Is Otunga Growing On You Guys?

Otunga's the only guy I like that came from the Nexus. It's no secret that I didn't like the Nexus or its members, which means I don't even like Barrett. But there's something about Otunga that I like. He's fairly impressive in the ring, intelligent on the mic, and has a good physique. I could see Otunga rising in the ranks a bit. Do I think he'll become a world champion? I'm not so sure, but I can see him winning some midcard titles. I like his current role now, and I'd like to see him of him on Raw. He's definitely growing on me though, which is more than I can say about most of the WWE roster. Now it's up to Otunga to see how far he goes...
I've liked Otunga ever since NXT season 1. He was horrendous in the ring at the time, so he has shown a little improvement there. He's still pretty bad, hopefully he improves more over time. Otunga did great in promos when he was a part of Nexus and always showed potential to go far if more focus was placed on his promos than his actual matches. The lawyer character is a great fit for him and so is the new theme music he inherited from the short lived tag team with McGillicutty.

I can see great things for Otunga in the future. He could become a GM or a heel manager. They need to keep the focus on his promos until he can improve more in the ring, his matches have yet to show anything significant. I like the guy though. The lawyer character is awesome and would be a perfect fit for a heel GM some day in the future because he has shown he can draw heel heat when he makes heelish announcements. If only he were just a bit better in his actual matches.... Only time will tell how far he truly goes, but he is on the right path.

Spot on here! I thought David Otunga was pretty good in NXT. His matches weren't that good, but sometimes I thought they were alright, which made me like him. I liked his promos a lot though because he could talk well and was interesting. He would be an interesting heel character because of his promo ability. I hope they give him more promo time.

Overall, if the WWE focuses on his promo time and David Otunga gets better in the ring he should be good. For now, even though he isn't that good in the ring he is still good at promos so they can focus on that while he works to become better in the ring. The lawyer gimmick is good for him because it lets him be a heel and talk, while not wrestling as much, which plays to his strengths, not his weaknesses.

Also, he was on I Love New York.

Yeah, Otunga is growing on me. I thought at first that they were going to insert him right into the main-event when Nexus was over due to how much time they spent on him. Like has been said, he just seems so natural on the mic. He does need work in the ring, but that comes in time. You can't teach the mic skills he has to anyone. That alone will keep him around and liked by this guy for a long time.
I think he's done well the last couple of months, a lawyer is a perfect heel and he's gone the full way with it, coffee sipping, bow tie wearing Carlton Banks lawyer for the WWE's most hated man.

In the ring he's still mostly catching beat-downs but when he does get offense in it's pretty solid looking and with his build and willingness to bump I can see he has enough of an all round game to win a mid-card title this year.
Otunga is actually pretty awesome. He does a great job at staying in character and making you believe his character. He's added little mannerisms like slurping obnoxiously from his coffee. It's ridiculous to me to think that some of you don't think he can talk. That's all he can do. Once he gets more comfortable in the ring, he'll be great. He's obviously smart and understands the business it seems (that it's character and story driven and not MOVEZ driven).

He's fairly over and is in a pretty comfortable position right now. He's a character that people can identify with; by that I mean, everyone hates obnoxious chickenshit lawyers, or at the very least, obnoxious chickenshits.

I honestly think most of you hate him because you feel like he was handed the opportunity in the WWE. That he's a star chaser being on a reality show and then marrying jennifer hudson. All of that is likely true, which makes him more over. EVERYONE hates him.....which is a good thing.
His character is really good and he comes across as a really annoying heel so that's a big success for him.

I still feel he's an awful wrestler though

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