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Week of 10/3/2011 - 10/9/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.9.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 3, 2011
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Booker T

We're past HIAC and now only 20 days away from Vengeance. Yeah this isn't going to blow up in their faces at all. Anyway Alberto is champion again, two weeks after losing it to Cena in the first place. It'll be nice to see him have a reign as champion but after last night's ending I'm sure the rematch with Cena in another one on one match is coming. Other than that we've got Truth/Miz stuff to get to. Let's get to it.

There's a 12 man tag later. That won't be a mess at all.

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

Orton is now introduced as the Apex Predator. Drew is in black tights with a red design on the back. I don't know if he's worn them before as I haven't seen him in a match (other than the battle royal that he was out of in about 5 seconds) in so long. Orton takes him to the floor and sends him into the barricade twice. Back inside now for ten corner punches as this is supposed to be the crazy Orton I suppose.

The referee gets in the way and McIntyre kicks Orton's head off to take over. Oh come on the big boot is SO 2010. Snap suplex gets two. A neckbreaker puts Orton down and Drew goes up and dives into a boot. At least he looked like he was trying something else though. Elevated DDT hits and it's time to spin around and slap the mat a lot. RKO ends this clean at 5:45.

Drew takes another RKO post match. Here's Henry who holds up the belt, bringing out Orton. Security breaks it up pretty quickly. Both guys do the charge through security to get another shot. So I guess we won't be ending a feud with HIAC like we should. Also I'd guess Orton gets the belt back after like two months now because that's enough time to build a monster up right?

Here's video #8000 about Mark Henry hurting people, this one focusing on Big Show.

Big Show returns Friday. I like that better than a shocking return a bit I think.

Mark Henry vs. John Morrison

My goodness this is the second match in 15 minutes to open the show. I don't know how to take this. Non-title here. Morrison is in tights now. Morrison escapes the Slam and fires off some kicks and a knee to the head. Starship Pain hits and Henry is out at two. The fans popped BIG for that but Henry gets all mad about it and the Slam ends this in 2:00. Basically just a squash.

Morrison takes another Slam post match. Henry grabs the mic and calls himself a beast. Also he's done with Orton. As far as Big Show goes, it'll be a short return. Henry shouts a lot during this. Oh and on a random note, it's John Morrison's birthday. Nice present.

The group of people that want to sue HHH is yelling and we need an answer about the grievances. Everyone but Ace leaves and he takes out his phone to text.

Otunga/Christian/Rhodes/Del Rio/Swagger/Ziggler/Vickie are in the ring. Alberto talks about winning the title last night and about how the Cell came up and lowered. Only one man can do that and that is HHH. Christian talks about how they're not going to take it anymore. Rhodes says everyone here has been a victim of HHH's negligence. Ziggler says it's time to take actions into their own hands. Vickie says she feels vulnerable as a woman. Otunga says he's studied cases like this. There were wrestling cases in Harvard Law? I want to go there! The threat of legal action brings out the Game.

HHH wants to know what happened to the WWE. Men used to fight in that ring and they would win and lose. He doesn't care about lawsuits but does care about later tonight when the six of them will be in the ring with five guys not including Mason Ryan apparently. HHH wants it to be about fighting, not talking.

Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix/Natalya

Kelly goes insane on Beth and screams a lot, ramming her into the table a bunch. And it's a DQ at 35 seconds.

Ace comes up to HHH in the back and wants an apology for getting shoved down last night. The locker room needs to be consulted so HHH says get them out there so he can get a vote of no confidence if that's what we're coming to. HHH grabs him by the tie and says Ace better be there too.

Video on the DVD/Blu-Ray of Fast Five. At least it has Rock in it.

Mahal is in the ring and JR says he's mysterious. He's cut off by......Santino???

Santino Marella vs. Jinder Mahal

Santino looks different now and I'm not sure it's working for him. He was legit injured in a car wreck in case you're wondering where he's been. He makes fun of Mahal's language and JR says the closed captioning person just walked off the job. Mahal starts fast but misses a knee in the corner. Santino loads up the Cobra and we're done at 38 seconds.

Brodus Clay is coming. Cool.

We get a clip from last night after the main event ended and the attack from Miz/Truth. It was a huge brawl with Miz/Truth running in and beating down everyone with pipes as the roster tried to break in. Miz and Truth were arrested to end it. This was better when it was live.

