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Week of 1/4/2016 - 1/10/2016


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Taryn Terrell has left TNA.

AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson have all given their notices to New Japan and are rumored to be signing with WWE.

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 4, 2016
Location: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

It's the first Raw of the year and we're starting with a bang. Tonight we're seeing the rematch between Roman Reigns and Sheamus for Roman's WWE World Title with Vince McMahon as the guest referee. It's also time to keep going towards the Royal Rumble as we've got less than three weeks to go. Let's get to it.

We open with another long recap of Reigns vs. Vince to set up tonight's title defense.

Here's Stephanie to get things going but Roman Reigns cuts her off on the way to the ring. Reigns laughs off Stephanie's annoyance and calls Vince out. Vince isn't here yet and Stephanie goes into her degrading voice about how this isn't Roman's night. Roman says that title is his life and his family because without it he can't provide for his wife and daughter.

This amuses Stephanie even more as she rips on the fans for having so much false hope, just like Reigns. Stephanie says you can't keep a good billionaire down and promises to destroy Roman tonight. After he loses the title, she's going to work him all around the country until he drops. Then the fans are going to forget about him and move on, just like they did with Roman's father Sika. Not really Steph, not really. Roman threatens to send Vince to the hospital and Stephanie finally shuts up.

We look back at Kevin Owens' path of rage (and his loss) from last week.

Brock Lesnar is back next week.

Neville vs. Kevin Owens

Ambrose is on commentary. Neville has taped up ribs and quickly sends Kevin outside for a flip dive. Owens gets knocked across the ring and out to the floor on the outside, setting up a shooting star from the top. Back in and Owens gets smart by kicking Neville in the ribs and plants him with a hanging DDT out of the corner. Neville gets dumped out to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Neville still on the floor and missing his rib tape. He dives back in to beat the count at nine but Owens sends him back outside and hard into the barricade. Neville kicks him in the face to get a breather and busts out a sweet 450 off the apron. They head back in with Neville going up top, only to get crotched down for a Cannonball. The Pop Up Powerbomb ends Neville at 9:45.

Post match Owens goes after Neville again but Ambrose dives on him to make the save. Owens loads up the announcers' table again but Dean takes over and drives him through the table with an elbow drop. Dean tells Owens that all he has to do is ask for a shot.

Vince arrives and finds it ironic that last week he was on the wrong side of the law but tonight he is the law.

Stardust vs. Titus O'Neil

So this is still a thing. Titus chops him HARD in the corner to start until the Disaster kick puts him down. Stardust slowly stomps away in the corner as well and we hit the chinlock. The fans start chanting CODY to freak Stardust out, allowing Titus to come back with a big clothesline. A big boot in the corner and the Clash of the Titus puts Stardust away at 4:26.

Becky Lynch is getting ready when Charlotte comes up. Apparently Charlotte isn't happy that they're having a match tonight but they pinky shake anyway. Ric Flair comes in and WOO's.

Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

Non-title. Becky gets sent into the corner to start but grabs some armdrags to frustrate Charlotte. They hit the ropes with Becky nipping up and Charlotte cartwheeling into a standoff. Charlotte flips over in the corner but dives through the ropes into a rollup for two. Becky throws her down again but helps Charlotte up, only to take a HARD chop. Charlotte drops some knees until we take a break.

Back with Charlotte doing her figure four neck flips, which she really should bring back. Becky dives out of the corner but gets caught in midair, only to spin around into a sleeper. That earns her a backwards drop onto the mat for the break but Becky makes her comeback with clotheslines and a leg lariat. There's a t-bone suplex for two on the champ but Ric grabs Becky's leg. It doesn't work this time as Becky rolls her up and grabs the trunks for the pin at 8:50.

Post match Charlotte goes full heel (for real this time) and destroys Becky while Ric struts.

Sheamus comes in to see Vince, who implies he'll call it down the line. May the luck of the Irish be with you.

Ryback vs. Big Show

Ryback is officially in the Rumble. Show chops him into the corner to start but misses a charge, allowing Ryback to hit a quick clothesline. Ryback calls to finish it thirty seconds in, only to walk into a chokeslam. Show throws Ryback over the top....and we've got Wyatts. They surround Ryback so he goes after Harper, only to get quadruple teamed. That's not very nice of Ryback. They might have wanted to sell him some Girl Scout Cookies. We'll say the match ended at about 1:15.

