Well I guess this is growing up


Growing up, it's what I fear the most. It is already getting the best of me. I am 15 years old, and I know that in a few years ill be on my own, such a scary thought. The problem is it all came way to fucking fast.

What happened to the days where all I wanted was to be by my moms side? Now it seems I only want to be away from her. What happened to being able to go to my parents for all my problems? It seems nowadays if I even discussed my problems with them they wouldn't understand them at all.

I feel like I am already on my own. To be honest with you, I have all the capability and access to living an adult life if I wanted. If I tell my mom or stepdad I'm going to a friends house, and they just say ok, without questioning anything. On top of that, I don't have a cellphone at the moment, and when I did its not like they contacted me. Most people would love that woudn't they? Well, you would think so, but no, it just scares me that I have the capability to go and do what I want. I don't feel ready to be able to do that. I guess in a way you could say I'm a little kid inside, but then again theres an older part inside of me that makes me want to do whatever the hell I want, and it creates conflict in my decision making.

I look ay myself in the mirror, I see an older face, no longer a little kids face, and with facial hair. I wonder where all the time went to, wasnt it just yesterday that I was this little blonde headed kid that liked Pokemon and Ninja Turtles? What happened to needing a babysitter, and how is it possible that I am now the one capable of doing the baby sitting? Why do I find myself home alone without any parental supervision? Am I really this old now? It just seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye, and I'm not to sure what to make out of it.

The future, something I know that is going to come fast, as all of my past has seemed not to far around the corner. I'm not sure how I am going to handle the future. Soon enough I will be driving, finding a place to live, working on a career, and being all on my own. It's crazy to think that way now, but three short years until all of that suddenly and abruptly enters my life. I honestly can't picture myself driving, I can't picture myself acting in an "adult way." I don't know what living on my own is going to be like, will life become more boring knowing that I can't sneak out at night to hang out with my friends, and I just can simply walk out and do what I want? Will I lose the thrill and adrenaline of it all? Probably, because by then it will be completely fine, and I will have no need to worry about parental consequences.

As I see my self now, I am totally not ready to apply myself to the real world. I can't see myself signing a contract to buy a house, or raising a child. I don't feel ready to face real world problems, such as not having my rent money in on time. I don't want to have to worry about landing myself a good job just so I can survive out there in the real world. It's all to scary for me, but as Blink 182 frontman Mark Hoppus said, I guess this is growing up................
I understand what you're thinking, I think the same thing sometimes
The first few times my parents let me do what I wanted, by myself, I was amazed and happy that they would let me do basically whatever you wanted. But the thing is, however good it sounds, it is not as good when you actually are left to do what you want. But sometimes I still want to get awaqy from my parents. I go for walks all the time and when they say they are going for a walk and they ask me whether I would like to come, I say no. I also have a mobile, but i carry it around everywhere, all the time. I'm not sure whether my parents even have me as one of their contacts; they never call me.

When I start living on my own, I know that i'm going to want my mum to do things for me every single day, except she won't be there, and I think I will really start to appreciate everything she used to do for me. I think I will start relying on my friends for everything.

I know that I am definately not ready. What will I do for a job? How will I manage my bills? How will I solve all of my problems? These are the questions that I sometimes ask myself when I think of growing up. I am scared already of having to face the world on my own, and I am only 14.

Dammit is one of my favourite songs and I think it's the song that describes my life the best sometimes. I think Blink 182 have got the right idea about growing up. They say that you have to face it, no matter what. We will all have to face it eventually.

And it's happened once again
I'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
Sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up
Ach that happens, hell when I was 16 I was half assing my way through school thinking that I'll probally have to rely on my parents forever because I won't be able to do anything without them and be stuck on the dole when I leave school.

Now at 18 (left school at the start of 07 at 16)
I have a very well-paid job
A car w/ driving licence
Motorbike w/ CBT
A credit card
And can move out to look for a flat/house when ever I want. No bills to pay for the moment.
Still live with my parents, yes, but they give me the freedom to do what I want but give me pointers when I need it. (I know jack about a car so my Dad helps with that while my Mum helps with my finances)

Yes growing up is a shock to the system but eventually you'll grow into it and love it
Im 16 and about 6 months ago i was scared to death when i realized that i only had 2 years left before i was a adult. Then i had a beautiful wake up call that goes by the name "spring break" now i cant wait untill im 18. I suggest you try to have a similar experience.
I've always been excited about growing up, to a point. I'm excited to turn 19, and to move out to go to university. I like the idea of growing up, moving out, travelling, getting married, children, etc.. The only thing that scares me about growing up is failing and not being able to have or do all the things that I want to.
This is a good topic, and one I think some of us younger posters have all thought about.

I turned 16 about 3 weeks ago. I get my license in 5 days, and start my job some time around then. I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport Trac, and basically the freedom to do as I please. But, I always feel myself floating back out to the living room to spend time with my parents, especially since I know in less than 2 years I will graduate from High School. The way I;m going, by November of 2009, I'll have graduated early.

I think that now, more than ever, since I have my truck, am getting my license soon, and I am getting a job, real life seems to be rushing at me, faster than ever. I mean, I have to pay $200 a month for a car payment. Hell, back when I was in the 6th grade, I thought getting 10 dollars a month was a lot of money.

Thinking of being 18, gown up, and in college, to be blunt, scares the shit out of me. I mean, I have lived 20 feet from my parents bedroom for all my life. Now your telling me I will be an hour, at least, away from hugging my mom and dad? That honestly scares me.

When I was 12, 13, 14 years old, I was thinking, "Hell yes, I will be able to do what I want, when I want, and I don't have to listen to my parents." Now that I am 16, have a job, and a vehicle, I find myself thinking, "Why can't I just stay home all day, wake up late, have my mom make me pancakes, and watch my morning cartoon. Why can't I go back to those easy going elementary school days, with non important little crushes, going outside for 30 minutes a day, playing tag, swinging on a tire swing, going down the big yellow slides. Why, just because I have been alive so long, does this make me qualified to life on my own?"

Yah, growing up might be fun, but honestly, I can say I am scared.
tl;dr I apologize for that as well.

being 20 years old, growing up is scary as shit. Luckily I had help. My parents didn't even want me and kicked me out when I was 18.

To be honest it all depends on where you go. The transition from Parent's house to dorm room is simple. But for me the transition from Parent's house to strictly on my own. Jesus, you don't realize all the shit you need to make it in real life. But trust me, after about two months, you'll get used to it.

I truly do miss being a kid. But being grown up at 20 (Finished college, full-time job, live with friend) is pretty kick ass as well. Best advice is live it up until you're 18.

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