Week of 3/28/11 - 4/3/11 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 2.0, down from last week but still solid.

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 28, 2011
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Josh Matthews

This is the final show before Wrestlemania. That being said there probably won’t be a lot of in ring action tonight as WWE is afraid of having any injuries before the biggest night of the year. The main story tonight though is that the Rock will be live in the arena tonight for the first time in almost a month. The staredown with Rock and Cena should be awesome. Let’s get to it.

We open with Punk sitting in the ring and being cheered loudly. He says he’s going to miss the Mania sign when he gets to Atlanta. Punk lives in reality while Orton lives in a fantasy world. He doesn’t care what happens to the people or to New Nexus. This causes a Randy chant as Punk gets the smark crowd against him with one sentence. Not bad. It’s not his fault that they got punted in the head. Punk talks about how Orton built up a psychological advantage which meant nothing.

We get a clip of the bus attack last week which is still rather weak. Punk claims that Orton cost him a title and now Punk has cost Orton his respect. This chapter closes at Wrestlemania. Cue Orton with a big bandage on his knee. After a very slow walk he gets into the ring but gets beaten down by Punk.

And never mind as a single uppercut turns the tide and Orton gets the elevated DDT. Orton sets for the Punt but the knee gives out. There are dueling chants here as Punk gets back in the ring. He gets a shot to the knee and Orton is in trouble. GTS leaves Orton laying.

Christian stops to get Edge as apparently they’re up next. Apparently the Raw GM has allowed Edge to fight Alberto tonight.

Edge/Christian vs. Brodus Clay/Alberto Del Rio

Edge vs. Brodus to start us off here and it’s off to Christian quickly. Christian knocks Clay to the floor and dives on him, only to get caught. Edge gets a baseball slide into the back of Christian to send Brodus down and we take a break. Back with Del Rio working on the arm of Christian. Off to Clay who gets two as Lawler and Cole argue about hair. Del Rio gets a middle rope elbow for two.

Tornado DDT out of the corner puts Del Rio down and here comes both Edge and Clay. Nice pop for the tag to Edge. Cross body fails for Edge but he avoids a powerslam to get an Edge-O-Matic for two. Del Rio breaks up the spear and Christian breaks up Del Rio. Brodus misses a charge and the spear ends him at 5:42 shown of 8:12.

Both Edge and Christian get stuck in the cross armbreaker as Del Rip and Clay leave them laying.

Apparently Trish and Snooki are in a bar in Jersey. This was taped last week and Snooki was three hours late based on various reports. Not a good sign.

Sin Cara is coming.

Miz and Riley are setting up a WWE logo to be the M version from last week. The title looks like that now as well.

There’s an E-Mail and Cole has a computer in his box. He has an Ipad now. The GM needs to know if Lawler is ready for Wrestlemania after what Cole did to him last week. Swagger vs. Lawler tonight.

We get a video about HHH vs. Undertaker which is set to a song about outrunning the devil and numbers. We also get highlight videos of both guys’ careers and their matches at Mania. HHH says if he can’t end the Streak, he’ll die trying.

Back with the Corre in the ring. Apparently Justin Gabriel is in action….so here are Show and Kane? And Kozlov and Santino. Santino is the opponent. Ok then.

Santino Marella vs. Justin Gabriel

The long talked about 8 man tag of Santino/Kozlov/Big Show/Kane vs. Corre is announced. Gabriel gets an incredibly fast kick for two and locks on a modified chicken wing. Santino comes back and sets for the Cobra but Slater distracts him. Kane takes him out and it’s a big brawl on the floor. Here comes the Corba and we’re done at 1:49. Just a quick match to set up the 8 man on Sunday.

Post match everyone does Santino's trombone thing, even Kane. There's a meme waiting to happen.

Some R&B singer is singing America the Beautiful. That means….no Justin Bieber? This Mania just got AWESOME!

HHH and Taker have their showdown next.

Here comes the Deadman and that Johnny Cash theme is rapidly growing on me. Here comes HHH and as he sets to do the water spit, the gong goes off and the lights go out. They come back on…and everything is just as it was. They stare each other down, and here’s Shawn Michaels! He does belong in a WWE ring for Mania week. Huge HBK chant starts up.

