We Really having Technical Difficulty


Pre-Show Stalwart
As most of us saw, there was Technical Difficulty during R-Truths opening segment. Now with everything Truth has been saying, about "The Man" keeping him down, do you think that they had Technical Difficulty on purpose?

The Technical Difficulty fits into his story line, almost to well. It's a perfect thing for him to point to as an example of "The Man" being against him. If the WWE did do this on purpose, I'll give them a lot of credit, because that was very creative.

I personal think that it was just dumb luck. The WWE will run with it now, and rightfully so, because this will help Truth's character.

I don't know though, the WWE dose a lot of shows, and I can't remember the last time I saw them have Technical Difficulty's. What do you think, was the Technical Difficulty Kayfabe or not?
When John Cena came out there was still no sound and also when he started talking. I dont think it was done on purpose, but do agree, IF it was then its very creative.

I have NO doubts however that intentional or not, they WILL use it next week on Raw as another 'Truth' of R Truth being put down.
Nebraska was having some major storms rolling through the area about that time. some confirmed tornadoes and some very high wind. I am sure that was a major force behind the technical difficulties

But I agree...it really did seem to further a storyline with Truth about being "held back"
It was a happy accident, a term used in the radio business when things happen to line up perfectly without any designed intentions. So for instance, you have a bit of text that has some dramatic line and the music under it has a cymbal crash right after that line and it seems to emphasize that line more. You didn't intend it to work out that way, it just did.

Well, they didn't expect the opening of Raw to be that screwed up, but man they can sure take advantage of it. And Truth already has. He tweeted around 10pm saying they were screwing with him to make the the sound not work on TV. I think everyone did a great job trying to cover for it, including King for mentioning it was probably R-Truth's fault because he unplugged something in his psychotic rage. I hope he uses it as an example next Monday of more oppression.
Yeah, because that's all it takes to screw up a national broadcast. Unplug some cable and the whole transmission will be destroyed. Better yet, maybe he pressed a mute button!

King's excuse was stupid. That's an insult to anyone's intelligence. At least Cole was staying straight and didn't play along because that would have made me turn off the TV.

The old King would have immediatey said that this is the WWE Production truck trying to silence R-Trth who is speaking the TRUTH. Instead, the new king says Truth pulled on a cable.
I haven't heard the term happy accident since I took radio production and broadcasting in college. That being said, it was a perfect storm, sort to speak) to get the R Truth Angle over. By the way, after seeing last nights interaction with the "fans", Truth has been spending time studying Brian Pillman's ECW promos
I found it a bit strange that the replays were fine...no sign of technical difficulties there, just an hour or so later. But they were really annoying in the opening, and Truth didn't play them up, so perhaps they were real.
am i the only one who this reminded them of when regal used to mess with the prroduction truck? he even went as far as to pull the plug half way into the main event lol i always thought regal was onto a jbl like mega push possibly to a heavyweight title.

also does anyone think this storyline about conspiracys and cena was originaly meant for carlito? when he came out and said cena was the leader of some conspiracy holding others down, never went anywhere with it
Yeah, because that's all it takes to screw up a national broadcast. Unplug some cable and the whole transmission will be destroyed. Better yet, maybe he pressed a mute button!

King's excuse was stupid. That's an insult to anyone's intelligence. At least Cole was staying straight and didn't play along because that would have made me turn off the TV.

The old King would have immediatey said that this is the WWE Production truck trying to silence R-Trth who is speaking the TRUTH. Instead, the new king says Truth pulled on a cable.

Right, because unplugging a cable would never screw anything up. King should know that it takes more than that. It's not like he's ever accidently unplugged a chord, left the show with no audio, and had to re-record it later. Oh wait, he did! That very thing happened at Wrestlemania XI! And at least one episode of Superstars! Huh. I guess you were just talking out of your ass then, eh?

If you're going to rip somebody, at least get your facts something close to accurate. Or, better yet, turn off the TV so we don't have to read your useless and inaccurate observations.

EDIT: It was real. This was a tweet from @WWE_Creative: (follow them, they have a lot of funny observations during WWE shows) "Don't worry, all of the @RonKillings stuff was planned" we said hoping that Vince doesn't fire the entire production staff
Yeah, I'm the one talking out of your ass? You don't even know what you're saying! Jerry Lawler disconnected some microphone chords at his desk and had to re-record the commentary afterwards, he didn't screw up the whole audio transmission like he supposedly said R-Truth did.

I have experience in live production for a network in Puerto Rico, I know that there is no way you unplug one chord that fucks up the national live transmission like at Raw.

On Raw, the audio was not only faulty, it wasn't working at all so they had to switch to the arena mics. The arena mics had no lag time unlike the video which screwed up the whole production. That doesn't happen because someone "unplugged a chord".

If you wanna get an atitude and start calling out people, at least get your facts straight first.
I don't think it was on purpose, if it was, that was great, but I don't think it is. Regardless I think it will help Truth's "conspiracy theory" thing he has going on.

