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Week of 2/1/2016 - 2/7/2016


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas have left Raw to be with their father Blackjack Mulligan, who has been hospitalized in Florida. No word on what is wrong with him.

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 1, 2016
Location: Legacy Arena, Birmingham, Alabama
Commentators: Byron Saxton, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

We have a main event set for Fastlane and Brock Lesnar is back tonight to give us all three in the same building tonight. Other than that you can see most of the card from here, but the important questions are what happens between now and Wrestlemania and whether or not new stories will start after the February pay per view. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

We open with Brock and Heyman with the former in a new red Suplex City shirt. Heyman immediately talks about the Wyatts, whose plot to get rid of Brock from the Royal Rumble worked, but it isn't keeping him out of the main event of Wrestlemania. Now Lesnar is in a triple threat at Fastlane and that means it's time for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose to go to Suplex City. After that, Lesnar will conquer the billion dollar trophy husband to become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Heyman goes back to the triple threat so here's Ambrose to interrupt.

Dean gets right in Brock's face and asks Heyman (or Porky) who he's calling a nutjob. Ambrose isn't stupid, crazy or scared right now because he respects Lesnar. That's why he wants to stand in front of Brock and tell him how much he wants the title. He's willing to fight his brother and Lesnar at the same time, even though he knows the beating that's coming for him at Fastlane. It better be the best beating Lesnar has ever given though because Dean is going to do whatever it takes to go to Fastlane and take the title from HHH. Dean actually leaves with no violence and Lesnar smiles.

Kalisto vs. Rusev

Non-title and Alberto Del Rio is on commentary because he gets another title shot at Fastlane. Rusev (with Lana in his corner) shoves him around to start but Kalisto starts firing off the kicks that almost every small guy uses against a bigger opponent. A hurricanrana is blocked though, only to have Kalisto stay with it and take Rusev out to the floor. The champ's dive is countered by a kick to the head though and we take a break.

Back with Kalisto charging into a shot in the corner as some of the fans in the front rows are doing the Lucha Dragons dance. A tornado DDT sends Rusev down but he plants Kalisto with a release Rock Bottom for two of his own. As you might expect, Kalisto pops right back up with a dropkick to the knee and the hurricanrana driver.

Rusev obeys the referee's command to kick out but gets kicked to the floor. Kalisto's dive is caught but he escapes what looks like a fall away slam and dropkicks Rusev into the steps. Another hurricanrana sends Rusev into the barricade and Kalisto dives back in for the countout win at 10:11. That was one of the slowest ten counts I've ever seen.

Stephanie and Reigns are in the back with the new HHH World Title belt when Ambrose comes in. Both guys are willing to do whatever it takes to get that title at Wrestlemania but Stephanie implies that they might turn on each other. She even says Ambrose is Reigns' sidekick but Dean thinks it's the other way around. That earns them a match against New Day in the main event. Nothing we haven't seen on Smackdown a half dozen times, but WWE doesn't care about Smackdown either.

We look at Nikki Bella's neck surgery.

Brie Bella says her sister is in bed watching the WWE Network. Cue Charlotte and Ric to brag about beating Nikki for the Divas Title. Charlotte would be concerned about Nikki's injuries if she had any reason to. Brie is left looking sad and good night they're actually wanting to make me care about BRIE BELLA feeling bad? That's the point we've reached?

Usos vs. Curtis Axel/Adam Rose

The Usos are announced as the Grammy Award winning Tag Team of the Year. They even re-air it after the break to make fun of Lillian's flub. There's no Bo Dallas due to his dad being in the hospital, so Slater says he's in the studio after his battle with Flo Rida last week. Axel kicks Jey in the ribs to start and it's off to Rose, who comes in with a top rope knee to the chest. The announcers go on about Stephanie suggesting that absolute power corrupts absolutely because they exist to push her stupid lines.