Shawn says there was no way he was going to miss this. Taker and HHH have barely stopped staring each other down. Taker is either looking at Shawn or his eyes are rolled back in his head. It’s at Shawn. You could only see the whites of his eyes and with him you never can tell. Shawn talks about how great both of them are and how huge this is.

He keeps talking before turning to HHH and asking why in the world would you think you can do what I couldn’t. HHH says Shawn got soft somewhere along the way and that Shawn realized he didn’t have to win to be Mr. Wrestlemania. HHH says that he has to win and he will. The Game turns to Taker and says that when he got here he saw one guy that held everything together. He lists off a lot of injuries Taker has worked through and how HHH has looked up to Undertaker his entire career and molded himself after Undertaker.

The only person that HHH admires and respects in wrestling as much as the Undertaker is Shawn. Years ago Shawn and HHH made a pact that if either of them could ever not do it anymore they would tell the other so. If the other couldn’t accept it, they would force it on them. HHH looks at Undertaker and says that it’s time for Undertaker to stop. He’ll always respect Undertaker, but in six days the Streak is over. HHH says he’s the one, as in 18-1. Good line. Taker hasn’t said a word yet. The Streak rests in peace on Sunday.

Undertaker grabs the mic from HHH and says that if the time ever comes for someone to put him down, he wants it to be HHH. But it’s not his time. HHH is going to kill himself trying but the Streak will still be alive and so will Undertaker. Wait, Undertaker is alive? I thought he was a zombie. Taker says that if HHH doesn’t want to take Taker’s word for it, ask Shawn.

Shawn walks around being the man that gave Undertaker the best Mania matches of his career and he came that close to beating it. Shawn seems bothered by this. Taker says he looks at Shawn and sees a man that he humbled. Shawn is a man that is going into the Hall of Fame as a man full of regrets and as a man whose career Undertaker ended.

Shawn grabs the mic and tries a superkick but gets caught in an attempted chokeslam. HHH breaks it up and they stare each other down again. HHH tells Shawn to tell Taker why HHH will win at Mania. Shawn doesn’t move and HHH turns to look at him. Both guys look at Shawn as the people chant one more match. Shawn leaves and HHH shouts at him but Shawn says something we can’t hear. The camera shifts so we can see Shawn say I’m sorry and something that looked like “I can’t do it.” Shawn leaves with that.

HHH and Undertaker look at each other, Taker laughs and tips his hat and Johnny Cash plays him out. Long segment that I have a feeling is going to get a very mixed reception. Good stuff, but not good enough to make this match as epic as they were shooting for.

Jerry Lawler vs. Jack Swagger

Lawler has different music here. Cole pops up on the apron and gets down just before Lawler hits him. Swagger takes over and a Vader Bomb crushes him. Out to the floor and Jerry is thrown into the time keeper’s area. Lawler gets a right hand in and pops Swagger with a chair for the DQ at 1:20. That’s really the only ending they could go with here. Lawler goes after Cole but the security holds him back as Jerry tries to get in through the top of the box. Cole throws his drink at him and Jerry backs off.

We recap the mixed tag from last week and here’s Vickie with sunglasses ala Morrison. She does his pose with his music and pyro behind her. We even get slow motion. She says that she has a message for Snooki. After the match Sunday, Snooki will be passed out and unconscious as always. Vickie’s evil laugh is pretty awesome.

Dolph Ziggler/Sheamsu vs. Daniel Bryan/John Morrison

Nice pop for Morrison. Sheamus vs. Morrison to start Flash Kick doesn’t work as Morrison jumps into the Irish Curse for two as we take a break. Back with the same pairing as before the break as Sheamus locks on a bow and arrow hold. Morrison fights out of it with a dropkick and it’s a double tag.

Bryan comes in and cleans house as he locks in the LeBell Lock to Ziggler. Sheamus makes the save as Morrison kicks Ziggler in the head. Apparently Sheamus is legal now. I don’t remember a tag but ok then. Morrison and Ziggler hit the floor and the LeBell Lock doesn’t work. Sheamus hits the High Cross which Cole calls Pale Justice. It’s a Razor’s Edge either way and it ends it at 2:44 shown of 6:14.

