WEE Wrestling


Pre-Show Stalwart
WEE Wrestling
Due to the downfall of the popularity in professional wrestling, TNA went broke. And because of no competition for WWE, their product started sucking and soon went broke to (unlikely but bear with me). Deciding that something needed to be done, Paul Heyman got in touch with some sponsers, writers and a lot of former superstars from WWE and TNA. 1 year later, Heyman had signed his roster, and created all of his shows. He had decided to call his new promotion WEE (World Extreme Entertainment) Wrestling. He also bought the rights to all copyrights names in WWE and TNA.

There will be two shows per week; all superstars can appear on both shows.

TV Shows
Nightmare (Monday)

Fear! (Friday)

January - Royal Rumble (Rumble match- winner gets title shot at Wrestlemania)

February - No way Out (Elimination Chamber- winner gets title shot at Last Chance)

March - Last Chance

April - Wrestlemania (Biggest PPV of the year, MITB match)

May - Backlash

June - Destination X (Ultimate X match)

July - Breaking Point

August - Summerslam

September - Xtreme Rules (All matches are no DQ)

October - Sacrifice (All matches have a stipulation)

November - Survivor Series (5 on 5 elimination match)

December - Armageddon (HIAC match)

WEE World

WEE Tag Team

WEE X Division

WEE Television

Kurt Angle (H)
Sting (T)
Undertaker (F)
Randy Orton (H)
Scott Steiner (H)
Chavo Guerrero (H)
Festus (F)
Goldust (F)
Kofi Kingston (F)
Matt Hardy (H)
The Miz (H)
Mr. Kennedy (F)
Shawn Michaels (F)
Triple H (H)
Chris Jericho (H)
CM Punk (F)
Edge (H)
Jeff Hardy (F)
Wang Yang (F)
Morrison (H)
Kane (H)
Mysterio (F)
R-Truth (F)
Shad (F)
Shelton Benjamin (H)
Umaga (H)
Undertaker (F)
Matt Sydal (H)
Christian (F)
DH Smith (H)
TJ Wilson (H)
A.J. Styles (F)
Shelley (H)
Sabin (H)
Booker T (F)
Ray (H)
Devon (H)
Daniels (F)
Consequences Creed (F)
Jay Lethal (F)
Eric Young (F)
Homicide (F)
Hernandez (F)
Matt Morgan (H)
Rhino (F)
Samoa Joe (T)
James Storm (H)
Robert Roode (H)
Ric Flair (H)

Tag Teams
Festus and Goldust

Shad and JTG (Cryme Tyme)

New hart Foundation (Smith and Wilson)

MCMG (Shelley and Sabin)

Team 3D (Ray and Devon)

Lethal consequences (Lethal and Creed)

LAX (Homicide and Hernandez)

Beer Money (Storm and Roode)

The starting date is the first Nightmare of may, making the first PPV Backlash.
Paul Heyman's music hits and he strolls out with a mic. The arena is sold out.

Heyman- Welcome to WEE Wrestling! We have an action packed roster that I guarantee will deliver on every show! Don't forget that WEE Wrestling has another show on Friday's. But I'm a man of buisness, so let's get straight down to it. We have 3 weeks to Backlash and 4 championships to give champions. Tonight, we will see the start of the WWE World championship tournament! It will involve 8 people and the finals will be at Backlash! We will also have a 12 man tournament for the TV titles. This will culminate in a triple threat match at Backlash for the title! Also, we will crown a new X Division champion in a no disqualification fatal four way, right here tonight! Oh, and for the Tag team championships, there'll be a triple threat tag match next week with the three qualification matches occurring tonight and on Fear. Don't forget to tune into Fear this Friday to keep up with the tournament rankings. Thank you.

MCMG vs Cryme Tyme
(Tag Team Tournament)​
Sabin and JTG start. Sabin gets a headlock but JTG reverses it into a back suplex. JTG taunts Sabin and Shelley distracts him. Sabin rolls him up.