Axel's chinlock keeps things slow and Rose's makes it even worse until Jimmy enziguris him down. Jey comes in with a bunch of superkicks (including one where Axel telegraphed it worse than anything I've seen in years). At least four superkicks in a row set up a double superkick and the Superfly Splash for the pin on Rose at 5:11.

Back from a break with WWE bragging about being on American Airlines in-flight magazine. Yeah that gets ten seconds but Lillian's flub gets a full match.

It's time for MizTV with special guest AJ Styles. Miz gets right to the point by cutting off AJ before he can say a word to every question. He lists off AJ's accomplishments such as being the smallest guy on the football team and coming from rural Georgia. AJ has gone all over the world and finally got to the WWE where he lasted nearly half an hour in the Royal Rumble. Then he defeated Chris Jericho in his debut match, which is a big reason why Miz sees a lot of Daniel Bryan in AJ.

Miz goes on another rant about how he fathered the YES Movement before telling the fans to be quiet. The fans think AJ (who hasn't said a word yet) can make it in the WWE without Miz's guidance but there's no chance of that happening. That's enough for AJ as he goes off on Miz in the corner and chases him off for the big hero moment. I get the idea here, but Miz actually gave AJ quite the introduction, which was probably the other intended purpose.

Brie Bella vs. Charlotte

Non-title, mainly because Brie never wins anything and therefore probably shouldn't be in this story. Brie starts fast but the BRIE MODE knee is countered with Charlotte sending her to the floor. The figure four neck lock keeps Brie in trouble but she makes the required clothesline comeback. Now the BRIE MODE knee (minus the shouting of BRIE MODE) connects and it's off to a sleeper, only to have Ric get up on the apron. Amazingly enough the powers of Alicia Fox aren't enough to do anything, allowing Charlotte to use something like a Stunner to escape. Charlotte slaps on the Figure Four but gets rolled up for the pin at 4:45.

We look back at Big Show saving Reigns and Ambrose from the Wyatts on Smackdown.

Erick Rowan vs. Big Show

Show grabs the stairs to hold off Strowman and the announcers somehow don't bring up the stairs match these two had a few years back. Rowan can't suplex Show (because he's a big bad show tonight) and after spearing Strowman off the apron, the chokeslam puts Rowan away at 1:20.

Post match the Wyatts (minus Bray who is in Florida with his dad as well) beat Show down and slam him onto the steps.

Titus O'Neil vs. Tyler Breeze

At least Breeze has his full entrance back. Titus throws him into the corner to start but Breeze is smart enough to take out the knee, which is quickly wrapped around the post. We hit the half crab on Titus before he throws Tyler across the ring all the way from his back. A HUGE clothesline drops Breeze and the Clash of the Titus is good for the pin at 2:49.

HHH comes in to see Brock and asks why Dean was allowed to live. Brock says he'll see HHH at Wrestlemania.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens

Owens won last week and that's got me very worried here. It's a brawl to start with Owens naturally getting the better of it. Ziggler gets thrown over the top and into the timekeeper's area as we take a break. Back with Ziggler jawbreaking his way out of a chinlock but getting crushed by the Cannonball for two. A hard elbow drops Ziggler again but he avoids a charge in the corner and hits three straight Stinger Splashes.

Thankfully Kevin will have none of that and clotheslines Dolph's head off, only to get dumped out to the floor. Back in and Owens superkicks Dolph's head off for two but takes too long going up. Ziggler's superplex is blocked though, allowing Owens to get him into the Tree of Woe. Another Cannonball connects (that looked great) and now the Pop Up Powerbomb is....countered into the Zig Zag for the pin at 10:35.

Video on Mark Henry for Black History Month.

Here's Sasha Banks for a match but first she has something to say. Sasha says she's on her own and no one is going to stop her from winning the title. This brings out Naomi and Tamina because the world was waiting for the Team BAD blowoff. Naomi says she knew this was coming but Sasha wants them to still be friends. They do the UNITY pose and everything seems cool. Of course.

Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks

They trade rollups to start with Sasha getting the better of it and hitting the double knees in the corner. Becky gets knocked to the floor but Sasha doesn't want Tamina and Naomi to help. She says she doesn't need the help so Tamina and Naomi pull her to the floor for the DQ 3:40.

Post match Becky saves Sasha from the beatdown.

We get a clip of JBL interviewing Ron Simmons on the Network.

Chris Jericho says everyone has been talking about AJ Styles....except for him. Everything about their match last week was tremendous except for the outcome. AJ showed that he's a tenacious pitbull and Jericho is going to be watching AJ's match with Miz on Smackdown.

R-Truth goes into the bathroom and finds Goldust crouching on the toilet. Goldust still won't take no for an answer on the team but Truth thinks Goldust is a weirdo. That means it's time to bring up Little Jimmy, which seems to get to Truth a bit. Remember like eight days ago when Truth was still crazy and not the straight man in these vignettes?

New Day vs. Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose

Non-title because the champions need to lose again and Heyman is on commentary. Before the match, Woods talks about how the comments from Rock have Francesca so upset that she can't sleep at night. Rocky needs to think of the children, like the one they point at in the front row doing the New Day dance. Tonight they're taking care of Rock's cousin and they'll throw in Dean too.

Reigns and Kofi get things going with Kingston having to get out of a Samoan Drop, earning himself a right hand to the head. It's off to Dean for a basement clothesline as Heyman is already frustrated with Cole's talk about Ambrose staring Lesnar down earlier. The threat of the Superman Punch causes Woods and Big E. to pull Kofi to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Big E. missing the Apron Splash but Ambrose is kept in trouble with a whip into the steps. Kofi kicks him in the head for two as Woods jumps in on commentary to yell about how awesome they are. Ambrose stays in trouble and Big E. gets two off a splash. Heyman is trying to get in on this but there's only so much you can do with Woods blasting that trombone.

We hit the abdominal stretch (Woods: “Stretch the abs!”) but Dean doesn't like the spanking and bites Big E.'s nose. A suplex allows the hot tag to Reigns and it's time for some corner clotheslines. The other hot tag brings in Ambrose as everything breaks down. The Superman Punch sets up Dirty Deeds on Big E. for the pin at 17:22.

Post match Brock comes out for the showdown but New Day attacks Reigns, allowing Brock to F5 Ambrose to end the show.

Kalisto b. Rusev via countout
Usos b. Curtis Axel/Adam Rose – Superfly Splash to Rose
Brie Bella b. Charlotte – Small package
Big Show b. Erick Rowan – Chokeslam
Titus O'Neil b. Tyler Breeze – Clash of the Titus
Dolph Ziggler b. Kevin Owens – Zig Zag
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. New Day – Dirty Deeds to Big E.


Impact Wrestling
Date: February 2, 2016
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

We're wrapping up the Bethlehem tapings here and the big story is Matt Hardy allowing his brother Jeff to be put out of action thanks to a piledriver through a table at the hands of Eric Young. We'll also be hearing from Ethan Carter III for the first time since he lost the title as well as Tyrus. Let's get to it.

Ethan tells the camera crew to be at a specific place at 4pm for their interview.

Here are Matt Hardy and company to open things up. Matt talks about working with people you hate and says it was karma that sent Jeff through that table. How dare Jeff accuse Matt of tarnishing the World Title? Reby and Matt never believed that Matt wasn't living in Jeff's shadow but it was Jeff' jealousy that caused his injury. This brings out Eric Young and Bram with the former shouting about how he took out Jeff and now the World Title goes through him.

Now it's Kurt Angle coming out to get straight to the point: he gets Hardy tonight for the title. A brawl is teased but here's Beer Money to back Angle up. Cue Abyss/Crazzy Steve/the Wolves for a big brawl with the good guys clearing the ring. Roode announces a four on four hardcore fight. Why hardcore? No reason given, but that's the case with almost everything in the TNA main event scene.