We get a homemade Miz/Truth video from Youtube with them talking about last night and how HHH would have done the same thing last night. They mention the attorneys and they're filing a wrongful termination suit against WWE and assault charges against HHH. They apologize too. The top comment says Kayfabe Lives.

David Otunga/Christian/Cody Rhodes/Alberto Del Rio/Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena/CM Punk/Sheamus/Mason Ryan/Air Boom

Think that's a long enough match title? I'm not really going to try to call everything in this. Cena starts with Christian and beats up both the Canadian and Otunga in less than 30 seconds before it's off to Ziggler. Dolph gets Ryan instead and then gets tossed to the floor as the heel team is in trouble. Back in the ring a powerslam gets two on Ziggler. See, it makes sense when a power guy uses a power move. WHY IS THAT SO COMPLICATED???

Off to Sheamus vs. Swagger which is also known as WHAT WERE THEY THINKING IN 2010. Sheamus destroys him for a bit and it's off to Punk vs. Rhodes. Even JR says he likes the old IC Title being back. Punk sets for the GTS but everything breaks down and we go to a break in a standoff. Back with Kofi missing a cross body and Rhodes getting two.

Off to Del Rip as we're getting to the issue of these matches: there's no time to build flow or anything like that because there are way too many people to get into the ring. People come in and out rather quickly. Off to Swagger who brings in Ziggler fast enough that it doesn't really require mentioning. Dropkick gets two for Ziggler. Not that we saw it because the camera was on Vickie but I guess the awesomeness was implied.

Kofi can't make the tag because of Swagger so it's back to Ziggler beating on him a bit more. Kingston and Dolph collide in the air and it's the hot tag that brings in Bourne. He knocks Swagger down with ease and the Shooting Star hits, only for Vickie to put the leg on the rope. There goes Vickie. Her leaving takes forever and we take another break.

Back with Christian coming in to beat on Bourne a bit as the announcers hype up the vote of confidence later on. This is already over 20 minutes. Del Rio beats on Bourne a bit but Evan gets a SWEET tornado DDT to take over and it's hot tag to Cena who gets a big old pop. Cena starts his finishing sequence but is put down into the corner as we have our third face beatdown segment of the match. When do you ever see that?

Del Rio gets in a kick to the ribs/arm for two and it's off to Swagger. Vader Bomb misses and it's hot tag to Sheamus. He cleans house on everyone but it's mainly Ziggler. He kicks Christian off but gets shoved by Del Rio in an attempted top rope shoulder. Fameasser (called the Zig Zag) gets one but Christian hits a spear out of nowhere. It's Parade of Finishers time and I'm not going to bother trying to call all this stuff. The Zig Zag (called the Zig Zag) puts Cena down but the Brogue Kick ends Ziggler at 26:54. Now that is a long TV match.

Here's the roster for the vote of confidence. The Divas get their own entrance for some reason. Even the referees come out together. Here are the Smackdown guys....and here are more Raw guys. Even Jerry Lawler comes back for this. The vote is after a break. Here's HHH and he talks about how Miz and Truth should have been ready to do the time if they wanted to do what they did.

HHH says he's old school and likes to see people fight. He says at the end of the day it's the WWE Universe that signs all of their paychecks and it's the WWE Universe that is the ultimate master. He's doing things for the fans, not for any wrestler in particular. Now he wants to hear from the guys. Barrett is a spokesman and he says HHH has created an unsafe working environment.

The reason these guys came to WWE is because they're professionals and they like rules. That doesn't involve being attacked by outside individuals. Barrett talks about how HHH has made things crazy and it's not good. HHH calls him out on the obvious: he used to lead the Nexus who did all that stuff. Barrett is shot down quickly by that. Mike Chioda is next (why?) and he says that he's never seen this much abuse to the referees. HHH fired the guys that attacked the referees but they still got in.

Beth says the Divas are all feeling unsafe. HHH wants to know one thing that has happened. Beth says it could and that's not really enough for HHH. Jerry Lawler comes in and says he thinks Raw is spiraling out of control. However he doesn't blame HHH. He agrees with Punk that there's something going on behind the scenes and whoever is behind it is trying to get HHH out of his job. The problem is that everyone around the ring is paying the price for it. What that means is that HHH may be innocent of the chaos, he's the reason it's happening.