Both get up and Sabin hits an enziguri. Sabin drags JTG over to his corner and tags in Shelley. Sabin locks in a figure four as Shelley hits a springboard guillotine leg drop. Shelley covers.


Shelley whips JTG into the corner and follows him, hits a high knee and hits a bulldog. Shelley tags in Sabin and hits a springboard moonsault. Sabin climbs to the top and tries a flying crossbody. JTG ducks and tries to tag in Shad. Sabin batches him and hits an lifting STO.


Sabin tags in Shelley. JTG reverses a whip into the corner into a monkey flip, sending Shelley back first into the turnbuckle. JTG ties him to the tree of woe and tries a running dropkick. Shelley sits up. JTG tries a super back suplex but Shelley reverses it into the Sliced bread! Shelley tags in Sabin and they climb opposing turn-buckles. Shelley and Sabin taunt Shad and try a simultaneous leg drop, but JTG rolls out of the way. JTG jumps and tags in Shad! Shad runs in and hits a double clothesline. He picks up Shelley and hits a Samoan drop. He picks up Sabin and lifts him for the powerbomb. JTG climbs to the top and they hit a powerbomb/flying clothesline.


Winners: Cryme Tyme

Cryme Tyme celebrate while Sabin and Shelley walk off.

Joe is backstage, talking to Triple H.

Joe- Me and my nation of violence will win this tournament and win the WEE world championship.

Triple H- ...right. You see, if you're gonna win this tournament, you're gonna have to go through Kurt Angle AND you're gonna have to go through me.

Joe- Who said you won you're first match?

Triple H- Ha. Listen, you haven't met me but...I can kick you're ass any day!

Joe- Doubt it.

Joe walks off, leaving Triple H staring after him.

RVD vs Matt Morgan
(TV Title Tournament)​
RVD does his 'R...V...D' taunt but Morgan rushes him and sends him out of the ring. Morgan follows and picks him up. He throws RVD into the ring post and rolls him into the ring. Morgan slides in and poses. He picks RVD up and lifts him for the Military press. RVD reverses it and rolls Morgan up.


RVD ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a neckbreaker. He hits a springboard legdrop and covers.


He picks Morgan up and tries a suplex. Morgan reverses it and pushes him into the ropes. He tries a bicycle kick, but RVD ducks. Morgan hits a back elbow, followed by a snap DDT. Morgan tries to hit a running powerslam but RVD turns it into a reverse DDT.


RVD climbs to the top rope and hits a split-legged moonsault.


He tries the rolling thunder but Morgan lifts his knees. Morgan lifts RVD into a torture rack. Morgan keeps applying pressure. He eventually hits a reverse FU into the corner. He tries a superplex onto RVD but he reverses it into a face-first superplex. RVD positions himself and hits the Five Star frogsplash!


Winner: RVD

RVD celebrates and leaves.

Backstage, Edge and Orton are talking.

Orton- You remember when we were a tag team? Rated RKO...we injured Triple H, we were tag champions...we were one of the greatest teams! And that was BEFORE we became hugely successful and between us, now, we have held 13 world championships!

Edge- ...9 of those were mine. And I'd love to be Rated RKO and all, but I have a world tournament to win.

Edge walks off but Orton shouts after him.

Orton- The offer still stands

Daniels is backstage, being interviewed.

Daniels- Yes, the match is no DQ and, yes, I don't even have to be pinned to lose this match. But I was the X Division champion in TNA, and now I'm going to become the X Division champion in WEE

Mysterio vs Benjamin vs Daniels vs Sydal
(No DQ, X Division)​
Benjamin and Sydal shake hands before attacking Daniels and Mysterio. Sydal and Mysterio end up outside the ring. Benjamin has Daniels in the corner hitting shoulder thrusts. He punches Daniels and hits a hurracanrana. Outside, Sydal hits an enziguri to Mysterio and starts throwing in weapons. He throws in a couple of chairs, a bin and slides in a table. Benjamin sets up the table and hits Daniels with the bin lid.


