We dont need Extreme Or Attitude

I absolutly hate the PG ratingsthey are horrible they ruin all the shows in Australia like when someone uses a chair or any weapon the switch to a view of the crowd of lag the screen it is absolute bullshit, do you no how hard it was to watch the recap of extreme rules ???!!!
To the people supporting the once great PG14 is just getting annoying I mean I kno ppl who wont watch wrestling because of blood artifitial or genuine.

Also as much violence that is being put out I sincerly hope the kids wont get influenced with all the blood. Cause we cant prevent all of them to stop watching!
i agree with you to some degree yes not every match needs blood or chairs but you cant tell me that some matches didnt need this to become great matches look at the first HIAC do you think that match would have been as good with out blood or how about the first EC do u think it would have been a good match if you didn't have hbk bleed no because they advertised this as one of the most BRUTAL matches ever so in some matches you do need to be edgy and extreme but not all of them also for those people that say that people on this thread supporting the attitude era need like Y2J used to say SHUT THE HELL UP if there were to be two different shows of raw say an Attitude era show and today raw which show do you think more people would tune in too im not say you as ONE but many wrestling fans so you guys supporting this new wwe just shut the fuck up

(and how do you start new threads somehelp thanks:))
I like the WWE the way it is for the most part. I personally thought the "attitude" era was shit. I preferred wrestling the way it was when I was a little kid in the "Hogan Era". I couldn't stand SCSA for everything he was supposed to be and represented which was mostly the stereotypical "trailer park" community who worshiped and adored him as much as Garth Brooks and Dale Earnhardt. I didn't like much of anything about the "Attitude" era because I thought it was the wrong attitude. It was the idea of trying to be as raunchy, violent, sexually suggestive, and tasteless as possible all the while enforcing any stereotype and going as far as creating an aura of racial tension. None of that is necessary to run a good wrestling company, their past proves it.

I don't get what the big deal is about the so called "PG" era. Are people just so desensitized to all forms of violence that they need the most unnecessary amount possible from every source? If you think that's what wrestling is about you've got it horribly wrong. I get it when you have a pay-per-view that's supposed to deliver those goods and doesn't much like the Extreme Rules pay-per-view we just had. Obviously a HIAC should involve the cell a bit more and you'd expect someone to bleed. Regardless, stunt double wrestling had it's go in the WWE and failed. They had a "Hardcore" division and it was a joke that flopped as it should have. So if you want extreme your going to have to find it elsewhere period. WWE isn't about that and the only reason it ever was, was because they thought that would sell, but it didn't in the long run. If you think that makes wrestling any better, you don't know wrestling.

Why can't you just appreciate the wrestling that they give you in the ring? Why does there have to be so many stipulations, weapons, and blood for you to be interested and think it's a good match? Take a look at TNA, no amount of blood, violence, or stipulations can replace good old fashioned wrestling and storytelling in the ring. If you can't pick those things up from a match than your too stupid to be bitching about it all anyways. These guys putting on better matches now than ever, and thanks to the advances of video editing we also get to see them better than we ever did. We have better looking superstars who put on better matches on a grander scale than ever with a more spectacular presentation than ever. What is so bad about that?

I hear people saying it's the booking, the promos, the story-lines, the talent, Triple H or John Cena, the tag division, the divas, the announcers, the fucking air they breath, anything. You people never stop bitching, and you think you know how to run a wrestling company. You have no idea what it takes to get all that together and to make it as good as the WWE does. What do any of you know about booking or cutting good promos? Have any of you ever got to actually cut a real promo? Fuck no, so what makes you think your the moral authority on them? Any of you ever had a company follow a story0line you wrote that was comprehensive and sold tickets and merchandise? Fuck no. So why don't you stop trying to act like you know what you're talking about, know your fucking role, and shut your damn mouth!!!

Sure, matches that used to be more violent are less violent and they rely less and less on blood, but how does that make it any less entertaining than it was in the "Attitude" era? So they've taken out all the shit that got them a bad reputation, and you want it back? Too bad, what you want back is a perfect example of what is wrong with people today, no class, no decency, all you want is instant gratification without any effort, even without having to think. Well, your kind are dying out and the more enlightened and more intelligent folk have moved on to a more civilized and sophisticated brand of programming. You want trash can wrestling go watch CZW or TNA on a desperate night. You want the best wrestlers in the business, on the biggest stage in the business, watch WWE.
My personal issue with WWE right now, is that there is little to no variance on ANY show. It is literally nothing but singles matches, tag matches with thrown together tag teams, the occassional handicap match and a fuck load of talk.

Don't get me wrong, talk is good, talk is obviously how you develop fueds and get talent over, but when it's only the ME'ers talking, you tend to get sick of the same old voices every week.

Where are our triple threat matches and fatal four ways? Where are our gauntlet matches? Why do we never have Steel cgae matches on TV anymore? Or the occassional ladder match? Go watch the 'History of the Ladder Match' DVD and count how many PPV ladder matches there are against how many Raw/SD matches there are. I bet that the TV matches total at least half the total number of PPV matches, proving that they used to happen on free TV quite a bit.

Now obviously people are going to ask 'why have a PPV match on free TV?' Because usually, the fueds were discussing i'm referring to, would never have been on a PPV in the first place. I'm talking about examples like JoMo v Meth Hardy for the IC title in Nov/Dec '06. They had like 2 matches the 2 weeks beforehand, and the third match was a ladder match on Raw. At the PPV they were featured in a completely different match (although it was both of them in the same match, their fued wasn't anything to do with that particular match).