Strowman chokes Ryback out as Big Show just watches. Now the Wyatts circle the ring and go after the giant. Show knocks Bray, Harper and Rowan down but spends too much time staring at Strowman, allowing the swarm to take him down. Bray says they are the four horsemen of the apocalypse and everyone will fall. The other three do an upside down Horsemen gesture.

Alberto Del Rio/Rusev vs. Usos

Hokey smoke the Usos are in different color gear. I could get used to this, but it means I can't just pick a random name and say they're starting. Jimmy and Del Rio get things going with Alberto eating an early clothesline. Rusev gets double clotheslined but the heels take over on Jey with Rusev driving him into the corner. A wicked overhead belly to belly sends Jey flying and we take a break.

Back with Jey trying a comeback on Rusev but missing an enziguri. Del Rio kicks him hard in the back and it's off to Rusev for a chinlock. Jey finally fights up with a Samoan drop and makes the tag off to Jimmy as things speed up. A kick to the face gets two and there's an enziguri to stagger Del Rio even more.

Jimmy goes up but gets crotched down but the top rope double stomp misses (thank goodness). The superkick and Superfly splash get a VERY close two on Del Rio with Rusev diving in for the save at the last second. Jey dives through the ropes to take Rusev out but lands on a raised boot. Back in and Del Rio kicks Jey in the head to tie him in the ropes, setting up the top rope double stomp for the pin at 13:25.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Heath Slater

Ziggler is officially in the Rumble. Slater comes out with Adam Rose, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas, all of whom have apparently been tweeting about change all day. Ziggler gets some early rollups and small packages for two each, followed by that dropkick of his. Slater chokes a bit and throws Ziggler down by the hair. That goes nowhere and Ziggler tries a superkick but has to go after Rose. Slater grabs a rollup and gets the big upset at 4:41.

Post match Slater says he's found some friends. Rose gets way too excited about the four of them being flowers. Axel goes on about the chains being off and Dallas says it's all about getting back up. Slater caps it off by saying they're trending worldwide despite being social outcasts. That sounds like the team name.

Ambrose is defending the Intercontinental Title against Owens on Smackdown. On the same show, Lynch will be challenging for the Divas Title.

Vince comes in to see Reigns and tells him not to cheat tonight. Reigns seems uneasy.

Here's New Day for a chat. Big E. promises to make this the greatest year of all time and they'll start by beating up the Dudley Boyz and Kalisto like they were Mike Tyson falling off a hoverboard. We get a reenactment of Tyson falling and now it's time for a countdown. The ten count gets down to three and BREAK DOWN THE WALLS!

Yes Chris Jericho is back and declares himself as the party host for the night. He's here to save the WWE one more time, sixteen years after he debuted. Woods isn't pleased because the New Day has already saved this company through the power of positivity. Now it's time for Jericho to not be impressed because the unicorn horns are stupid.

Jericho says he's back to bring some life to this place and he's sorry that we had to sit through five minutes of Green Day and rootie tootie. Big E.: “WHO ARE YOU CALLING ROOTIE TOOTIE?????” The fans get in on the chant until Jericho announces his entrance in the Royal Rumble. The Y2J problem is back and the WWE will never EVER be the same again.

Dudley Boyz/Kalisto vs. New Day

Woods and Kalisto start but Xavier wants Bubba. That's fine with Bubba and Woods actually stays in the ring. A chop has no effect on Bubba and it's time for a ROOTIE TOOTIE chant. It's off to Kofi who is immediately caught in a very delayed vertical suplex. JBL: “Put the unicorn down.” D-Von comes in and sends everyone to the floor, allowing Bubba to throw Kalisto out on top of everybody.

Back from a break with Bubba in trouble but avoiding a splash in the corner. That allows a tag off to Kalisto but it's quickly time for the Unicorn Stampede. Woods slaps on a chinlock and the Warrior splash gives Big E. a near fall. Kalisto avoids another charge and makes the tag off to D-Von as everything breaks down. Bubba cleans house and Kalisto is driven into the barricade. A quick save keeps Kofi out of What's Up and the Midnight Hour puts D-Von away at 16:40.

Here's the same recap that opened the show. Dude cut that out. You can do it in about a fourth of the time. Stop eating up so much of the show.

