Week of 7/4/2011 - 7/10/2011 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact got a 1.1, down from last week.

Date: July 8, 2011
Location: Tucson Arena, Tucson, Arizona
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Booker T, Michael Cole

This was taped last week but for Smackdown that’s not going to change anything from the norm. Tonight we get some fallout from last week with Sheamus interjecting himself into the main event scene to end the show. Other than that we’ll probably be building up to Money in the Bank with some more stuff between the ladder match guys. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the ending of last week’s show where Orton signed the contract but before Christian did, Sheamus returned and beat both guys up and ripped up the contract.

Do you know your enemy? Mine is a really bad sunburn.

Most of the MITB guys are in the ring but I only see seven right now. Sheamus is missing I believe. Everyone gets to say something. Bryan says he’s excited and nervous because he’s wanted to be world champion since he was a little kid. Cody cuts him off and says it’s because Bryan is a common man incapable of the things exceptional people do. Cody is one of those exceptional people. Once he wins the title everyone will have to swallow their pride and look him in the eye.

Barrett says he’s tired of hearing about what everyone else has done. He starts listing off his accomplishments but here’s Sheamus with a chair. He cracks almost everyone with it and clears the ring. Sheamus says he’ll win and cash in on Orton when he beats Christian. He’s going to get Orton tonight though, because of getting punted last month. Here’s Christian who asks if Sheamus thinks he can’t beat Orton. Sheamus calls him a scrawny, malnourished, googly eyed homely weasel.

Christian points out that he beat Sheamus a few weeks ago before Orton punted Sheamus. He’ll also be world champion after MITB. There’s a clause in the contract, saying that if Orton gets disqualified or if there’s bad officiating, Christian is automatically world champion. Christian calls him Ronald McDonald and asks if he can even read a contract. Sheamus throws the chair at him and here’s Teddy. Orton vs. Sheamus is the main event. Really solid opening segment here as Sheamus looked fired up and intimidating. I’m liking this three way feud a lot and they’re running it perfectly.

Clip of the first MITB match with Edge winning and cashing in about 9 months later.

Cody Rhodes/Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan/Ezekiel Jackson

Booker gets a bag again. DiBiase and Bryan start us off with DiBiase not being able to do much. Off to Jackson who is part of the Fave Five of Booker. We actually get the full list: McIntyre, Jackson, Sheamus, Barrett, Cara and a dark horse in Ryder. The good guys clear the ring and send Cody to the floor as we take a break. Back with Bryan firing off kicks to Cody in the corner.

Cody avoids a charge in the corner and backdrops Bryan onto the corner and catches him in an Alabama Slam for two. It’s off to DiBiase who keeps the advantage and hits a chinlock. Back off to Cody who uses his old school style to dominate even more. DiBiase chokes some more. Cole picks Wade Barrett to win MITB. Bryan gets a boot up in the corner and Josh picks Sin Cara, the same as Booker. Hot tag to Big Zeke who gets a nice reaction. He starts slamming people and Racks DiBiase but it’s broken up by a Beautiful Disaster and Dream Street gets the pin at 6:45 shown of 10:15.

Video on Mark Henry and his domination as of late.

Striker tells Henry he’s facing potential fines, suspensions and criminal charges after what he did last week. Henry breathes a lot.

Jinder Mahal vs. Trent Barreta

During Mahal’s entrance we hear about some empire he’s built up and we don’t hear anything about his wife/Khali’s sister. Are they already changing the story? Anyway Khali sits in on commentary (you read that right) and actually speaks some English now. Total squash in the ring and the full nelson slam ends it at 1:04. The camera was on Khali more than the match. Post match Cole mentions the story we got last week.

Sheamus says his recent rampage is an Irish thing.

