WCW House Shows


S.O.S. (Used to be z99zazn)
I was wondering if anyone remembers what WCW house shows are like. Where they up to par with the WWF's house shows of the time period? It can be any time period in the WCW but I'm mostly talking about around the time when the nWo debuted and the WCW was in their golden age. But if you wanna talk about any other period of their house shows you can. Also, how do today's WWE house shows compare to the house shows of the WCW?
I don't know about WCW's house shows in that era, but I have gone to a few WWF House Shows during that time period. The only lights on were the house lights and a spotlight on the wrestlers as they came down the aisle.

Speaking of the aisle - It was nothing more then a 4ft wide stretch of pathway through the crowd and coming directly from the dressing rooms. When someone would come out their music played but sounded like a wav. file on the computer. The wrestlers were also surrounded by armed security - all that was missing was the motorcade. Granted there were a few pyro shots but only 2 or 3 and they weren't even close to the ones you saw on TV at the time.

They had about 6 big names there in 2 matches. one 1 on 1 match and a tag match - both by the way were 2 of the 3 shortest matches of the night.

The rest of the matches were with mid to lower-mid carders and were great. You could tell those guys were trying to prove something while it seemed as if the Main Eventers were half assing.

This was in the year 2000, 1998, and 1997 at the Baltimore Arena in MD. All in all I still enjoyed the show, thus the reason I went to two more house shows and I'm going to one later in July.
I don't really remember WCW putting on to many house shows during thier hayday. At that Time though my home town of sacramento, Ca was a Major market for WWF so I think WCW only put Nitro here. Nitro was always fun but honestly it was a just a shadow of what the WWF put on. Personally I've always enjoyed house shows way more than T.V. tapings just cause you usually get to see the guys fight the people you wanna see them fight.
Wow this brings me back! I actually had the privilege of attending a WCW house show in Green Bay back in 98 during the peak of the nWo. Let's just say that the event was memorable for all the wrong reasons.

First, there were like two mini-main events that lasted a total of five minutes, combined. Actually their entrances lasted longer than their matches. Then there were a bunch of mid-carders like LaParka, Lash Larou, Horace and Jericho (best wrestler there) but no Hogan or Goldberg or anything higher than the nWo black & white (when they were Team Jobber).

The thing I remember the most was the 1st main event which was supposed to be Scott Hall vs. Conan. So Conan comes out and is waiting in the ring, cue the nWo music, no Scott Hall. The entire song plays through, all 4 minutes, and then it starts up again. By the time the music started up a 3rd time (within 20 seconds) Curt Henning comes out and says that Scott Hall refuses to wrestling in our town (how convenient, after 10 minutes), so he took Halls place. I am sure Hall was "under the weather."

Then the real main event, Big Show vs. Nash. Which sounds like that is a great main event in their primes but Show came out with a cigarette in his mouth and proceeded to wrestle with it still in his mouth. After pushing, and playing a game of grabass for literally 5 minutes, Nash plays the duck out of the ring about 8 times. Not just to work the crowd but to the extent that people started to leave. The match did not get any better from there and I think ended with a shoulder block in which Show picked up his cigarette he dropped and walked out of the ring like he didn’t care (kinda like I do at 5pm on Friday, again not working the crowd). Very unprofessional.

But I swore that I would never attend a WCW House Show and Vince made that happen just 3 years later.
Wow this brings me back! I actually had the privilege of attending a WCW house show in Green Bay back in 98 during the peak of the nWo. Let's just say that the event was memorable for all the wrong reasons.

First, there were like two mini-main events that lasted a total of five minutes, combined. Actually their entrances lasted longer than their matches. Then there were a bunch of mid-carders like LaParka, Lash Larou, Horace and Jericho (best wrestler there) but no Hogan or Goldberg or anything higher than the nWo black & white (when they were Team Jobber).

The thing I remember the most was the 1st main event which was supposed to be Scott Hall vs. Conan. So Conan comes out and is waiting in the ring, cue the nWo music, no Scott Hall. The entire song plays through, all 4 minutes, and then it starts up again. By the time the music started up a 3rd time (within 20 seconds) Curt Henning comes out and says that Scott Hall refuses to wrestling in our town (how convenient, after 10 minutes), so he took Halls place. I am sure Hall was "under the weather."

Then the real main event, Big Show vs. Nash. Which sounds like that is a great main event in their primes but Show came out with a cigarette in his mouth and proceeded to wrestle with it still in his mouth. After pushing, and playing a game of grabass for literally 5 minutes, Nash plays the duck out of the ring about 8 times. Not just to work the crowd but to the extent that people started to leave. The match did not get any better from there and I think ended with a shoulder block in which Show picked up his cigarette he dropped and walked out of the ring like he didn’t care (kinda like I do at 5pm on Friday, again not working the crowd). Very unprofessional.

But I swore that I would never attend a WCW House Show and Vince made that happen just 3 years later.