I don't even know what to say about these things anymore. Matt Hardy is just out there no matter what anyone thinks of him, we're clearly just waiting around on Jeff Hardy because he's THE STAR and someone we all care about and Eric Young is just there because he's Eric Young and is in the main event scene because of whatever residual fallout there is from that Daniel Bryan run nearly two years ago. I have no interest in any of these people but this is what we're getting because TNA has decided that Matt Hardy and Eric Young are stars because they've been around for a long time and TNA cannot make new talent.

We recap the Feast or Fired reveals from last week, including Bennett and Maria's interruption.

Drew feels like he's won the lottery. Tyrus comes up and tells him to walk away with the briefcase because it's a target on his chest. That sounds like a challenge.

Lashley vs. Aiden O'Shea

O'Shea pounds him down to start and here's that woman from a few weeks ago, now known as Raquel. How the announcers know that isn't clear but I'm sure I'm an idiot internet fan for wondering about that. A clothesline puts Aiden on the floor but Lashley goes over to ask Raquel who she is. Back in and Aiden's chinlock doesn't do much as Lashley hits a quick spear for the pin at 4:48.

Post match Raquel says she can bring Lashley pain or pleasure.

Here's Maria to talk about women's wrestling. Women's wrestling may not need a savior but it needs a leader to point it in the right direction. She is the first lady of professional wrestling and she is the arrow and leader. The Knockouts division needs to be saved so out with the old and in with the new. This brings out Gail Kim to proclaim her respect for Maria, as is the custom throughout TNA. Maria says Gail is just a wrestler but that's not all she can be. Gail is even more serious because this division is about wrestling and nothing more. They can fight right now but Maria leaves.

The Wolves know Beer Money is coming for the titles at some point. Storm shows off the Feast or Fired briefcase but they agree to worry about that later.

Wolves/Beer Money vs. Decay/Bram/Eric Young

This is a Hardcore War, meaning two people (Crazzy Steve and Davey Richards) start and fight for two minutes before someone else comes down to make it two on one. Everyone brings a weapon of their choice and it's one fall to a finish. Davey's chair is easily dispatched by Steve's ball bat wrapped in chains but Richards uses the bat to knock the chair into Steve's face.

Bram is in third with a turnbuckle rod and the heels take over on the floor. It's James Storm in fourth with a beer keg that he takes forever to get to the ring. Eventually he puts it between Bram's legs and crushes it with a chair, which the fans implore him to do one more time. Eric Young is in fifth and cleans house with a kendo stick as we take a break.

Back with Eddie in as well and the good guys in control. Bram and Young take over until it's Abyss to complete the villains' team with Janice. Eddie dives on the monster before he can get anywhere but Storm is holding his leg. Pope wants to know how you win this match, which really should have been established before we were fifteen minutes in. Abyss cleans house as he is known to do and it's Bobby Roode to complete the field, though I wonder why there are such strict rules in a HARDCORE WAR.

Roode's hockey stick gives the good guys control again and we start the parade of secondary finishers. A seven man team suplex lets all four heroes do the BEER MONEY shout but that much time being wasted allows Abyss to get us and clothesline everyone. Davey takes a Black Hole Slam as Eddie and Bram fight to the back. Steve mists Davey, allowing Abyss to hit him with a title, allowing Steve to get the pin at 19:30.

Angle and Galloway suck up to each other as only TNA upper midcarders can do.

Drew Galloway vs. Tyrus

Neither guy gets an entrance. Tyrus gets in a cheap shot to start but Drew hammers away in the corner. We're already in the nerve hold for a bit before Tyrus misses a charge into the post. Drew chops away and drops him with a top rope shot to the head. That earns him a Heart Punch from Tyrus and some BORING chants from the crowd, only to have Drew powerbomb the big man out of the corner. The lights go out and here's Mike Bennett with the briefcase to knock out Galloway for the DQ at 5:41.

Post match Bennett looks down at Drew and does his usual “do you believe in miracles” speech.

Angle talks about possibly retiring as champion when Lashley comes up to say how awesome it would be to win the title back from Angle in the same place Kurt took the title from him last year.