AJ vs. Tamina

Cole: “Hopefully this doesn’t put me to sleep like a Harlem Heat match.” Josh: “Tell me you didn’t just say that.” AJ has different hair now as it’s a bit lighter and a bit wavier. Natalya and Alicia are at ringside. Cole bashes Natalya for most of the match as Tamina dominates with an Umaga hip smash to the face. Off to a chinlock which doesn’t last long. AJ fights back and hits a Shining Wizard for two. Tamina misses a splash in the corner and AJ gets a rollup for the pin at 2:28.

Alicia yells at Tamina post match.

Mark Henry vs. Kane

Kane looks terrified but hammers away to start. Henry runs him over but Kane gets three dropkicks, two to the knees and a seated one to the chest, for two. Top rope clothesline is caught in a belly to belly for two. Henry stands on the chest for a bit and Kane is in trouble. The big fried freak fires off a right hand and the crowd is surprisingly into this. Big boot puts Henry down for two.

Kane goes up again and this time the clothesline hits. He loads up the chokeslam but Henry breaks out of it and headbutts Kane. A second attempt at the chokeslam hits but Henry gets his foot on the ropes. Out to the floor and Kane tries a chokeslam through the table but Henry breaks it up, ramming Kane into the post. Back inside a splash gets two. Mark is all ticked off now and the World’s Strongest Slam gets the pin at 5:52.

Henry yells at the announcers post match.

Orton says he doesn’t care what the contract says because he’s going to win with the RKO. As for Sheamus, he’ll have to defend the title against him eventually but as for tonight, good luck to him.

Video of Miz winning MITB last year.

Tyson Kidd vs. Sin Cara

There go the lights again. Kidd grabs an armbar to take him down almost immediately. Cara speeds things up and hits an armdrag to send Kidd to the floor. Cara tries a dive or something similar to one, only to get his head slammed into the apron. Back inside Cara hits a slingshot corkscrew splash for two. Off to a chinlock by Kidd as the fans chant for Cara. Kidd keeps countering Cara’s moves and it’s working pretty well. He tries a springboard elbow but Cara gets the knees up to block it.

Cole says his name would be Billy the Kid if he was a superstar. Booker and Josh are quiet for a bit and then laugh at him. Cara starts his comeback and gets a victory roll into a sunset flip for two. Kidd kicks him down and goes up, only to get dropped onto the buckle. They go up again and the C4 off the top ends this at 4:16.

Teddy is asked if he’s intimidated by Henry and won’t answeron.

Video on Ezekiel Jackson.

Usos vs. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater

The matches are good but we’ve seen this how many times now? The Usos do their dance thing on the way to the ring. Jey has a tattoo on his chest apparently so he starts us off with Gabriel. Slater comes in rather quickly and takes Jey down as the crowd is more or less silent. Booker talks about the Fave Five again and it’s already annoying. Gabriel comes in and gets two before hitting a headlock. After some silence on commentary, Booker randomly says that no one likes Cole.

Double big boot puts both guys down as Jimmy tries to get the crowd back to life. It’s not really working but points for trying at least. Off to Jimmy vs. Slater with Jimmy being labeled as the powerhouse. Bubba Bomb puts Slater down as Booker says they both need gain another hundred pounds or so. Samoan Drop gets two on Slater. Slater manages to take him down with something like a Zig Zag and it’s off to Gabriel. He wants the 450 but Slater gets kicked into the ropes to crotch Justin. We get Power and Glory’s old finisher (superplex/top rope splash combo) to end Gabriel at 3:32.

Johnny Curtis is at a table with a bunch of birthday stuff on it. He takes the cake. Debut him already and get it over with.

We get an abbreviated version of Cena and Vince from Raw.

We run down the MITB card. Henry vs. Show is official.

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Christian vs. Orton has been signed apparently and the Canadian is on commentary here. Orton fires away in the corner and Sheamus is in trouble. Pretty basic back and forth stuff here as Orton counters some Sheamus offense with a dropkick. He loads up the punt but Sheamus hits the floor. Back in Orton hits his way too enthusiastic Thesz Press and they slug it out to the floor.

