Were Englands fans right to boo Ashely Cole?

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Let me state first of all I can't stand the guy but I can't decide whether it was the right thing to do. I certainly would not like it if it was a player from my favourite team BUT given the fact that it is Cole, I can understand why it has happened.

If you didn't know, England were 2-0 up and were quite comfortable. Out of nowhere, Cole gives the ball away in quite ridiculous fashion and the Kazaks score.

It has no effect on the result but it was a howler.

Following the restart, when Cole has the ball, it is quite clear that a lot of the crowd are booing the guy. This continues until the end of the game. Now he has had an awful lot of stick in the past couple of years for his personal and professional behaviour but does that justify him being treated like that?

He is a decent player, a good England servant and it's not like he got someone sent off. In my eyes it seems like the fans have let their dislike for his club (Chel$ki) and his personal off the field antics get in the way of supporting a perfectly good player playing for the country after he just made a mistake.

It was a good result, an fairly average England performance following what happened in Zagreb but this has overshadowed it IMO.
Not right to boo him as much as they did in my opinion. Yes, it was a complete cock up of a pass, but a lot should be said for the rest of the defence as well, namely Ferdinand and Upson who failed to actually put a tackle in despite being near, and David James for making no effort to block the shot.

Yes, Ashley Cole made a mistake. It happens, but he didn't merit the onslaught that followed. That was over the top.

Besides...serves England right for the typical over-selling of how good England were and not taking every opponent seriously. Sure they won 5-1, but they only got the goals after 50 mins and even then it was 2-1 until 20mins to go.
I think the boo'ing of ashley cole was a bit over the top but then again England fans don't have much to moan about at the moment and God knows we MUST moan about something at all times.

Personaily I'm not a huge fan of Ashley Cole but his mistake in comparison to some of the howlers by David James over the years isn't really that bigger deal. I don't think his mistake has any bearing on the result and apart from the fans I highly doubt he will be singled out in the papers tomorrow - it will be the team as a whole who took far too long to break the deadlock
England's defense has been lackluster of late. Rio is not what he is made out to be. He just looks bad for club and country some times. He'll make a good play, and follow it up with five bad ones. But since the good one's make the highlight show, he is thought of as a top player.

Cole, on the other hand, is an idiot that acts like a child, and should be booed at all costs.
I think the fans were stupid. It was a monumental cock-up, but that doesn't mean he should have been booed. I think the fans who booed should be ashamed of themselves as every player make mistakes.

The fans booing is becoming a real problem for all the players now as they seem to have no confidence when they're at Wembley. If we play poor like we did against Czech Republic a couple of months ago, then they have every right to boo as they pay a lot of money to watch England play and expect value for their money. However, if a player makes a mistake that has no bearing on the result, then the fans should get behind the player instead of booing him
In my opinion, every fan who booed Ashley Cole for a mistake shouldn't even be let into that stadium again. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Why? Because it's a disgrace. All players are humans so they are going to make mistakes, so why boo them? How the hell would that help them in any way, shape or form? All it's gonna do is make him feel even worse and put him off his game. He'll just be more prone to making a mistake again. When a player makes a mistake, help him past it. He's already going to be feeling bad because it led to a goal, and how the fuck is it gonna help him when about 10,000 fans are booing him because of that, 10,000 of his own fans. Thank fuck the other 80,000 began to cheer him whenever the boos were heard because i'm sure that restored some pride.

Hell, I don't like Ashley Cole or Frank Lampard. I'll boo the hell out of them when they play for Chelsea because i'm a United fan and it's just my opinion, but when they play for England i'll cheer the hell out of them because you need to see past that to help the team.
Yes, we have every right to.

I pay good money to watch football, if tis shit, can I get a refund?

As Mr Austinw ould say, oh hell no!

So its either sit there and take the fact you have been ripped off(to the tune of 150 quid, if you count transport, hotel and food for the day!) or voice your opinion?

We are too pc as a country now, cant say squat even though the fool just basically fucked up big style. Who cares if he is a millionaire or on nothing, you should play for pride and not do stupid mistakes like that.

What if it was in a cruical uater final match against Brazil or Germany? Would the media blast the fans then? Or would they say hang on, Cole fucked up big style?
It sickens me to death when fans boo their own players. I absolutely hate it. I go to every Rhinos game they play, and I've actually heard a few chants which call the players 'shit'. There's no need for it, they're going out there and playing great; of course a mistake will be made now and then. But they're in the team for a reason, that being they're great at what they do. Yes, they may have 'fucked up' but they're your team. Through thick and thin.

Besides, what is booing going to do? Probably make them more nervous and likely to make another mistake. Instead, you applaud them, for all the other things they're doing right. You cheer your team and you don't stop.
Course you should boo him. Do any of you know how much it costs to see England? It's a fortune. Especially if you don't live near to Wembley. He's a lazy footballer. Sure it was a mistake. But he makes them frequently for England. Maybe it's becausehe isn't getting his nice Chelsea wage. Everybody makes mistakes, but this isn't his first.
But it's not like you've never made a mistake. He dosen't make them frequently and has been better than class for England in the past. Making pulsating runs up and down the wing, playing his heart out. The most recent World Cup is an example.

It's not his fault that it costs tons to watch England, nobody is forcing you to go and watch. But after he made that mistake he needed support, which isn't what some of them gave him. He must have felt even worse afterwards. That won't help the England team. The fans will be the teams downfall in that respect.
Any cunt that cheat's on Cheyl Cole deserves to be boo'ed until they die in a pit of shame.

Anyway, No he shouldn't have been boo'ed, You have to get behide your team whether they have fucked up or not, But I VERY much understand why he was, He is a lazy footballer who only seem's motivated by his pay packet, He make's quite a few mistake's more in an England shirt than Chelsea.

I think if it would've been someone else he wouldn't have been Boo'ed as he was, But in his personal and professional life, He is a TWAT, I'd much rather have Bridge or Lescott at left back.
But it's not like you've never made a mistake.

Like I said, everyone makes mistakes. But if you get paid what he get's paid you shouldn't daydream.

He dosen't make them frequently and has been better than class for England in the past. Making pulsating runs up and down the wing, playing his heart out. The most recent World Cup is an example.

Great recent example, so two years a go when England were very average then? You mush have him confused with Owen Hargreaves.

It's not his fault that it costs tons to watch England, nobody is forcing you to go and watch.

How is it not his fault? If the team was full of amatuers wouldn't it be cheaper?

But after he made that mistake he needed support, which isn't what some of them gave him.

What like a hug? He's a big boy, a bit of booing shouldn't effect him. If it does he needs to grow some balls.

He must have felt even worse afterwards.

Good, then maybe he'll concentrate for 90 plus minutes next time, eh?

That won't help the England team.

Letting shitty opposition score won't help England. It was Kazakhstan after all, what will happen in the World Cup against good teams?

The fans will be the teams downfall in that respect.

By cheering the footballers who make an effort, and booing the ones who should do better?
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