X-Division Title: Tigre Uno vs. Gregory Shane Helms

Not so fast actually as Helms never said the match was against him. Here's what we get instead.

X-Division Title: Tigre Uno vs. Trevor Lee

Lee is challenging of course and thank goodness it's someone fresh. Tigre is in early trouble but a dropkick sends Lee to the floor. A running clothesline drops the champ for two and it's time for some mask ripping. Tigre comes back with a dropkick and dive over the top but that cool standing double stomp puts Uno down again. The fisherman's buster into a small packages gives Lee the title at 4:50.

Up next is the World Title match. Or maybe Ethan's interview as they both say “up next”.

The big interview with Ethan is a promo about being undefeated for two years and then realizing that he's kind of been a jerk. The winning got to him until Matt Hardy took everything to put him down. It took the thing he loved the most, the TNA World Title, to finally keep him down. He's coming back to be Matt's shadow and take back what belongs to him. Good stuff here as usual, but unfortunately we're likely stuck waiting for Jeff to be the big conquering hero because of reasons.

TNA World Title: Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy

Hardy is defending and an early Reby distraction lets the champ get in a bulldog for two. Tyrus rakes the eyes to slow Kurt down again and Matt grabs a chinlock. Angle fights up and scores with an Angle Slam for two we as take a break. Back with the straps coming down and the ankle lock going on until Matt flips him out to the floor. Tyrus runs Kurt over and goes over to mess with Pope for some reason. Both finishers are countered and it's right back to the ankle lock until Matt rolls through into a cradle for two.

The Side Effect gets the same, followed by the Angle Slam for two more. It's time to roll some Germans, drawing the required SUPLEX CITY chant. Matt finally pulls the referee's shirt over his eyes, allowing a low blow to set up the Twist of Fate for two. More German suplexes allow Angle to go up, only to have Reby offer a distraction. A Twist of Fate (Diamond Cutter really) off the ropes allows Matt to retain at 14:00.

Lashley b. Aiden O'Shea – Spear
Decay/Bram/Eric Young b. Beer Money/Wolves – Title belt to Richards
Drew Galloway b. Tyrus via DQ when Mike Bennett interfered
Trevor Lee b. Tigre Uno – Fisherman's Buster
Matt Hardy b. Kurt Angle – Super Twist of Fate


Date: February 3, 2016
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves

It's a big week here on NXT as we have a non-title match between NXT Champion Finn Balor and Apollo Crews, who had a shot at the title late last year which was interrupted with the match pretty much even. In addition to that we should be getting some updates on the ending to last week's triple threat match which ended in a double submission. Let's get to it.

We open with a quick preview of Crews vs. Balor.

Opening sequence.

Vaudevillains vs. Hype Bros

The Bros have quite the long entrance with smoke coming down from the ceiling while they pose on the buckles. Mojo rolls English up for two to start as Corey talks about Alf. It's off to Ryder for a running seated Blockbuster (think a Hennig Necksnap from the other way) but Gotch grabs Zack's feet to take over.

Simon comes in legally to put on a chinlock as the announcers try to figure out when the Vaudevillains fell off track, which sounds like code for starting their heel turn. Ryder kicks both villains away and makes the tag off to Mojo so Graves can make Ghostbusters jokes due to the bright green gear. Everything breaks down and Ryder misses the Broski Boot, setting up the Whirling Dervish to pin Zack at 4:16.

We look back at Carmella winning the battle royal to become #1 contender a few weeks back.

It's time for a sitdown interview with Carmella where she talks about her dad being a wrestler in the 90s (albeit a jobber) who taught her a bunch of submission grappling. Carmella can't wait for her title shot next week because she and Bayley are going to be friends no matter what. Tonight she's going to prove how she deserves to be champion when she defeats Emma. This was a VERY toned down Carmella and showed a completely different side of her which worked better than I was expecting.

Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are tired of hearing the same things from Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady because they've demanded shot after shot. Not that it matters because they're never going to win any of them since they're just not that good. They're fine with giving them one more shot because it's not going to work.