Orton gets reversed into the railing and part of the wall falls down. Elevated DDT is blocked and Orton goes shoulder first into the post and back out to the floor. Christian goes after Orton but Sheamus stops him. Orton goes into the post again as we take a break. Back with Sheamus hitting a DDT to the arm for two. Orton makes a brief comeback but takes a knee to the ribs to put him right back down.

Randy makes his comeback and uses his regular stuff including the scoop powerslam. He adds something new to the arsenal with a belly to belly suplex for two. Sheamus gets a kick to the knee and pulls himself up to the top for a shoulder block for two. Irish Curse gets two. Brogue Kick and RKO are countered and Orton hits the backbreaker. Not that it matters as Christian comes in for the DQ at 8:24 shown of 11:54, giving Orton the win.

Post match Sheamus lays out Christian but walks into an RKO to leave Orton standing tall to close the show.

Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes b. Daniel Bryan/Ezekiel Jackson – Dream Street to Jackson
Jinder Mahal b. Trent Barreta – Full nelson slam
AJ b. Tamina – Rollup
Mark Henry b. Kane – World’s Strongest Slam
Sin Cara b. Tyson Kidd – C4 off the top rope
Usos b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater – Jimmy pinned Gabriel with a top rope splash
Randy Orton b. Sheamus via DQ when Christian interfered


Nothing of note as WWE is on its way back to America.


Destination X 2011
Date: July 10, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Jeremy Borash

It’s the X-Division show as the division that has gone from the focal point of the company is now relegated to a show that gets four weeks of buildup! Anyway the main event is Daniels vs. AJ in a face vs. face respect match. Daniels has had the seeds planted for a heel turn though so it’s a distinct possibility. The six sided ring is back for tonight only and there are a lot of X-Division style matches. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is about how these guys have been around since the beginning and set a new standard in wrestling. Abyss gives a voiceover about the Art of War and we get parts of Kendrick’s promo from Impact about how various religions view life and God.

Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian

Kaz goes straight at him at the bell and Joe is like dude no and chops away. Kaz escapes the Clutch and Joe tries to fly, only to have Kaz move. Joe doesn’t crash though and takes Kaz down on the floor. Kaz tries to dive off the apron and Joe just steps to the side. I love when he does that. Back inside now and Joe hits an enziguri in the corner. Kaz tries a springboard move and lands in an atomic drop.

Almost all Joe so far as he takes Kaz down again. Headbutt by Joe hurts a lot more because he’s Samoan. There’s a knee drop for two. Joe puts him in Musclebuster position but chops him instead. Kaz finally gets something of note with a springboard dropkick to put both guys down. Joe hammers away but walks into a slam. Yeah just a slam. There’s that spinning legdrop that has a cool name that I can’t think of.

Slingshot DDT gets two for Kaz. Joe goes up and Kaz gets an enziguri to stop him. Kaz tries to load up the Flux Capacitor (C4) but they tumble out to the floor and Joe hits a suicide dive to take over again. Back in and Joe hammers on the back a bit. Kaz tries the Fade to Black but gets caught in a powerbomb for two. Off to an STF by Joe which is transitioned into a Crossface which doesn’t work either. Joe finally gets the choke and Kaz somehow makes the rope after being in the hold long enough to probably kill him. Joe argues with the referee and Kaz rolls him up for the weak pin.

We’re going to look back at AJ vs. Daniels throughout the years with the first one being from Unbreakable. So I guess we’re skipping the 2-3 years of them feuding before that?

Daniels arrives.

Eric Young is at a convention of some sort and runs into Curry Man, Suicide and Sangriento signing autographs. He wants a partner for tonight and Shark Boy shows up and will be his partner. Curry Man can’t do it because he’s got a Fire Championship match tomorrow in Tokyo vs. Cody Deaner. Oh dear.

