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Weekly Thoughts #1


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hello Wrestlezone posters, ctln4rko here. Starting today and after this edition every sunday, I will make a thread called Weekly thoughts. About WWE mostly, maybe TNA if I for some bizarre reason decide to watch it or if I love or hate or just feel like commenting on the results of their show or pay per view.
So First off, I will comment on the Royal Rumble. I was correct in my predictions except for the diva's match. I predicted Miz would unfairly win, Edge would win, and Alberto Del Rio would win, but I preicted he would enter at 38.
Miz VS. Orton
The Miz is my favorite wrestler for those of you that have not read my posts or not know me. I marked out when he cashed in on Randy Orton more than I did when Jeff Hardy leapt off the equipment onto Orton. I wish Miz won fairly and transistioned into the dominant champion. But he needs to look beatable but still manage to retain the title. That was the case on Sunday night. Randy was mere moments from a successful pin, when the New Nexus attacked. That caught me off guard by far. Brilliant spot where we saw A-Ri thrown high and far by the Viper into the New Nexus minus CM Punk. then Punk came in, bam! Go to Sleep, drags Miz on top of Randy for the pin. I liked the match, told a very good story. I mean by that the match showed how Miz could be easily beaten, but could also win in the blink of an eye.
Edge vs Ziggler-
Although we all knew Edge would retain, but still the match had me on my feet. I was positive Ziggler would win when Vickie distracted Edge and Edge was hut by the Zig Zag. Ziggler is really steeping up his game and I can't wait to see him BE world champion by next Wrestlemania at most. Ziggler vs Edge vs Del Rio Wrestlemania 27, perhaps?
Diva's match- loved the ending. All that I have to say for that. No offense to the Divas, but I am just not interested in their divison, never really was.
Royal Rumble Match-
Best rumble match I have seen.
Positives- Reaaaaalllly Made the New Nexus look beast and powerful
John Morrison showed in my opinion the best royal rumble performance in the past decade
Beginning Alberto's push
Cena and Orton did not win
Two "legends" returned
Daniel Bryan was eliminated too early for my taste
Zack Ryder's outfit
The Corre looked like shit.
Triple H did not return
More tag team dance off crap, further killing the divison.
Awesome miz and Edge match, third time since february 2010
Del Rio decides to face Edge at The biggest stage of them all
Orton begins a cena like quest against the NEXUS\
Lawler becomes number one contender to the WWE championship at Elimination chamber??? Really Really? Really? Really? Worst contender u coudl have, but will give the miz an easy contender making him look good instead of risking his beatable reputation in the Chamber.
NXT- I can't watch, my internet is too slow
Comment, disagree, debate, hate, just don't be too harsh
Think The previous point is a bit harsh, I'm sure we don't all expect top notch journalism on the forum. But back to the original point. I'm in agreement with most of what you said but you say the corre looked like crap. How so? Barrett and Jackson eliminated some top talent and slater/Gabriel did no less than what mist be expected. Good thoughts otherwise.
Just a small bit of a constructive critisism about your column. If you plan on doing a weekly post or column, first look into spell check as there was many many spelling errors. Also use better formatting (Paragraph breaks mostly). While your column was an interesting read it was very difficult to read due to the formatting.

Now as for the article itself, I do agree with most of what you said, except for the bit about Jerry Lawler. Jerry already gave Miz a competitive ladder match on Raw, and I think this could be a good match as well and I don't expect the Miz to dominate the way you think he will. Will Jerry win the title, of course not but I think it can still be a decent match
Chad, thank you, I will make sure to format and spell check before I post. I did not say it won't be a good match and did not mean that it will be a squash match i just mean that Miz will win and look strong yet cheap doing it.
Captain Gringo- Gabriel was quickly eliminated, within 2 minutes of entering, Slater the same. Barret and Jackson put on very good performances and Barret was one of the final 4. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for calling the article top notch journalism i think
Keep the comments coming please!
PS_ I will reply to this thread Friday Night or Saturday morning to give my two cents on TNA's big 2/3/11 show with another They revelation and Smackdown.
If you plan on doing a weekly post or column, first look into spell check as there was many many spelling errors.

Many gramatical errors but not spelling errors in my opinion. Much like your post. "There were many spelling errors", not was.

Anyway enough of that bollocks, on to the real issues.