They hold the vote and everyone says no confidence. Jerry calmly says he's walking out. Otunga and his boys walk too. As do various people and then the rest of the guys. The fans chant for HHH but there are a few guys left. Ok now they're leaving. The referees leave. There are about 15 guys left and most of them are laving. Now there are like six or seven, mostly faces I think.

It's Air Boom, Ryder, Watson, Morrison and Riley. Cole leaves and no one seems to care. Oh and Santino is out there still too. Now those guys are leaving. Booker walks out and so does the time keeper and someone else. In a cool scene, the cameraman puts his camera down and leaves it in the ring and leaves too.

JR is still left at the announce table and he's the only person left at ringside. He takes his headset off and leaves to a lot of booing. HHH is all alone in the ring and Johnny Ace comes out to stare him down and shake his head. The big names weren't there by the way. No Cena, Punk or Sheamus. No Orton either. Ace walks out (shocking). The fans keep cheering for the man with too many nicknames and we go off the air. HHH looks like he says “that's all”.

Randy Orton b. Drew McIntyre – RKO
Mark Henry b. John Morrison – World's Strongest Slam
Beth Phoenix/Natalya b. Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly via DQ when Kelly wouldn't stop attacking Beth
Santino Marella b. Jinder Mahal – Cobra
Air Boom/CM Punk/Sheamus/Mason Ryan/John Cena b. Alberto Del Rio/Christian/Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger/Cody Rhodes/David Otunga – Brogue Kick to Ziggler


Raw got a 3.0.


Date: October 5, 2011
Location: Mississippi Coast Coliseum, Biloxi, Mississippi
Commentators: Jack Korpela, William Regal

After last week's newest tag team debut in the form of Hawkins/Reks, there's an actual tag division on this show which is more than most of the WWE and almost all of TNA can say right now. There are no Pros left and that's certainly a good thing. It'll be interesting to see how the walk out from last night will affect the show, but I'll bet it's not much at all. Let's get to it.

Oh and this show is now on Wednesday and we were told that.....oh a good never after the show aired. I read it on a tweet on WWE.com. Nice job guys. Nice.

Two new developments today: first of all if you go to the NXT page it offers you the 9/27 show but if you go to the full episodes tab you can watch today's show. Also, it offers you an option of voting for rookies. As in potential eliminations. That hasn't been an option in MONTHS.

Here are Hawkins/Reks to open the show and we get a quick recap of them beating down the Usos last week. They're invading the show tonight because everything is in chaos. Hawkins apologizes to the fans that watch the show, saying they're not going to see O'Neil or Tatsu because it's the Hawkins and Reks Show. Reks says that last night (the video is dated the 5th but Raw was on the 3rd) they walked out on HHH on Raw. He's tired of opportunities being handed out and squandered. They're sitting on the top ropes for this so it's kind of a different looking thing.

Here come the Usos in street clothes. They talk about the lack of respect that Hawkins/Reks have for everything including the ring, the people and HHH. The tag match is made and the Usos clear the ring with a double superkick to Reks and a simple toss to Hawkins. How exactly has Hawkins, a former tag champion, never had an opportunity? I guess that's in the whole pay no attention to it part of history.

Titus O'Neil vs. Derrick Bateman

Regal says he was torn about walking out on Raw. Titus takes over with his power game and gets two off a side slam and a shoulder block. Regal talks about Maxine's uncle who is a defrocked abbot who teaches chimpanzees to ride unicycles and on Sunday mornings piddles around in flea markets. Can we just get an hour of Regal's stories? Bateman takes over with a dropkick but gets a delayed two. The idea here is that Titus is off because there's no Horny to coach him. Titus starts his comeback but Maxine gets in his way as he tries to go up top. Bateman goes for the knee and that stupid falling bulldog ends it at 5:06.

The Raw ReBound eats up about five minutes

JTG and Young make fun of Yoshi for his makeup. They leave and Yoshi goes up to the makeup table but it's missing. All that is left is a mirror with the letter H and the number 8 (hate) crossed out. The word CHEA is underneath it. So this is what this show has come to? JTG vs. Yoshi Tatsu. Oh me oh my.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. JTG

No paint for Yoshi today. JTG runs immediately and the chase is cut off as he hides behind Darren who has the makeup/paint. Yoshi kicks Darren upside the head and is like GO BACK TO BEWITCHED BOY! The distraction lets JTG take over and he pounds away. Off to a chinlock as we hear about JTG running through the streets of Brooklyn to show he's not afraid. It also shows he's an idiot but that goes without saying. Yoshi starts firing off the kicks and the chops because he's Asian and that means he has to be a martial artist. Top rope spinwheel kick ends this at 4:50.