WWE World Title: Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus

Reigns is defending and Vince is guest referee. Sheamus jumps him to start and gets a pretty quick two count. A hard Irish (of course) whip gets two for Sheamus but Reigns comes back with the corner clotheslines. Another clothesline puts both guys on the floor for no count as Vince doesn't want Sheamus winning the match without the title. Sheamus gets in a shot with the steps but Vince wasn't paying attention as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus getting two off the Regal roll but Reigns comes back with his array of clotheslines. The Samoan drop gets a VERY delayed two and the fans boo Vince out of the building. White Noise is countered into a sitout powerbomb for another two but Vince has something in his eye. Vince: “I NEED SOME EYEDROPS!”

Now it's a Superman punch to knock Sheamus silly but Vince just won't count. Reigns finally Superman punches Vince and spears Sheamus before calling for another referee. With nothing else to do, Reigns throws Sheamus outside and over the announcers' table. Vince gets up so Reigns throws him back down and yells a lot.

Frustration gets the better of Roman and he grabs Vince with the fans chanting for the table. Cue a power walking Stephanie to get on the apron so Reigns throws Vince into the ropes, bringing Stephanie inside. She bails to the floor as Reigns loads up a spear to Vince but eats a Brogue kick. A second one knocks Reigns out but Vince is slow to count (looked like a missed cue). Crooked referee Scott Armstrong comes in to count two. Reigns blocks another Brogue with a Superman punch and spears Sheamus down to retain at 18:20.

Post match Vince says Reigns is going to defend the WWE World Title again at the Royal Rumble. Reigns keeps saying one vs. all so that's exactly what he's going to get. At the Royal Rumble, Reigns will defend his title against twenty nine other men in the Royal Rumble match.

Kevin Owens b. Neville – Pop Up Powerbomb
Titus O'Neil b. Stardust – Clash of the Titus
Becky Lynch b. Charlotte – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Ryback b. Big Show via DQ when the Wyatt Family interfered
Alberto Del Rio/Rusev b. Usos – Top rope double stomp to Jey
Heath Slater b. Dolph Ziggler – Rollup
New Day b. Dudley Boyz/Kalisto – Midnight Hour to D-Von
Roman Reigns b. Sheamus – Spear


Impact Wrestling
Date: January 5, 2016
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

This is a new beginning for TNA as they're making their debut on Pop TV and crowning a new World Champion to wrap up their three month long tournament. This is in addition to all of their new stories and potentially new talents debuting. In other words, this is their restart point after all that time off. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the tournament in case you haven't heard about it in the last three months.

The new opening sequence has a slower instrumental theme by Billy Corgan. I'm not wild on it as it's not really doing much to fire me up.

There's a new entrance with a big screen and an entrance in the middle. It's very similar to Raw if you lowered the video screen.

Dixie Carter is in the ring with the World Title to open things up. She talks about being on Pop because of several reasons, though she leaves out the fact that they didn't have many other options. This leads to a discussion of the final four but here are Ethan and Titus to interrupt. Ethan thinks this is a new beginning so we should have a Carter family reunion and an official airing of the grievances.

Ethan goes on a rant about how Dixie can't handle his success but Dixie cuts him off to say that Ethan needs to take a long look in the mirror. Back at Bound For Glory, Matt Hardy beat him to win the title and now Ethan is using lawyers to rob Matt of his title. This brings out Matt to mock Ethan's whining but Eric Young runs in to jump him from behind. Lashley comes out for the save but has to deal with Tyrus. They all fight to the floor and it's Matt diving off the top to take down Carter, Tyrus and Lashley as we go to a break.

We're about thirteen minutes into the show and I'm really not feeling this show so far. It's not bad but it feels like almost every wrestling show I've seen in a long time: talking leading to brawling to the end of the first segment. None of these four guys are doing anything for me as champion either and that's not a good thing.

During the break, Young attacked Matt with a chair and tried to piledrive him on a chair until security stopped him.

TNA World Title Tournament Semi-Finals: Eric Young vs. Lashley

Lashley lost to Carter back in the group stage. Carter hides at ringside to start before getting inside, only to be run over by a hard shoulder. Back in and Carter stops a charge with two boots in the corner and Tyrus adds a slam on the floor to earn his paycheck. Ethan slaps on a chinlock as the fans argue over whether or not he can wrestle.

