WCW Quarter Finals: Randy Savage vs. Jushin Thunder Liger, Falls count anywhere

Randy Savage vs. Jushin Liger: Falls Count Anywhere

  • Randy Savage

  • Jushin Thunder Liger

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

The Following matchup takes place in Atlanta, GA, in the Georgia Dome. The ring is on the same level as the entrance ramp.

Falls Count Anywhere: The name says it all. Pinfalls can occur anywhere, but the match must start off in the ring.
This gimmick favors the macho man 1000%. Liger is a technical and high flying god, but macho is a freaking crazy man who can fly very well in his own righ. While a standard match would make me drool, this one might be the biggest squash in this round. Savage in about 9 minutes.
The gimmick killed a classic. Just as the Submission rules makes Angle vs Malenko the best match in round two, the Falls Count Anywhere rules make this a let down. Savage was, in my opinion, the first EVER total package in wrestling, combining power, speed, agility, high flying, brawling, and killer instinct into one man. He wrestled several stipulation matches, and his Wrestlemania match with Crush explains why Savage will walk in this one.
This is a great match-up, but Liger's run has come to an end. A wrestler with great brawling skills can do wonders in a Falls Count Anywhere match and the Macho Man is a better brawler than Liger. Also being stronger and larger than Liger can help Savage in this type of match as well. Randy Savage wins with the Elbow Drop off of some structure backstage in 22 minutes.
tis stipulation favours brawlers. the matchup would be even if it was IN the ring. but as it goes out it takes away the two attributes that liger can use his speed and top rope moves. matcho gets nasty, and BRAWLS his way to victory in under 10 min.
Well I wouldn't say that Liger is better than Savage. Both are totally different wrestlers. But in a falls count anywhere match it has to go to Randy. If he can get a decent match out of Crush in a similar sort of match. Then he can beat Liger.
Liger is good, but not in Savage's league, and that's no way a knock on Liger, it simply states how good Randy Savage really is. Savage managed to get a good match liek this out of Crush, that says a lot. Savage had some good brawls with DDP as well. I simply think that in a match like this Liger is totally outmatched by the Madness. Savage wins, and it's looking like Savage can win this thing as well.
I agree with IC 25 the gimmick killed the dream match. Macho has the meaness that Liger has never had. The only way Liger would have a chance is if he caught Savage outside with a flying manuever and go the quick pin. However this is how I actually see Savage win. Liger goes for the move on to the apron Savage sidesteps works Liger over with the steps lays him down and the elbow drop onto the apron. Macho Man moves on. With the way it's looking Flair is history and I am solidly behind four men now. HBK who may not be around, HHH, Sting and Macho Man. Ooooo Yeah!
A runaway win for my new official pick to support in the tournament (now that Andre was so terribly eliminated). But people if the Kane victory stands over Bret, Savage can book his spot in the WCW region finals and take down the survivor of the HHH/Hogan war, then move to the tourney semi-finals. I have given up on Superheavyweights and am now moving to one of the best ever, it's a shame he is on bad terms with Vince that DVD would have ruled.

But as far as the match goes, Macho Man in a walk here, I really enjoy Liger but he has absolutely no shot in hell here.

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