Video on Mark Henry who is big and mean.

Daniel Bryan vs. Heath Slater

The announcers talk about almost nothing but the walkout (trademark probably coming soon) but Bryan is his usual submission based self. Bryan hooks Slater's feet in a surfboard position but jumps up and drives Slater's knees into the mat. We talk about Regal training Bryan and Regal mentions he let him go on his own to avoid falling into some of the snares Regal fell into.

Now we talk about the end of the PPV because the match isn't all that interesting. On the floor Slater is sent into the barricade and Bryan hits the running knee off the apron. Back in Bryan fires off a kick and shakes the ropes like Ultimate Warrior. A running dropkick in the corner gets two. Slater starts a comeback but walks into some kicks and a Regal Stretch for the tap at 5:43. Regal: “That's the first time that move has been seen in 8 years.”

Usos vs. Curt Hawkins/Tyler Reks

dWe'll call that Jey starts with Hawkins. Jimmy comes in and cheating takes him down. There's almost no time left in the show so this isn't going to last long. Hot tag to Jey who hits a Bubba Bomb and the running hip smash to the face for two on Hawkins. A double assisted Samoan Drop (Alley-Us, pronounced like the team's name) gets two. Jey goes up but is slammed down by Hawkins. A top rope elbow ends the Usos at 4:53.

Derrick Bateman b. Titus O'Neil – Falling Bulldog
Yoshi Tatsu b. JTG – Top rope spinwheel kick
Daniel Bryan b. Heath Slater – Regal Stretch
Curt Hawkins/Tyler Reks b. Usos – Top rope elbow to Jey


Darren Young has been suspended for 30 days for Wellness. If there's a vote coming soon, there's your elimination.

Vince Russo has been removed as TNA head writer. There may be hope for them yet.

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 6, 2011
Location: Knoxville Civic Auditorium, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We're in Knoxville now (if that wasn't clear before) and it's Hulk Hogan's retirement announcement. Why do I have a feeling that may not be legit after last year's hospital ordeal. Anyway, we have two more shows before BFG so I'm sure Bobby Roode still respects Kurt a lot and that he's the next world champ. If you're not sure, just listen and I'm sure you'll hear it a few dozen times tonight. Let's get to it.

Here's Beer Money to open the show. Roode finishes the Fourtune gauntlet tonight and they're in the semi main event. Storm isn't happy with this because Hogan is taking the spot from them. It's time for Hogan to retire. Roode talks about facing the other members of Fourtune and needing to beat them to get here. He needs Storm at his best for the sake of getting him ready for Angle. Storm will do that later and tonight he might be a little better than Roode.

Sting is here in a red jacket and a Hogan t-shirt.

Since it's Hogan's big nights, we look back at Hogan moments in Impact Wrestling. First up: Hogan arrives on January 4, 2010.

Kazarian vs. Gunner

This is fallout from last week with Traci's pull apart brawl and Gunner laying out Kaz. They fight over the arm and Kaz's goes into the post. Back in Gunner works on the arm for a bit but Kaz takes the leg out to take over for all of a second. Kaz's arm goes into the post again, setting up an armbar for the tap at 4:12. That came out of nowhere but I kind of like it....I think. And never mind as Gunner hits him just a tiny bit more and it's reversed to a DQ.

Here's Anderson to apologize to the people who mean the most to him: his anal openings known as fans. He's worked for his whole life to get here and isn't sure what he was thinking when he joined Immortal. He mentions Ray and here he is. They talk about how Ray keeps using weapons to beat him down (“Overcompensating with the chain?) and Ray says Anderson doesn't get another match. Anderson challenges him to a Philadelphia Falls Count Anywhere match. Wasn't that already set up?

Roode and Storm are getting ready.

Eric gets here and isn't happy about the Hogan announcement. They've worked together for years and it ends tonight.

Kendrick talks about how Aries has weaknesses and he can exploit them. It's your usual insane stuff. He insults Kid Kash and here's Kash to retort with his fists.