1. TNA is actually good if your were to watch it (not always) and not just follow what others say or write, try to garner your own opinions in life.
2. The Miz, although good on the mic is not that great a wrestler, infact he is pretty average. It is the story and others around him (Alex Riley, Cole and King) that are putting him over in a major way. Orton on the other hand has it all and will be taking the title from the Miz soon.
3. Edge vs Ziggler was only an average match in my opinion, I expected more so was dissappointed.
4. Forwarded the Divas match as they always suck. (Until we have Kong vs Gail Kim vs Beth Pheonix, I am not interested)
5. It was a good rumble. Nowhere near the best (I give that to 2001, although I like 1996 and 2004)
6. Nexus looked strong - I disagree. 4 on 1 never fair, they were only strong due to strength in numbers. Cena made them look like *****es once he arrived.
7. Nash sucks (Nice pop though), Booker T is awesome and deserves to be back in the big time.
8. Didn't Daniel Bryan enter at 2 and stay until around number 20. That is a pretty damn good showing in my opinion. Having said that the crowd is dead for Daniel Bryan and no-one really cares for him. (Seems like you follow people rather than make your own opinions). If you like Daniel Bryan you should like TNA as they do sometimes showcase decent wrestling.
9. Alberto winning was good, although it was the usual suspects in the final 6.
10. Lawler should not be in the main event of a PPV but he is only there so he can get a match vs Cole at Mania.

Quite enjoyed this thread. Good work, but do use paragraphs next time.

My question to everyone is:

How can someone not even in the Royal Rumble (The Miz) elimate Cena and it still stands? There were 5 refs around the ring so it should not be allowed. Does this mean someone can just come in with two remaining contenders left and eliminate them and win the rumble? Twas bollocks and I hate Cena.
The only reason John Morrison will be remembered for this year's Rumble, will be because of the way the he "Spider Man" ed his way back into the ring, which was really cool, but, he only lasted a few minutes....really disappointing.

Also, Daniel Bryan getting eliminated as early as he did was disappointing too, I mean, I know he lasted a little while, but, should have been longer.

As far as the Lawler/Miz match at Elimination Chamber, this is only to set up something with Lawler and Cole at Wrestlemania. Obviously the match will have some sort of stipulation to it, but, there is always one of these type matches at Wrestlemania.

A couple examples are: Gimmick Battle Royal, numerous Playboy cover girl matches, the Diva Battle Royal, Ms Wrestlemania disaster a couple years ago, Bret vs. Vince last year...it always happens

Hopefully this year, Lawler beats the hell out of Cole to the point where he becomes a manager or something, and they bring back JR...that would be AWESOME
I think that everyone has mixed reviews over the strength displayed by nexus in the rumble too. Not only did they fail to eliminate any serious condensers
But they were single-handedly defeated by John cena, even when they had been built as a serious threat to the super-cena character.
I now realize my grammar and spelling errors. And I do hate TNA. I think that they have horrible storylines but good talent. I DO like Daniel Bryan. He is a great tecnical high flying wrestler. Yes he was in for a good while but he still missed half the match. I said best rumble performance by one superstar in John Morrison. And your question
The rule is that someone is eliminated when he is thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the floor. Period. Not " When a superstar is thrown over the top rope by an participating superstar in the match and both feet hit the floor, is eliminated.
And it was to
A) plant the seed again for a Miz and Cena Feud
B) Eliminate Cena.
Im pretty sure no oe wanted him to win on these forums.
Yeah good article. I agree with you, Nexus were made to look strong, they were a strong unit and thats what they are being booked as, a faction. It was annoying that they were destroyed by 'Super' Cena (and I dont mind the guy, dont love him but dont hate him) but I think they were still presented as a genuine force as a team. I have an issue with The Corre, they just dont look like a unit, the new Nexus look like they fit with each other, The Corre look like a bunch of guys put together because they dont have anything else for them.
I thought it was one of the better Rumbles and I was glad to see someone new win it (I am a huge Del Rio fan, he has a massive upside as a genuine heel character and he can more than hack it in the ring).
I disagree with the anti-Lawler thing. The guy has been a loyal servant to WWE for many years both as a performer and as a commentator, considering some of the past performers in wwe that have been given a Wrestlemania spot, I really do feel its his turn. Its terrible its taken this long really, dont forget the guy is also a legit former world champ. The M.E. against Miz is a set up for Mania and also a reward for the excellent show he put on the other week on RAW. I say go for it Jerry.
I thought it was a pretty good rumble. I liked that Del Rio won as evident by my sig.

I will say that I don't think Morrison had the best showing of the night. I think maybe CM Punk even though he lasted a long time because of the Nexus still had a better showing.