Orton is having his knee iced down and says that he’ll make it to Mania. He has anger management issues and has hurt people he didn’t know just because he could. He’s never despised anyone until now so the question isn’t can he make it to Mania but rather can Punk make it out of Mania.

Time for the Hall of Fame inductee of the night. It’s the LEGION OF DOOM!!!!! It’s about freaking time! We get a nice video package on them and apparently Paul Ellering is going in with them. That makes the class LOD, Ellering, Shawn Michaels, Sunny, Bullet Bob Armstrong, Abdullah the Butcher and Jim Duggan. I leave out Drew Carey for reasons of idiocy.

Snooki and Trish are at a bar and oh my goodness Snooki is drunk as hell. Some Jersey guy is annoying them constantly. Snooki slaps him and he gets taken out. This was rather pointless and lasted maybe a minute.

We cut to Matthews and then back to the bar as Laycool is there. Big brawl breaks out and they get pulled apart, making this whole thing maybe 80 seconds.

Back and it’s time. The Rock is here on the big screen and there’s the music. HUGE Rocky chant goes up and it takes awhile to get to the talking. This is a special city to Rock as his first Wrestlemania was here. On that night, he was nervous but he brought it. That night he founded Team Bring It which everyone is a part of. On Team Bring It you don't worry about what's coming and you go after your dreams.

Recently Rock has had a dream of his own. In this dream he came to the ring and called out John Cena. Mad heat for the mere mention of Cena's name. The fans chant Cena sucks. He doesn't have a chance tonight. Rock says Cena looks like a homeless Power Ranger. Rock talks about Cena and how tonight, Rock is here with the MILLIONS.

Cue Cena who is looking rather chipper. Hokey smoke this is epic. Not total booing for Cena when he first comes out but when he starts talking it changes a bit. Cena says this is what he finally wanted: Rock back in a WWE ring. This is where Rock belongs according to Cena. The fans chant for Rocky. When Cena started talking about him years ago he was one of the millions. He didn't understand why Rock left because Cena wanted Rock back for moments like these when Rock has the people in the palm of his hands. If Rock doesn't believe Cena, Rock should listen to them.

If Rock still doesn't believe him, Rock should feel the electricity. When Rock came back he was smoking and it was an honor to have Rock make fun of him. Cena takes a jab at the via satellite moments and Cena wanted to know.....something we have to wait on as the fans chant Cena Sucks a bit more. Cena wants to know what problem Rock had with him. That's a good question actually. Cena says that he looked past all the jokes and catchphrases and found a lot of problems Rock had with him.

Who in the hell is Rock to tell Cena how to dress or what to listen to or who his audience should be? If that is what it takes to be on Team Bring It then Cena wants nothing to do with it. Cena knows there are people that hate him and he's not going to change for them or for anyone. He'll be judged at the end of the day but it won't be by Rock.

There were things like the colors and the way he talks. Also the music and the hustle, loyalty and respect. The one that surprises Cena though is that Rock's audience is kids. That's right and Cena is damn proud of what he is and who he's become. Rock hasn't taken his eyes off Cena the whole time. Cena morphs into Super Cena, saying that if Rock has a problem with Cena working as hard as he has, there's something to talk about.

Rock says the good Lord will be the one to judge them and gets in Cena's face. Even the good Lord can't save Cena from Rock whipping his ass all over Chicago. Cena says if you want to fight there's nothing stopping you and throws the mic down. Here's Miz and he has a LOT to live up to. Miz says that he's tired of being overshaddowed by the O Brothers: Overrated and Overhyped. Cena will lose at Wrestlemania, but he'll go down fighting, unlike The Rock.

Miz says he knows a secret. Rocky isn't going to do a thing tonight because Rock isn't going to risk losing a movie career to get beaten up and embarrassed by Miz. That's not a risk, but rather a guaran-damn-tee that if Rock even looks at Miz Rock will never be able to set foot in Hollywood after the beating Miz gives him. Rock can talk all he wants and it won't matter. Rock says it doesn't matter what Miz thinks.