Mickie James/Velvet Sky vs. Winter/Madison Rayne

Mickie vs. Winter to start and it's off to Madison quickly. Kaz is going to the hospital. Velvet comes in and doesn't so much so it's off to Mickie again to beat up Winter. A Thesz Press sets up a neckbreaker which sets up a rana which sets up a two. Angelina's cheating gets two for Winter. After some uninspired stuff, Velvet comes in and cleans house with a modified X Factor which doesn't look that good. Angelina grabs the wrong chick's leg and Winter gets in trouble. Not that it matters anyway as Madison rolls up Velvet with the tights at 4:41 for the pin.

Jeff Hardy is here. AND HE HAS SLEEVES!!!

Remember the one time Hogan wrestled on Impact?

Angle is worried about Jeff and Eric says chill. Angle says cool.

Here's Eric and he calls out Jeff Hardy. He talks about how he's been in the business for 25 years and he's never dropped the ball. I guess we're overlooking WCW and their huge lead. Anyway Jeff has turned dropping the ball into an art form. Jeff has been looking for another chance but Eric says Jeff is out of chances with him. Eric says Jeff is done so here's a Twist of Fate for Uncle Eric. He shouts Screw You and Immortal chases him off.

Jeff is still here.

Hogan throwing Dixie out is another moment.

Samoa Joe vs. Crimson

They fight to the corner quickly with Joe taking an early advantage. Off to a cravate which doesn't get Crimson much of anywhere. They go to the floor and Joe gets in a shot to the leg/ankle that he injured on Crimson a few weeks ago. Joe works over the leg for awhile and then it's back inside. A leg sweep takes Crimson down and here's a leg lock that isn't quite a heel hook according to Taz. Crimson grabs a small package out of nowhere for the pin at 5:13.

Ray tries to talk down Philly to make sure he's a heel in Philly.

Long video on Roode getting ready for BFG.

James Storm vs. Robert Roode

Face vs. face here and partner vs. partner so you know the respect is way turned up. They feel each other out a lot and Roode controls with a headlock. Storm grabs the arm but gets caught in another headlock. Very technical stuff so far. They hit the ropes and Roode avoids a super kick and takes Storm down with an arm drag. The Fujiwara is avoided and we take a break.

Back with more back and forth stuff. Daniels vs. AJ will be I Quit for no apparent reason. They start slugging it out and Storm is fighting more like a heel than he usually does. Blockbuster gets two. Roode gets sent to the apron so Storm challens his inner Orton with an elevated DDT for two. Back in the spinebuster gets two for Roode. The idea is Storm is getting frustrated while Roode is staying calm.

After Roode gets crotched Storm hooks a superplex for a very long two. Superkick is countered into the Crossface but Storm rolls into the ropes. So I guess Storm > HHH? Codebreaker sets up the Backstabber but it only gets two. The fans say this is awesome and while it's good I don't know if it's awesome. There goes the referee (naturally) and Angle comes out to send Storm into the steps. Nice planting of seeds there but it only gets two. Storm tries another superkick but falls into a fisherman's suplex for the pin at 13:14.

Here's Hogan for the retirement speech. He talks about how he's been in Knoxville and how much he loves the fans. He isn't sure what he's going to do now with all the free time he has now. Some fans had asked if it was worth a ten hour drive to be here for it and he says yes it's real. Hogan thanks the fans and they cheer for him again. He holds up the weight belt and lays it down in the ring, saying that Hulkamania is over and let the celebration begin.

Here's Sting with a rebuttal I guess. He looks like a Hogan/Beetlejuice hybrid here. Sting says he doesn't buy it but Hogan is like dude it's real. Sting talks about how amazing it is today that you can have a camera anywhere today. Nothing is sacred today and Sting has some compelling footage about Hogan. Here's Hogan and Bischoff with Hogan talking about how the fans are going to fall for this retirement hook line and sinker. Hogan makes fun of hillbillies in Knoxville and Hulk in the ring freaks. He says he'll fight Sting at BFG and if Sting wins he'll give the company back to Sting and Carter. WOW that was forced.

Gunner b. Kazarian – Armbar
Madison Rayne/Winter b. Mickie James/Velvet Sky – Rollup
Crimson b. Samoa Joe – Small Package
Bobby Roode b. James Storm – Fisherman's Suplex

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