Carmella vs. Emma

They trade headlocks to start until Emma takes her down and pounds in right hands. A twisting wristlock keeps Carmella on the mat and Emma pulls on both arms at the same time. Carmella fights up but gets pulled down by the hair in a hurry. Emma loads up a butterfly suplex but gets countered into a backslide of all things for the pin at 4:16.

We look at the end of last week's triple threat.

Sami Zayn has looked at the video multiple times and thinks he should win because he had the Sharpshooter on longer. He has faith in the outcome.

Joe has nothing to say.

Video on American Alpha.

Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady vs. ???/???

Before the match, Enzo reiterates that if he and Cass had a dime for every time they were knocked down and didn't get back up, they would have zero dimes. They are hard bodies and there's only ONE WORD to describe people who try to knock them down. Enzo easily takes Jobber #1 down to start and does a little dance before scoring off a big knee lift. Cass comes in and throws his partner into Jobber #1 as the announcers have no idea what to call these guys. #2 is LAUNCHED to the floor and the Rocket Launcher ends this in a hurry at 2:14.

Apollo Crews says he gets to prove himself tonight after having that taken away in his first shot at Finn Balor.

William Regal has made his decision on the #1 contendership but Baron Corbin comes into his office to interrupt. There will be a rematch but Corbin isn't going to be involved. Instead, it's going to be Zayn vs. Joe for the title shot at some point in the future.

Asuka vs. Santana Garrett

Garrett is quickly sent into the ropes for the running hip attack, followed by a HARD shot to the face. Asuka misses a running knee to the face though and gets rolled up for two. Something like a leapfrog into a cross armbreaker has Garrett in trouble and the Asuka Lock is good for the submission at 2:26.

Finn Balor is looking forward to seeing Zayn vs. Joe but tonight he's going to prove to Crews that he may be good but he's not the best.

Apollo Crews vs. Finn Balor

Non-title and non-Demon for Balor. They shake hands to start and Balor starts cranking on an armbar. A headlock keeps Crews in trouble and they're certainly taking their time here. Crews is stuck in the hold for a full minute but he does keep making Finn work with some rollups. Apollo nips up and scores with a dropkick, which seems to make the announcers think everything is even.

We take a break and come back with Balor caught in a chinlock. Finn rolls through a sunset flip to dropkick a seated Crews before going back to the armbar. Crews gets up one more time for another escape and the champ is getting frustrated. It's very short lived though as Balor takes him right back down into another armbar as the slow pace continues. Another counter is broken up so Finn knocks him to the floor for a BIG flip dive.

A top rope double stomp to the back (not the Coup de Grace) gets two on Crews and now the shock is setting in. Crews throws him into the air for two off a big Samoan Drop, only to get caught in a Sling Blade. That's fine with Crews who blocks the basement dropkick and gets two more off the gorilla press/standing moonsault. Balor kicks him in the head and scores with a second Sling Blade, followed by the Coup de Grace for no cover. Instead it's the Bloody Sunday (not named) for the pin at 15:03.

Balor helps him to his feet post match and they shake hands again. The announcers confirm that it's Zayn vs. Joe in two weeks to end the show.

Vaudevillains b. Hype Bros – Whirling Dervish to Ryder
Carmella b. Emma – Backslide
Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady b. ???/??? – Rocket Launcher
Asuka b. Santana Garrett – Asuka Lock
Finn Balor b. Apollo Crews – Bloody Sunday


Axl Rotten has passed away at age 44. No word yet on the cause.

Date: February 4, 2016
Location: FedEx Forum, Memphis, Tennessee
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Jerry Lawler, Byron Saxton

Monday really didn't offer us much to see this week as the main event didn't change a lot. The big story continues to be Brock Lesnar, who isn't likely to show up on this show. Other than that we've got Miz vs. AJ Styles scheduled for tonight which could be good if Miz is allowed to control for a bit. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Roman Reigns vs. Rusev

Yes again. An early Del Rio distraction sends things to the floor and Reigns is sent into the steps. Back in and Rusev drives in some ax handles to the back but he misses a charge and goes shoulder first into the post. The corner clotheslines look to set up the Superman Punch but the League comes in for the DQ at 2:59.

