Weird Dreams


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Has anyone had some really weird/bizarre dreams where you wake up and all you can think is :wtf:

Well I suppose I can start this off with my latest bizarre ass dream, the other night, I had one where I somehow became a serial Killer, and just started taking out everyone that got on my bad side, in the dream I was driveng to work and ran every slow bastard off the road that I thought drove like shit, then I would get out of my car go up to them and kill them in soem pretty horrific ways, then a cop pulled me over and asked me to step out of my car so I did, then I pulled out a knife and slit his throat, grab his gun and started shotting everyone on the street until I ran out of bullets then went to work, where one by one I killed off all of my co-workers, that's about all I can remember, most of the details are a bit fuzzy, but I remember when I woke up, my initial reaction was WTF!?!?!?, then the more I thought of it the less it bothered me, seeing as how it was only a dream, and I'm clearly not the Killer type

Has anyone else had some really fucked up dreams
Are you on something?

J/k man, I know what you mean, I dont have a lot of dreams as of lately, but a weird dream....lets see...
I remember one recurrent dream in the past, where I was trying to escape from Michael Myers! WTF!!! then I rant to an Airport, and hide behind a big sculptures, only to be pointed by none other tha Freddy Krueger! lol, at that point, I just was like: Im fucked. then, Michale Myers started to stabbed me, but I got saved by the ringtone of my cellphone most of the times :D
Are you on something?

Nope, I think it's just that this past week has been very stressful, and alot of people have been getting on my nerves abit, btw I have had far more disturbing dreams in the past, I just can't remember enough details to really describe them well enough to do any justice, LOL
I have dreams in Black and White. And about sharks but thats it. And I cant throw punches in dreams either.
I once had a dream where I hijacked a bus with my mate. Pretty ingenious how we did it though, waited at the bus stop then when it pulled over we got on and beat the shit out of the driver and stole his uniform, how we got two uniforms from one guy is beyond me, but anyway, then we missed out the council estate and took the bus straight to Hull City Centre. Of course, I couldn't drive because I'm not old enough yet.
My weirdest dream, probably:

I remember when I heard aliens were coming to attack me by Phil Mitchell from Eastenders, so I set up some video cameras on a park bench to stop them, but Ned Flanders told them about it and fucked me over. They came through my back door and I picked up some forks to throw at them but couldn't for some reason. Can't remember how it ended.

Another one:

I was in the middle of the Arctic when I find an igloo. I go inside and it turns out it's much bigger on the inside and witches are having a convention around a massive cauldron. I think, "Oh, this is pretty fucked up", then go and take a piss. While taking a piss (in the igloo toilets that look like your average public toilets), I turn to the side and see a massive wild cat. I back up against the wall but can't get away from it. It bites off my penis and I collapse. It then stands over me growling for a while.

Oh wait, that was last night!
For whatever reason, I rarely remember my dreams. I do have a reoccuring dreams a few times a year where I dream that my teeth are cracking and falling out. I'm always in a different situation, but my teeth are constantly falling out. Whenever I have this dream, I always wake up and brush my teeth immediately.
For whatever reason, I rarely remember my dreams. I do have a reoccuring dreams a few times a year where I dream that my teeth are cracking and falling out. I'm always in a different situation, but my teeth are constantly falling out. Whenever I have this dream, I always wake up and brush my teeth immediately.

I guess it's all the hardcore you've been exposed to; is taking its toll now :D
I had the weirdest dream a couple of months ago. In the dream, my parents put me up for adoption, and I got adopted by a man, but I don't remember his name. He didn't have a nose, so he wore a hockey mask. He called himself the King of Seattle. Right when I got there, he told me he had to go buy groceries. So while he was gone, I watched ESPN. When he got home, he pulled his truck to his backyard, where there was a screened in pool. He was going to back his truck up all the way to the screen, and he wanted me to tell him when to stop. After me telling him to stop several times, he backed through the screen. He started yelling at me. Then I woke up. Probably the weirdest dream of all time.

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