Douglas Williams vs. Mark Haskins

Haskins is a British guy making his debut. He looks like John Morrison mixed with someone far less interesting. This is the open challenge. Williams says the other Brits (minus his opponent) can leave. He praises Haskins but says he’s in over his head here. Williams is in trunks here which is kind of weird to see. They start off fast with a pinfall reversal sequence and the overly annoying fans chant USA.

Nice technical stuff to start and Haskins sends him to the floor. He follows him out and hammers away which doesn’t last long. Williams takes over back inside and slaps him in the face. Clothesline takes Haskins down again and Williams throws on an inverted Gory Special. They slug it out with Williams taking over. He can’t hit Rolling Chaos Theory and here comes Haskins. Cutter gets two.

Williams goes up but jumps into a superkick. Haskins goes up this time and then does it again. I mean he comes off and goes back up again. He tries a shooting star but totally misses, allowing Williams to get the rollup for the win. Fans were REALLY not impressed there at the end with Haskins. Williams shakes his hand post match.

Austin Aries is with So Cal Val and says her outfit isn’t an outfit of the year candidate but he’ll give it about three and a half stars. He talks to all the fans and all those watching on illegal streams, hoping they all choke. Aries says he’s the best and everyone will find that out tonight.

Generation Me vs. Eric Young/Shark Boy

This is a bonus match. I can never remember which Buck is which. Eric and Shark Boy tag about five times before the match starts. Ok so Jeremy is the blonde. Got it. Sharky stomps a mudhole in him early and hammers away in the corner. There’s the Thesz Press and an elbow. Eric comes in and beats on both guys a bit. Off to Sharky who bites Max. Yep it’s a comedy match.

Jeremy throws on a chinlock as Sharky is still ridiculously over. Clothesline misses and Shark Boy gets a shot to the back of the head to put both guys down. Young pulls his tights down to shift to trunks and gets the hot tag. Gen Me takes over again and a bulldog gets two on Young. Stunner by Shark Boy sets up a wheelbarrow suplex into a reverse neckbreaker by Young for the pin on Max. Think Lethal’s Lethal Injection but with a wheelbarrow suplex.

Clip of Daniels/Styles winning the tag titles.

Daniels and AJ are excited for the main event.

Zema Ion says he’ll win.

Same video on Ultimate X from Thursday.

The announcers talk for a bit to fill in time while the structure is put up.

Shannon Moore vs. Amazing Red vs. Alex Shelley vs. Robbie E

Ultimate X with the winner being #1 contender to the X Title. Things start out quickly of course and Robbie makes a fast run for the X. Red gets the always sweet double spin kick. Robbie looks like he’s having a seizure or something. Shelley and Red put Robbie on the floor before Shelley beats up Red a bit. Shelley climbs on Moore’s shoulders but Robbie makes the stop. Robbie is sitting in the corner and Moore is put in the Tree of Woe at the same time.

Shelley goes for the X but Red saves. Robbie clears the ring but gets caught in the ring skirt and pummeled by Moore. Moore and Shelley have a nice little sequence resulting in a moonsault off the stage by Moore to take Alex out. Red is alone in the ring but Moore gets in quickly to stop him. Shelley gets crotched and Red gets a shooting star off the shoulders of Moore in a cool spot.

Moore and Red collide so Robbie goes up now. Red saves of course and fires off some kicks to hurt Robbie. Robbie manages to throw Red over the top onto the other two guys to clear the ring other than himself again. The fans are for Red here. Robbie almost gets there but stops to fist pump, allowing Red to hit a springboard dropkick to take him down. Moore goes up above the X and on top of the truss. This is always scary. I’m terrified of heights so this is really intense for me.

Moore lowers himself onto the X as Red is almost there. Shelley is trying to catch up and Moore is down on the X now thank goodness. Shelley kicks him down and casually wins this. One of the fastest Ultimate X matches ever and I think that might not have been the planned finish. Came out of nowhere with no spark at all. Shelley looked like he was waiting on someone to stop him before he pulled it down..