Riley jumps Rock and the beating is on. Riley is knocked to the floor as Cena is gone. Rock takes down Miz with a DDT and botches the nip up. Oh Cena is on the floor. People's Elbow to Miz who is thrown to the floor. Rock turns around and it's an Attitude Adjustment to Rock as the booing is insane. Rock can't see Cena as he leaves. Cena points to the Mania sign and we're off the air.

Edge/Christian b. Alberto Del Rio/Brodus Clay – Spear to Clay
Santino Marella b. Justin Gabriel – Cobra
Jack Swagger b. Jerry Lawler via DQ when Lawler used a chair
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler b. Daniel Bryan/John Morrison – High Cross to Bryan


Raw got a 3.8 which is a bit lower than expected but still good.

Finlay was released as a scapegoat over a house show issue involving Miz, the National Guard and the National Anthem.

Date: March 29, 2011
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: William Regal, Todd Grisham

It’s week….four I think of this season and this was taped last night before Raw as everyone is heading to Atlanta to make sure they get there in time I guess. I’d bet on a lot of highlights from last night and build for Mania which is probably the right idea for tonight as it’s not like this is cutting edge stuff on this show. Let’s get to it.

Striker brings out the rookies as you would expect him to. I’m typing and not looking at the browser as I write this and it occurs to me that the names of these guys tell us absolutely nothing about these characters. None of them have descriptive names or even unique ones. That’s been a problem with the NXT rookies recently. Novak has gold tights on now. Is that his method of trying to look different other than those off-white ones he usually wears?

Young has seven points and O’Neil has five which is all that is listed. Tonight: arm wrestling. Oh dear. The fans are restless to say the least. This is for four points. The person that wins their first round match in the fastest time gets a bye to the finals. Young vs. Saxton goes to Young in 23.7 seconds. The fans are looking like they’re getting a reading of War and Peace at a Guns N Roses concert.

Cannon vs. O’Brian is delayed due to Cannon sanitizing Rat Boy. Cannon tries to cheat and is disqualified and that counts as the new time of 11.2 seconds. Novak vs. O’Neil now and O’Neil has lost the manly purple tights. Novak tries to cheat again and that doesn’t count but it’s not a DQ. He started early I guess. O’Neil massacres him and gets the best time to send him to the finals.

O’Brien beats Young to get O’Neil in the finals. And Titus wins with only a slight issue. O’Neil has the most redemption points now.

Six man tag later so we’re getting one match here.

Rock vs. Cena video. Can’t argue with them pushing this.

Package on Young who says he’s not taking a step back but rather a step forward. I still would like an answer of how a guy that was in the main event of Summerslam is in a rookie competition.

Video on Taker vs. HHH that aired last night.

We recap the Divas/Snooki/Morrison/Ziggler thing. Oh joy: more mainstream news people trying to sound like wrestling commentators when they have no idea what a wrestling commentator sounds like.

Some R&B singer is singing America the Beautiful. She’s not Justin Bieber so I’m happy.

Raw ReBound is Rock vs. Cena last night which it should be. That Attitude Adjustment is going to be on more highlight reels than I can count. But remember people, according to 411, HHH/Taker/Shawn was a bigger moment.

Speaking of said moment, it’s reaired. It was good but they had to fit five weeks of build into one night and it didn’t work. Shawn should be interesting on Sunday though. This takes up about fifteen minutes but it does set up a single match as well as just about anything else could in that amount of time, especially one without a ton of build aside from “I want to break the Streak.” The one good thing here is that I can find out what Shawn said after he said I’m sorry. Apparently it was (to HHH) you can’t win.

Titus O’Neil/Byron Saxton/Conor O’Brian vs. Darren Young/Jacob Novak/Lucky Cannon

No entrances for anyone as I have a feeling this is going to be quick. Cannon vs. O’Brian to start us off with O’Brian working on the arm. Off to O’Neil as the crowd does not care at all here. It’s hard to kill off a Chicago crowd but they’ve managed to do it. Young comes in and gets nowhere other than into the other corner to be beaten down by Saxton.

