No, I just want it to be "awesome".

'Bet it's the same way with Shelton. He doesn't care if his career and life are going anywhere, he doesn't care about the money which he could potentially earn if he moves up the ladder in the WWE, he doesn't care if he'll get crushed by a ridiculious schedule or shoved in another stereotypical gimmick and/or tag-team, degrading him that much more. No, no. That is irrelevant because he could have "awesome matches" with CM Punk.

For the record, I don't want Benjamin in TNA. Go to WWE, see how far that'll take ya.

I always thought he's just a guy who can't speak, doesn't have a gimmick or at least a character or an identity, is athletic and essentially all he's known for is:

1. Doing his annual ladder stunt at WrestleMania

2. Taking a Superkick like a bawss.

Stay away from TNA, we already got Kenny King and he's already far better than Benjamin ever was. Or could be. BESIDES ... when's the last time WWE or TNA have pushed and rewarded a black guy with a Championship and Main Event status. The closest we got was The Rock who is half black.

Just sayin', wrestling's a bit racist. It's not like we've not had some talented black guys out there.

Booker T and Mark Henry won top gold in WWE while Ron Killings won NWA gold in TNA. It does happen, just not that often.

I do agree with you though as Shelton doesn't belong in TNA. They do already have Kenny King for fans to see do 1 move and think he's good when really he's a less charismatic Shelton which I didn't think was possible until I saw him. TNA can have King but I really wouldn't expect him to ever draw a dime.

It seems this is a tag team thread and I just don't see TNA giving a shit about their tag teams. If they did, WGTT might have been there a year ago. They don't though and that's not likely to change any time soon.
I'm still trying to find an article confirming this. As it stands, I was a fan of Shelton's once upon a time, mainly on his first singles run back in the day. The ring work always surpassed his mic skills, so I never considered him to ever get a crack at the world title. If he does get another chance at WWE, more power to him. But I don't think I wanna see him in TNA. He could be another vet that can help push guys like Kenny King and Zema Ion, but that's about it. TNA doesn't need him, and frankly neither does WWE.

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