Carter mixes it up with a standing guillotine choke until Lashley suplexes him down with pure power. A TKO drops Lashley for two but he powers out of the 1%er and grabs a powerslam. Tyrus breaks up the spear but Lashley powers Carter onto his shoulder, only to have to deck Tyrus again. The spear misses and Carter grabs a rollup for the pin to advance at 9:28.

Bobby Roode misquotes Kid Rock by saying it's not cocky if you can back it up (the line is “it's not bragging if you do it and you back it up”). Tonight there's a challenge to anyone in any promotion to face him for the King of the Mountain Title.

Here's Kurt Angle with something to say. He thanks the fans for always having his back througout his career and all of his accomplishments. Angle talks about what a thrill it is to come out here every single week but now it's time for him to step aside. After listing off some of the great opponents he's fought over the years, Angle says his farewell tour needs to have some top talent involved. There is so much talent right behind the screen with guys like Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, plus his handpicked opponent for next week: Drew Galloway.

Drew comes out to say what an honor this is and how the wrestling fan inside him is freaking out right now. However, here's Jesse Godderz of all people to interrupt. Jesse brags about his success on Big Brother and how appropriate it is for him to be the star on this new network. Cue Eli Drake to talk about how the fossil in the ring needs to leave wrestling alone. Angle was talking about the Wolves but Drake could team up with anyone, even Jesse, and beat them. Angle considers this a challenge and asks for a fight, resulting in the heels quickly being cleared out.

Jeff Hardy promises that Matt will win the title tonight.

Eric Young comes out and says Matt won't be fighting tonight. Cue a limping Matt for their match.

TNA World Title Tournament Semi-Finals: Matt Hardy vs. Eric Young

Young goes after him on the ramp and is almost immediately backdropped before the opening bell. They get inside and Matt decks him in the jaw a few times. The limp is fine enough that Matt can run the ropes but an early Twist of Fate attempt is easily broken up. Eric takes it back to the floor and pulls back the floor mats. That goes nowhere so Eric throws him back inside and it's time for a slugout.

A bulldog and Twist of Fate get two each for Matt before they spill back to the floor. Young actually pulls off the piledriver on the exposed concrete and Matt is done. Cue Jeff to check on his brother but Eric baseball slides him down. Despite being dropped on his head on concrete, Matt is still able to catch Eric diving off the top in a cutter (called a Twist of Fate) for the pin at 8:05.

Someone whose face we can't see is walking through the back.

Back from a break, Ethan accuses Jeff of keeping Matt in his shadow. Jeff says no way and promises that Matt wins tonight.

King of the Mountain Title: Bobby Roode vs. ???

Roode is defending against.....Bram. It's a brawl to start and they're quickly on the ramp with Roode running him over with a clothesline to the back of the head. Bram gets sent hard into the barricade as this is one sided so far. The Roode Bomb and Blockbuster both miss and Bram gets two off a spinwheel kick. Not that it matters as the Roode Bomb retains the title at 4:45.

Post match James Storm's music starts up before Eric Young runs in to attack Roode. Bram and Young beat him down but here's James Storm (shock and awe) to clean house. Storm says he's been asked why he left Impact Wrestling a few months back. Once he left he realized that he didn't like who he was becoming because that's not him.

Then he traveled the world (or at least other parts of Florida) and started flipping through the channels when he saw himself winning the Biggest Disappointment Award. That's not how he rolls because people like him made this company. That brings him to Roode, who he's drank a lot of beer with and made a lot of money with. Now it's time to have a little fun so Storm offers him a beer. Roode: “Money.”

Given that this show is taped and not airing live, the fact that a production error like that aired is inexcusable. Like really, find someone to cut that thing out and make this look professional.

The Beautiful People are ready for the Doghouse because they're the originals.

Beer Money issues a challenge to Bram and Eric Young for this Friday's live One Night Only pay per view.

Dollhouse vs. Beautiful People

Taryn is out of the company so it's Marti Bell/Jade/Rebel vs. Velvet Sky/Madison Rayne and a mystery partner due to Angelina Love being pregnant. Now since this is TNA, I'd bet on the partner being Gail Kim. The mystery partner is.....oh of course it's Gail Kim. Jade and Gail get things going with Kim taking over, meaning it's off to Velvet vs. Marti.

