We need another British Bulldog


King Of The Wasteland
What I mean is we need more people like him, most wrestlers who are outside of the USA get these sterotype gimmicks (Kofi Kingston, William Regal, Finlay, Funaki etc) I don't watch a lot of TNA so can't comment on the British Invasion so i dunno about them. The British Bulldog wasn't like these, he was British, he came out to Rule Brittania used the Union Jack on his attire but he didn't come across as a sterotyped British guy (talking posh and dressing like it like William Regal) he was just British and proud of it, like Bret Hart was Canadian and proud of it

So my question is should people from other countries have a over the top sterotype gimmick or should they have one where they have elements of the culture as well as something else???
n't watch a lot of TNA so can't comment on the British Invasion so i dunno about them. The British Bulldog wasn't like these, he was British, he came out to Rule Brittania used the Union Jack on his attire but he didn't come across as a sterotyped British guy (talking posh and dressing like it like William Regal) he was just British and proud of it

What you're talking about is basically what the British Invasion are. They're British, and it's in the name, but they don't overdo it. The Union Jack is on their tights, and they have accents, but it all ends there. They wrestle the British style (technical, but rough), and are very good heels. Magnus and Williams might be the best foreigners going right now between TNA and WWE.

I don't think it's a problem to have people play up their nationalities or heritage. It creates an instant character, and makes you a heel or a face with the greatest of ease.
There shoud be more international stars in my opinion. It draws interest and does make instant heels and faces. It's a lot better to have 3 or 4 foreign superstars debut then 5 to 8 new american superstars that fly under the radar for a while and then either do something big and get noticed or get dropped because the crowd won't react to them. There's just something about an international wrestler that's fresh and new that will draw attention right away.
We've had British, Canadian, and Mexican, but I would like to see an Asian in WWE without the Funaki style gimmick. No one can take Yoshi seriously when he comes out to the bleeps and bloops of his music and uses karate moves. When do you think we'll get an Asian world champion. (Zuna was Samoan)
When do you think we'll get an Asian world champion. (Zuna was Samoan)

We had one already...His name was The Great Khali...He's from India, and last I checked, that's in Asia. He may not have been a great champ, but he was, and on more than one occasion I believe. People need to get over the notion of Asian = Chinese/Japanese, and accept the fact that Russia and India are a part of that continent also.

As far as a champion hailing from the Orient, I'm not sure when that will happen. as you pointed out, Yoshi Tatsu is not World Champ material, but he is entertaining, and is extremely over with the ECW crowd. If he moves to another show, and ends up with better music, he'd already be well on his way to being a main eventer. The music is the only thing keeping him from being taken seriously right now.
We had one already...His name was The Great Khali

Oh, thanks for reminding me.

I believe an Oriental champion will come out when the Asian stereotype is broken and he is given a regular gimmick. Everyone in the last, i guess forever, has been given this oriental gimmick and the only one who could use it was Yokozuna, and Tajiri had small breaks from it.

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