Clip of Daniels vs. AJ from Final Resolution 2009 which was good if I remember right.

Low Ki says he’s proven himself for his entire career and he’ll do it tonight for everyone ever told they’re too small etc.

We recap RVD vs. Jerry Lynn which is really just a respect match because they had a bunch of matches that I’ve never considered as great as most people claim they are. This was supposed to be the main event of Hardcore Justice but Lynn hurt his back.

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam

They actually say ECW. Eh not like anyone is watching so no lawyers will hear it. Apparently Lynn and JB used to be roommates. That’s not something I want to picture. Lot of stalling to start as they circle each other. Rob grabs a headlock to start and they use a sequence they used in every ECW match they had and built on it every next match. As always it results in a standoff.

The fans are totally split here. They speed things up and Lynn gets taken down by a legsweep for two. Off to an armbar as we hear about Forever Hardcore, JB’s ECW documentary. Rob misses a kick in the corner but hits a spinwheel kick to Lynn as Lynn goes up. Superplex is blocked and Lynn tries a tornado DDT to the apron which doesn’t work. Back in the ring with Rob still in control.

Both guys miss a ton of stuff (due to counters, not botches) and it’s another stalemate. Rob gets a kick to send him to the floor and teases a dive but stays in the ring. He holds the ropes open for Jerry and actually lets him back in. There’s the ECW chant that is required. Lynn takes a handshake and sends Van Dam to the railing, more or less turning heel mid match.

Lynn hits a running flip off the apron to take Rob out again. That gets two back in the ring. Jerry hammers away some more and we hit the chinlock. German suplex puts Van Dam down again. Clothesline gets two. Rob fires back with a kick to the head and Rolling Thunder for two. Another spin kick sends Lynn to the floor again. Rob hits the spinning legdrop to Lynn while he’s on the railing.

Slingshot legdrop gets no cover and Rob goes up. Lynn gets up and shoves Rob off the top and we’re back on the floor again. Been there quite often in this match. Just as I was thinking at least this match doesn’t have a bunch of weapons, Lynn grabs a chair. Rob tries a leg sweep but Lynn hits a Fameasser onto the chair. Rob is busted open and Lynn gets two off of it.

Rob tries a spinning sunset flip out of the corner (think Booker T) but Lynn throws him across the ring onto the chair for two. Rob gets a Van Daminator and hits the Five Star out of nowhere for the pin. Has he been taking lessons from Sting in how to finish a match out of nowhere?

Jack Evans quotes Eminem and says this is his chance.

Austin Aries vs. Low Ki vs. Zema Ion vs. Jack Evans

Christy of course messes up something, in this case Aries’ entrance. We get some clips of their qualifying matches during each guy’s entrance. Winner gets a contract of course. No tagging here thank goodness. Aries gets a quick two count on Ion as the fans chant “everybody.” Aries and Low Ki (Kaval for the uneducated) square off and Evans starts flipping.

Spin kick by Evans gets two on Ion. Low Ki takes over again and hammers on Evans in the corner. Aries takes Low Ki down and uses some Hogan in late 90s offense for some reason. He beats up everyone but takes a triple dropkick to send him down. Evans starts flipping again and hits a dropsault to get two on Ion. Ion gets his turn to be on offense and gets a bunch of two counts.

Aries takes Ion down and has another showdown with Low Ki. After getting attacked they both throw submissions on the guys that jumped them. They manage to yell insults at each other while they have the holds. Ok that was cool. With the others outside they argue again and chop it out. Aries loads up the brainbuster but Low Ki escapes and gets a big kick to Aries’ back. Evans and Ion are back in now and Ion gets a knee to Evans’ face for two. Pendulum elbow gets two for Aries.