Benjamin sets up the Paydirt to Daniels, but Daniels turns it into a clothesline. Sydal slides in and runs at Daniels. Daniels hits the Angel's Wings to Sydal!


Benjamin kicks Daniels in the face and sets him up in the corner. He tries to superplex him but Daniels reverses it into an Angel's wings with Benjamin landing on Sydal. Mysterio slides in with a chair and sets it up in the corner. He runs at Daniels and hits his bulldog onto the bin.


He picks Daniels up and hits the hurracanrana onto the chair. Sydal and Benjamin start getting up. Mysterio picks Benjamin and hits the run-up hurracanrana to him.

Daniels sets Sydal up on the table and climbs the ropes. Mysterio hits a hurracanrana to Benjamin, sending him into the chair in the corner as Daniels hits the BME through a table! Daniels gets up and lifts Mysterio for the Angel's wings. Mysterio reverses it into a hurracanrana, setting up the 619...he hits it! Mysterio tries the west coast pop, but Daniels catches him for a powerbomb. Mysterio reverses it into a sunset flip!


Winner: Rey Mysterio

Mysterio celebrates with his title. Daniels offers a handshake and Mysterio accepts it.

Sting bursts into Heyman's office.

Sting- Why am I not in the tournament? I'm one of WEE's top starts. Why?

Heyman- I'm sorry Sting, but I thought that you were above titles. How about, you can have an open challenge at Backlash? That way some decent competition should come your way.

Sting- ...I have a better idea,

Sting walks off, leaving Heyman confused.

CM Punk vs Matt Hardy​
Punk ducks a quick clothesline attempt and hits a superkick!


Punk picks Matt up an whips him into the ropes. He sets a back body drop, but Matt hits a snap DDT. Matt hits a guillotine leg drop and covers.


Matt picks Punk up and hits a suplex. He goes to the second rope and waits for Punk to get up. He tries a diving bulldog and hits it!


Matt picks Punk up and tries an early Twist of Fate. Punk spins out and lifts Matt for the GTS but Matt reverses it into a roll-up where he grabs the ropes.

1...2...The referee stops the count because Matt was holding the ropes.

Matt misses a springboard moonsault. Punk picks Matt up and whips him into the corner. He hits the high knee and tries a bulldog but Matt turns it into an electric chair drop!


Matt goes to the top and waits for Punk to stand. He tries a diving sunset flip but Punk catches him and hits the GTS!


Winner: CM Punk

Punk celebrates until Matt gets up. Matt tries to attack Punk, but punk gets out of the ring and celebrates on the ramp.

Jeff hardy is backstage.

Jeff- You all just saw my brother, Matt Hardy, lose to CM Punk. I, personally, think that's funny. We are both in the TV title tournament, and I think that is we both end up in the triple threat...you all know who would-

Matt- -win?

Matt walks into view.

Matt- Yes, they do all know who would win. It would be me! Just like at Wrestlemania.

Matt walks off. Jeff goes the other way.

Team 3D vs Festus and Goldust
(Tag team Tournament)​
Goldust starts off with Ray. Ray hits a shoulder block and picks Goldust up. Goldust rolls Ray up with a small package.


Winner: Festus and Goldust

Team 3D can''t believe it. Festus turns ******ed again and Goldust walks off with him.

Paul Heyman is in his office when Jeff Hardy walks in.

Jeff- I still don't know who my opponent is in the TV tournament...who is he?

Heyman- Ah, Here he is now.

Kane (with his mask!!) walks in and stares down at Hardy.

Jeff- When's our match?

Heyman- Next week.

Jeff nods and walks off.

Chris Jericho is backstage.

Jericho- I have a qualification match up next. When I beat the Undertaker and beat whoever my next opponent is, I will be in the main event at Backlash whether you hypocrites like it or not. I'll become the first WEE Champion and there's not a thing anybody can do about it!

Kurt Angle walks in.

