Bring Back Team Angle... IN TNA


The Ambidextrous Amputee
This would be a great thing to do, And i'll give you a couple reasons

  • 1) Haas and Benjamin Are both free to compete, Its just a matter of signing and Negotiating Now.

  • 2) Angle said he needed to feel like he was young again. Get that spark back, So he challenges The entire top ten, But some matchs may be(in some people eyes, definatly not mine) a bit stale and draw out and frankly angle's body cant stand to take that much punishment, Enter Haas and Benjamin to help him out.

  • 3) The tag team division needs a f***ing shot in the arm! Im very tired of seeing the same matches over and over. Think about this for one minute... MCMG VS WGTT. That match alone would make me pay for a pay per view just cause i couldnt stand to read all the action in a damn results page. I would have to see that.

  • 4) Angle needs to Dominate TNA. Let him Capture The TNA Title, Let WGTT Capture the Tag titles and Each one of them Also get a middle title. Haas could have the Global Title and Benjamin Could have the X Division Title. Let This Faction Battle with Fourtone or the ECW Stable. But right now TNA needs to get these guys signed before someone else does and wastes their talents....AGAIN:banghead:

  • 5) For Once Let this Faction REALLY loose. I dont mean WWE loose either. I want fans to watch this and literally say "WHAT THE **** WAS THAT!?" Let them loose on the entire roster, Hogan, Someone so they can make their point know and established.

Well thats all i got to say...

what do you guys and Girls think?
Shelton Benjamin was released on April 22nd, meaning the earliest he could show up in television would be July 21st. The paperwork might not have been finalized that day, so it could be even longer. Don't expect a Shelton TNA debut until August, and most likely during a pay-per-view.

Angle's still a face, and unless he exhibits heel tactics against Pope (Which he may, because it's a Face vs Face match) don't expect a turn yet. Team Angle would be best as a heel group, as I think Shelton shines as a heel, and TNA's severly lacking in that department...

While I'd be very against Angle dominating TNA again (He held every single title back in 2007, at the same time, and was the tag champ by himself. I loved this, being a biased Angle mark, but I bet most people didn't care for it much) I wouldn't mind a WGTT vs MCMG feud, at all. It even kind of has a ring to it. The only problem is a lot of TNA fans, and anti TNA smarks (HUH?) might complain that "WWE reejeks" are being pushed over TNA homegrown talents, which is a common complaint among many of the previously stated communities. Much like my opinion with how they handled Abyss' heel turn, I believe this COULD be used as a way to get some heat on the WGTT, who use a slightly spot-heavy style that usually garners a face reaction from many fans of that type of wrestling. Russo does love to try and play the smarks.

The other problem I see with this, is Angle is going to be in a pretty long program with the rest of the Top #10 contenders. He's fighting #8 tomorrow, and he started this angle on May 20th. I honestly see this going until Bound For Glory, where Angle will either fight the #1 contender, OR finally BE the #1 contender and get his title shot that he clawed and fought for. The only use Angle would have for WWGT is if he went heel during the whole contender program is if he used them to ensure he won some of his matches. ...Actually, that might work.

All in all, I do really hope they make an appearance in TNA, and they might even go by the previously used Angle Alliance, as Team Angle might be copyrighted by the WWE. My only question is, would their be room for a fourth? Maybe a big, enforcer type, like Rob Terry was to the British Invasion. The Band wanted a fourth member, so I don't see why Team Angle couldn't spread the wealth to try and get a younger talent over.
With the upcoming ECW program set to blow up and Kurts i will beat everyone in the top 10 program underway i doubt they will bring Shelton Benjamin or Haas to form team angle, nor do i want them to.

1. No more Reusing of WWE ideas in TNA it just dillutes the companies identity. Plus who they gonna fued with? fortune?

2. I know that there is a huge cult following of both Haas and Shelton Benjamin , but outside or the IWC most fans dont give a shit about them and they will not draw for TNA at all.

3. Why wont they draw? Because all the people that talk them up do just that talk and and nothing else, they wont buy Shelton Benjamin or Haas merc nor buy tickets to see them.

Really if people who like them want to see them at thier best they should pray for both of them to go to ROH.
I think bringing in Haas and Benjamin in TNA regardless if they join up with Angle or not would be a good idea, because they're talented and you can never have too many talented people, IMO.

Since Kurt Angle's on his quest to go through the ranks of the TNA Contenders, you maybe can introduce Charlie and Shelton as guys that Kurt is training with to get him to that next level.