Young tries to take over and gets kicked in the face. Elbow puts Saxton down and it’s off to Novak. Cannon comes in and does his DDT on the leg of Saxton and stretches him a bit. Saxton fights back so it’s off to Young to beat him down even more. Novak puts a chinlock on him after a brief melee and that lasts only a few seconds. Ice cold tag to O’Neil and after he beats on them a bit, a Low Down/spinebuster ends this. Match ran about six or seven minutes but I forgot to check the time at the end.

Titus O’Neil won the Arm Wrestling Contest
Conor O’Brian/Titus O’Neil/Byron Saxton b. Lucky Cannon/Darren Young/Jacob Novak – O’Neil pinned Novak after a sitout powerbomb


As usual, nothing.


Date: March 31, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: R-V-Damned!!!

So we’ve got three more shows before Lockdown which seems like a lot for some reason. It’s nice to have them focusing on a PPV instead of a TV show though as this gives us something to look forward to at the PPV. Last week’s show gives me some hope for this week although I really hope we won’t get another #1 contender’s match tonight. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the #1 contender’s match last week with Anderson getting disqualified. Sting claims he didn’t call for the bell so Anderson accuses Sting of being afraid to face him.

In the arena and Anderson more or less runs Earl Hebner to the ring. Anderson gets in Hebner’s face, yelling at him about ringing the bell and handing the match to RVD. Hebner says that Anderson needs to show respect to the striped shirt and that Anderson was disqualified for disrespecting Sting, the referee last week. Hebner says the decision stands, ASSHOLE. If Anderson tries anything or disrespects him then Anderson will be suspended for 90 days period.

Hebner tries to leave but Anderson grabs him and sets for the Mic Check. Hebner’s son, fellow referee Brian Hebner, comes out for the save so Anderson says go for it. Anderson wants to know if Earl is going to screw him over now too since that’s what he does. Earl pulls his fist back until Sting comes down for the save. Sting says pick on him instead and Anderson says this is asshole country. Sting drills him and the security comes out to pull them apart.

Cue RVD, now complete with his memory, comes out and says he doesn’t want the win like that and tells Hebner to make it a threeway at Lockdown. He can’t do that though, but apparently he can make it stand? Makes sense actually. Cue Hogan to say ok let’s do that. What a shock: the #1 contender’s match again meant nothing. Bischoff has a ratings idea so tonight it’s the three in the ring vs. Flair’s team of Abyss, Matt and Bubba in a cage. Sting and Anderson brawl as we go to a break.

Back and Anderson has no comment.

RVD says he likes having everyone in the ring at once because he can take care of all of them at once.

Sting says he’ll get an apology for the disrespect from Anderson.

Shannon Moore vs. Scott Steiner up next. As Gorilla would say “A main event anywhere in the world.”

Shannon says he’s the new generation and he disrespected Steiner because he has no respect for Steiner.

Steiner says that’s not disrespect. If he wanted to disrespect Shannon he’d spend the night with his girlfriend. This is going to be a beatdown, not a match.

Bubba says that he’s not wanting to talk about AJ and he lets his attitude do the talking. There’s a chip on his shoulder and Hogan wants to borrow it. Ok then.

Jordan and Young are on their way to the ring. I guess they’re up next now.

The Jarretts are talking to Hogan and Bischoff, more or less begging to call off the Angle match. Didn’t Angle say he’d get the Jarretts if he tried to do this? There’s a Rob Terry thing apparently to take care of Angle. Hogan calls Karen the key to this.

Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore

Orlando Jordan and Eric Young are on commentary here…just because I guess. Crimson and Neal are here as seconds. Young has an announcement and they’re going to be in a four way tag match at Lockdown. Steiner/Crimson vs. Ink Inc vs. Jordan/Young vs. a mystery team. Jordan is dressed like a peacock. I’ve got nothing. Young says the mystery team might be Demolition. That would be awesome.

Moore tries to run and gets thrown back in by Crimson to let the beating begin. Steiner is destroying him here wit his power stuff. The referee gets in the way a bit as Steiner drops Moore with a back elbow. Belly to belly gets two. Young speculates on the Beverly Brothers. It’s always fun to hear obscure names like those dropped. Moore gets in a shot to the leg and does some pushups to tick Scott off.