Ion clears the ring and takes over but Aries stops a dive. Aries tries a suicide dive but Low Ki gets a fast kick up to send him flying backwards. Evans comes in and flips a lot but spins around too much as Aries takes him down with a spinning forarm. The fans chant sign them all. Ion and Aries are the only ones up right now. Aries gets a neckbreaker on the rope to put Ion down. Low Ki gets a cartwheel into a kick to knock Aries off the top and also get two.

Evans blocks a Warrior’s Way to Aries with a rana, getting two. He calls for the 630 but Ion breaks it up. Ion hits the 450 on Low Ki but Aries makes the save. Using the distraction, Evans fires off the 630 but eats knees. Aries hammers on Evans and hits the brainbuster on Low Ki to win the contract. Probably the best choice.

Aries asks Val if she’s surprised. He takes the contract and leaves.

Abyss talks about the Art of War and how he’ll keep the title. He implies he ate his missing teeth.

We recap Abyss vs. Kendrick. Abyss took the title in an attempt to kill the division and Kendrick is fighting for the honor and tradition of it or something.

X-Division Title: Brian Kendrick vs. Abyss

Kendrick fires away at the legs to start and that gets him nowhere. A cross body is totally no sold which is a cool visual. Kendrick hammers away but none of it’s working. Chokeslam is teased but Kendrick bites the fingers to escape. Kendrick is sent to the floor as Abyss asks if this is it. Fan: “Nobody likes you Abyss!” Abyss keeps hammering back in the ring and stops to read a few pages.

Kendrick keeps kicking at the legs and that doesn’t work at all. Instead Abyss hammers him down in the corner as this has more or less been one sided. Time for more reading! A right hand makes him drop the book and apparently that was enough to open him up. Abyss is all ticked off and Kendrick is able to fight back, hitting a dropkick to send him to the floor.

Back in the ring and Kendrick gets a missile dropkick for two. Sliced Bread is countered into Shock Treatment which gets two. Ref is bumped in a really stupid looking spot. Sliced Bread hits but there’s no referee. Here’s Bischoff to solid heat. He yells at Kendrick who decks him. Immortal runs out and the beating is on.

The X guys run out and get tossed with ease. They get Kendrick on his own and here are more X guys to fight Immortal. They clear the ring as I REALLY hope the match doesn’t continue after this. The ring is cleared out and a chokeslam is countered into a victory roll for Kendrick to win the title. You know, because the referee didn’t notice FIFTEEN PEOPLE IN THE RING. Confetti goes off but we’ve got another match to go because Brian Kendrick can’t win a main event match.

Video on AJ vs. Daniels which I’m sure you’ve gotten the point of in all the talking they’ve done already.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

Apparently the winner is best X-Division Wrestler EVER, despite AJ’s resume blowing Daniels’ away. Christy does big match intros again. Apparently these two named their kids after each other. That’s borderline creepy. The latest chant: “Wrestling. YAY! Hulk Hogan. Boo!” Give me a break. Lots of basic back and forth stuff to start with them knowing each other really well being the idea.

AJ works the arm a bit and they speed it up quickly. Both guys work the arm and it comes down to another stalemate after about 5 minutes. They shake hands and AJ puts another armbar on. The fans are split again. They speed things up and Daniels hits the floor. They have a TON of time here so this is going to be a very slow build. Daniels keeps trying to speed things up but AJ keeps going with the armbar.

They slowly start cranking things up as Daniels takes over. He works AJ over for a good while but AJ sends him to the floor, adding in a plancha that looked almost like Delirious’ Shadows Over Hell. Back inside now and AJ hammers away again. AJ works on the arm AGAIN but at least is using a Fujiwara Armbar here. Helps a lot when they mix things up. Out to the apron and AJ counters into a suplex on the apron.

Daniels takes over on the floor. Back in he chops away at the back and gets a neckbreaker for two. Pinfall reversal sequence ends in AJ being caught in a Crossface. Death Valley Driver gets two and Daniels is getting frustrated. They chop it out and AJ hits an enziguri to put both guys down. AJ slips off the top and crashes down, letting Daniels get two. Daniels goes up but gets caught in a Torture Rack which AJ spins out into a powerbomb for two.