Ambrose runs out for the save but takes Reigns out by mistake. The League beats Ambrose down but Reigns makes the save to set up the obvious tag main event.

Post break Ambrose says he got a bit too reved up out there but Reigns is still his brother because that was an accident. Reigns will know when he comes after him.

Kalisto vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title with Ziggler on commentary so you know what's coming. Owens stomps him down in the corner as Lawler calls Kalisto a Mexican mosquito. Kalisto kicks Owens to the floor for a flip dive but gets thrown with a release German suplex as we take a break. Back with Owens getting two off the running backsplash but Kalisto kicks him in the head to start his comeback.

The corkscrew cross body sets up the hurricanrana driver for two but Owens sends him out to the floor. That's fine with Owens as he drops Kalisto onto the barricade. It's time to load up the announcers' table for a powerbomb but Owens throws Kalisto onto Ziggler instead. Dolph takes a superkick for a bonus before Owens throws Kalisto inside....where he's rolled up to give Kalisto the pin at 8:44.

We recap MizTV from Monday with AJ Styles beating him down.

Miz interrupts JoJo to tell him that he'd never interrupt anyone. We continue the Daniel Bryan/AJ Styles comparisons which really aren't the biggest stretches in the world.

Ryback vs. Erick Rowan

Ryback is in standard black trunks now, which make him look a bit more serious. Or like an old school Brock Lesnar. Still no Bray due to his grandfather's health issues. Ryback starts with right hands in the corner (standard opening) before a cross body sets up even more right hands. Rowan hammers him down with forearms to the back and the head vice. That's fine with Ryback as he pops up (Since it's two fists on the side of his head. And it's Erick Rowan.) and hits his middle rope dropkick. Rowan is sent into Strowman and the Meathook gives Ryback the pin at 2:59. They aren't exactly piling up the time tonight.

Ryback bails before the post match beatdown can ensue.

Becky Lynch is talking about saving Sasha Banks when Sasha comes in and yells about making the save. Becky brings up the cheap shot at the Royal Rumble and they agree to fight together until either of them can face Charlotte. Renee is confused but neither of them seem to know what happened either.

AJ Styles vs. The Miz

Jericho is on commentary. AJ starts with a nice dropkick so Miz bails into the corner like the coward he's supposed to be. It's out to the floor but AJ slingshots into the forearm (that's a new one) to take over again. AJ gets pulled face first into the apron to take over though as Lawler starts going heel against AJ as well. Back in and Miz chokes on the ropes before cranking on both arms. There's a boot to AJ's face and a second to AJ's seated face.

AJ fights up and it's a double clothesline to put both guys down as we take a break. Back with AJ's fireman's carry into a backbreaker getting two but Miz's short DDT gets the same. The Styles Clash is broken up as well, only to have AJ score with the springboard forearm, followed by the Calf Crusher (better than the Calf Killer) for the submission at 11:22.

Post match Jericho gets in the ring and says he knows AJ is good but wants to see how good he really is. Therefore, there's going to be a rematch next week.

Roman isn't worried about what happened earlier with Amborse because they're always in the same book even if they're not on the same page.

Here's New Day for a chat. After a quick plug for Ride Along, it's time to brag about having some gold. It's what separates them from the masses of title-less caterpillars. This gold isn't like a participation trophies that Little Leaguers get for showing up. We get the NEW DAY ROCKS dance but here are the Social Outcasts for their scheduled match. There's no Bo because he's still recording for his gold album, which is of course gold, unlike the bronze titles. After a discussion of whether New Day are rhinos or unicorns, it's time for a six man.