Shannon puts on Steiner’s headgear but misses a moonsault. There are all kinds of sexual jokes from Jordan and Young here, none of which are really all that funny. Steiner wakes up and starts the proper squashing here. Frankensteiner from the top ends this at 4:25. Was there ever any real doubt as to the ending?

Jordan and Young with Jordan in rainbow wings and what can best be described as feather briefs, go to the ring to congratulate the winners but are jumped by Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus who apparently are the fourth team. Good job with Williams guys: from a face that is stealing the show with AJ to a heel in the same generic tag team he was in years ago.

Back with Anderson talking to a poster of himself. The poster says that he won’t apologize to Sting.

The Jarretts are complaining about Anderson being on the poster. HEY! Did you know that ANDERSON is supposed to be the star of this show? Didn’t know if they made that clear enough with his three of four appearances in 40 minutes. Karen is mad at Jeff in case the plan doesn’t work and he has to face Kurt at Lockdown. Jeff says it’s ok.

We recap Generation Me being awesome but apparently Jeremy has turned on Max and Max isn’t happy about it. This is about one trying to get the title at the last PPV.

Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck

Jeremy is mad about Max stealing the glory. They go incredibly fast paced of course with Max being sent to the floor. Jeremy invites Max back into the ring which is accepted. Jeremy tries a handshake but is pulled into a headlock. We’re getting a lot of quick covers and counters here but now Max is getting all ticked off. Rana by Jeremy gets two.

Max sends him to the floor and Jeremy might have hurt his elbow. Now Max holds the ropes open for Jeremy just like Jermy did for him earlier. Max kicks him in the head though and adds a jumping flipping cutter from the top rope to end this at 4:00. Cool finisher to say the least.

Fourtune is here and are happy about someone arriving at an airport.

Back with Winter giving Angelina a drink and talking to her about Velvet. Methinks hijinks are afoot with that cup.

We recap the Angelina and Winter stuff with Velvet not being able to see her at first and then Winter being all psycho protective over Angelina. We get what is probably the 6th use of the word bitch in 50 minutes during this.

Winter vs. Velvet Sky

The match starts after the break. Back with the bell and Velvet charging straight at Winter. Lots of shoulders into the corner follow and Velvet is in control. Never mind as it’s off to Winter as Taz babbles about how hot they look and something about Lelani Kai. Winter keeps up the beating and gets a backbreaker for two. Velvet comes back and gets some clothesline to take Winter down. Bulldog puts her down again but Angelina comes down the aisle. She’s all trance like as Winter drills Velvet. A spinning backbreaker sets up a kind of choke to end Velvet at 3:57. Angelina continues to just stand there and not move.

Here’s Anderson….again. He calls out Sting and sucker punches him. They brawl some more and go into the crowd. After about two minutes, Immortal comes out for he beat down to get the advantage for the cage match later tonight. Van Dam FINALLY comes out for the save and beats on Ray a bit. He lets Immortal hammer on Anderson after saving Sting. RVD leaves Anderson to the wolves. Immortal throws Anderson to Sting who pops him and chases off Immortal.

The Jarretts pretend that Angle is attacking them on the phone, I’m assuming to the police.

Angle is up next against some mystery guy. Gee I wonder if it could be the guy that Hogan mentioned by name as a potential solution for Kurt.

Back with Flair talking about how awesome Immortal is and how there’s no point to the match tonight as it’s a team against three individuals. All three people talk about how awesome Immortal is.

Velvet complains about Winter and says you don’t come to TNA to mess with the Beautiful People. She’s going to break the hold that Winter has on her no matter what it takes.

Here’s Kurt and he has no idea who he’s fighting tonight. Kurt calls out Jeff Jarrett and here he comes, along with Rob Terry. Yes, surprisingly enough it’s the guy that Hogan said was the solution to the Angle problem. Is this supposed to be a surprise?

Rob Terry vs. Kurt Angle

Angle is in street clothes here. Jarrett distracts Kurt to let Terry take over to start us off here. Kurt gets a boot up but jumps into a front slam as he tries a cross body. Terry gets him in a tombstone position but Kurt reverses into the ankle lock for the submission at 1:36.

