Way to turn miz face, get a push and leave


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Okay so as we all know the production for Marine 3 starts on June 11th (i think
) so that means Miz only has one more RAW before he has to leave and start filming.
So what i would do is FINALLY have Miz come out next week and complain saying stuff like he got the win for johnny at WM and that he deserves better (basicly what he did last week) except this time, johnny comes out and confronts him with big show. Miz says stuff to johnny and MAYBE even attacks him. After a bit Show has enough and destroys miz. Giving him time off, a face turn and a big push when he gets back.

OR he could say stuff to johnny who ends up making a match with Miz and Cena VS 2 other opponents. After the match Big Show comes out and once again destroys Miz for bad mouthing johnny and sending a message to Cena in the process. That will also let him take time off, have a facetrun and guarantees him a push when he gets back.

What do you guys think and which one, if any, do you see more likely?
I was thinking the other day, how nuts would it be if Big Show is laying the smackdown on some poor defenceless soul, and then Miz comes out of no way and kicks his arse with a steel chair. Then he could say he reasoning is that he is sick of being disrespected by Johnny, simple as.

BTW I like your ideas, give Miz a reason to be sent off, and also a reason for people to want him back. But did Cena even take time off when he filmed the Marine?, I wasn't watching back then so I got no idea.
How long will the Miz be gone for?

I'm not sure a face turn is right for the miz although I do like your idea. I'm still of the opinion that he is better heel and deserves to be at the top of the main event. It is very unlucky that he may be leaving whilst Jericho is gone. The miz would have been able to take is place, and I'm sure that he would have thrived in the main event.
I'm just glad the Miz is out of our lives for the time being. Along with Alberto Del Rio, he is one of the worst World champions of all-time IMO. Has no presence whatsoever in the ring, no charisma, and is just downright annoying...and not in a good heat kind of way. I'm glad he's slipped back down to the midcard.

Speaking of the Marine 3, is anyone else just excited for it? Did anyone see him guest-star on "Psych?" Watch this clip: http://youtu.be/7Ls1H6a5O0o

Absolutely HORRENDOUS....and they are giving him an entire movie! I couldn't be more excited.
I'm just glad the Miz is out of our lives for the time being. Along with Alberto Del Rio, he is one of the worst World champions of all-time IMO. Has no presence whatsoever in the ring, no charisma, and is just downright annoying...and not in a good heat kind of way. I'm glad he's slipped back down to the midcard.

Speaking of the Marine 3, is anyone else just excited for it? Did anyone see him guest-star on "Psych?" Watch this clip: http://youtu.be/7Ls1H6a5O0o

Absolutely HORRENDOUS....and they are giving him an entire movie! I couldn't be more excited.
I feel like people resort to the "not in a good heat kind of way" line when they want to try to marginalize what a wrestler that they just don't like has done.

Miz was plenty annoying in a good heat kind of way, because he drew heat. He had a good run as champion, and while I certainly wouldn't include him in any conversation about greatest champions (even of this era), he did a good job legitimizing himself as a WWE superstar...and he sure as hell didn't do that through his wrestling, he did it through getting heat...the "good" kind.

I don't love or hate Miz, I still stop and watch when he gets on the mic even if his schtick was getting old. I think his heel character was definitely over with the crowds for a while and he took advantage of that, connecting with them.

You want real "bad heat?" The crowds chanting "Albert, Albert" every time Tensai came out and bored the hell out of everyone.
I was thinking the other day, how nuts would it be if Big Show is laying the smackdown on some poor defenceless soul, and then Miz comes out of no way and kicks his arse with a steel chair. Then he could say he reasoning is that he is sick of being disrespected by Johnny, simple as.

BTW I like your ideas, give Miz a reason to be sent off, and also a reason for people to want him back. But did Cena even take time off when he filmed the Marine?, I wasn't watching back then so I got no idea.

To answer your question about Cena, yes he took time off. At the time he was the US champ and lost the title to a debuting Carlito. While he was off filming they sold an angle that Cena had been stabbed in a club by Carlito or his bodyguard Jesus. But back to topic I like your idea OP. A Miz face turn is long over due and could really help him get back to the level he once was.
I actually quite like this idea, although I don't necessarily think Miz has to go gentle babyface to pull it off. If WWE had the will to produce a heel vs. heel story, Miz could easily retain his current cocky, sarcastic character while going against Big Show and Big Johnny. If he was brave enough to attack Show/Ace regardless of the consequences, it'd probably put him over with the crowd and his eventual comeback after Marine 3 would probably get him a solid pop based on his current crowd reactions.

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