By the way, am I the only one that remembers when Jericho had the conspiracy theory thing going on when he was in WCW, he went to Washington DC and talked to people on the side of the road, and help of signs saying conspiracy victim.
The fact that it was completely edited out of the west coast feed. Pretty much proves it was not done on purpose. Also the sound and picture was jumpy after John Cena came out and was talking. I would agree that WWE could turn it into a part of his storyline. I just don't think it's possible considering the whole west coast didn't see it.
It would be pretty funny if they had R Truth blame God being against him too. Now I live in LA and as most people in this area all have Direct TV or Dishnetwork meaning our satellites show us the west coast feed at an earlier time, so the whole editing for the west coast is only accurate for about 30% of the west coast viewing populations so replays could explain the scenerio for that 30%

EDIT: I meant to say here on the West coast 70% of the viewers saw the Live version feed from the east coast, and when I say LA I mean Los Angeles not Louisianna
It wasnt intentional, believe me. WWE wouldnt risk losing an audience like that. People probably swicthed the channel when they saw the technical difficulties display come up, and judging by the rattings RAW has been getting, thats not something WWE would take a chance with. They will, as others have already pointed out, use it to further R Truth's character. It would be funny, however, if R Truth points it out only to have Cena remind him that when he came out there was still no audio, and hes WWE's biggest attraction.
It's been confirmed by various wrestling outlets that it wasn't intentional. I agree that the thought did cross my mind that it was up until the time they had it back working again right before he confronted "Big and Little Jimmy" and it proceeded to go out again. At that point, I knew it was a major problem that they were having trouble fixing and something that I'm positive asses were chewed out over. I don't know the cause, but it went on for wayyyy longer than it should have; after they finally got the sound working, it still didn't match up with the picture until after Cena had been out for a little while.

All that said, I think it's something that R-Truth can and likely will use going forward in his whole "conspiracy" angle. Hell he did mention it on Twitter during the broadcast. With how long it went on, I thought that this was a sign of a long night for WWE, but was pleasantly surprised that we got a considerable amount of in-ring action and one of the best episodes of Raw in months.
I kinda thought it was on purpose too with the conspiracy thing but im thinkin it happens because they are trying to sucessfully edit out john cena boos
Even though he didn't come out with it I also believe his conspiracy theory gimmick is based on him being black and 'held back' I think wwe is on to something with truth
Yeah, because that's all it takes to screw up a national broadcast. Unplug some cable and the whole transmission will be destroyed. Better yet, maybe he pressed a mute button!

King's excuse was stupid. That's an insult to anyone's intelligence. At least Cole was staying straight and didn't play along because that would have made me turn off the TV.

Do you really think it couldn't be something like that? Of course an unplugged cable or accidental mute button could screw up a broadcast! I doubt R-Truth was standing near anything like that, but as far as insulting intelligence, it was probably the most realistic explanation ever given for something in the history of professional wrestling.
Do you really think it couldn't be something like that? Of course an unplugged cable or accidental mute button could screw up a broadcast! I doubt R-Truth was standing near anything like that, but as far as insulting intelligence, it was probably the most realistic explanation ever given for something in the history of professional wrestling.

I will repeat myself: it depends on the screwup. Read closely. On Raw, the audio was screwed up because the process that converts the live arena audio to a slicker audio for live TV was not working. So the WWE switched to the arena speakers. The computer audio and video aren't actually live, they lag for a few seconds. So when they switched to the arena mics, our audio was actually live and the video was lagged. <THIS WAS THE BIG AUDIO PROBLEM

And that whole problem isn't caused by tripping on some cable. In fact, the only way R-Truth could have been capable of this is if he deliberately looked for the guys who convert the audio and either take them out or blow up the whole production truck. Or, he must be sitting down on the panels and deliberately be screwing up the audio WHILE the show was live which is impossible because we were seeing him at the time.

Jerry Lawler's incident at WrestleMania did not mute the show, screw up the live transmission, or even screw up the commentary. We all got to hear it perfectly. It was the microphones under the desk that tape the commentary for future release that he disconnected. Basically, we all got to hear the commentary live, but there was no isolated taping of that commentary after the show happened and they therefore had to re-record it. He screwed up, but I repeat, HE DID NOT SCREW UP THE LIVE TRANSMISSION.

I can't believe I just wasted my time explaining something which is supposed to be ridiculously obvious.
Came out of retirement to say that Feedback really is a first class tosser. I don't care what you think, you're just an arrogant, patronising wastrel.

*goes back into retirement*

I will repeat myself: it depends on the screwup. Read closely. On Raw, the audio was screwed up because the process that converts the live arena audio to a slicker audio for live TV was not working. So the WWE switched to the arena speakers. The computer audio and video aren't actually live, they lag for a few seconds. So when they switched to the arena mics, our audio was actually live and the video was lagged. <THIS WAS THE BIG AUDIO PROBLEM

And that whole problem isn't caused by tripping on some cable. In fact, the only way R-Truth could have been capable of this is if he deliberately looked for the guys who convert the audio and either take them out or blow up the whole production truck. Or, he must be sitting down on the panels and deliberately be screwing up the audio WHILE the show was live which is impossible because we were seeing him at the time.

Jerry Lawler's incident at WrestleMania did not mute the show, screw up the live transmission, or even screw up the commentary. We all got to hear it perfectly. It was the microphones under the desk that tape the commentary for future release that he disconnected. Basically, we all got to hear the commentary live, but there was no isolated taping of that commentary after the show happened and they therefore had to re-record it. He screwed up, but I repeat, HE DID NOT SCREW UP THE LIVE TRANSMISSION.

I can't believe I just wasted my time explaining something which is supposed to be ridiculously obvious.

I didn't say R-Truth DID screw up the audio, I said he COULD have - especially as the segment was first airing (and all we saw was a muted R-Truth - at that point it could have been as simple as Truth's mic being turned off.) Obviously the longer the problems went on it became clear the issue was more compilcated.

Still, at the risk of going out on a limb, I don't think Lawler's throwaway crack about Truth unplugging a cable was so drastically over-the-line as to permanently damage willing suspension of disbelief. But perhaps I'm being naive.

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