Were you popular as a child?

As a child, I would consider myself...

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  • Neglected.

  • Rejected.

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Some people here would consider me a douche at school, but that's likely because they're fucking lame-ass dickwads who are 22 and the most contact they've had with a girl is www.wetpinkandtight.com.

I was pulling the ban hammer out of it's case. Even if that had been an accident, you were done, and it would have hurt me.

On another note, how is that not a porn site?
I was pulling the ban hammer out of it's case. Even if that had been an accident, you were done, and it would have hurt me.

On another note, how is that not a porn site?

Now that you mention it, how is it not? I just thought of it off the top of my head, and then after I posted it, remembered the porn rule. I clicked on it, and nothing came up.
High school. For me it wasn't about being popular. It was about leaving with my dignity. If you wanted to be known, you needed to do one of two things. 1) Suck up to the popular kids. What they ask, you do. 2) Top them. They try to act tough by being total asses, but I would always get back somehow. One time someone slipped a tampon in my backpack. It fell off during class. After the laughter I figured out who did it. I took the tampon to the bathroom. Took a piss in the toilet and dipped half the tampon. Then I deposited in the originators backpack. He didn't figure it out in class, but the stench and fungus made the backpack a lost cause. I always choosed #2. I left High School without much of a social life, but at least I wasn't running errands and getting slapped in the face. Sorry Hector :lmao:
I had a group of friends. I was bullied alot, picked on because of my size. I used to get into a lot of fights in my younger days over stupid shit. Then I hit a growth spurt, woo.. yeah, people calmed down. I got big. People still occasionally try to get in my face, like test me I guess. I don't like confrontation. I won't back down from you though.
During elementary/primary school, i wasn't popular, i was more of a bully for a while, i honestly only had 3 friends in primary/elementary school. High school was up and down for me, i more or less gained infamy for knife possession back in the 9th or 10th, got found out and a in school suspension for 2 weeks and the cops came to school.

By 11th and 12th grade i had my own group of friends but i was hated by alot of people...i was plenty of confrontations, i didn't discover until the start of 2006 some of the people that were in my classes were wrestling fans, even though i'd been watching since 2003 a year after i started high school, so i found common ground with them.

I hung out with nerds, soccer fans and just average people. By the end of high school i didn't really acheive much in social circles or in class, plus getting Friday afternoon detentions arguments with an Irish English teacher. By last year most of the people i didn't hang with during high school i became friends with.

Even though i have rambled on..in all honesty, i was neither popular, rejected or neglected.
Primary/elementary was the worst time for me. During those years, I was a round, pudgy thing who was very much like me at my height of annoyingness on these forums. I also had glasses and wore retainers, with mild acne at an early age. Really, it was shit. During the last few weeks of the last year, I was fit to not wear glasses, removed my retainers for a more stylish pair of braces, had a growth spurt that narrowed me down significantly and I lost most of the acne.

When I hit High School, people just seemed to click with old JicKie. One by one, I claimed another friend into my list. I got to know basically 80% of the grade when year 12 hit and I was well known for being the big lovable teddy bear. At this stage, I knew the jocks, the nerds, the outcasts, the student staff, the "islanders", some of the "cool people" and one of the three women's groups. At the end, I was known as the big guy who was always someone you could rely on a shoulder or a pair of ears to talk to... as well as being the guy who thought he was 80 years of age. Everyone knew me as the old fellow, a veteran, the wise man... despite being the youngest out of everyone.

If I balance everything out, I was not a reject nor was I neglected. If anything, it was accepted.
Me and this guy i went to school with, he was an absolute outcast through primary/elementary school and was the same during high school, but during primary school we were buddies and decided to beat the most hated kid in the school half concious and mind you this was 5th grade and i was 10. i used to wail on this kid from
4th grade till 6th grade. In high school, i bullied a little bit but half the time my position on the school groups ladder didn't help.

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