We need more prisoners

Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
Sly, Kb, there are way too many rule breakers out there. Get them sorted by giving them small prison sentences. Shit man it gets lonely in here. Me and Jenks can only talk about so much till shit gets out of hand and we start bullying poor wee souls like Mr.Gaping and that reject Iamastupidcuntwhocantfollowrules.

Come on buckle up send them in here, I'll teach them a lesson in the showers then when they get back out they'll never fuck with you guys again.
Yeah send more in here to get dominated. I hate rule breakers who think theyre better then everyone else. Ill stick a needle intheir piss hole and make them vomit. Ive learned that rule breakers are scum of earth and warrant no sympathy.
Bill Lesnar thinks the prison needs more star power.Bill Lesnar just said the recent influx of misfits is a cause for concern
Someone stick that moron who insulted JGlass in IC's latest thread in the prison, the guy has no idea and can barely make any sense with his typing. Nerd4Life or something I think his name is. Says it all really.
Send that little panzy bitch in here and we'll take him out to "the swings" and make him eat his sick for dinner, the ol' cajun way.
Bill Lesnar just called Pole Smoker another Bill Lesnars many ants. Bill Lesnar is the grass hopper waiting for his meal
Bill Lesnar just called Pole Smoker another Bill Lesnars many ants. Bill Lesnar is the grass hopper waiting for his meal

I twasn't that last night when I stuck my love stick up your anus and you begged me for mercy.

Bill, me and jenks are both horny fuckers. You better watch your back bitch because if you keep coming back with your pathetic insults (funnily enough you always do it when we're behind bars in our cells) we might tag team you bitch.
Bill Lesnar is bigger/stronger/taller and every other superlative than you. Bill Lesnar just said you have no chance in a fight with one of the most famous members of the IWC.

Bill Lesnar doesn't really care whether you are "horny" either. Bill Lesnar thinks you should be wooing the prisoner ****es rather than dreaming about the prisons most iconic name stay. As much as you would like it to happen Bill Lesnar just said it just wont. Many men have admitted to being physically attracted to Bill Lesnar aswell. Bill Lesnar is used to it. He understands. Bill Lesnar si a worldwide phenomenon. He posed for GQ (Bill lesnar just said it was for alot of money and the agent was bangable). Bill Lesnar is extremely good looking.

As for Jenks. Jenks likes Bill Lesnar more than you.
^ I too wish it happened more. They'dspend time in here with me and then do everything to make sure they don't have to come back

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