Velvet starts cleaning house and it's Madison coming in off a blind tag for a dropkick. Rebel comes in as well and drops Gail with a faceplant before holding Madison in place for a dropkick from Jade. Everything breaks down and we get the parade of finishers, capped off by Jade kicking Gail in the head for two. Since this is TNA though, a quick bodyscissors into a rollup gives Gail the pin at 4:14.

Post match the Beautiful People and Gail get beaten down until Kong comes out to make it even worse. Apparently Kong is now the new leader of the Dollhouse. Riveting.

It's time for the debut of the Miracle. This brings out Maria Kanellis, fresh over from Ring of Honor. Maria talks about how everyone has false hope of getting a promotion or losing that seventy five pounds. Or maybe they keep hoping that someone will come along and save professional wrestling. Tonight, that miracle is coming true and its name is Mike Bennett.

Cue Bennett in a suit and Bray Wyatt style hat to declare himself our new hero. Pro wrestling needs a miracle because it used to be fun and exciting. When Mike was a kid, wrestling was mainstream but now it's full of a bunch of wannabes who call themselves pro wrestlers. Later tonight, the washed up Matt Hardy is facing Ethan Carter III for the World Title but that's not the miracle that wrestling needs. The miracle will be when Mike Bennett wins the World Title and the commentators are all asking if we believe in miracles. Good debut here, but as usual Maria outshines her husband.

Matt Hardy tells his wife and son that this is all for them.

The Wolves challenge Kurt Angle and Drew Galloway for Friday. Eli Drake and Jesse Godderz come in so they'll make it a three way.

TNA World Title: Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III

The title is vacant coming in. Jeff and Tyrus agree to leave them alone, the latter of which isn't cool with Ethan. It's a brawl to start with Matt taking over on the floor to start and throwing Carter over the announcers' table. Back in and neither finisher can hit but Carter gets two off a dropkick. A running neckbreaker sends Matt out to the apron and Ethan kicks him head first into the post for good measure.

Matt comes right back with a Side Effect for two though because his head will not die. Two more Side Effects get two more near fall but Ethan comes back with some TKO's. A third TKO is countered into the Twist of Fate for two and the 1%er gets the same. There's almost nothing between these big moves. Another Twist gets another two so Matt tries a super Twist of Fate, only to be countered into a super 1%er to give Carter the title back at 10:20.

Ethan poses as Matt's wife is more upset than her husband.

Ethan Carter III b. Lashley – Rollup
Matt Hardy b. Eric Young – Twist of Fate
Bobby Roode b. Bram – Roode Bomb
Beautiful People/Gail Kim b. Dollhouse – Rollup to Jade
Ethan Carter III b. Matt Hardy – Super 1%er


John Cena has a torn rotator cuff and could be out 6-9 months, meaning he'll be missing Wrestlemania.

Date: January 6, 2016
Hosts: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves

This is part two of the Best of 2015, meaning we'll be seeing another hour of great stuff from last year. There's still a lot of awesome matches they haven't touched on yet which is really amazing given how much we saw last week. I'd assume a lot of this will be Finn Balor focused and there's nothing wrong with that. Let's get to it.

Again: these are the full reviews of matches even though the clipped versions are airing on the show.

We open with a package on Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens from Tokyo at Beast in the East.

Brennan and Graves welcome us to the show. That's kind of backwards no?

From Beast in the East.

NXT Title: Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens

We get the Demon entrance and oh yes it's still glorious. For a bonus, the camera changes to an arena shot at the crescendos of the music. To make it feel even more special, we get the full on flower presentation from geisha girls (Owens throws his into the crowd of course) and streamers for both guys. Get this through your head ROH: doing the same thing for every match doesn't make it feel more special. Hideo Itami is shown in the front row and we're ready to start. Balor has more paint than ever with his face, torso and left leg covered.

Balor charges at the bell and loads up the Coup de Grace in the first ten seconds. Owens rolls outside so Balor nails a big dive as the NXT chants start up. He tries to bail again and eats a baseball slide as Balor is all over him. Back in and Owens hammers away to take over for the first time. Owens: “AND THAT'S WHY I'M THE CHAMP!” We hear more of Balor's accomplishments in New Japan as Owens takes some bows.