Angle gets his hands on Jeff for a split second post match but only gets his shoe. Kurt chases after Jarrett and chokes him with I think a shirt. Angle Slam on the stage is reversed and Jeff runs backstage. Kurt might catch him if he was actually running. Jeff hides behind a wall or something and Kurt walks into some cops as Karen shouts. Kurt is arrested and taken away. I can’t wait to get to Lockdown so this can end already. It was good to start but this has gone on far too long.

Fourtune isn’t sure what RVD is doing and they want to back up Sting tonight. Roode talks about having a fourth person and that they need to go talk to someone.

Hogan and Bischoff say they can pick and choose whoever they want to join Immortal with how mad those three are at each other.

Matt Hardy/Abyss/Bully Ray vs. Sting/Rob Van Dam/Mr. Anderson

This is in a cage remember. They have almost 25 minutes left in the show so this could get a lot of time. Sting jumps Anderson as he’s doing the intro and suplexes him on the stage. Flair hits RVD with a low blow and puts him in the cage. Sting comes in and it’s 3-2 to start us off. Stinger Splashes all around and the atomic drop by Hardy is no sold. This is one of those annoying cage matches where you have to tag.

Immortal doesn’t seem to care about those rules though which is something I really like. It’s a cage match where it’s supposed to be about survival, but make sure to tag in and out. Anderson sits in a chair on the floor and watches as we take a break. Back with Sting getting destroyed by all three Immortals.

As the beatdown continues here’s Hogan complete with back brace. He tells Anderson to get in the cage but Anderson doesn’t want to. Hogan calls him an asshole and Anderson wants to fight. Hogan says he has glasses and a back brace and jumps Anderson. Anderson is thrown in and I guess now the match REALLY begins. Sting nails Anderson who gets rammed into the cage.

All Immortal here and Flair goes after a cameraman. Ray wants to get the paint off Sting’s face. Hardy gets two on Sting. Ok, so now we’re going into tagging mode. Uh…so why didn’t we do that in the first ten minutes? Matt vs. Sting officially starts us I guess. Sting hammers away but his knee is gone. Off to Abyss with Ray shouting KILL HIM! Off to Ray now as he and Abyss are in at the same time.

Sting avoids them and has them clothesline each other then clotheslines both of them to bring in Van Dam. Anderson is down in a neutral corner. Top rope kick looks to set up the Frog Splash but Anderson shoves him off and the Bubba Bomb ends Van Dam at 13:00. Anderson bails as the beating continues on Sting and Van Dam.

The beating continues but Fourtune hits the ring for the save. Flair locks everyone in and Immortal takes over. Kaz is busted open as there are a lot of chains in there for some reason. Did Orlando visit the cage earlier? With the beating continuing even longer, a bald man climbs the side of the cage. It's the returning CHRISTOPHER DANIELS who dives on Immortal and clears the cage as we take a break.

We get a quick recap of the match and post match stuff we just saw including Daniels with a big dive that looks pretty cool.

Flair rants about who Daniels is and Abyss says it’s AJ’s best friend. Flair looks like the grandfather in a Shirley Temple movie. Ray rants about how awesome the blood was.

Daniels, looking like he’s wearing eyeliner, says that it’s time to be back. He says he’ll have Ray’s blood on his hands at Lockdown. Kaz says he’s willing to bleed. Apparently Daniels is the fourth man at Lockdown. If AJ is out that’s as good a replacement as they can get I think so I can’t complain here. Storm rants about how awesome Fourtune is and Daniels says TNA was built on blood.

Sting says that was just a warmup. At Lockdown it’s SHOWTIME!

Anderson leaves with no comment. Oh ok he just makes them in another room. He’s mad about getting screwed over and Ran Dam jumps him. Van Dam says thanks for tonight and leaves Anderson laying. Anderson curses a lot as we go off the air.

Scott Steiner b. Shannon Moore – Frankensteiner
Max Buck b. Jeremy Buck – Flipping Cutter off the top
Winter b. Velvet Sky – Choke
Kurt Angle b. Rob Terry – Ankle Lock
Bully Ray/Matt Hardy/Abyss b. Sting/Mr. Anderson/Rob Van Dam – Bubba Bomb to Van Dam

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