Obviously, people know the history with Kurt, Shelton, and Charlie. So TNA can do vignettes of Kurt training in Minnesota and Kurt can say in return for helping him train, he'll try to get them contracts in TNA.

If they do want to put Shelton and Charlie together with Kurt as part of the new "Angle Alliance", I think they should be faces this time.

However they bring in Benjamin and Haas, if they do at all. I think they'd automatically make TNA's Tag-Division better.

There are a bunch of great teams in TNA that would have really good matches with them.

Shelton/Charlie vs Beer Money. Shelton/Charlie vs MCMG. Along with putting them against LAX and Generation Me. There's a lot of possibilities.

And obviously, they can go off on their own and have good single's matches.

Shelton Benjamin vs A.J. Styles is a match that would be great. Shelton vs Samoa Joe. Shelton vs Sting, etc.

As a wrestling fan, I don't see why they shouldn't do it. They may not be huge draws. From an in-ring standpoint, they can't go wrong.
I don't know what they could bring to the TNA product right now, but in the long term it makes sense to have these two talented individuals in the company.

I mean at this minute they would just be misused and thrown to the side, but they could plug the tag division for a while until it gets a chance to thrive.

But if they did sign them I wouldn't expect anything from them for at least six months or so.

Just My Opinion
At the moment TNA should really focus on simply refining and working with what they already have instead of trying to improving the product by bloating the roster by signing guys like Benjamin and Haas. And if further employment is their primary concern then they really need to get back into signing new and unique talent and build their own iconic stars. When it comes to singing and working with new talent, the WWE should be their role model.

If you look at allot of WWE's newest main roster acquisitions, very few of them have much pro experience outside the WWE and FCW. Some of the benefits of this practice include: that the age of new talent is generally younger. Younger superstars generate a more steady long term outcome. This is one of TNA's issues, as the current male roster average age is 35 (as most ex-WWE talent they posses are usually entering the later years of their careers), while in the WWE the average age of the male roster is 30. (thats a real statistic by the way). Haas is 38 and Benjamin is 35, So they aren't going to help in that area. Having more younger talents is good for the WWE, because having a developmental territory separates the losers from the keepers and can really help from bringing up guys that end up being a flop. Because talent is young they are usually undiscovered and can be moulded into being recognised primarily as WWE talent. IMO, when I think of guys like RVD, Jeff Hardy and Mr Anderson, i think of them as being ex-WWE wrestlers working in a different company, not TNA wrestlers.

So I think the WWE should just avoid signing Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Who knows? their could be undiscovered guys out their that are twice as good but have pay checks half the size.
I'm thinking differently, Sign them, then have them feud with Angle, saying you left us to rot. I thing either of them would have great matches against Kurt. Have them screw over Kurt in his quest against the Top 10. Benjamin is great in the ring, but truly only works as a heel and this idea would instantly give him the rub they need.
Haas and Benjamin as a Tag Team would be a great additon to TNA's tag roster. Them being affiliated with Kurt out the gate, no so much. Kurt has his own thing going on now. They could form later to take on Fortune but right now TNA is a little light on X-Division wrestlers and Tag Teams. They could help plug both holes right up with just 2 signings.
I don't know what they could bring to the TNA product right now, but in the long term it makes sense to have these two talented individuals in the company.

I mean at this minute they would just be misused and thrown to the side, but they could plug the tag division for a while until it gets a chance to thrive.

But if they did sign them I wouldn't expect anything from them for at least six months or so.

Just My Opinion

So you want TNA to sign both Haas and Benjamin, and then pay them for 6 months to sit around and do nothing? That's absolutely ridiculous. TNA couldn't sign Batista because they couldn't afford to give him a huge contract, due to certain high profile names that have signed with TNA recently. But you know, sure let's just fucking throw more money away.
I would love to see Haas and Benjamin invovled with ROH. It would mix up the tag team division a bit and it would be fun to se the possible, if any, interactions between them and Angle. Do I think they are needed? Not right this second until a couple guys are let go to allow the space but I would defineatly be all for WGTT being in TNA.
Charlie Haas is an excellent wrestler, as well as Shelton Benjamin, that will fit right into the X-Division. However I always thought Haas had little charisma so I thought maybe he should become Suicide.

I think he has the right build and size as the old Suicide. Once Shelton comes in, Suicide should attack and feud with him. Eventually Suicide unmasks himself to reveal himself as Haas. Maybe the old Suicide gave him the mask or it was Haas all along trying to be closer to Kurt or just wanting to wrestle in TNA all the while still wrestling for under contract in WWE thus the mask.

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