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We Need New Blood!

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Let's look at the last 5 title holders for the WWE Championship:

Edge, Jeff Hardy, Edge, Triple H, Randy Orton.

Now at the World Heavyweight Championship:

Chris Jericho, John Cena, Edge, John Cena, Edge.

Now I'm getting annoyed about the championships. According to that, the latest new person to win was Jeff Hardy. That was one of the crappiest reins ever, one month, didn't even make it past the next PPV.
It's also starting to look like Edge is playing catch with the belt with different people. Okay, I understand he is the utimate opputinest, but 9 reins in 3 years is WAY too much. That's more then Undertaker and Shawn Michaels world championship reins combined!
Triple H, even though I believe is a worthy champion and great wrestler, has had 13 championships. Now fair enough, he's spaced them out a lot more then Edge, but that's getting stale too.
John Cena had a great 10 month rein, but after that people started to turn on him. That's the kind of rein I like, nice long ones. Lately though, Cena has also been playing hot potatoe with the belt, not holding it for a significant amount of time.
Chris Jericho's rein was fine. Apart from when he lost to Batista at Cyber Sunday. I thought to myself, "Okay let's see what Batista has to offer in his new re..." And before I could finish my sentence Jericho was holding the title again! In my opinion that was one of the most pointless rivalries ever just to lose the belt back in the next week, only being held for 8 days. Then Jericho fueded a little with Cena. Who was coming back from an injury, was thrown straight into a championship match. Kayfabe, Cena did nothing to deserve that match really...
Randy Orton as champion at the moment, I believe will be good IF he can hold onto it longer then rest of these guys.

These guys have been in main events for a while now, even Hardy after a LONG year of title shots. I want someone new! Someone who we can cheer for, an underdog.

It's not really been about winning the championship, as much as it is taking it off of the other person. Cena wanted to take the title off Edge because he felt that it was being disgraced. Orton won the title to hurt Triple H and further continue to dominate the McMahon family. And, as I saw from RAW a couple of weeks ago, Batista said on the on coming number one contender match, that he's going to take it from Orton.

I want someone to come in, challenge the champion, to PROVE that HE is the best in the company. By winning the championship, not by taking it from the other person to hurt them.

One of my favourite fueds was Eddie vs. Brock. Because when Eddie won it, people celebrated! They were happy that after years of work, he got what he deserved.

Now-a-days when someone like Edge or Triple H wins, it's not surprising at all. It's like "What else is new?"

Anyone agree with me? Leave comments.
I really agree with you on that . Like you said these titles are being thrown around like hot potatoes. I dont get to watch smackdown but i have noticed after the draft there starting some new feuds with new people and starting to push some younger guys like mvp and hopefully this is the start of new things to come
I agree with the 9 titles in "2" years (had to call ya on that) is ridiculous, but I would like to see hardy take the Title again and then I think we would start see some decent feuds and title defenses. I stated in another thread that I think Orton is gonna have the title for awhile, and I can see some great matches between him and MVP, Mr. Kennedy, and then even a great Big Show heel on heel feud. With Smackdown, if Edge could just get injured again and Hardy took that title, could you even imagine the matches. A great Hardy/ Jericho storyline. And the dream that would be Morrison and Hardy in a long battle. Plus hardy/ kane, hardy/ ziggler even, he's got some skills, he wouldn't win, but it'd be great for entertainment.
if Edge could just get injured again
. Are you really going to ask for a superstar to get injured? Even one of the best in the business. Anyway right now the problem with the WWE is due to the fact that midcard has been so weak they really havent been able to deliver a guy to the main event because there not ready. Yes i know that is poor planning on the WWE but i think they are starting to put it all together and give more matches to the midcard
in all honesty im getting sick and tired of seeing edge as the champion. So 9 titles in 3 years, whats next, Edge the new 16 time champion, no more ric flair record? how many more times does Edge really need to be champ? its rediculous and im getting really bored of seeing edge come out we in and week out and do his whole shpeel on hows hes the best and how he loses the title for a month and then gets it right back. hell look at what happened between edge and matt hardy back a couple years ago once that happened matt was suspended and edge was brought up to matches we all thought we'd never se him in and win titles. then they put him with vickie a couple years later and now look at him, has edge even won a title legitamately what the HELL is the wwe thinking as this point in time? Who could be the next REAL champ?
i agrree, edge used to be my favorite wrestler and i was so excited wen he won his first world title, then i started to get bored of him after his 5th reighn, they need to keep the belt off of edge for about 2 years and then maybe bring him back up as a world champ again.
Your right with everthing you said. But they need to fix storylines aswell. Some of the storylines dont make any sence, like the orton/HHH/McMAHON rivalry the last time i checked triple h hated Mr.McMahon and they are using the titles like hot patatoes.
well, you we are supposed to hate Edge as champion, but look at the way they have played with the title, it should be for someone like Edge to have a lengthy reign, not change titles like that. The reason Edge got the WWE the last time was to put Jeff over and not make HHH look weak to Jeff. HHH never really put Hardy over (a couple of wins by luck or a clever package is not getting over). Same with Cena, but in the End Edge is the most reliable Heel there so that is why he gets the title so much. With HHH they were giving and taking the Belt like that, one year of the 2 he was not champion he was injured. I Orton is planned to have a long reign and hopefully on Smackdown things go the Same way after Punk wins the title if he does so.
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