Bad Downward Spiral by Daniels sets up the Koji Clutch to AJ. They’re getting tired here. AJ makes the rope as this probably needs to end soon. Daniels uses his variety of strikes but still can’t pin him. The tape finally comes off Daniels’ arms which is good as it had been dangling for awhile. AJ snap mares him off the top for two. He can’t get Angel’s Wings or the Clash (AJ can’t that is) so Daniels hits an STO and release Rock Bottom but the BME eats boot.

Styles Clash out of nowhere gets two as this is nearly half an hour long now. Angel’s Wings gets two and Daniels is ticked. They fight to the corner but Daniels can’t hit the Angel’s Wings from up there. AJ busts out the Spiral Tap but it doesn’t look as good as it usually does. That’s enough for the pin though at nearly half an hour.

Daniels won’t shake his hand post match. Ok yes he will and we’re out.

Kazarian b. Samoa Joe – Rollup
Douglas Williams b. Mark Haskins – Pin after a missed shooting star press
Eric Young/Shark Boy b. Generation Me – Wheelbarrow suplex into a neckbreaker to Max Buck
Alex Shelley b. Robbie E, Shannon Moore and Amazing Red – Shelley pulled down the X
Rob Van Dam b. Jerry Lynn – Five Star Frog Splash
Austin Aries b. Zema Ion, Jack Evans and Low Ki – Brainbuster to Low Ki
Brian Kendrick b. Abyss – Victory Roll
AJ Styles b. Christopher Daniels – Spiral Tap

Quick Results

Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly b. Bella Twins – K2 to Brie Bella
David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty b. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov – McGillicutter to Marella
Jack Swagger b. Sgt. Slaughter – Corner pump splash
Alberto Del Rip b. Rey Mysterio and R-Truth – Cross Armbreaker to Mysterio
Alex Riley b. Miz – Backslide

Titus O’Neil won the Talk the Talk Challenge
Tyson Kidd b. Yoshi Tatsu – Fisherman’s neckbreaker
Derrick Bateman/Daniel Bryan b. Darren Young/Titus O’Neil – Headlock into a facejam to Young

Crimson b. Bobby Roode – Red Sky
Jack Evans b. Jesse Sorensen and Tony Nees – 630 Splash to Nees
Velvet Sky b. Jackie and ODB – DDT to Jackie
Rob Van Dam b. Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn – Five Star Frog Splash to Daniels
D’Angelo Dinero/D-Von b. Matt Morgan/James Storm – D-Von pinned Storm after a shot with a title belt
Immortal b. Kurt Angle – Ray pinned Angle after a Mic Check from Mr. Anderson

Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes b. Daniel Bryan/Ezekiel Jackson – Dream Street to Jackson
Jinder Mahal b. Trent Barreta – Full nelson slam
AJ b. Tamina – Rollup
Mark Henry b. Kane – World’s Strongest Slam
Sin Cara b. Tyson Kidd – C4 off the top rope
Usos b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater – Jimmy pinned Gabriel with a top rope splash
Randy Orton b. Sheamus via DQ when Christian interfered

Destination X 2011
Kazarian b. Samoa Joe – Rollup
Douglas Williams b. Mark Haskins – Pin after a missed shooting star press
Eric Young/Shark Boy b. Generation Me – Wheelbarrow suplex into a neckbreaker to Max Buck
Alex Shelley b. Robbie E, Shannon Moore and Amazing Red – Shelley pulled down the X
Rob Van Dam b. Jerry Lynn – Five Star Frog Splash
Austin Aries b. Zema Ion, Jack Evans and Low Ki – Brainbuster to Low Ki
Brian Kendrick b. Abyss – Victory Roll
AJ Styles b. Christopher Daniels – Spiral Tap

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