New Day vs. Social Outcasts

So the Outcasts are faces now? A brawl starts and we take a break 23 seconds in. Back with Slater dropkicking Kofi before it's off to Rose for an uppercut. That's about it for the Outcasts' offense though as it's off to Big E. for a standing splash and the Unicorn Stampede. Woods' bottom rope tornado DDT gets two but Rose counters the flipping clothesline with a nice spinebuster.

The hot tag brings in Axel for a really solid sequence of missed shots with Kofi, capped off by a running knee to Kofi's head. Everything breaks down and Trouble in Paradise drops Rose. Axel rolls Kofi up for two with his feet on the ropes, only to have Kofi do the same thing for the pin on Curtis at 7:30.

Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox

Non-title. Fox throws her down to start but gets spun around in the corner and taken down with a neckbreaker. Alicia's sunset flip out of the corner doesn't get her anywhere and it's off to the Figure Four Necklock for a few seconds. Back up and a double big boot puts both of them down. That's enough for Charlotte as she chop blocks Fox and slaps on the Figure Eight for the win at 3:58.

This week's R-Truth/Goldust segment takes place at a hotel with Goldust as a bellhop. Truth's suitcase is cracked open and Goldust admires his underwear.

Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio/Rusev

So Del Rio's back seems to be ok. Ambrose headlocks Rusev to start before it's quickly off to Reigns. They slug it out with Roman getting the better of it (of course), only to charge into a swinging kick to the head for two. Del Rio comes in and slaps on a chinlock before it's back to Rusev for a suplex. The League poses at ringside but it actually doesn't take us to a commercial.

Instead Reigns Samoan Drops Rusev and reaches over for the tag off to Ambrose. Everything breaks down and Dean dives onto Rusev, followed by the rebound lariat. Another hot tag brings Reigns and the Superman Punch gets two on Rusev with Del Rio breaking up the cover. Dean's suicide dive almost hits Reigns but he pulls up just in time. That earns Rusev a second Superman Punch, followed by the spear for the pin at 7:48.

Reigns and Ambrose are fine to end the show.

Roman Reigns b. Rusev via DQ when the League of Nations interfered
Kalisto b. Kevin Owens – Rollup
Ryback b. Erick Rowan – Meathook
AJ Styles b. The Miz – Calf Crusher
New Day b. Social Outcasts – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Charlotte b. Alicia Fox – Figure Eight
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Rusev/Alberto Del Rio – Spear to Rusev


TNA has released Awesome Kong due to her attack on Reby Sky.


Finn Balor injured his ankle at last night's NXT house show. There is no word on how long he'll be out but he's missing tonight's house show. NXT's TV is taped through the end of March so he won't miss any TV time.



Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Kalisto b. Rusev via countout
Usos b. Curtis Axel/Adam Rose – Superfly Splash to Rose
Brie Bella b. Charlotte – Small package
Big Show b. Erick Rowan – Chokeslam
Titus O'Neil b. Tyler Breeze – Clash of the Titus
Dolph Ziggler b. Kevin Owens – Zig Zag
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. New Day – Dirty Deeds to Big E.

Impact Wrestling
Lashley b. Aiden O'Shea – Spear
Decay/Bram/Eric Young b. Beer Money/Wolves – Title belt to Richards
Drew Galloway b. Tyrus via DQ when Mike Bennett interfered
Trevor Lee b. Tigre Uno – Fisherman's Buster
Matt Hardy b. Kurt Angle – Super Twist of Fate

Vaudevillains b. Hype Bros – Whirling Dervish to Ryder
Carmella b. Emma – Backslide
Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady b. ???/??? – Rocket Launcher
Asuka b. Santana Garrett – Asuka Lock
Finn Balor b. Apollo Crews – Bloody Sunday

Roman Reigns b. Rusev via DQ when the League of Nations interfered
Kalisto b. Kevin Owens – Rollup
Ryback b. Erick Rowan – Meathook
AJ Styles b. The Miz – Calf Killer
New Day b. Social Outcasts – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Charlotte b. Alicia Fox – Figure Eight
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Rusev/Alberto Del Rio – Spear to Rusev

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