Nexus didn't look dominant. They only looked dominant against guys who every one knew were not going to last anyways. The only one I didn't like that they manhandles is Booker T. The pop he got was enormous to just be thrown out in like 2 minutes. John Cena made them look like shit as someone already stated.

Also, I think Bryan was eliminated at the right time. He did get a good 5 to 10 minutes which is pretty good for some one in the rumble. Plus, he looked competitive against CM punk. Those are some of my thoughts on your analysis.
Lawler becomes number one contender to the WWE championship at Elimination chamber??? Really Really? Really? Really? Worst contender u coudl have, but will give the miz an easy contender making him look good instead of risking his beatable reputation in the Chamber.

I do have concerns on whether or not this will actually happen. My guess is this will be the beginning of Michael Cole's downfall [FINGERS CROSSED]. Hopefully this will not be an actually match and this will change next Monday. For everyone's sake. I love King. I love the chemistry him and Miz have. However, I do not want to not pay to watch this load of crap match.

But I will bet money that John Cena gets involved somehow after winning the EC.
Now I will give my thoughts to Impact.
Of course Bischoff had to insult Nash and Booker for making the best decision they could make right now. Good to see Steiner back. He really was a good part in MEM. The muscle, and brutal moveset.
I like the X divison tournament, really high paced awesome action.
Anderson vs Hardy, good match kind of. Ref bumps are always obvious that something's gonna happen, and what did happen? Immortal comes out, shockingly Fortune turns on immortal, followed by a AJ promo explaining it. Another huge let down, but still this feud will be good.
I didn't see any problem with the outcome at all. It was nice to see Alberto Del Rio win. We haven't seen a new face that hasn't previously held a major world championship or won the Rumble before since Rey Mysterio in 2006.

The one thing that pissed me off though was people saying Del Rio didn't deserve to win. Most of these people were just pissed off that Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Christian and Triple H didn't come back, but that's besides the point. Countless people were constantly moaning about Del Rio winning, so let me get this straight..

You moan that the same old people are in the spotlight, and preach to the heavens above that the WWE need to use their younger talents, and when Alberto Del Rio wins the Royal Rumble, not even a year into his WWE career, you still moan! I don't get it one bit.

Anyone, back on topic. I had zero problem with the outcome, although it was highly predictable.

John Morrison definitely impressed me again, it's just a shame that no matter how hard he works and how talented he is during his countless matches with many different guys, he never gets anywhere other than the blank mid-card.

I agree with Undertaker the 5th. Nexus didn't look very dominant at all. If anything, the fans were getting legitimatelly pissed off that they were eliminating superstar after superstar. I know I was.

Booker T recieved a well deserved pop from the crowd. One of the biggest we've heard for a while; I was just dissapointed afterwards that everybody knew he was returning, along with Diesel, anyway because of all the stupid spoilers and dirt sheets.

It was a good event and a great opener for 2011.
Now my thoughts on Superstars and Smackdown
for superstars, all I have to say is Tyler Reks scares the shit out of me. Legit. His hair, beard, ring style and moves.
Smackdown- Hated Kelly's firing!!! The only diva I like gets fired. Damn it!
Good main event idea, liked the action itself, I actually think Dolph is a threat to Edge next week. This chamber looks beast, Barret, MCINTYRE! (Woo woo woo you know it!) Kane, good to see him in the title scene again, Rey Mysterio. Corre members defeat Santino and Vladimir. Great to see The champs on both shows. And the reason I say the chamber for smackdown is beast- all have been in important storylines recently-
Barret- The Nexus and The Corre
Mysterio- Vs. Del Rio, RR winner
McIntyre- Tag team champion late last year
Kane- World champion until TLC
and Raw's chamber
R Truth- I hate him, he is so annoying, "what's up" not r truth, pointless having him in, many other deserving superstars
Punk- great, New Nexus leader
Orton- Very excited to see him pown, the Viper!
Sheamus- King O' The ring, probably the second superstar to have the least impact in the match.
Cena- predicted winner by many but me
John Morrison- Really impressed me in both rumbles, Raw and Royal rumble
cm punk daniel bryan william regal in the rumble was awesome at the beginning.

DB had a better showing then 80% of the people in the rumble.

Nexus looked strong? how is 4 on 1-ing a bunch of mid carders strong? (aside from booker who was there for a pop in hhhs absence)
soon as cena gets in the ring he eliminates all of nexues? yeah..real strong..
and core looks like a bunch of people thrown together? 3 outa the 4 are original nexus members so what planet are you on?

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