It's off to Chinlock City before a forearm breaks up Balor's springboard. The slow pace is working for Kevin here and it fits him very well. Finn beats the count back in but takes the backsplash for two. Back in and Owens snapmares him down and runs the ropes....before stopping for a chinlock. Owens: “Are you not impressed? I don't care. I hate this country and all its stupid people!” Balor fights back again with a middle rope forearm for two so Owens does Cena's finishing sequence, complete with an attempted AA.

Balor is afraid of a lawsuit over gimmick infringement (only Kurt Angle can steal that many finishers) and slips out twice in a row. Bloody Sunday is teased (and the fans gasp) but it's a Pele Kick to put Owens down instead. Owens takes a big flip dive and a top rope double stomp to the back, followed by a reverse Bloody Sunday (not called that of course) for a VERY close two. The Coup de Grace misses though and Owens' Cannonball gets two. The package piledriver slam gets the same but Balor hits a quick Sling Blade.

Another Coup de Grace is countered so Balor kicks him in the head and FINALLY connects with the stomp....for two. Dang I thought that was it. Owens can't hit the swinging fisherman's superplex so he settles for a middle rope Regal Roll for two. That looked great. Kevin's Swanton hits knees and the real Bloody Sunday gets an even closer two. They're trading bombs here and it's getting awesome. Owens makes the eternal mistake of slapping a hero in the face and saying the hero can't beat him. Balor dropkicks him into the corner, hits a running corner dropkick and a second Coup de Grace for the title at 19:30.

Here's one of Elias Sampson's songs.

We see the last few minutes of Tye Dillinger vs. Apollo Crews from the Wrestlemania XXXII ticket sale kickoff at AT&T Stadium on November 5. Joined in progress with Dillinger putting on a chinlock. After nearly a minute and a half, Crews finally breaks out and throws Dillinger to the side, followed by some right hands and clotheslines. Dillinger gets two off a superkick and both guys are down again. Back up and Crews kicks him in the head, setting up the gorilla press into the standing moonsault for the pin. What was the point of showing this? It's barely three minutes long and nearly half was in a chinlock.

Video on the women's division.

Video on Dusty Rhodes, leading to a recap of the Dusty Classic.

We look at some people going from NXT to the main roster.

From August 29.

Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady/Hype Bros vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder/Chad Gable/Jason Jordan

Enzo and Cass are over with the live crowd to put it mildly. They keep it simple this week though and just call their opponents sawft. Mojo drives Dash into the corner to start and hands it off to Ryder for a quick clothesline. The fans want Enzo but have to settle for Ryder's missle rope dropkick instead.

Now they get Enzo who does a little dance and punches Dawson in the face, setting up a big eight man staredown. Everything breaks down and the heels are sent to the floor for a HUGE dive from Enzo (with an assist from Cass) to take them down again. Back from a break with Jordan getting two on Enzo and the fans cheering for their diminutive hero. Gable bends the arm over the top rope before it's back to Dash to keep Amore in trouble.

The villains take turns on the arm and Gable monkey flips him into the corner to prevent a hot tag. Now the fans want Cass and a tornado DDT almost gives them what they want but it's Jordan breaking up the tag this time. Enzo sends him into the corner and NOW the hot tag brings in Cass. The big man comes in to clean house and it's time for the parade of finishers, capped off by the Rocket Launcher to pin Gable at 13:12.

We recap Samoa Joe vs. Finn Balor.

From Takeover: London.

NXT Title: Samoa Joe vs. Finn Balor

Balor is defending and we get the full demon entrance with Balor as Jack the Ripper from the vignette they've been running for a few weeks now. Feeling out process to start and the fans are split. Balor sends him outside for a kick to the face and a dropkick into the steps. The double stomp from the apron misses though and Joe plants him with the release Rock Bottom.

Back in and a corner enziguri gets two, followed by a knee drop for the same. There's the Facewash but Balor nails an enziguri (WAY too common of a move as well) from the apron. His springboard is broken up though and Joe does his 300lb flying monster out of control suicide dive to take him out again. Back in and Joe puts on a Boston crab into a Crossface into a modified Rings of Saturn.

Balor gets his foot onto the ropes for the save and spins over into a DDT for a breather. It's time for the chops from Finn but he runs into an elbow. Joe goes up but takes another enziguri to send him outside again. There's the big flip dive to the floor, followed by a top rope double stomp for two back inside. The Sling Blade has Joe reeling but he sidesteps a dropkick and drops the backsplash. Balor counters the Muscle Buster into a sunset flip for two, followed by a Pele to put both guys down.

