We're all going on a Summer Holiday


Turn Bayley heel
To be honest, the material in the symposium has been a little bit heavy recently. I'm down with that, but let's remind ourselves that it is an area for all kinds of non-spam discussion and talk about what we're doing over the Summer, that is coming along faster than my hay fever wants it to.

Are you going away this summer? If so where?

Do you have any domestic interesting summer plans?

Any other summer business?
Aside from my sister's medieval wedding in August, I have no plans whatsoever. To be honest though, I rarely do have any plans and yet still end up going plenty of places (okay, America) at the last minute.

However, since my plan for a friend's stag do did not plan out as I would have liked earlier in the year, I have had a hankering for a visit to somewhere like Alton Towers. Northern Ireland might be catching up with the rest of Britain in the tourism stakes but we have yet to get anything approaching a decent theme park.

If I could get any of my friends to go with me (they are all useless at going ANYWHERE), I would be there at the drop of a hat.
Spending a week in Santa Monica starting next Friday, then 13 days in Hawaii, with a quick stop into the Boston area on the way home to take my kids to a Taylor Swift concert at Foxboro. I was hoping to pick up a Stanley Cup Champion Bruins jersey in Boston, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.
My older sister is due to give birth at the end of August so I'm hoping to go home for a week or so at the start of September which should be good. Really don't think I'll be able to see everyone I want to but I'm just hoping I can get a few days up at my caravan at some point.

Might venture into London to see a couple of friends but what with them having visitors and me havin visitors quite sporadically its looking tough to nail down some dates.
Might go to the beach house my family owns, chill out a bit there, maybe take a surfboard out for a spin which I haven't done in a while...
Oh wait, it's winter here in Aus right now, damn.

Not all rain and sadfaces though, I've got a month off school after tomorrow (last exam wooo) so there's the customary post-exam "let's get shitfaced and forget everything we learned that semester!!!" parties which are filling up my calendar, and I've got the terrible first world decision to make of whether or not I want to go to the Gold Coast for a week and watch my AFL team play in their new stadium, or I can have the house to myself for said week and have even more post-exam shitfacedness. Truly a decision worth taking important study time off to ponder.

I would go skiing too, but I smashed my thumb up pretty bad playing footy and I'm not supposed to put any stress on it. You may be wondering why that would affect skiing, but I've snapped that same thumb in a 90 degree angle skiing before and I'm not willing to take a chance, fuck it up, and require a thumb reconstruction to be able to hold stuff again (plus it would mean no video games for M for a while, can't have that now can we)
We didn't have the money to take a big trip this year, but we want to take our two year old to Lake Erie this summer so she can get a taste of what the beach is like. The beach will have to wait until next year, but we think this will be a good alternative for her.
I moved from Galway to Dublin this year to work in one of Dublin's busiest pubs, so moving is kind of like a holiday, at least until I adjust because I've lived in rural Ireland most of my life so a city is kind of odd to live in. Asides from that I've got a couple concerts this summer, excited for Eminem in Slane Castle which is the biggest gig on his tour which'll be cool as long as he doesn't play too much new shit.
I was thinking about going up to Orlando to try out the new Transformers ride, and get a look at the new Simpsons theme park in Universal Studios. Saw some pictures online the other day, and The Simpsons stuff looks great. They actually sell the Lard Lad doughnuts at a Simpsons' cafe, and the models of Optimus Prime and Megatron outside the Transformers ride are amazing.

But it's summer, and that's probably the worst time to go anywhere near Universal, Islands Of Adventure, or Disney World, because the crowds are just too much. That, and my car hasn't been in the best shape lately, so driving a total of six hours probably won't help anything. Still might go, though. I'm just not 100% sure right now.
Noting huge is planned at the moment. We are having a cookout for Independence Day with my mother-in-law, her boyfriend, my brother-in-law, his girlfriend, the Mrs and myself. Burgers, drinks, swimming, and more. Might invite the rest of our Dungeons & Dragons group over for a short campaign in that too since everyone who will be at the cookout plays, including the ladies. Although no plans for big trips or anything awesome are currently in place, that's looking to be the big event for us this summer. Finances aren't what I was hoping they'd be at this point. I wanted to take the wife to Vegas for our anniversary in August, bills and such come first though. Maybe next year.
There's a few things going on this summer:

1. One of our annual trips is to see my sister in Seattle. She has a daughter who will turn in July, and my sister goes all out for her birthday. I never have any problem flying out there for a week, so heading out there for her birthday is an extra bonus.

2. We're going to France, my wife and I, in August for almost two weeks. Because I'm somewhat anal, I like to plan ahead, so I have the trip planned out. Mont. St. Michel. Going for a trip on the Alastian Wine Route. Seeing the D-Day beaches in Normandy. Going to the Loire Valley Châteaux. And, finally, seeing the Eiffel Tower. My wife, much more a free spirit, will object to the itinerary because it means a set schedule, but I'm OK with that. Her objections, anyways. She won't win out in the end.:)

3. Finally, we're going to Disney World in early September. Overkill? Perhaps. But it's my wife's favorite place on earth, and with our 5 year Anniversary this summer, I let her decide what she wanted to do for a gift(she always returns mine. :p), and she said "Disney World!". At first, I thought she was kidding with 2 trips already planned, but she really wants to go, we haven't been in 3 years, and she wants to go. ;) Reason enough, right?

With those three trips planned, we won't have time for the beach per se, but its not a bad trade-off. It will be enough time off work, me thinks.

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