Wow, that sounds absolutely terrible. I've only been to one house show and that was TNA, and that was an awesome experience.

What big show did was extremely unprofessional, and just downright disrespectful to the fans of that house show. Just because the show wasn't televised gives him no reason to have sloppy matches, and be disrespectful to paying fans. Sounds like you had a really bad experience, and I'm sorry for that.
I've never been to a wwf house show but I attended 2 wcw house shows. The first was in 92 I beleive but I don't really remember too much because I was so young. All I remember was being pissed at my dad because we had to leave early so he could go to work and I didn't get to see Sting in the main event. The other was around the time Goldberg had beat Raven for the US title. It was odd because none of the champions at that time came out with their titles. I don't really remember to much match wise but the matches were short and really random.
Then the real main event, Big Show vs. Nash. Which sounds like that is a great main event in their primes but Show came out with a cigarette in his mouth and proceeded to wrestle with it still in his mouth. After pushing, and playing a game of grabass for literally 5 minutes, Nash plays the duck out of the ring about 8 times. Not just to work the crowd but to the extent that people started to leave. The match did not get any better from there and I think ended with a shoulder block in which Show picked up his cigarette he dropped and walked out of the ring like he didn’t care (kinda like I do at 5pm on Friday, again not working the crowd). Very unprofessional.

Believe it or not, this was actually The Giant's gimmick at the time. He was a smoker who was too lazy to wrestle. Honest. That was his schtick for about six months in the late 90's.
If I'm not mistaken, Hall's feude with Connan was around the same time that he was also playing drunk and disrespecting every town they went to all the time.

WCW had some great gimmicks. :/
In 1999 I attended a WWF event, in 2000 a WCW event and personally I prefer the WCW event for a number of reasons.

1. The place was well lite compared to the WWE event,
2. The matches on the WCW card Replicated what was happening in current product, where WWE's were 4 months behind.
3. The theme songs used for the WWE event were again old, much like the WWF Volume 3 CD, WCW used current themes.
4. WCW's matches were more thought out compared to the WWE event, plus both events had Hardcore championships, the most the wwe event had was a chair shot and outside the ring kick stomp.. WCW had tables near falls, trash cans, chairs outside stuff going on.

I've only ever attended two events, but since then I've never had a desire to go to a WWE House show.

EDIT: At the house show event I attended that was WWE Triple H was in the Corporation yet came out to the DX theme song.
I attended a WCW house show in Feb or March of 98 and from what I remember it was pretty cool. With the exception of Bret Hart which sucks cause he's my favorite wrestler all the main stars were there but I can't remember who each one of them faced I just remember seeing them. I only remember a couple specific matches, I remember Goldberg squashing Chavo Guerrero since it was when Goldberg was really picking up steam in popularity and the main event was Sting vs. Hogan in a steel cage which was badass(despite a fan trying to do a run in which kinda through things off). I haven't been to a WWE house show since the late 80s early 90s so I really don't know what the more recent WWE house shows are like to compare them to. But from some of the things I read on the internet it sounds like not all the top stars are at house shows namely Taker and HBK so they may not be as good as the WCW ones or atleast the one I went to since every major star in the company was there including Hogan.
I went to some WCW House shows during the peak of the NWO era (fall 96) Here is my review on that event, and some of the matches;

Main Event
Sting & Macho Man (both with face paint) vs The Giant

co Main Event
Tag Title Match
Harlem Heat vs the Outsiders

I don't remember any other matches

The card looked something like this, but this isn't the card its an official one from around that time The Barbarian defeated Dick Slater
Glacier defeated Big Bubba
The Nasty Boys defeated Public Enemy
Diamond Dallas Page defeated Eddie Guerrero
WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat defeated Scott Hall & Kevin Nash via disqualification
The Giant defeated Sting and Randy Savage via disqualification

The even was in Saginaw MI. the place held about 10,000 and I think it was sold out, I had front row seats near the isle. The entrance part was just like something you would see from Wrestlemania 1, there was no lights for it, or pyrow, had a simple set up above the ring.

Sting was wrestling in his early black and white paint, this is while on Nitro he was off tv and up above.

The Giant was HUGE up close, but anyway lol arena was pretty much all dark, show was around 2hrs long. And Hall and Nash did there Outsiders pose so I could take a photo, Hall pointed and waved at me, the NWO was a nice group, alot better then what you'd think from Nitro.

And of course Hogan was a no show. He didn;t wrestle at that many house shows, least I think?

Years later I went to a WWF show there just b4 WM18 and had front row again,. it sucked compared to that WCW show.

And as for some other WCW house shows I remember, I know they had huge shows at the Great Western Forum, like WWF would at the Garden. I remember one day, in 1997 the main event there was Hogan vs Luger, and for the 1st time in a while Sting returned and had attacked Hogan at the house show, and I remember hearing that on the radio, then read it in the paper. So how shows did mean something for WCW then. Likewise for WWF at the Garden.

Well hope thats some of what you wanted to hear lol.

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