Angle- Oh Yeah? Chris, I'm gonna be in the main event at Backlash. I don't care if I'm facing you or not. But I'm winning my first match and I'm winning the semi-finals and I'm beating my last opponent and becoming the first WEE world champion.

Michaels jumps into camera view.

Michaels- Now, shut up both of you! I'm the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels, I sing my own theme tune and I am gonna become the first WEE world champion! Now, Chris, you have a match!

Jericho walks off.

Michaels- Damn it, he sucks!

Angle walks off, leaving Michaels laughing to himself.

Chris Jericho vs Undertaker
(WWE World Tournament)​
Jericho punches Taker repeatedly until Taker tries a chokeslam. Jericho kicks taker and hits a neckbreaker.


Jericho tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho but Taker kicks Jericho into the ropes. Jericho hits a springboard clothesline onto Taker. Jericho tries a Lionsault but gets knees. Taker whips Jericho into the corner and starts punching away. He soon lifts Jericho for the superplex and hits it. Taker slowly gets to his feet and sets the chokeslam. Jericho turns into it and ducks Taker's hand. He hits a springboard crossbody!


Jericho hits a Lionsault and tries to lock in the walls of Jericho...he locks it in! Taker is in the middle of the ring! Taker slowly drags himself to the ropes but Jericho drags him back to the middle. Taker rolls over and turns it into the Hell's gate. Jericho manages to drag himself over to the ropes. Taker gets up and picks Jericho up. He hits a running powerslam.


He picks Jericho up and whips him to the outside. Undertaker hits a running suicide dive! The referee starts the count but both are up by 5. They get into a punch fight until the referee gets to 9, where both roll in the ring. Both get up and Jericho tries a codebreaker but Taker catches him and tries to throw him outside. Jericho guillotines him on the top rope. Jericho tries to get back in but Taker punches him, so that he's lying on the ring apron. Taker get on the outside apron and hits a guillotine leg drop! He rolls Jericho in the ring and gets in himself. He covers Jericho.


Taker signals for the end and sets the tombstone. He lifts him up but Jericho reverses it into a reverse DDT. Jericho hits a Lionsault. He sets Taker for a Codebreaker but Taker grabs his throat and lifts him for the chokeslam, which Jericho reverses into a codebreaker!


Winner: Chris Jericho

Jericho celebrates and grabs a mic.

Jericho- All of you hypocrites doubted me, but I beat the undertaker. I have now advanced to the semi-finals and only need to beat two more people before becoming the first WEE World champion. And I will win it.

Jericho drops the mic and leaves. Undertaker gets up and Sting's music hits. He walks to the ring and picks up Jericho's mic.

Sting- You know, with the combination of the TNA and WWE roster, a lot of dream matches can finally happen. One of those huge dream matches is the Undertaker vs Sting. Now, I'm not in the title tournament, and now, neither are you. So, I'm making a challenge to you. If you accept, then we will have a legendary match set for Backlash...what do you say?

Sting offers Taker his hand. Taker accepts it to a huge pop. Sting tries to walk away but Taker pulls him unto a chokeslam. Taker poses over Sting as Nightmare ends.

Next Fear
Matt Hardy vs Rhino (TV Tournament)

LAX vs New Hart Foundation (Tag qualification)

Christian vs Booker (TV Tournament)

Michaels vs Orton (World tournament)

Next Nightmare
Steiner vs Kennedy (TV Tournament)

Festus and Goldust vs Cryme Tyme vs ??? (Tag titles)

Jeff Hardy vs Kane (TV Tournament)

Triple H vs Edge (World Tournament)
The roster does seem a bit big for one show. You might either want to consider doing a WWE Style of booking(brand split only) or consider removing some of the guys on the roster.

Overall the show looks nice & it's entertaining. Keep up the good work.
I have two shows. Nightmare and Fear. It's not a brand split because alll stars can compete on both shows. But I have mentioned like 5 times already that I have 2 shows. And, yes, I need to make my roster smaller

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