They slug it out again and Joe grabs the standing Clutch, only to have Balor send him into the buckle. Another enziguri is blocked (thank you) and Joe drags him back in by the throat. He can't get Balor on the mat with the Clutch though as the champ rolls out and hits a quick double stomp. Another Sling Blade and some running dropkicks just tick Joe off so Finn dropkicks him down one more time. Balor has to shove him off the top to set up the Coup de Grace to retain at 18:20.

Rich and Corey wrap it up.


Date: January 7, 2016
Location: Laredo Energy Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

This is a big night as Smackdown is now on the USA Network after sixteen and a half years bouncing around various other networks. Therefore tonight is going to be a major show with two title matches and an appearance from the now injured John Cena. We're now in full build towards the Royal Rumble where Roman Reigns will be defending the WWE World Title against 29 other men. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap Reigns defending the title against Sheamus and then Vince announcing his Rumble title defense. Thankfully this was a minute long instead of four times as much.

Opening sequence.

New commentator Mauro Ranallo is welcomed to the team.

Here's John Cena for a chat. He hypes up the two title matches tonight and says the only thing missing is the USA Champion. It's a new year and a new network so let's try a fresh start tonight. Cena does a pretty good Ricardo Rodriguez introduction for Alberto and here's the champ. However, Alberto is too smart to fall for what Cena is trying. There's no way that Juan is getting his title shot tonight.

That's not what Cena is going for though. The fans are fired up to see Alberto Del Rio tonight and they're clearly wanting to see a US Title match tonight right? Fans: “SI! SI! SI!” Alberto will fight anyone not named John Cena, though the title doesn't seem to be on the line. Cena has the perfect choice.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto

Non-title. Kalisto quickly sends him out to the floor and Cena is right there doing the Lucha Dragons dance. Back in and Kalisto handsprings into a kick to the head. The threat of the Salida Del Sol sends Alberto outside though and we take an early break. We come back with Del Rio getting two off a belly to back suplex. Del Rio gets in a kick to the head of his own as the fans chant something in Spanish.

Kalisto is put in the Tree of Woe for some kicks to the ribs. Thankfully it's not for that top rope double stomps just yet though as Alberto misses a charge into the post, allowing Kalisto to speed things up again. The hurricanrana driver is countered into a sitout powerbomb for two and the frustration is starting to set in. A good looking DDT puts Kalisto on the floor and Alberto taunts Cena. Back in and Del Rio loads up the cross armbreaker, only to have Kalisto grab a quick hurricanrana for the pin at 9:15.

Becky Lynch says she and Charlotte are no longer friends. Tonight she's going to take the title and not be friendly about it at all.

It's time for MizTV with Miz talking about the Royal Rumble for a few seconds before New Day cuts him off. After Big E. makes it clear that they are NOT a bunch of rootie tooties, Woods says Jericho stole the light up jacket from him in the old NXT days. Cue Dolph Ziggler for no apparent reason but Goldust cuts him off before we can get to the witty insults. Goldust is willing to give Miz and company some golden globes so here's Neville to interrupt as well.

Neville offers to teach Miz his accent and whatever else he wants as long as Miz cancels this horrible show. Miz is offended but R-Truth cuts him off this time. Truth tries to answer Del Rio's US Open Challenge so Miz has to tell him there's no such thing. Truth: “.....all right. What were you all here talking about?” Instead, Truth tries to enter the Royal Rumble but isn't sure he can afford the entry fee. Miz offers him a dollar to buy a clue so Truth hits him with the mic, meaning it's time for an eight man tag.

Miz/New Day vs. Neville/Goldust/R-Truth/Dolph Ziggler

This is joined in progress with Truth hip thrusting at Miz and bringing in Goldust. Make that Ziggler with a dropkick to Kofi before it's time to start in on the arm. Neville does some hip gyrating and drops a standing shooting star for two. Some right hands in the corner have Kofi in even more trouble until Woods finally pulls Neville off the ropes to give his team a breather.