I just think it would be nice, to every now and then, break up the typical 'Beefcake vs Beefcake', or 'Beefcake squashing Cruiserweight', or 'ME'er squashing whoever hasn't been on TV yet this week' formula by including the occassional cruiserweight match or hardcore match. It just makes it seem like you don't know what you're going to get on the show or in what order. Now i can pretty much predict what the formula of Raw is going to be each and every week, and have stopped watching accordingly. I'm now interested in watching SD! again because there are fuck all ME'ers on the show, and a bucket load of younger guys who haven't had a chance to show off much.

I don't think it's necessary for 'Attitude' or 'Extreme' to make a comeback personally. The only reason those ideals came about in the first place is because people were bored with what we're watching now, although i still think that what we're watching now is better than anything pre-1995.

As for the blood issue, i don't think it's necessary to bleed, but if it does happen, i think it's ******ed to try and pretend it didn't. People bleed, end of. If you really feel the need to stop a match to address someone bleeding, you are trying to protect children from life. They'll all grow up to be complete *****es if you feel the need to hide blood from them in a program centered purely around violence.

Vince seems to have forgotten that the primary reason people watch his show, is for simulated violence. He doesn't need to turn the violence up in any sense, he simply needs to accept that that's what his product is based on, first and foremost. He wants to increase his credibility and audience by moving further into entertainment. Wake up Vince. The people who watch now are entertained by wrestling, stop piling your show with shit that is nothing to do with wrestling.

No blood, no sex, no chair shots, and no swearing is perfectly fine with me. An hour's worth of bullshit in a 2 hour wrestling show, and some really idiotic booking decisions, combined with how they mollicoddle the audience at times, is not fine with me.
In general, far too much emphasis has been placed on the PG rating. A PG rating automatically triggers the thought processes in some that there are going to be limits as to what they're going to put on the show. There have always been limits in pro wrestling just as there have always been limits with every other form of television programming. Professional wrestling being PG isn't something that's new and is a rating that could be applied to just about every wrestling promotion that's come along since the days of yesteryear.

There are some that feel that wrestling is only quality when there's blood being spilled or when every other word is a swear or when women are portrayed consistently as ****s and ****es. If that's what you're into, then more power to you. However, in most wrestling matches and in most wrestling shows period, you don't see blood all that often nor do you hear all that many swear words other than hell, damn or ass. Anything else tends to get bleeped out.

One reason why the WWE has restricted wrestlers bleeding is because, in the wake of the Benoit tragedy, the WWE has gotten serious about the physical well-being. It's unfortunate that it took something so tragic to get Vince to yank his head out of his ass, but at least he finally did it. There will always be some inherant risk in wrestling no matter what and part of the big problems is that too many internet fans simply want everything. They want to see barb wire matches in which a wrestler is put through a couple of stacked tables that are set on fire before he gets driven onto a bed of thumbtacks yet, simultaneously, many of those same fans will scream that promoters aren't doing enough to guarantee the safety of wrestlers. You can't have it both ways.

Recently, the WWE banned chairshots to the head and it was a great day for wrestling when they did that. I'm glad to see that ROH is another big company that's done the same thing. Hell, they've taken it a step further and fine wrestlers that do that on their cards. Many fans have criticized the WWE for this and I think those fans are completely ignorant of what a chairshot to the head can do and aren't real fans at all. If a wrestling company does allow them to happen, then that's their business but they should expect to be criticized over it. You don't even have to have been hit by one to know, all you need is a little common sense. Think on it, you have a 250 pound man swinging a 3 to 5 pound piece of folded metal at your skull and the chair connects while probably traveling at speeds of at least 20-25 miles per hour or maybe even faster, depending upon how strong that wrestler is. When that chair connects, it actually causes your brain to crash up against the inside of your skull just as what could happen in a car crash. Chris Benoit is a prime example of what such head trauma can potentially lead to and Mick Foley is another one. Foley has taken more chairshots to the head than he has whiskers on his chin and I just hope that he ultimately doesn't wind up a vegetable in his later years from all the accumulated head trauma he's suffered.

Just because a show is PG doesn't mean it's going to be low quality and just because it's closer to an R rating doesn't mean it's going to be high quality either. Remember the Katie Vick storyline? Remember all the various incest angles that Vince McMahon was actually considering doing back in the Attitude Era?
I think when it comes down to it what matters most is context. I agree that the current state of WWE programming is probably a little too "PG" (for lack of a better term), but I also think that the height of the Attitude Era was way over the top. The one match that always comes to mind is the one between the Rock and Mick Foley when he takes repeated chair shots to the head (like 10 or something insane like that). It was disturbing to watch. Nobody can tell me different.

That being said, I think certain story lines and certain types of matches need to have the intensity ratcheted up. Last years feud between HHH and Orton for example needed to end much more emphatically. You have Orton punitng HHH's father and brother in law and giving the mid-rope RKO to his wife (and then kissing her) and none of their matches really gave the intensity I felt the situation called for.

Now, I don't mean we have to have the "crimson mask" all the time like TNA does with Abyss, Flair, etc., but having the possibility of blood in certain matches (and not stopping them when it happens naturally) is something that I think helps in the story-telling and is missed.
While I do miss blood in certain moments like steel cage matches, I completely understand what the WWE is doing. There are a lot of lives that were seriously effected by the Attitude and Extreme era of pro wrestling. While guys are a lot smarter now, the WWE is doing what they have to do to protect the talent. What it means is that guys like John Cena or CM Punk can have less of an opportunity to shorten their career for a small buyrate.

If you think of matches like the Inferno Match, that was a dangerous proposition on a show that never really generated big money for the participants.

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