Back from a break with Neville caught in the Unicorn Stampede (thank you Ranallo for finally using the proper term). Woods gives us some music and New Day is astounded by Miz's dancing. We hit the chinlock from Woods for a bit before Neville backdrops him over the corner, leaving Woods on the floor with some very glossy eyes. The hot tag brings in Ziggler to clean house with Ranallo bringing up the Social Outcasts from Monday. Everything breaks down and Miz winds up surrounded, setting up a Ziggler superkick for the pin at 11:16.

Post match Ziggler beats up his teammates and throws Goldust to the floor because it's every man for himself. Not a heel turn but the fans didn't seem thrilled.

The Flairs say Charlotte is ready.

Divas Title: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

Becky is challenging. After some big match intros, Charlotte takes her down to start as Lawler is trying to call Ranallo M.R. An early armbar attempt doesn't work for Becky so she tries some rollups for two each. Charlotte has to spin out of a hammerlock but a springboard kick to the chest puts the champ on the floor. Becky goes after her but Ric gets in the way, allowing Charlotte to kick her in the face to take over. Charlotte throws her with some suplexes but stops to pose as we take a break.

Back with Becky caught in a figure four choke before Charlotte flips her over a few times. Lynch actually gets underneath her to drop Charlotte face first into the buckle for the break and it's time for the clotheslines. You have to have clotheslines. Charlotte comes back with a neckbreaker out of the corner for some near falls but Becky small packages her to break up the Figure Eight. There's the Disarm-Her but Flair puts Charlotte's foot on the ropes right before Charlotte taps. Becky is furious, allowing Charlotte to grab a rollup with her feet on the ropes for the pin at 14:12.

We look at Owens brawling with Ambrose on Monday.

Owens gives Renee one minute of his time and says he's killed quite a few roaches in his time. That means Ambrose isn't going to be any different.

Recap of Monday's main event and Vince making Reigns defend the title in the Royal Rumble.

After Raw went off the air Monday, Reigns said he's ready to fight all at the Rumble.

Ambrose says Owens is the prize fighter but the prize is on Dean's shoulder. Let's fight.

Intercontinental Title: Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens

Owens is challenging. They shove each other around to start and the threat of Dirty Deeds sends Owens out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Kevin ripping off some chops but Dean tells him to bring it. Ambrose grabs a headlock for a bit before Owens hits him in the face. The rebound lariat is broken up as Kevin shoves him to the floor, only to be sent hard into the barricade.

Dean hits a running clothesline off the apron but he gets caught in a hanging DDT on the way back in. We take another break and come back with Owens holding a chinlock. The backsplash misses and Dean gets two off a quick bulldog. A tornado DDT doesn't work and Owens sends into the corner off a German suplex. Dean is ready for the Cannonball though and gets two off another tornado DDT.

Owens crotches him on top though and now the Cannonball gets two. The superkick sets up the rebound lariat to give Dean two more of his own. Ambrose briefly wins a slugout until Kevin drops him with a clothesline, only to be sent out the floor. Dean sends him over the table and then into the crowd for a double countout at 17:33.

They fight up to the stage and then to the technical area with Dean driving them both through a pile of tables to end the show.

Kalisto b. Alberto Del Rio – Hurricanrana
Dolph Ziggler/R-Truth/Goldust/Neville b. New Day/Miz – Superkick to Miz
Charlotte b. Becky Lynch – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens went to a double countout




Nothing again.


Nothing again.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Kevin Owens b. Neville – Pop Up Powerbomb
Titus O'Neil b. Stardust – Clash of the Titus
Becky Lynch b. Charlotte – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Ryback b. Big Show via DQ when the Wyatt Family interfered
Alberto Del Rio/Rusev b. Usos – Top rope double stomp to Jey
Heath Slater b. Dolph Ziggler – Rollup
New Day b. Dudley Boyz/Kalisto – Midnight Hour to D-Von
Roman Reigns b. Sheamus – Spear

Impact Wrestling
Ethan Carter III b. Lashley – Rollup
Matt Hardy b. Eric Young – Twist of Fate
Bobby Roode b. Bram – Roode Bomb
Beautiful People/Gail Kim b. Dollhouse – Rollup to Jade
Ethan Carter III b. Matt Hardy – Super 1%er

Kalisto b. Alberto Del Rio – Hurricanrana
Dolph Ziggler/R-Truth/Goldust/Neville b. New Day/Miz – Superkick to Miz
Charlotte b. Becky Lynch – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens went to a double countout

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